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Club Nintendo discontinued worldwide, new program to follow


That being said, this I still think this is a stupid move. I've been apart of Club Nintendo/NoE since it started back in 2002. It's a shame because I really did enjoy the NoE days back then. We used to have a forum and badges. Then they did the big change over with the Wii and we lost the forum. Not only that but it just became bland.
OH well. I don't really understand Nintendo anymore so I can't say I'm surprised.

30K stars registered since 2002.

Can't say I'm surprised to be honest. This is Nintendo and I have no idea what they're doing.

Yeah, I miss the forum.
It was one of the first I registered to
Wow, this is surprising...

So register everything ASAP and be ready for these physical rewards next month?

No use saving the codes?
So how long are the digital rewards added today to NA CN gonna stay? I want a couple but I also want to wait and see what they add in February to physical rewards.


So i have 5 club Nintendo folders (EU) that i want to give away

Because i live in sweden. We get those folders but we cant use them. soo damn annoying!

so pm me and i give them away. first come first served.




guess i know what i'm doing saturday.... registering 30+ nintendo games and a couple systems i have lying around.

guess i'll use it to get some downloadable games & save 1500'ish coins for physical stuffs? i already have like... 900 in the bank i think.


May I have a cookie?
guess i know what i'm doing saturday.... registering 30+ nintendo games and a couple systems i have lying around.

guess i'll use it to get some downloadable games & save 1500'ish coins for physical stuffs? i already have like... 900 in the bank i think.
looks like I'll be 120 coins short after completing all my post play surveys. Do you know if it's possible to get coins from other people who aren't using them?


Hey GAF help!

At this time I have the Platinum status with 1120 coins. I still haven't redeemed the coins for Smash Bros Wii U and Yoshi's New Island. Should I do it now?

And what should I do with the coins? Redeem now or wait to February?

Man, this sucks, I love Club Nintendo :(
I have like 1600 coins now, I see myself having a lot of expired coins. I hope the next system is like a punch card system or just have points that I can trade in for Eshop credit/ newish retail games.


Sorry I should've mentioned earlier. It's a Nintendo of Europe reward program. You guys get Nintendo Coins but we get Nintendo Stars for registering products (since it started in 2002).
For every game registered you can 250 stars per game. Those stars then go towards the product you want in the Club Nintendo catalogue.

Oh, gotca. Thanks


I'm kind of sad to see CN go, but at the same time I am looking forward to their next rewards program. Iwata vaguely talked about a rewards program around the same time he was talking about their next handheld and console being like brothers and wanting to learn from Android and iOS -- so hopefully they do something cool.

This is part of the January 2014 investor meetings comments made by Iwata:

On Wii U, we launched Nintendo Network IDs, which are abbreviated as NNIDs. This is the first step of our efforts to transform customer relationship management from device-based to account-based, namely, consumer-based, through which we aim to establish long-term relationships with individual consumers, unaffected by the lifespans of our systems. Our future platform will connect with our consumers based on accounts, not devices.

As a second step, Nintendo 3DS became compatible with NNIDs in December 2013. Nintendo 3DS was originally designed for a device-based management system, so making it account-compatible at a later time meant that not all of its features were perfect. However, we feel that we have taken a step in the right direction as we now have a uniformly managed system in which we are connected with our consumers on both handheld devices and consoles.
Of course, when we do launch new hardware in the future, rather than re-creating an installed base from scratch as we did in the past, we wish to build on our existing connections with our consumers through NNIDs and continue to maintain them.
The way in which dedicated video game systems and their software are sold has not changed significantly since the business model of dedicated video game platforms was first established 30 years ago. Dedicated video game systems are sold for two hundred or three hundred dollars, on which standalone software titles are distributed for 30 or 50 dollars. This simple model received widespread support from consumers that enabled us to create today’s market. The decision to change it is the manifestation of our recognition that we cannot expect this model to work forever amid dynamic changes in people’s lifestyles.

If we succeed in the redefinition of video game platforms that I speak of today, our account-based connections with consumers will become very clear. For example, until now it has been taken for granted that software is offered to users at the same price regardless of how many titles they purchase in a year, be it one, five or even ten titles. Based on our account system, if we can offer flexible price points to consumers who meet certain conditions, we can create a situation where these consumers can enjoy our software at cheaper price points when they purchase more. Here, we do not need to limit the condition to the number of software titles they purchase. Inviting friends to start playing a particular software title is also an example of a possible condition. If we can achieve such a sales mechanism, we can expect to increase the number of players per title, and the players will play our games with more friends. This can help maintain the high usage ratio of a platform. When one platform maintains a high active use ratio, the software titles which run on it have a higher potential to be noticed by many, which leads to more people playing with more titles. When we see our overall consumers, they generally play two or three titles per year. We aim to establish a new sales mechanism that will be beneficial to both consumers and software creators by encouraging our consumers to play more titles and increasing a platform’s active use ratio without largely increasing our consumers’ expenditures.

