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"Clean is Better Than Dirty" appreciation thread!

The best part is that kid that goes marching by in the beginning saying, "Everyone loves a Sunshiney Day!"

Funny commercial.
I actually liked the commercial. I understood it was being a parody of the don't trash commercials from the 70's and 80's. Too many people want game commercials to be serious, and refuse to laugh. I thought "the clean is better then dirty" was a humerous commercial. I also thought it was a good representive of the game, since Mario is trying to clean up the island, like how those 70's and 80's commercial wanted us to clean up trash and save the enviroment.


Eric-GCA said:
Man, whoever thought this up, I hope Reggie kicked his ass and took his name.

:lol! My first time seeing it too, didn't think it was THAT bad, jesus. Thank God for the other TV spot.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The world's a special place. Cherish life and never waste! Everyone loves a sunshiney day! We're gonna keep it that way! Cause clean is better than dirty, and dirty is meaner than clean! Let's all lend a helping hand. Mario can't do it alone. He'll spray his water to fly around, and clean the sludge that's on the ground. Cause clean is better than dirty, and dirty's meaner than clean! Super Mario Sunshine! Only for Nintendo Gamecube! Rated E for everyone!

*runs away screaming*


GaimeGuy said:
The world's a special place. Cherish life and never waste! Everyone loves a sunshiney day! We're gonna keep it that way! Cause clean is better than dirty, and dirty is meaner than clean! Let's all lend a helping hand. Mario can't do it alone. He'll spray his water to fly around, and clean the sludge that's on the ground. Cause clean is better than dirty, and dirty's meaner than clean! Super Mario Sunshine! Only for Nintendo Gamecube! Rated E for everyone!

*runs away screaming*

Half of me still thinks that this was a parody of stuff like Captain Planet, and the other half of me thinks it was trying to grab that audience.


Well, at least it was the commercial that changed Nintendo's advertising strategy after the huge backlash. So, go Mario Sunshine commercial!


AniHawk said:
Half of me still thinks that this was a parody of stuff like Captain Planet, and the other half of me thinks it was trying to grab that audience.
OF COURSE it was a parody / spoof / send-up / etc. WTH, people.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Of course, if like me you don't remember/haven't seen those 80's spot, it blows. And I don't imagine many people do make the connection, it was very poorly thought through.
I remember them vividly, but I am in the minority. That's why that ad is such a misfire even though it was clever.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Just watched it. I've never seen that version of it before, the version I saw on TV was 15 seconds long and re-edited a little. There was no beginning to the song, it just started off with the chorus.


Ahahahaha that is HILARIOUS! That's one of the best commercials i've ever seen. I pity the fools who take it seriously, lighten up. It's hilariously bad on purpose and I love it.


AniHawk said:
Half of me still thinks that this was a parody of stuff like Captain Planet, and the other half of me thinks it was trying to grab that audience.

WEll, it's much more Woodsy Owl than Captain Planet. The laughable song, the grinning people marching around and helping out, the pathetic mascot costume...it's really pretty blatant.


Damn this commercial caused a huge thread when it first appeared. I got the commercial and thought it was funny, but obviously the vast majority didn't (and the target market was too young to remember, so obviously it would backfire)

Sounded like a good idea at the time, but eh...
Lost Weekend said:
Sounded like a good idea at the time, but eh...

What exactly sounded good about it? :p It's a Mario game, you don't need some cheesy gimmick to sell it. Just show the game, not a bunch of people jumping around singing some song.


SolidSnakex said:
What exactly sounded good about it? :p It's a Mario game, you don't need some cheesy gimmick to sell it. Just show the game, not a bunch of people jumping around singing some song.

Didn't hurt SSB.


I just looked over the commerical myself and I can't see why a backlash occurred. How could the commerical be taken as anything other than a parody?

I glad the backlash hasn't forced Nintendo to loss their sense of humour.


ge-man said:
I just looked over the commerical myself and I can't see why a backlash occurred. How could the commerical be taken as anything other than a parody?

