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CM Punk Walks Out of the WWE

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I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Wow this fucking blows. I hope he comes back in some form, even it's back at ROH, but this shit sucks. They didn't use him right at all after he came back for Payback. Summerslam might be the exception.

Might be? Summerlam was fucking awesome for Punk! Punk vs Lesnar was fantastic. Both in terms of the storyline and the match. Probably my favourite WWE match of 2013. It's such a shame Lesnar left straight away after that and we had to have shitty feuds with Axel and Ryback afterwards.
There's only one guy they can turn to now



You cant keep propping up Mania on part timers. They have been doing it for nearly six years now without creating new stars, something Nice ia frustrated by. But the crowd has chosen its new star and Vince will not have it. Vince is acting like a gaffer when it comes to girls. "GAF, a girl keeps sitting on my lap, asking me what I am doing this weekend and asking me if I have a girlfriend. What do I do?"

Hey, if you put it that way, Vince is actually following GAF's golden advice of "don't be a nice guy, be an asshole".


Punk has looked like he needed a break for a while and he couldn't be happy with how well he's been wrestling due to it.

I'm sure it's not a massive deal aside from the fact he sprung on the company that he needed to go home.
There may be a lot of bullshit going on, but it just seemed so much like the guy was running on fumes that I can't help but feel that coupled with motivation due to company direction led him to need out.

Which is a shame, as CM Punk is a reason to watch wrestling.
Holy shit I never even thought about Lesnar vs Taker

how does ANYONE care about that

Part timer vs part timer, hell do you even see either of then again afterwards?

Because people still buy Brock Lesnar as a monster who got beaten by a legend (Triple H) and the biggest star of the decade (John Cena) and The Undertaker is basically the Living GodKing of the WWE, who's had 4 of the best matches in WWE history.

Which why the "oh no, they have to stop using part timers argument and start pushing Bryan and Ziggler and my other wrestling crush of the moment" isn't actually true. The Rock still has a few matches in him and he just drew a million buys against Cena. Lesnar's around for another year. Batista has signed for two years.

In that time, they can push the guys they want to push (Roman Reigns, Big E. Langston, Mojo Rowley, Alexander Rusev, etc.) to the top and keep Bryan, Ziggler, and such as upper midcard or midcard guys who occasionally get a main event push in the off months and work a good match.

In addition, the Network has made each individual PPV worth less. As a result, what the fans "want" means even less, since if you're hooked in by one PPV, you're now on the hook for six months, regardless if you hate the direction.

If anything, the Network means the WWE will be run more and more for Vince's and Triple H's benefit, not what the "fans" want, even though, to be blunt, if the fans want Bryan to be a top star, they should start showing up to house shows he's headlining, so he can start outdrawing the Cena house shows.
Because people still buy Brock Lesnar as a monster who got beaten by a legend (Triple H) and the biggest star of the decade (John Cena) and The Undertaker is basically the Living GodKing of the WWE, who's had 4 of the best matches in WWE history.

Which why the "oh no, they have to stop using part timers argument and start pushing Bryan and Ziggler and my other wrestling crush of the moment" isn't actually true. The Rock still has a few matches in him and he just drew a million buys against Cena. Lesnar's around for another year. Batista has signed for two years.

In that time, they can push the guys they want to push (Roman Reigns, Big E. Langston, Mojo Rowley, Alexander Rusev, etc.) to the top and keep Bryan, Ziggler, and such as upper midcard or midcard guys who occasionally get a main event push in the off months and work a good match.

In addition, the Network has made each individual PPV worth less. As a result, what the fans "want" means even less, since if you're hooked in by one PPV, you're now on the hook for six months, regardless if you hate the direction.

