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CM Punk Walks Out of the WWE

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I just can't believe how long Cena has been headlining. His schitck was getting old in 2006 and now it's 2014 and little has changed. That's like going from the attitude era to ruthless aggression era. I feel for hardcore modern WWE fans. They are clearly starving for new guys to be pushed.
Nothing has changed. Just his shorts and colors.
Im pretty sure there are more Cena backstage powerz moments but I can't recall them right now
there's two sides to it, but allegedly either Alex Riley didn't respond well to a rib, or Cena didn't like getting called out for a rib in front of everyone, and voila, A-Ri became a jobber. A-Ri also sucks so thank you Cena?


I just can't believe how long Cena has been headlining. His schitck was getting old in 2006 and now it's 2014 and little has changed. That's like going from the attitude era to ruthless aggression era. I feel for hardcore modern WWE fans. They are clearly starving for new guys to be pushed.

It sucks because when Cena doesn't have the belt, he still headlines. Sucks that punk lost his awesome streak just so cena can win the belt again for the 209th time at Mania.

It's completely baffling. I specifically remember how disliked Cena was back in 2006. He would always get a reaction from the crowd, more than can be said for most wrestlers, but there was always audible, very real boos even back then. This hasn't been a gradual thing. At the start of 2005, he was a fresh, energetic underdog with a funny shtick. By 2006, he was getting booed as much as he is today. I clearly remember him getting torn apart by the crowd at WM22 and him getting a majority of boos at Summerslam that year even with it taking place in Boston. It's crazy this has been going on for 8 years now.


I just can't believe how long Cena has been headlining. His schitck was getting old in 2006 and now it's 2014 and little has changed. That's like going from the attitude era to ruthless aggression era. I feel for hardcore modern WWE fans. They are clearly starving for new guys to be pushed.

It sucks because when Cena doesn't have the belt, he still headlines. Sucks that punk lost his awesome streak just so cena can win the belt again for the 209th time at Mania.

Was thinking about this today. Cena's been simultaneously the top face and heel for the company for almost a decade. I believe WM22 was the first time the "fuck you Cena" chants were uttered.


Was thinking about this today. Cena's been simultaneously the top face and heel for the company for almost a decade. I believe WM22 was the first time the "fuck you Cena" chants were uttered.
There are two Cena feuds I can easily point to that effectively defined the way he would be received and cheered/jeered for the majority of his career.

Edge - due in large part to the rabid Toronto audiences that were unanimously anti-Cena/pro-Edge and effectively carried on the Bizarro Land dynamic from the Bret/Austin Calgary Stampede PPV days...


RVD - due to his overwhelming popularity during the Invasion angle and subsequent turn at the One Night Stand PPV taped at the Hammerstein Ballroom

Those audiences were the hottest crowds in 2005 & 2006 during Cena's initial main event push and the passion from the hardcore fans in those crowds bled over into tapings in other markets. The "Let's Go Cena / Cena Sucks" chants spawned soon afterwards and it just snowballed from there.
Cena always does what Vince tells him to do. I've never heard any dirt sheet news that Cena tries to influence the booking - He just does everything the company asks him to do and eats, drinks, sleeps, shits, and breathes WWE.

When he was filming some of his movies, here is more or less how his Monday was (2 hour RAWs back then)

3:00 AM - Wake up.
5:00 AM - Filming starts
12:00 PM - Filming stops,
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Make a Wish work (includes air travel)
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Plane to WWE event location and preparation
8:00 PM - 10:30 PM - RAW + overrun

Then he'd get back on a plane and travel to the filming location, getting a few hours of sleep on the plane and in his hotel.

If he is booked to no-sell a 4 on 1 beatdown and a DDT on concrete against a dominant stable, that's what he'll do. No questions asked. If he's told to fly to 3 or 4 different cities to wrestle, film movies, and do Make A Wish work, he'll do it. If his marriage and friendships outside of wrestling are weighed against being a WWE corporate slave, he'll choose WWE, always.

The problem with Cena is that he has the power to influence the product for the better but he doesn't do it. He doesn't try to get other people over in the back, nor on the mic, nor in the ring. He's a complete yes-man.

Since he's viewed as the face of the company, Vince wants to shoehorn him into every hot feud... and Cena goes along with it. He doesn't do things to screw over the rest of the roster on purpose, but he lets himself be pushed to the detriment of everyone else... and he's respected so much by the rest of the locker room that no one blames him for not going out of his way for them, I don't think.