Nintendo aims to work on this brand-new sales mechanism in the medium term, but we would like to start experimenting with Wii U at an early stage.


Will QA for food.
All they need to do is bring this guy over as their final 1200 coin reward and it'll leave a good memory of NA Club Nintendo. The program was really great early on, but as physical rewards tried up I didn't care quite as much. I'm definitely looking forward to what the new program is though.



Maturity, bitches.
If this ends those needlessly drawn out questionnaires when registering stars then I can only view this as a win in the end.

Why did you buy it?
"Sounded cool I guess."

Can't you at least ask me what I thought about the game itself so you can then maybe pass that information on to whoever is interested? Oh wait, I didn't resister within the first nanosecond of release so I'm not eligible to the post play survey even though the model used encourages not registering until you need the points/they're about to expire.
Shoot, I only need 30 more coins for platinum but I've already got pretty much all of the games I want that are out! Crap timing. Excited to see what the rewards will be in February though.


Why did you buy it?
"Sounded cool I guess."

Can't you at least ask me what I thought about the game itself so you can then maybe pass that information on to whoever is interested? Oh wait, I didn't resister within the first nanosecond of release so I'm not eligible to the post play survey even though the model used encourages not registering until you need the points/they're about to expire.

Regardless of what the model "encourages" (for what anyway? Some useless knickknacks), registration surveys are designed to be completed immediately after purchase, hence the buying questions and "how did you hear about it" sort of thing.
Regardless of what the model "encourages" (for what anyway? Some useless knickknacks), registration surveys are designed to be completed immediately after purchase, hence the buying questions and "how did you hear about it" sort of thing.

I think he's talking about the 7 day later post play survey which you get like 2 weeks to fill out.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I really hope whatever replaces CN Europe will be on a faster site. Registering games took so long that you used to have to allocate 4 hours to it.

Also, I definitely won't miss the "What type of gamer are you?" questions.
Wow, I guess that explains why they changed post-play surveys to be due like two weeks after you registered a new game rather than a whole year.

Well, I've got 1050 coins. Give me something good to spend them on Nintendo!


There's no CN where I live..

But.. If I create an US NNID and an US CN, can I at least redeem download codes? :p


Maturity, bitches.
Regardless of what the model "encourages" (for what anyway? Some useless knickknacks), registration surveys are designed to be completed immediately after purchase, hence the buying questions and "how did you hear about it" sort of thing.

Stars on your account disappear after two years whereas the codes can last longer than that so it is actually preferable to hold off registering games, especially when it's mostly useless knick-knacks. Also the first question asks when you bought the game so they know people don't register straight away.

You can only participate in the post play surveys if you register within a certain time of release. After that you don't get the survey.
I wonder if this will be the start of what Iwata talked about when he said people who have bought games/systems, they would get get discounts towards future purchases.


Finished all my surveys...still only got 140 coins lol. That Smash poster set destroyed me.

If the final set of rewards includes something Fire Emblem related and I can't afford it, I'm gonna be mad.
I wonder if this will be the start of what Iwata talked about when he said people who have bought games/systems, they would get get discounts towards future purchases.

I'm not sure how I feel about that... I kind of liked the worthless knickknacks and download codes... but it would mean essentially better choices for what I could spend my rewards on which were clearly lacking the last year or two.


May I have a cookie?
I have like 1600 coins now, I see myself having a lot of expired coins. I hope the next system is like a punch card system or just have points that I can trade in for Eshop credit/ newish retail games.

interested in lending some coins to a fellow GAFfer?

I've got a European Club Nintendo PIN for Xenoblade chronicles that's valid for another month if, not sure if it can be redeemed with my American account.


don't ask me for codes
I prefer "useless knicknacks" over discounts really. Something tangible and unique. Figures, plushies, soundtracks, etc are of course a bit more interesting than stickers and can badges, but still.
I can't say I'm surprised. The rewards have been awful for the longest time.

I hope it goes out with a bang in February.
I have to spend all these coins.


Kinda sad about this, but I can't wait to see what's next, and YES WE'RE FINALLY GETTING FLIPNOTE 3D!!!

I've wanted it ever since it was announced.

EDIT: Aw shoot, I'm 145 coins away from Platinum, too... I guess there's not much I can do... There are some older games I want that I could buy... :L


I'm fine with this. All indications are that it will go out with a bang, and hopefully it will lead to something better as their next loyalty program.
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