If anything, the Network means the WWE will be run more and more for Vince's and Triple H's benefit, not what the "fans" want, even though, to be blunt, if the fans want Bryan to be a top star, they should start showing up to house shows he's headlining, so he can start outdrawing the Cena house shows.
Except, this part timer's headlining Mania has been going kn for years and they haven't been able nor seemed desired to build stars. And if you are seriously suggesting building Mojo fuxking Rawley and Alex Rusev as faces of the company than...wow.
I mention this in the irc during the Rumble, but what they should of done is had it be Bray vs Taker let Bray take the win break the streak and become the new weird creepy guy for the WWE like Taker was growing up for us.

Bray is clearly one of the better guys atm IMO and honestly Taker is barley walking at this point he isnt going to make it to next year. Hell this year will just be a MMA spot fest between him and Lesnar anyways.

I bet I could plan out the match for them and it would be at least 75% of what we see int he ring I bet any of us could do it.

You are full of bad ideas. Really, you want Bray to take the streak. Are you kidding me? He's been on the main roster for less than a year. Is not THAT over with non-smarks. He is great on the mic, and proved himself to be good in the ring Bryan at Royal Rumble but there is absolutely no way in hell you could ever consider letting him break the streak.

Holy shit I never even thought about Lesnar vs Taker

how does ANYONE care about that

Part timer vs part timer, hell do you even see either of then again afterwards?

Lesnar still puts on incredibly entertaining matches. He is the most legitimate threat in the WWE. Probably the stiffest worker, puts a whole lot into every appearance he makes - lots of punishment but he can do it because of his part time schedule. Taker is still one of the biggest wrestlemania draws. Brock and him have had amazing matches in the past and this would be no different.

It's the match I'd like to see the most because I know it would be grueling and punishing. I think Lesnar would absolutely put 110% in to it and it would be an amazing spectacle.

Actually on topic: CM Punk should skip Elimination Chamber and come back the raw after it for the build to wrestlemania.
Except, this part timer's headlining Mania has been going kn for years and they haven't been able nor seemed desired to build stars. And if you are seriously suggesting building Mojo fuxking Rawley and Alex Rusev as faces of the company than...wow.

I'm not saying what I want. I'm saying what they want. They don't want guys like Bryan and Punk who have actual experience with wrestling outside the WWE bubble being the top guys. If you do that, they end up doing things like Punk just did.

It's much better to have guys who have never done an indie show, who have never interacted with wrestlers outside of the WWE, and so on, so you can train them and primp them, so they'll never say the wrong thing and they'll never even understand the concept of saying 'no' to a horrible script.

Now, they've tried to build 'their' kind of stars before. The Miz headlined Wrestlemania, remember? But, now, things like buyrates and such don't matter as much. They're likely to get a TV deal that's twice as large as their current one and the network will be consistent money that won't deviate based on the PPV of the month.

Put it this way. They're going from having to sell a 'new' game every month to having to keep you just interested enough, like an MMO, to keep you on the hook for $10 a month...forever. Oh, you may hate the current product, but what's easier? Searching Youtube for Armageddon 2001 or just putting down the ten bucks again?


Holy shit I never even thought about Lesnar vs Taker

how does ANYONE care about that

Part timer vs part timer, hell do you even see either of then again afterwards?

People care a lot about Undertaker's WM matches, and Lesnar is still highly regarded. They've had great matches in the past too. It's one part timer match I'm ok with seeing.
Yeah he is going to be fine even downgrading to those other women.

As a side note, Punk is the perfect example of why being funny and confident will always work. Yes, Punk is in OK shape (even though he's actually probably in the lower 50% in his workplace) and is decent looking, but, he's batted way above his pay grade ever since the indies.

In other words, dorks, get yourself down to at least 'skinny fat' and learn how to snark well.
Kind of pissed about this. He was one of the big reasons I watched the damn product. I know he wasn't being given anything great to work with right now but they did give him one of the longest title runs we've seen.

Sometimes you just need to weather the storm.
Well, Vince's new policy of placing once-a-year stars into WM main events has got to grate on the everyday guys. It's not like Batista was ever a big star on the level of the Rock, and it's not like he's the headliner of Guardians movie either.


