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CM Punk Walks Out of the WWE

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more money than God
Fantasy booking

Waits for Takers return, Looks at him. Destroys him, points at Mania for one last Fight!!

SP would Mark out!!

E: hearing about Punk sucks. I wanted to see him and Shaun Ricker fight
I would love it.

In reality, though, this just means that Kane is now jobbing at EC to a cardboard cut out of Punk.

Trojan X

I just find him hilarious, his only other tweet right now is admitting that the Anaconda Vice is too complicated for him to steal.

Dude. He didn't admit anything. That was sarcasm.

For me, the guy is far from hilarious though I will admit that it would be a pleasure to hang around with for I'm sure he is a comfortable person to be with outside the ring. However, this guy should have been near Goldberg's level and categorised as one of the elites, but right now his status, credibility and all is a complete mess and that is a massive shame. Practically mid-tier all muscle no brains wrestler and I hate that (you heard him shout out "stupid" in the rumble, right? Do you realise how idiotic that made him seem? The ringside commentators answered that perfectly [JBL]).

Another person who I am annoyed with right now is Mark Henry. That man is awesome but now he is pushed so far down the ladder and that menacing, "oh crap", feeling whenever he comes to the ring is all but near gone. Someone need to push and train these guys the right way to become more ruthless, more cunning, and so much more impressive than they are right now. They are diamonds that are still covered in mud and that's aggravating and not appealing.


Fuck. I'm still upset about this. I was still hoping to see a proper Cena/Punk match at Wrestlemania. Fuck.


Longest title reign to be ended due to wm promise. Match ending with a reset.then instant win.

Smackdown isn't a b list show says cena.the second he gets the heavyweight belt,,it's merged with the wwe title. Smackdown is just raw recap.

Punk vs hhh makes what sense. He would of been better off on vacation. The authority are holding you back,then he beats hunter......then what? HE IS FIGHTING THE PERSON WHO HELPS WRITE IT.

Months of punk n Bryan fighting 3 on 1. While they let cena and Orton get off on single matches. How many dqs have there been in the past months.

There's no logic to the company besides "wait and see".

To call this a work seems like denial.and if it is.he already left. Coming back makes him look more like sellout.
Sellout? Bryan gets the belt and punk comes back as the new face of the company,seeing Orton has been coming more over emotional. Punk has beaten the shield, so he has their respect. Meh. Weak story. It's close to Austin/mcmahon relationship.

Better off just following punk and wait for him to announce his schedule.
Dude. He didn't admit anything. That was sarcasm.

For me, the guy is far from hilarious though I will admit that it would be a pleasure to hang around with for I'm sure he is a comfortable person to be with outside the ring. However, this guy should have been near Goldberg's level and categorised as one of the elites, but right now his status, credibility and all is a complete mess and that is a massive shame. Practically mid-tier all muscle no brains wrestler and I hate that (you heard him shout out "stupid" in the rumble, right? Do you realise how idiotic that made him seem? The ringside commentators answered that perfectly [JBL]).

Another person who I am annoyed with right now is Mark Henry. That man is awesome but now he is pushed so far down the ladder and that menacing, "oh crap", feeling whenever he comes to the ring is all but near gone. Someone need to push and train these guys the right way to become more ruthless, more cunning, and so much more impressive than they are right now. They are diamonds that are still covered in mud and that's aggravating and not appealing.

You're annoyed at the wrong people...especially in Henry's case if that's how you feel regarding his use. As for Ryback, he was plugging along quite nicely as a face until the WWE decided to turn him heel after he lost a Wrestlemania match due to falling over.
Honestly what are the chances Punk came to Vince with three months worth of TV scripts done...again and this is just a work. Punk has looked exhausted except when he wouldn't stop smiling when he got with AJ


Neo Member
I've mixed feelings about this. I really enjoy his character and can relate to it, so I will surely miss him as one of (the few) WWE's present legitimate highlights. However, I have to say: good for him. If you don't like what you eat every day, perhaps you should eat somewhere else. At least he has the balls to do something about it, while most of his co-workers are fed the same distasteful crap every night.

I don't see him going anywhere near TNA, unless the company drastically changes its course and makes an effort to provide serious competition for the big league. It's too early for his retirement, so I'm curious to see what his next step is going to be.
Good for Punk.

Unless it's a storyline, in which case... still good, but not as good!

One of the few current guys (Bryan is another) who actually make this stuff worth watching. Two guys can't save a half-assed outfit like the WWE though.