Based on this schedule it looks like he only time he sleeps is on the plane. Because he still puts in time in the gym. crazy dedication!!!


This is just wishful thinking but I'm starting to believe this is all a work that will eventually lead to a match between Punk and Vince at Mania. If Vince loses, he'll have to retire so he no longer get to call the shots (ofc in reality, he still does).


Based on this schedule it looks like he only time he sleeps is on the plane. Because he still puts in time in the gym. crazy dedication!!!

This is really why he is pushed so hard I believe. WWE is so scared of people using them only as a catapult to other endeavors, like how The Rock and Brock became huge after they left the WWE. They want lifers, people who live THIS. BUSINESS. However, the reality is that wrestling is not an easy life and the number of people who seriously want to be wrestlers all their lives dwindle every year. If someone uses the WWE for four or five years and then splits, who cares? You got four or five years of good business out of them. Cena being on top for nearly a decade is insane. Austin's real main event reign was from 98-99, The Rock from 99-2001, Edge from 2006-2010, Batista from 2005-2010 etc. The shelf life on a really good top guy is seemingly only a few years, yet they are clinging on to Cena for dear life when there should have already been countless of other guys in his spot since 2005.


Cena always does what Vince tells him to do. I've never heard any dirt sheet news that Cena tries to influence the booking - He just does everything the company asks him to do and eats, drinks, sleeps, shits, and breathes WWE.

When he was filming some of his movies, here is more or less how his Monday was (2 hour RAWs back then)

3:00 AM - Wake up.
5:00 AM - Filming starts
12:00 PM - Filming stops,
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Make a Wish work (includes air travel)
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Plane to WWE event location and preparation
8:00 PM - 10:30 PM - RAW + overrun

Then he'd get back on a plane and travel to the filming location, getting a few hours of sleep on the plane and in his hotel.

If he is booked to no-sell a 4 on 1 beatdown and a DDT on concrete against a dominant stable, that's what he'll do. No questions asked. If he's told to fly to 3 or 4 different cities to wrestle, film movies, and do Make A Wish work, he'll do it. If his marriage and friendships outside of wrestling are weighed against being a WWE corporate slave, he'll choose WWE, always.

The problem with Cena is that he has the power to influence the product for the better but he doesn't do it. He doesn't try to get other people over in the back, nor on the mic, nor in the ring. He's a complete yes-man.

Since he's viewed as the face of the company, Vince wants to shoehorn him into every hot feud... and Cena goes along with it. He doesn't do things to screw over the rest of the roster on purpose, but he lets himself be pushed to the detriment of everyone else... and he's respected so much by the rest of the locker room that no one blames him for not going out of his way for them, I don't think.

I think the notion that Cena never uses his influence for his own benefit is ludicrous. You just have to look at what happened to Kenny Dykstra and the Nexus. Nobody stays at the top for 10 years without actively participating in holding others down.

Maybe back in 2005 when Christian started getting over during the feud with Cena and was quickly severely punished for it, Cena wasn't involved. But now? No way he's just "letting decisions that benefit him happen with no active involvement"
There are two Cena feuds I can easily point to that effectively defined the way he would be received and cheered/jeered for the majority of his career.

Edge - due in large part to the rabid Toronto audiences that were unanimously anti-Cena/pro-Edge and effectively carried on the Bizarro Land dynamic from the Bret/Austin Calgary Stampede PPV days...


RVD - due to his overwhelming popularity during the Invasion angle and subsequent turn at the One Night Stand PPV taped at the Hammerstein Ballroom

Those audiences were the hottest crowds in 2005 & 2006 during Cena's initial main event push and the passion from the hardcore fans in those crowds bled over into tapings in other markets. The "Let's Go Cena / Cena Sucks" chants spawned soon afterwards and it just snowballed from there.

For me it was the WM match against HHH that defined Cena, you can explain away RVD feud as ECW fans being crazy and they were hating on pretty much every non-ECW wrestler, same with Edge can be explained away as lol Canada.