Punk was an interesting guy. A genuine Chicago guy too. It's no surprise he finally had enough of the WWE's bullshit. I wonder how fast they bury him next week and who does it.


People care a lot about Undertaker's WM matches, and Lesnar is still highly regarded. They've had great matches in the past too. It's one part timer match I'm ok with seeing.
Not to mention that unlike all of the other part-timers Brock is only 36.

Well, Vince's new policy of placing once-a-year stars into WM main events has got to grate on the everyday guys. It's not like Batista was ever a big star on the level of the Rock, and it's not like he's the headliner of Guardians movie either.
The raccoon's the headliner, right?


Gold Member
Crazy... This is upsetting news, but I understand why he's doing it. Maybe it's time for me to give up on the WWE as well. He's been an afterthought for months now and I never understood why. I don't trust the WWE to utilize Dbry properly either, especially after the whole RR debacle. Fuck this company.


Listening to Meltzer right now...

Thoughts were that he was leaving in July when his contract was up, but no one actually believed him. The fact that he's walking away now instead of a few months from now (post Mania) shows that this isn't about money- he's hurt, burnt out, and has saved his money, and doesn't "need" WWE in his life. Thats the reason he always says stuff in interviews- he was never afraid of being fired.


Punk with dat Austin move(Austin walked out on Raw years ago after being told he'd have to job to Lesnar).

Don't blame him. Go to WM why? To job to Triple H? There's no good reason why he shouldn't be headlining the event.


Punk with dat Austin move(Austin walked out on Raw years ago after being told he'd have to job to Lesnar).

Don't blame him. Go to WM why? To job to Triple H? There's no good reason why he shouldn't be headlining the event.

He did it better than Austin did, he was in Cleveland, and he told Vince during the day, hours before RAW, he was going home, hence the rewrites of the show.

Austin heard what was being done creatively the day before RAW, and then simply flew home without telling anyone, leaving them to find out he was no-showing when he was, ya know, not in the building when RAW was starting.


According to Meltzer, unlike most wrestlers, Punk saved his money and is in no way financially tied to WWE. So he can afford to leave and never come back. He is also big enough name to do other projects and make money if he needs it now.


Meh, it seems like Punk hasn't done anything interesting in quite a while now. Like doing the bare minimum in his recent feuds while physically looking bad as well. He'll be back and it's probably best that he takes a break. Although in my eyes he's not as big of a star as some of you guys are making him out to be.

At least we still have Bryan and Cesaro.
And Christian.


I'm guessing he's tired of not being THE guy, and he was going to job to hhh at wrestle mania. Since he has no idea what his pay out would be, he left. He hasn't won a wm match that I'm aware of.

Hopefully he and Dana White had some sort of secret talk last Saturday and he wants to do UFC or ultimate fighter. If punk is really gone, I have no reason to watch wwe anymore. Dbrine and cesaro just aren't enough for me to care.

I wonder what Kane's storyline will be now?
he'll be back....

where else will he go? to Jeff Jarrett's slapnuts theater on TNA? pffff

I agree with you all who brought up the Batista push being ridiculous.

Batista was never a draw and was never a charismatic talent. Just a muscle head who's Finishing Move I have forgetten because I can't remember wtf it was. A wrestler with a forgettable finisher

But you have the Stephanie and HHH running the show, what do you expect? This is the WWE, expect more shit like this.

Yeah Bryan riles the crowd, fans want to see him get upted. But nah, you will get more Cena, Cena, Cena then Batista in your face first.


Holy shit. I can't blame the guy seeing how Vince pretty much screws the entire roster over every Mania in favor of some Hollywood part timer. But its going to suck not having him around. Nobody is better on the mic, and nobody tells a story in the ring as well as he does.

I hope he does some work with NJPW some day.


he'll be back....

where else will he go? to Jeff Jarrett's slapnuts theater on TNA? pffff

I agree with you all who brought up the Batista push being ridiculous.

