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CM Punk Walks Out of the WWE

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Ryback speaks on behalf of the WWE


Because he hasn't injured enough people with his limited moveset.


This happened in like 2005. I'm surprised you didn't know about it.
Lita was with Matt Hardy for years, then she had an affair with Edge, it became public knowledge when Hardy found out, Hardy was fired for his outbursts.
Later they rehired Hardy and turned it into an angle with Edge vs Hardy, and Lita as Edge's valet, until she retired in 2006.

That is beyond fucked up.

Don't just post the picture. Share the video of when AJ Meets Lita and Weeps Her Little Heart Out

Little did they know at that time that they would soon share a connection as a pit stop for CM Punk's pipe.

Creepy x10 for some reason XD


more money than God
I've seen her kiss SoulPlaya. That does not impress me, really.

She'll kiss anyone.

I want a sex tape. Like Chyna and X-pac's left-veering penis. Or was it right-veering?
Making out with me Kane was her childhood dream. Kane was her crrush back then.


If you can't have Kane, what's the point?

What's the point? Are you saying she should've killed herself?

I guess that would've meant she had a better shot at him


Really now. That's a work from top to bottom. Almost fooled me.
You don't just have pictures like that laying around for the possibility of a joke.

Again, you guys should really try to book RAW. Send Linda a letter.


Really now. That's a work from top to bottom. Almost fooled me.
You don't just have pictures like that laying around for the possibility of a joke.

Again, you guys should really try to book RAW. Send Linda a letter.
WWE desperately needs an editor-type like Kreski at the helm again to shape a general direction.


if anybody over there was smart, they would take the Rumble reaction and Punk going "peace out" and look at the idea that maybe shit is going wrong

lol good one Htown


This smells like a work to me.

Punk was long overdue some time off and it dovetails nicely into the DB being "held back" angle

Well then, this is the longest angle in the history of wrestling.

Going on two years now and this angle is still going on with no signs of progression. I think TNA handed Aces & 8s better than this "hold back DBryan" angle


Well then, this is the longest angle in the history of wrestling.

Going on two years now and this angle is still going on with no signs of progression. I think TNA handed Aces & 8s better than this "hold back DBryan" angle
Actually, you're wrong.

The hold back DBryan angle stems all the way back to May 19th, 2010 when Bryan called out Cole for being a Vince McMahon mouthpiece because Vinny Mac didn't believe in him.

So we're actually talking about an almost 4-year-old angle still awaiting a payoff.
It might be time for WWE to swallow some pride and try and get him back on board.

First the D. Bry thing, now Punk storming out?
WWE wont swallow any pride, they'd rather have HHH wrestling a broom out there for 3hrs than concede they were wrong about something.

Just let him wear your f**king jacket and get on with it you dumb company.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Well then, this is the longest angle in the history of wrestling.

Going on two years now and this angle is still going on with no signs of progression. I think TNA handed Aces & 8s better than this "hold back DBryan" angle

The problem with figuring out the truth about practically anything in wrestling is that everything ends up as an angle even if it started off legitimate.


The problem with figuring out the truth about practically anything in wrestling is that everything ends up as an angle even if it started off legitimate.
Which is why it's absolutely pointless to even bother getting worked up over whether something is a work or not. Who cares. It doesn't matter as everything ends up being somewhat worked eventually no matter how it starts off unless it's something so heinous it gets written out of existence like Benoit murdering his wife and son.

The work/shoot debate is IRRELEVANT. It doesn't change the facts.
And the facts are that CM Punk is gone. And will likely be gone for a long time.

Here's the blurb on CM Punk's walk out from today's Wrestling Observer newsletter (cross-posting from the WrassleGAF community thread)...

It’s sketchy what happened. Over the last week, ever since Punk’s interview with Ariel Helwani before the Chicago UFC show where he openly brought up that his contract was up in July and didn’t want to say what he was going to do next, several people who know him had noted not to be surprised if he leaves. Two different people said that he was “as good as gone” in July, and one said that they didn’t expect him to even last until July.

There were frustrations with creative and with money, even though he has made great money the last several years. This was not a spur of the moment thing as much as something that had been building. The way we were told was that he couldn’t take it any longer and told McMahon that he was going home. McMahon had been tied up all day since they were rewriting the show, based on what happened the prior night at the Royal Rumble to figure out a way to keep the show under control and not have the audience hijack it again. Punk had been scheduled for an interview on the show to presumably build up a match with Kane on the PPV, which would lead to his planned WrestleMania match with HHH.

Because McMahon was so busy, Punk didn’t see him until 7:30 p.m., when he told him he was leaving. The reason the Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio match on Raw went so long is because it came during the period laid out for Punk’s interview and had to go a second segment to cover the time, so the key “money” segments would be in their correct time slots.