But this was Wrestlemania, the grandest stage of them all and the crowd completely turned on Cena in favor of one of the most hated heels of all time in HHH, it was mesmerizing to see.
This is really why he is pushed so hard I believe. WWE is so scared of people using them only as a catapult to other endeavors, like how The Rock and Brock became huge after they left the WWE. They want lifers, people who live THIS. BUSINESS. However, the reality is that wrestling is not an easy life and the number of people who seriously want to be wrestlers all their lives dwindle every year. If someone uses the WWE for four or five years and then splits, who cares? You got four or five years of good business out of them. Cena being on top for nearly a decade is insane. Austin's real main event reign was from 98-99, The Rock from 99-2001, Edge from 2006-2010, Batista from 2005-2010 etc. The shelf life on a really good top guy is seemingly only a few years, yet they are clinging on to Cena for dear life when there should have already been countless of other guys in his spot since 2005.

Makes sense. I have a feeling this eight year Cena run has just hit its stride.... I look forward to revisiting this conversation in 2022.

Edit - 9 year Cena run... he won the wwe championship at wm 21.

Trojan X

Damn, Punk calling out Cena pretty hard at that 5:05 mark...and leading up to it, too.

Ok. I better go listen to the interview too.

Sigh... I will miss punk, he really did made wwe interesting when he find an opportunity to do something. Yes, the wheel will keep spinning but it doesn't mean it will be a good wheel. His feud with Brock was the last best thing he has done. Damn, those two work so well together. Also goes to show how awesome Brock is when he really works with you.

Trojan X

Ah. Thanks to that video, I see where punk is coming from. Time to disappear and do what you want to do for the next few years, Punk, you deserve it. See how the wheel spins when you decide to come back.


To be honest. If WWE wanted to make everything going into overdrive in respect to crowd hype and to deliver a heavy spin on thing, they should have made sure this man won the rumble while Batista takes a comfortable 2nd place:


I had to admit. His Superman preparation adrenaline rush pose looks sick! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YpxrqlR-kk#t=3368
Rollins or Ambrose could main event Mania. Reigns isn't ready.
Rollins or Ambrose could main event Mania. Reigns isn't ready.
In terms of pure wrestling ability, I agree. There's no question he has a better look though than both at the moment, at least in the eyes of the WWE. It looks as if he'll be the first member of The Shield to get a big push.
The Shield guys still need more individual development IMO. But yeah, the stiffy they have for Reigns makes it undeniable that he's going to be their guy while Ambrose and Rollins are going to be doomed to having to try and make themselves. So many people know that Roman Reigns (no relation to Luthor) is a big guy but Ambrose isn't exactly small either, just a bit skinnier though he's taller I think he's bulked up a fair bit since his Jon Moxley days.

They fix it by having Bryan win the EC, main-eventing against Batista at Mania, along with Bray vs Reigns, Cena vs Taker, and Triple H vs Orton.

TBH, at this point Bryan should win at WrestleMania, that should be the pay off, not hot shotting a title win at a B-PPV. Batista should have been eliminated by Del Rio and that should've been his feud on return since they're playing with it anyway. Repeatedly pissing off their audience without a proper pay off is only going to eventually screw over other guys. Batista/Orton is pretty much set, as awful as that would be, I think the best bet is inserting DB into it simply to save the match because there's no way in hell the crowd is going to stand for that snore fest and there's no way Vince wants his main event to be completely crapped on as it would be and maybe even louder than Orton/Cena last Sunday.

Time for some lame booking.

Looking for Bryan to get screwed at EC and then inserted into the Orton/Batista match by someone of higher authority as tired as I am of Vince being brought out, he'd probably be the one to do it even if it kind of contradicts where he stood not that long ago, Linda use to be the one to do that sort of thing. Then we get a situation where Triple H says he doesn't care of Orton or Batista win as long as Bryan doesn't or some such. Orton takes the loss and after a rematch the next week on Raw comes The Authority putting Orton to pasture in favor of Dickhead Dave for Extreme Rules and Bryan gets a run where he keeps one upping The Authority in a Austin/McMahon fashion until the July PPV by again losing to the MITB winner again which perhaps could be Sheamus who effectively turns heel by cashing it in and he's also conveniently another Triple H buddy so that works. So now, Bryan instead of invoking the famous rematch clause instead chooses to go goes after Triple H at Summerslam to try and finally end it once and for all. Of course it doesn't end it but he finally gets a bit of revenge but gets retribution for what happened at last year's Summerslam.


Chick Magnet Punk isn't Johnny Nitro. He needn't worry about his woman running to a roided up 45 year old frat boy with a belly button tattoo for sexual comfort on the road. And by the same token sweet AJ isn't Melina. Batista probably had to double fist her just to moisten her up.


Batista came up with the machine gun ramp pose as that's what he was doing inside Melina and thought it would make a good image.