You're annoyed at the wrong people...especially in Henry's case if that's how you feel regarding his use. As for Ryback, he was plugging along quite nicely as a face until the WWE decided to turn him heel after he lost a Wrestlemania match due to falling over.
They messed up Ryback's push pretty bad. Losing to Punk late last year killed his steam, but followed up in a good showing at the Rumble. But instead of having him benefit from that, he loses to Henry at WM in a short, forgettable match. Turns heel the next night and proceed to enter a losing feud against Cena. Really awful any way you cut it.

It always just comes back to Cena doesn't it? He has to have blackmail photos of Vince at this point...
Bit similar to HBK and how he ran the show in the mid 90's with his boys. Haven't seen them take over all the belts, yet, though.

Trojan X

You're annoyed at the wrong people...especially in Henry's case if that's how you feel regarding his use. As for Ryback, he was plugging along quite nicely as a face until the WWE decided to turn him heel after he lost a Wrestlemania match due to falling over.

You know what? You are right, I am annoyed with the wrong people.

So let's talk on a serious note. What can we do about it? I can't move to the US and work for the WWE to make things right (if I can), especially in consideration of the amount of nepotism and politics that runs in the company. I'm all ears for ideas.


They messed up Ryback's push pretty bad. Losing to Punk late last year killed his steam, but followed up in a good showing at the Rumble. But instead of having him benefit from that, he loses to Henry at WM in a short, forgettable match. Turns heel the next night and proceed to enter a losing feud against Cena. Really awful any way you cut it.

Don't forget that brief bit where he kept chickening out of fights or whatever. I have no idea what that was about.

Although I will say, I kind of like bully Ryback, Big Guy more than anything he's done.
I kind of don't get CM Punk's grudge, though. Wasn't he champion for over a year? How can he possibly argue he wasn't given a push? I know they kind of dropped the ball on him since then, but damn, that seems to me like they paid attention to him...

Its not just his own story line his pissed at, he is pissed at part timers coming back, getting paid exceedingly well, and then getting WM main events. He thinks the money and main events should be going to the wrestlers busting their hump day to day rather than Batista.

This is the third Mania in a row where a part timer was the main event.
Don't forget that brief bit where he kept chickening out of fights or whatever. I have no idea what that was about.

Although I will say, I kind of like bully Ryback, Big Guy more than anything he's done.

Too bad he's not even doing that anymore. Too busy jobbing and teaming up with some random scrub who's unfortunately the offspring of a WWF legend.
Honestly, I wasn't particularly a huge Punk fan. It sucks he's gone but I'm not going to miss him especially with his recent performances.


where's that skinny fatass short order cook going?
Off to build a shrine to his precious Blackhawks. Losers of 4 straight. Losing again tonight. On the longest road trip of the season until the Olympic break.
Seems like Punk isn't the only guy in Chicago to take his puck and go home.


Off to build a shrine to his precious Blackhawks. Losers of 4 straight. Losing again tonight. On the longest road trip of the season until the Olympic break.
Seems like Punk isn't the only guy in Chicago to take his puck and go home.

lol hockey
IHOP. He's moved up from Waffle House.

Why? So he can just walk out whenever there's a lack of his favorite syrup?


I haven't been following wrestling for a while. Could someone recap what was wrong with this yeah Royal Rumble? Thanks.

Daniel Bryan is super super over. He was in the opening match (and lost, which didn't mattered because he needed to for that match and it was a great match). During the Orton/Cena match, fans booed and chanted all kinds of shit, including Daniel Bryan. Around the 25th entrant of the Rumble, fans started getting ancey about Bryan entering and started booing and chanting his name. Rey Mysterio came out at 30 to loud boos and the last 5 minutes or so were all booing, chanting for Bryan, and a brief but loud chant for Roman Reigns. Then Batista won and the fans were so angry at the result/no Bryan that they booed so loudly the crowd mics were muted.

Had YES chants not made national news a few weeks ago, it is likely that Bryan wouldn't have even been on the show as he had been placed in the Wyatt Family. The chants made them hastily change gears, turning Bryan back.