Batista was never a draw and was never a charismatic talent. Just a muscle head who's Finishing Move I have forgetten because I can't remember wtf it was. A wrestler with a forgettable finisher

But you have the Stephanie and HHH running the show, what do you expect? This is the WWE, expect more shit like this.

Yeah Bryan riles the crowd, fans want to see him get upted. But nah, you will get more Cena, Cena, Cena then Batista in your face first.

Didn't Jarrett cut ties with TNA earlier this month? I think Punk can go anywhere he chooses to; he's worked like a warhorse. Maybe he'll do what a lot of WWE talent has done after leaving and have a stint in NJPW like Brian Kendrick, MVP, and Shelton Benjamin have done.


he'll be back....

where else will he go? to Jeff Jarrett's slapnuts theater on TNA? pffff

Jeff's left TNA too and now he's starting another promotion. Sure that will be hugely successful

I agree with you all who brought up the Batista push being ridiculous.

Batista was never a draw and was never a charismatic talent. Just a muscle head who's Finishing Move I have forgetten because I can't remember wtf it was. A wrestler with a forgettable finisher

Woah woah woah. Talk smack about Batista all you like, I encourage it in fact. but leave The BAWTISTA BAWMB out of this.


He's not even done it once since his return. He did some kind of powerbomb that was more like a jacknife to Del Rio that Cole called a Batista Bomb, but it just wasn't the same.


He did it better than Austin did, he was in Cleveland, and he told Vince during the day, hours before RAW, he was going home, hence the rewrites of the show.

Austin heard what was being done creatively the day before RAW, and then simply flew home without telling anyone, leaving them to find out he was no-showing when he was, ya know, not in the building when RAW was starting.

I wonder if they'll take jabs at Punk like they did at Austin. Obviously they'd welcome him back in a heartbeat. If I was him I'd just take the year off and return at the Rumble next year. Hell, that's probably the only way he'd win one.

And how good does keeping the rights to his name look right now?
Well, if he leaves now, he can return as a special guest and win the rumble/get a WM main event in five years time. He will be the one pissing off the everyday talent.


Fuck this company.
Everything considered this isn't even surprising.

According to Meltzer, unlike most wrestlers, Punk saved his money and is in no way financially tied to WWE. So he can afford to leave and never come back. He is also big enough name to do other projects and make money if he needs it now.

That's very good to hear. I'm happy for him. :)


Oh god please don't be true. Punk is the reason I started watching again. I think if he goes I go, especially considering how WWE seems to have fucked pretty much everything up lately. If Punk is gone, short of giving Bryan the title run he deserves I don't think there's a lot they can do to keep me.
My feelings exactly. Punk don't go!


I'd have said fuck it, and made a Fatal Four Way again with Orton, Batista, Punk and Bryan. That way Punk gets his main event, Bryan gets to win the title, and you fufill your promise of a main event to Batista.

In any case, Orton/Batista is going to die horribly at WM, no matter what they do. Anywhere on the card, the crowd is going to hate it. Punk was definitely valuable to WM this year, it's a big loss.


CM Punk was one of my favorite wrestlers as of recently (I don't really watch WWE anymore, but I really enjoy his segments and I think he is a cool dude). It's good to hear that he didn't blow his money and that he has plenty of money saved up. The dude is too good for the WWE now


I'm guessing he's tired of not being THE guy, and he was going to job to hhh at wrestle mania. Since he has no idea what his pay out would be, he left. He hasn't won a wm match that I'm aware of.
He beat Jericho two years ago.


I'd have said fuck it, and made a Fatal Four Way again with Orton, Batista, Punk and Bryan. That way Punk gets his main event, Bryan gets to win the title, and you fufill your promise of a main event to Batista.

3-way/4-way main events typically mean a bad WM buyrate.

Trojan X

I will always honour this absolute badass match between Lesnar and CM Punk at Summerslam 2013... with some The World of Cinematic tunes running in the background at 40% volume so it sounds like it's part of the action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md6Weuf4dss

WWE must keep CM Punk and they NEED to get him more control of the creatives and talent calling.
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