I just hope the crowd continues to take a dump on the product. Until Bryan has his title run, that's all they deserve.

Cena vs Bray Wyatt is interesting. I like Bray. Not looking forward to seeing Cena bury another up-and-comer; 'cause you know that's what is going to happen.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I just can't believe how long Cena has been headlining. His schitck was getting old in 2006 and now it's 2014 and little has changed. That's like going from the attitude era to ruthless aggression era. I feel for hardcore modern WWE fans. They are clearly starving for new guys to be pushed.

It sucks because when Cena doesn't have the belt, he still headlines. Sucks that punk lost his awesome streak just so cena can win the belt again for the 209th time at Mania.

And apparently the only reason Punk held the belt so long is because the Rock was adamant to Vince that it be Punk that he wins the title from at the rumble. Had Rock not requested it, Punk would never have held the belt that long.

This is just wishful thinking but I'm starting to believe this is all a work that will eventually lead to a match between Punk and Vince at Mania. If Vince loses, he'll have to retire so he no longer get to call the shots (ofc in reality, he still does).

You... you do realize that Vince is almost 70, right?
The Shield guys still need more individual development IMO. But yeah, the stiffy they have for Reigns makes it undeniable that he's going to be their guy while Ambrose and Rollins are going to be doomed to having to try and make themselves. So many people know that Roman Reigns (no relation to Luthor) is a big guy but Ambrose isn't exactly small either, just a bit skinnier though he's taller I think he's bulked up a fair bit since his Jon Moxley days.
You're right, Ambrose definitely isn't a small guy. He's certainly bulked up from his Moxley days. He's got some size it just isn't as noticeable or impressive as some of the "big guys" on the roster.

Regardless, I really hope WWE gives both Amrbose and Rollins some good stories to work with, because they're the types of talents the company needs in the spotlight. Both guys are fantastic in the ring, and experienced on the mic, Ambrose in particular. I could see them both being big draws in the future if played right.

And apparently the only reason Punk held the belt so long is because the Rock was adamant to Vince that it be Punk that he wins the title from at the rumble. Had Rock not requested it, Punk would never have held the belt that long.
Wow. That makes it even worse.


Footage from CM Punk's Q&A Panel at the Portland Wizard World Comic Con Convention - January 24th, 2014


This panel took place after the MMA Fighting interview referenced in the OP and was the last time CM Punk spoke publicly on a number of issues in the WWE prior to quitting. This vid does not have many views so it has not been widely circulated since going live yesterday.

Full Audio of the panel: http://www.wrestlingaudio.com/index...portland&catid=25:lightning-strike&Itemid=159
Cena is pushed hard because that's what the WWE does. Bruno was on top for over a decade. Backlund was on top for five years. Hogan was on top for a decade. The only reason Austin & Rock weren't on top for longer is because they got too injured too work (Austin) and crossed over to mainstream success (The Rock).

If you don't want a dominant face beating all comers, then sorry, but the WWE won. In all reality, Cena is a saint compared to Hogan and other top guys in the past. If for example, Nash had the power Cena has - oh right, we saw what happened with that.


It's completely baffling. I specifically remember how disliked Cena was back in 2006. He would always get a reaction from the crowd, more than can be said for most wrestlers, but there was always audible, very real boos even back then. This hasn't been a gradual thing. At the start of 2005, he was a fresh, energetic underdog with a funny shtick. By 2006, he was getting booed as much as he is today. I clearly remember him getting torn apart by the crowd at WM22 and him getting a majority of boos at Summerslam that year even with it taking place in Boston. It's crazy this has been going on for 8 years now.

It actually had started just a few months into his run. By Summerslam 2005, he was getting mixed reactions. By September 2005 and his feud with Angle, crowds were 50/50. By October (Taboo Tuesday 2005, HBK vs Angle vs Cena), it was 60/40. They had Kurt heeling on black people, the Troops, and Jesus in an attempt to get the fans to boo him over Cena, which they wouldn't and that was made part of the story. By WM22, fans were 90/10 in the favor of HHH, who had been the most hated guy on the roster on screen and off for at least 4 years.

Cena is pushed hard because that's what the WWE does. Bruno was on top for over a decade. Backlund was on top for five years. Hogan was on top for a decade. The only reason Austin & Rock weren't on top for longer is because they got too injured too work (Austin) and crossed over to mainstream success (The Rock).