The working assumption internally has been for several weeks that Punk was leaving in July and not going to sign a new deal. The belief was that he is not a spender, has saved his money and doesn’t have to work. It was a weird dynamic because he’s one of the few guys on the roster that the company and Vince McMahon knew believed he didn’t need them, and financially, really doesn’t. So they can’t deal with him from the same level as all the other guys who are scared to lose their jobs and spots.

Within the company, the reason was that he came to the realization that he would never be positioned higher than he was. His goal was to main event WrestleMania, as in be in the real main event. He felt that because he didn’t fit the mold of what they think the top star in the company should look like, he would never be the guy and the centerpiece.

Nelo Ice

Which is why it's absolutely pointless to even bother getting worked up over whether something is a work or not. Who cares. It doesn't matter as everything ends up being somewhat worked eventually no matter how it starts off unless it's something so heinous it gets written out of existence like Benoit murdering his wife and son.

The work/shoot debate is IRRELEVANT. It doesn't change the facts.
And the facts are that CM Punk is gone. And will likely be gone for a long time.

Here's the blurb on CM Punk's walk out from today's Wrestling Observer newsletter (cross-posting from the WrassleGAF community thread)...

Damn. I really hope crowds continue to shit on the product or even better just not give Vince any money. It is amazing how all of WWE's failure is finally reaching it's boiling point and Royal Rumble is just the beginning. The best part about this is it just keeps getting worse right before the network launches. I can't wait to see how badly Wrestlemania and the Raw after crowd gives the company hell. That dome is going to ensure they will take over the show.
I wonder what Kane's storyline will be now?
Fantasy booking

Waits for Takers return, Looks at him. Destroys him, points at Mania for one last Fight!!

SP would Mark out!!

E: hearing about Punk sucks. I wanted to see him and Shaun Ricker fight
A friend watched the CM Punk WWE DVD and was like "he's so arrogant and whiny, he literally does think he's the best," and while that's true to an extent, all I had to do was say "look at where Daniel Bryan is now. That's what Punk's been dealing with for the last five years," and it all clicked. Wrestling really does work in cycles.
I kind of don't get CM Punk's grudge, though. Wasn't he champion for over a year? How can he possibly argue he wasn't given a push? I know they kind of dropped the ball on him since then, but damn, that seems to me like they paid attention to him...
I kind of don't get CM Punk's grudge, though. Wasn't he champion for over a year? How can he possibly argue he wasn't given a push? I know they kind of dropped the ball on him since then, but damn, that doesn't seem like 'not giving him a push' to me...

He was champ, but almost never in the main event of any PPV or the last segment of any Raw, and they didn't unify the belts or treat it as important until it was Orton/Cena.



Just bought Smackdown tickets yesterday for early March with a Punk/Bryan/Somebody vs the Wyatts 6 man billed.

I can't remember who the other somebody is because I didn't care. Punk and DB was all I needed.

I kind of don't get CM Punk's grudge, though. Wasn't he champion for over a year? How can he possibly argue he wasn't given a push? I know they kind of dropped the ball on him since then, but damn, that seems to me like they paid attention to him...
They gave him this for 434 days:


He was never the star or The Guy or even close to it. Everyone talks about this a lot on his DVD.

Nelo Ice

He was champ, but almost never in the main event of any PPV or the last segment of any Raw, and they didn't unify the belts or treat it as important until it was Orton/Cena.

Yep. He was basically another guy that held Cena's accessory. Nothing about his run was memorable and to top it off he dropped it to the Rock who held it part time for about 2 months.
I kind of don't get CM Punk's grudge, though. Wasn't he champion for over a year? How can he possibly argue he wasn't given a push? I know they kind of dropped the ball on him since then, but damn, that seems to me like they paid attention to him...

To be fair, he was playing second fiddle to Cena for every PPV where he wasn't a heel.


Punk had to feel bad when they gave him the title for as long as they did and then once the rock showed up he was now useless to wwe.

Then put him vs taker at WM, which is a good plan. But everyone knows undertaker never loses at WM. So the world watched while punk claimed to be the only man who would end the streak when we all knew he only looked like a chump at that point. Was sad to see at the time.

Punk deserves more respect from wwe, him and d bry can end the show night in and night out and people would love it.
To be fair, he was playing second fiddle to Cena for every PPV where he wasn't a heel.

Yeah, I guess this seems to be the consensus. Got the title, but it meant nothing, and he never really mained a PPV. So fucking weird why they would do that. Guess I didn't know it was that shitty for him.

It always just comes back to Cena doesn't it? He has to have blackmail photos of Vince at this point...
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