I think you have some silly agenda over here. He's Pakistan's only hope for somewhat of a secular society, the only reason he's speaking out is because it happened in his province where it's his Party's governance. I read all your posts on this thread and basically talk like what most raised abroad Pakistanis are like; ignorant with no idea of what happens in the country with malignant self hate for your own people along with a superiority complex being from the west. I am sorry for the assumptions but that's what it sounds like.
1. To all those calling Islam as the basis of the problem, the Quran has nothing of blasphemy. It's the Hadiths that can be misinterpreted which institutions like Daesh are also using everyday to kill every Muslim as well. And there are people who will always use it out of context to get what they want.
2. Radical or Extremist people do not represent the majority of Pakistanis or Muslims. I believed NeoGaf was more of a liberal thinking forum and wanted to ask questions before harping on the idea of hate. I am Pakistani as well and have worked in basically every facet of Pakistani society fighting off poverty, hate, sectarian violence and understand the 3 way politics between the establishment, the people and politicians/beaureucrats.
3. I personally grew up half my life in Pakistan in an army family and the perceptive part of my life was fullfilled in Canada. Both places are my home. The problem is lack of education, wahabist indoctrination, poverty and a corrupt economic infrastructure in Pakistan. It's not a failing state, more a hijacked one. There are so many parallels to the US and Pakistan as similarities that the mind boggles.
4. Pakistan was a secular state until the 1970s when Zia Ul Haq staged a coup detat and overthrew the then PM and got him hung. He introduced Islamization which would then be used and funded by Saudis and America to fight off Russia in Afghanistan in the form of the Mujahideen who then turned Taliban to now terrorists to which Pakistan is also fighting it's war on terrorism.
5. The biggest problem with blasphemy law is that Pakistan has a judiciary system that is also corrupt and has failed people so they rather account for Sharia that 75%+ people reject in Pakistan and act as the judge, jury and executioner. If you go into the more metropolitan cities like Lahore and Islamabad... they are completely rejected. But as you wander off to more Tribal areas, you'd have to be complicit as there are no laws governing thise areas... and quite frankly it's more geared towards anarchy.
6. Please do not generalize Pakistanis with extremism/radicalism. You guys don't have any idea how complex the region is. There are 4 provinces with more than 150 languages, with many ethnic groups that span all the way from Mecadonia to all the way in Mongolia that have a some sort of belief system with Sunni Islam being the predominant one.
If you guys have any questions, please don't hesitate to PM.