If you don't want a dominant face beating all comers, then sorry, but the WWE won. In all reality, Cena is a saint compared to Hogan and other top guys in the past. If for example, Nash had the power Cena has - oh right, we saw what happened with that.

The main difference between Bruno/Backlund/Hogan and Cena is the amount of content WWE puts out now. Cena has more matches on TV in a year than Hogan did his entire Hulkamania run and fans were getting tired of Hulk in 1992/1993. The math was something like Cena's run on top is the equivalent to Hogan's Hulkamania run for 70 years. It's worn out.
It actually had started just a few months into his run. By Summerslam 2005, he was getting mixed reactions. By September 2005 and his feud with Angle, crowds were 50/50. By October (Taboo Tuesday 2005, HBK vs Angle vs Cena), it was 60/40. They had Kurt heeling on black people, the Troops, and Jesus in an attempt to get the fans to boo him over Cena, which they wouldn't and that was made part of the story. By WM22, fans were 90/10 in the favor of HHH, who had been the most hated guy on the roster on screen and off for at least 4 years.

The main difference between Bruno/Backlund/Hogan and Cena is the amount of content WWE puts out now. Cena has more matches on TV in a year than Hogan did his entire Hulkamania run and fans were getting tired of Hulk in 1992/1993. The math was something like Cena's run on top is the equivalent to Hogan's Hulkamania run for 70 years. It's worn out.
excellent post and I agree
It actually had started just a few months into his run. By Summerslam 2005, he was getting mixed reactions. By September 2005 and his feud with Angle, crowds were 50/50. By October (Taboo Tuesday 2005, HBK vs Angle vs Cena), it was 60/40. They had Kurt heeling on black people, the Troops, and Jesus in an attempt to get the fans to boo him over Cena, which they wouldn't and that was made part of the story. By WM22, fans were 90/10 in the favor of HHH, who had been the most hated guy on the roster on screen and off for at least 4 years.

The main difference between Bruno/Backlund/Hogan and Cena is the amount of content WWE puts out now. Cena has more matches on TV in a year than Hogan did his entire Hulkamania run and fans were getting tired of Hulk in 1992/1993. The math was something like Cena's run on top is the equivalent to Hogan's Hulkamania run for 70 years. It's worn out.

And apparently the only reason Punk held the belt so long is because the Rock was adamant to Vince that it be Punk that he wins the title from at the rumble. Had Rock not requested it, Punk would never have held the belt that long.

You... you do realize that Vince is almost 70, right?
Wow to both of these posts. I haven't watched wrestling in a long time but damn. My brother loved CM Punk.


It shouldn't be that hard to just...not have Cena having matches every week. He can still be on the shows every week to build up to PPV matches and do promos, but there is zero reason at all to have him wrestling on Raw every week. So overexposed. Raw has 3 hours to work with and there are plenty of guys who haven't even been on TV in months (Ryder, JTG, Yoshi, Camacho, Hunico before returning as Sin Cara, Christian despite being healthy, Curt Hawkins, PTP, 3MB haven't been on Raw for a while, Otunga hasn't been on TV since around WM I think, Justin Gabriel hasn't been on Raw in a long time). You have 3 hours to fill with a lot of talent that doesn't get used instead of over exposing all your top guys every week. Makes no sense to me. The best part of 3 hour Nitros was all the random dudes that wouldn't have been on otherwise, not an extra hour of stale main event guys.


The main difference between Bruno/Backlund/Hogan and Cena is the amount of content WWE puts out now. Cena has more matches on TV in a year than Hogan did his entire Hulkamania run and fans were getting tired of Hulk in 1992/1993. The math was something like Cena's run on top is the equivalent to Hogan's Hulkamania run for 70 years. It's worn out.

If the fans are so tired of Cena then why is he still selling the most merchandise?

When Cena stops selling merch then he stops getting pushed. Its that simple and always has been and always will be.

Last figure I read was that in 2010 John Cena was 22.2% of WWEs total revenue.


No One Remembers
It shouldn't be that hard to just...not have Cena having matches every week. He can still be on the shows every week to build up to PPV matches and do promos, but there is zero reason at all to have him wrestling on Raw every week. So overexposed. Raw has 3 hours to work with and there are plenty of guys who haven't even been on TV in months (Ryder, JTG, Yoshi, Camacho, Hunico before returning as Sin Cara, Christian despite being healthy, Curt Hawkins, PTP, 3MB haven't been on Raw for a while, Otunga hasn't been on TV since around WM I think, Justin Gabriel hasn't been on Raw in a long time). You have 3 hours to fill with a lot of talent that doesn't get used instead of over exposing all your top guys every week. Makes no sense to me. The best part of 3 hour Nitros was all the random dudes that wouldn't have been on otherwise, not an extra hour of stale main event guys.