I don't know. Now that I think about it, Animal Crossing had a Real World parody commercial series. Maybe it was Nintendo's theme that year?

It sure would explain MP's commercial- being a parody of B horror/thriller movies.

I glad the backlash hasn't forced Nintendo to lose their sense of humour.

Well, Leo Burnett, really.



Cloudy said:
And people wonder why Nintendo has a kiddie rep?

The person that thought that up should have been shot. It was meant to be funny but it made the game look so kiddie and retarded. Good lord.....
Mario needed a badass commercial that combined footage of the sub-levels, main areas and the final lava level. I would've convinced the consumers that the game has plenty of variety within. I remember having to beat the entire game for my girlfriend's friends who were really inclined to such platforming antics (the game really does require a good deal of platforming skill in some cases). I truly do love this game. More than Prime or Wind Waker.
The Pikmin 2 commercial has guys dressed up like Pikmin...........but I like it.

The Mario Sunshine commercial is not that bad. You just have to have an appreciation for the intentionally cheezy.:)
AniHawk said:
Didn't hurt SSB.

That's because it was funny seeing Nintendo characters beat up on one another. It's not funny to hear people singing some song that sounds like it was rejected by Sesame Street.


SolidSnakex said:
What exactly sounded good about it? :p It's a Mario game, you don't need some cheesy gimmick to sell it. Just show the game, not a bunch of people jumping around singing some song.

What sounded good about it? It was funny and clever (if you got the reference). Too bad too many people didn't (as I said the target market for the game was too young to remember the psas referenced)


they call me "Man Gravy".
AniHawk said:
Didn't hurt SSB.

Well, that's because the SSB commercial was actually funny and didn't make you want to blow your ears off and blind yourself simultaneously.


Nerevar said:
Well, that's because the SSB commercial was actually funny and didn't make you want to blow your ears off and blind yourself simultaneously.

Are you sure you weren't watching a Wal-Mart commercial?
I love the ad, the music, the lyrics, the people, the costume... and the backlash was even funnier!

It dented so much Nintendo-fan pride, seeing Mario parodied like that. Those people didn't like it because it's not their perception of Nintendo (the one they defend on message boards all day). My opinion is that those fans are so tourtured by Nintendo's every move because the cool, smart, innovative, influential Nintendo that they love DOESN'T EXIST!


buck naked said:
I love the ad, the music, the lyrics, the people, the costume... and the backlash was even funnier!

It dented so much Nintendo-fan pride, seeing Mario parodied like that. Those people didn't like it because it's not their perception of Nintendo (the one they defend on message boards all day). My opinion is that those fans are so tourtured by Nintendo's every move because the cool, smart, innovative, influential Nintendo that they love DOESN'T EXIST!

People didn't like it because they thought Nintendo was being serious.


Great Wasabi Man said:
the Zelda commercial that was like some wierd ass performance art with the guy in black tights running around yelling "Zelda! Zelda!"
Best commercial ever :)


Jack Flack always escapes!
I don't think there's an actual video capture of that one available. I remember for a while there was a sound capture at TSR's nes archive though. I loved the way the guy starts talking about the enemies. "Tektites......LEEVERS!"


Dear god, how could you bring back those memories.

But for some reason that SMS commercial is just hilarious after watching it now. I agree that guy walking across the screen singing was great, funny in a stupid kind of way. Perhaps thats what they were going for but like most people, not what I was expecting at the time.

Seeing the commercial they have out now which is pretty badass, things sure have changed.

And if you guys like the SSB N64 commercial, check out the Mario Party 4 one, its done in a similar style, its awesome seeing Peach do a flying body slam ala wresting style on mario an luigi, lol!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
which one? The Japanese Thriller ripoff, or the "ZELDA! ZELDA!" commercial, which was for Zelda 2: Adventures of Link, I believe.


To everyone hating on the haters of this commercial, people are judging it in terms of a commercial.

Seriously, I doubt this POS commercial boosted sales one bit.
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