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"Clean is Better Than Dirty" appreciation thread!


Queen of Denmark
I am 100% convinced that part of the reason Mario Sunshine did not sell as well as other Mario games was because of that god damned commercial.

Good lord.


LOL. Holy shit. That's the first time I've ever seen that commercial! Hilariously bad! To top it all off they end it with a shot of the PURPLE -Don't call me Indigo- cube!!
Ummm oh boy, well yeah... A miscalculation of catastrophic proportions indeed, and yes I think it affected sales. I still get a kick of the old folks and the lady in her rascal tho. Jesus.


Console Market Analyst
I liked it for what it was, a parody of those obnoxious early 80's flower-power musical spots. But, they didn't have to sell me on the game.

Had I made the commercial, it would have been game footage cut to the Beach Boys' "I Get Around".


Queen of Denmark
Goreomedy said:
Had I made the commercial, it would have been game footage cut to the Beach Boys' "I Get Around".
I always thought a cut version of the trailer they released at E3 2002 would've made a fine commerical for the game -- it was just footage of the game set to a guy talking about Mario's vacation gone wrong, and the things he was going to have to do to fix it. In the background, some generic-but-pleasant tropical-sounding song played. It wouldn't have been genius, but it would've been 133 million times better than this abomination.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Of course, if like me you don't remember/haven't seen those 80's spot, it blows. And I don't imagine many people do make the connection, it was very poorly thought through.


Console Market Analyst
Mama Smurf said:
Of course, if like me you don't remember/haven't seen those 80's spot, it blows. And I don't imagine many people do make the connection, it was very poorly thought through.

Yup, completely understand.


I remember seeing this, but it was only like a short version.

Heh.. the backlash against this commercial when it came out was something else.


Mama Smurf said:
Of course, if like me you don't remember/haven't seen those 80's spot, it blows. And I don't imagine many people do make the connection, it was very poorly thought through.

I've seen them, but I still think this commercial is rediculously bad.


You gotta love that bad dubbing. And the atrocious Mario costume.

Nintendo's kiddie image was bad enough before that ad -- I don't think it helped.

There was another TV spot that consisted entirely of game footage. They should have only showed that, and abandoned that crap altogether.


You must be kidding. They cannot have aired that. No way. I need proof. You're all lying. Nintendo is not that stupid. Nope, I do not believe you.


Queen of Denmark
Che said:
You must be kidding. They cannot have aired that. No way. I need proof. You're all lying. Nintendo is not that stupid. Nope, I do not believe you.

One day, someone will say, "Jeez, why didn't the GameCube do any better?" And they'll find this commercial, and then they'll understand everything.


I saw this commercial air on Cartoon Network and it was pretty hilarious. I think they were going for 'intentionally bad'; seems to have a similar direction to the super smash brothers commerial with the mascots kicking each other in the firled :p


Drunky McMurder
I had no idea there were this many people who didn't see the ad running. This place hit meltdown when it started to air.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Thankfully that commercial never aired in Canada. The one in Canada wasn't too great either as all it really showed was some guy playing SMS then having to go piss because of all the water, but it was a lot better than this POS.


3pheMeraLmiX said:
seems to have a similar direction to the super smash brothers commerial with the mascots kicking each other in the firled :p
Speaking of which... where can I download that?


insert blank space here
I laugh out loud everytime I see that commercial (and yes we did see it in Canada). I was already going to buy the game and found the commercial really funny but I have to admit it pretty much destroyed the game in the eyes of my friends.

"Isn't that the game where you clean up garbage and stop pullution?"


Now that Smash Bros. commercial is brilliant though.


Anyone remember Gahiggidy starting a petition to fire NIntendo's advertising team? In fact he blamed low GC sales for at least a year after on that company. Every NPD we'd get to hear how it wasn't Nintedo's fault, it was their advertising firm. :D

The sad fact is, the game looked kiddie any angle you looked at it, so the firm went all out lame and tried to embrace the game's 'colorful' attitude.


Mistaken iRobbery!
bjork said:
Never saw that before... that's pretty terrible.
^ What he said. I was like WTF, then they show the purple gamecube at the end of the song and I was on the had to leave the room laughing.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
TheQueen'sOwn said:
I laugh out loud everytime I see that commercial (and yes we did see it in Canada). I was already going to buy the game and found the commercial really funny but I have to admit it pretty much destroyed the game in the eyes of my friends.

"Isn't that the game where you clean up garbage and stop pullution?"


Now that Smash Bros. commercial is brilliant though.

We did? I remember watching the Comedy Network and it was always on there, but it was never the "Clean is better than dirty" commercial.


Sucks at viral marketing
The commercial only ran for 2 weeks and then was replaced by another commercial similar to their E3 trailer, which ran for another month. If no one seems to have seen this ad before... then how is it:

"...part of the reason Mario Sunshine did not sell as well as other Mario games..."
"That one ad held the Gamecube back for a good year."
"...I think it affected sales..."
"Super Mario Sunshine -1"

Then there's the reaction to the commercial when it was first shown 2 years ago.


I remember that commercial. :(

Also, I'm not sure this thread qualifies as appreciation, but I guess it's better than nothing.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
There is nothing wrong with that commercial. I defended that commerical two year's ago and I defend it today. The most important thing a commercial can achieve is making your product memorable. And if you were too up-tight, or stupid, not to get the joke of that spot...then you weren't the kinda person to want to play "Super Mario" games in the first place. NOA should'a stuck to thier guns and kept running that ad through the game's launch.


Gahiggidy said:
There is nothing wrong with that commercial. I defended that commerical two year's ago and I defend it today. The most important thing a commercial can achieve is making your product memorable. And if you were too up-tight, or stupid, not to get the joke of that spot...then you weren't the kinda person to want to play "Super Mario" games in the first place. NOA should'a stuck to thier guns and kept running that ad through the game's launch.


I think that was one of the final "Hey a stupid looking mascot character costume is guaranteed laughs!" line of commercials.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I just watched "Clean is Better Than Dirty" for the first time. No wonder SMS didn't really help Nintendo at all. That commercial was terrible! It probably did more harm than good.
"The Worlds a Special Place..[fade to flowery field]" and I stopped watching

on the subject of nintendo commercials any one have a link to download the full Zelda:LttP commercial with the dance number....ROFLMAO
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