This is what bothers me too. Though it was mostly the same in the attitude era.

The opening segment is rarely a match. Usually a promo with a couple of the main event guys, this lasts 20+ minutes. Then you go to the main event, which is another 20 minute affair and 9 times out of 10 it involves the guys from the opening segment.

Of course now that Raw is 3 hours, at 9 and 10 there's always another promo going on that last 10-20 minutes and they may or may not also be involved in the main event.

The 9/10 spots should be some marquee matches for the night. Tag title match, US Title match, hot feud grudge match, etc.

Like you said, a lot of great talent are just festering because they overexpose us to people like Cena, Punk, Orton, Bryan, etc.


That number one contenders match last year they had was legit my top 3 matches of the year. It's like they pretended they were at MetLife that night.

The piledriver from Punk was GOAT.

I wish Punk had a time machine so he could go back to the WWE Attitude era and be a star back then. He's too good for the current PG era.


If the fans are so tired of Cena then why is he still selling the most merchandise?

When Cena stops selling merch then he stops getting pushed. Its that simple and always has been and always will be.

Last figure I read was that in 2010 John Cena was 22.2% of WWEs total revenue.

Because kids aren't tired of him and kids are the ones that the merch is sold to. The actual median age for WWE is something like 35 I think. The adults are tired of him. And as kids age, they get tired of him, but there are always new kids that haven't had time to get sick of him and still see him as a fresh super hero. He's just overexposed and hasn't even had a tweak to his character in years. What Cena needs is less matches on TV and a slightly harder edge once in a while. The adults who are sick of him get interested when he acts like an angry bad ass once every other year. He lost everything that made him over in the first place. And he was SUPER over in the lead up and shortly after his title victory.


It feels like you don't see many matches between mid carders anynore because WWE has a flawed view of "protecting" their talent. They won't do a US Title natch with Langston and Del Rio for example because they don't want to see Del Rio lose clean. What I'm trying to say is WWE is too concerned with "protecting" their talent because wins and loses affect everything about a character to them. Its flawed but how they do things.

Need better booking, basically.


Why do that when you can have ADR vs Rey and ADR vs Sin Cara 3 times each in a month? Or in the past 3 years, Kofi vs Ziggler 34 times a year. 50/50 booking is the worst part of WWE right now. Worse than all the over exposure of top guys and part timers. No wins mean anything because everyone has to be on the same level at all times. And when they book someone to actually win and look good all the time (Shield), they make 3 new stars in a year. Who knew it was so easy?



Ban Puncher

Punk will show up to drop pipebombs on the RAW that ends with the WWE Network going live to ensure maximum day-one buys. Until then, it's a month of mainstream media being worked for free hype.


If the fans are so tired of Cena then why is he still selling the most merchandise?

When Cena stops selling merch then he stops getting pushed. Its that simple and always has been and always will be.

Last figure I read was that in 2010 John Cena was 22.2% of WWEs total revenue.
I hope you're not silly enough to believe that. I'm not exactly informed regarding WWE's business workings (since I don't care and why would I want to know), but I know how large the company is and what it earns. No one man is 1/5 of their total revenue. You'd have to be an idiot to believe such a thing.


It actually had started just a few months into his run. By Summerslam 2005, he was getting mixed reactions. By September 2005 and his feud with Angle, crowds were 50/50. By October (Taboo Tuesday 2005, HBK vs Angle vs Cena), it was 60/40. They had Kurt heeling on black people, the Troops, and Jesus in an attempt to get the fans to boo him over Cena, which they wouldn't and that was made part of the story. By WM22, fans were 90/10 in the favor of HHH, who had been the most hated guy on the roster on screen and off for at least 4 years.
I remember this. Their biggest mistake that year was switching Batista and Cena. Batista was hugely over, still loved by fans, and Cena pretty much started to have fans turn on him as soon as came to Raw. They should have kept them in their respective places until they'd established Cena more.
WWE still thinks Cena can be the new Austin


Remember, when WWE shows were about the whole rooster, every match felt great, every match had the crowd going?
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