So basically, fan reaction was so negative towards the misuse of Daniel Bryan that it made international news. WWE was so caught off guard by the reactions (despite Bryan getting those reactions for nearly 2 years) that Raw was rewritten to feature him starting and closing the show as a way to control the crowd. And it didn't work as the fans shit all over a Batista/Orton segment, so the crowd audio levels were tampered with during the show. During the main event, Cena chants were obviously piped in multiple times in an attempt to drown out/stop the Bryan chants.
How has Cena been to the Bryan thing? From that Diva show they look all buddy-buddy, but I haven't been following closely enough to know if that's been carrying over to the actual ring storyline -- i.e. Cena trying to help up Bryan...or doing the opposite because secretely he's threatened by him.

Any one want to clarify?


Chick Magnet Punk isn't Johnny Nitro. He needn't worry about his woman running to a roided up 45 year old frat boy with a belly button tattoo for sexual comfort on the road. And by the same token sweet AJ isn't Melina. Batista probably had to double fist her just to moisten her up.



Footage from CM Punk's Q&A Panel at the Portland Wizard World Comic Con Convention - January 24th, 2014

This panel took place after the MMA Fighting interview referenced in the OP and was the last time CM Punk spoke publicly on a number of issues in the WWE prior to quitting. This vid does not have many views so it has not been widely circulated since going live yesterday.
Everyone in this thread needs to watch this. It pretty much makes it clear why he left.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
How has Cena been to the Bryan thing? From that Diva show they look all buddy-buddy, but I haven't been following closely enough to know if that's been carrying over to the actual ring storyline -- i.e. Cena trying to help up Bryan...or doing the opposite because secretely he's threatened by him.

Any one want to clarify?

Cena always does what Vince tells him to do. I've never heard any dirt sheet news that Cena tries to influence the booking - He just does everything the company asks him to do and eats, drinks, sleeps, shits, and breathes WWE.

When he was filming some of his movies, here is more or less how his Monday was (2 hour RAWs back then)

3:00 AM - Wake up.
5:00 AM - Filming starts
12:00 PM - Filming stops,
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Make a Wish work (includes air travel)
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Plane to WWE event location and preparation
8:00 PM - 10:30 PM - RAW + overrun

Then he'd get back on a plane and travel to the filming location, getting a few hours of sleep on the plane and in his hotel.

If he is booked to no-sell a 4 on 1 beatdown and a DDT on concrete against a dominant stable, that's what he'll do. No questions asked. If he's told to fly to 3 or 4 different cities to wrestle, film movies, and do Make A Wish work, he'll do it. If his marriage and friendships outside of wrestling are weighed against being a WWE corporate slave, he'll choose WWE, always.

The problem with Cena is that he has the power to influence the product for the better but he doesn't do it. He doesn't try to get other people over in the back, nor on the mic, nor in the ring. He's a complete yes-man.

Since he's viewed as the face of the company, Vince wants to shoehorn him into every hot feud... and Cena goes along with it. He doesn't do things to screw over the rest of the roster on purpose, but he lets himself be pushed to the detriment of everyone else... and he's respected so much by the rest of the locker room that no one blames him for not going out of his way for them, I don't think.
Footage from CM Punk's Q&A Panel at the Portland Wizard World Comic Con Convention - January 24th, 2014


This panel took place after the MMA Fighting interview referenced in the OP and was the last time CM Punk spoke publicly on a number of issues in the WWE prior to quitting. This vid does not have many views so it has not been widely circulated since going live yesterday.
Well here is the full audio its pretty lengthy but pretty interesting overall http://wrestlingaudio.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8444:cm-punk-in-portland&catid=25:lightning-strike&Itemid=159

Cena always does what Vince tells him to do. I've never heard any dirt sheet news that Cena tries to influence the booking

If he is booked to no-sell a 4 on 1 beatdown and a DDT on concrete against a dominant stable, that's what he'll do. No questions asked.

That was apparently Cena's bright idea and he was adamant about doing it even after advised that it was a bad idea according to Jericho and Edge if I remember correctly.

Tyler Reks also mentioned that he was trying to come up with a finisher and so he started using the Burning Hammer. He was then told by Cena to never do that move ever again as it was too similar to the AA

Im pretty sure there are more Cena backstage powerz moments but I can't recall them right now
I just can't believe how long Cena has been headlining. His schitck was getting old in 2006 and now it's 2014 and little has changed. That's like going from the attitude era to ruthless aggression era. I feel for hardcore modern WWE fans. They are clearly starving for new guys to be pushed.

It sucks because when Cena doesn't have the belt, he still headlines. Sucks that punk lost his awesome streak just so cena can win the belt again for the 209th time at Mania.
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