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CM Punk Walks Out of the WWE

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3-way/4-way main events typically mean a bad WM buyrate.

But buyrates don't matter anymore.

The ONLY way to save Batista/Orton is to add Bryan to the match. Anything less is basically inviting a scat show....which might be fun for different reasons.


But buyrates don't matter anymore.

The ONLY way to save Batista/Orton is to add Bryan to the match. Anything less is basically inviting a scat show....which might be fun for different reasons.

Remember when Mick Foley "retired" but they brought him back because he always wanted to headline Wrestlemania? They should do that here if the dirtsheets are to be believed and Punk had a goal of headlining WM. Just leave the McMahon in every corner gimmick in Wresltemania 2000 where it belongs.


Wow, I figured he would walk away for a while come July, but I did not expect this.

Can't say I'm shocked however. He was vocal about The Rock returning and "taking his spot", and his title reign (longest in over 25 years) for Rock's program with Cena.

Then he was vocal about the direction of the company, and not listening to what the fans are wanting.

But, you don't burn bridges with the biggest company, and the biggest paycheck out there. He already tried this once (leading up to MiTB2011), but doing it twice, Vinnie Mac doesn't forget.

Trojan X

But buyrates don't matter anymore.

The ONLY way to save Batista/Orton is to add Bryan to the match. Anything less is basically inviting a scat show....which might be fun for different reasons.

No. They, the creatives, need to come up with a much much better story build up to make the match worth watching. Gosh, I hate fatal 3-ways championship matches, it's feels such a cheap alternative for drained ideas. To name a number one contender is fine, but to win the championship, it's too cheap.


With the talks of Punk being "burnt out", i'm worried about the long term future of Daniel Bryan. He's 32, and has worked a huge schedule for the last 10 years or so, with lots of hard bumps and long matches. Wonder what place his mind is in in 2016 or so when he's 35.

Probably why WWE is gonna strap rockets to guys who they made and developed themselves (Reigns and Langston) instead of indie guys- they probably have 1/25th of the miles on their bodies that guys like Bryan had before he even broke into WWE


So not worth it
According to Meltzer he was expected to not extend his contract when it ran out in July anyways and he's saved up pretty much all his money, spending very little so he had no problem just walking out before that final Mania paycheck. He'll be back for a run in a year or two when things have cooled down I don't doubt, but I'm very disappointed to see him go, a great loss.

hes dating AJ Lee... lets see if she will remain the divas champion lol

AJ was champion long before Punk and there's absolutely no reason for her to lose the title based on something that has nothing to do with her, according to the sheets Vince loves her and she is a big merch seller so that makes sense. No doubt she's due to lose the title soon enough given how long she has had it, but it won't be because of Punk.

With the talks of Punk being "burnt out", i'm worried about the long term future of Daniel Bryan. He's 32, and has worked a huge schedule for the last 10 years or so, with lots of hard bumps and long matches. Wonder what place his mind is in in 2016 or so when he's 35.

Bryan is very different from Punk in every way except the way they came up in the business. Bryan is a mild-mannered working guy, Punk is a constantly pissed off guy. Bryan is just happy doing his thing in wrestling and absolutely loves everything about it, you just can't compare those two.

Look at Cena, guy has been doing nothing buy wrestling for a decade, never takes a break and I see him easily doing 10 years more (ugh).
No. They, the creatives, need to come up with a much much better story build up to make the match worth watching. Gosh, I hate fatal 3-ways championship matches, it's feels such a cheap alternative for drained ideas. To name a number one contender is fine, but to win the championship, it's too cheap.

Creatives don't matter when Vince rewrites shit all the time.

The fact that none of the regular WWE guys get to headline WM 4 years in a row now is just terrible.

Remember when WM built stars. Now it's just old retires coming back.


Wow. This is terra-balls. In the past I've jokingly said that I'm done with company over some of the stuff that has gone down. But now I'm just straight done. I have no reason to watch this product in the immediate future. I'll check out mania for a laugh, but yeah. I'm actually out.


Wow, I figured he would walk away for a while come July, but I did not expect this.

Can't say I'm shocked however. He was vocal about The Rock returning and "taking his spot", and his title reign (longest in over 25 years) for Rock's program with Cena.

Then he was vocal about the direction of the company, and not listening to what the fans are wanting.

But, you don't burn bridges with the biggest company, and the biggest paycheck out there. He already tried this once (leading up to MiTB2011), but doing it twice, Vinnie Mac doesn't forget.

Do you ever really burn your bridges with WWE if they can see some money in you? He's done nothing anywhere near as bad as Warrior did ransoming him for money at the last second before a match and yet he still came back for another run after that.

Trojan X

With the talks of Punk being "burnt out", i'm worried about the long term future of Daniel Bryan. He's 32, and has worked a huge schedule for the last 10 years or so, with lots of hard bumps and long matches. Wonder what place his mind is in in 2016 or so when he's 35.

Probably why WWE is gonna strap rockets to guys who they made and developed themselves (Reigns and Langston) instead of indie guys- they probably have 1/25th of the miles on their bodies that guys like Bryan had before he even broke into WWE

I agree. Daniel has taken so many crazy hard knocks, way more than other people such as Randy Orton. In honesty I am scared for him. I seriously hope he has regular weekly hospital checks.

Trojan X

Creatives don't matter when Vince rewrites shit all the time.

Yes. That's why everything always so f**ked up with illogical and super cheesy storylines, injustices, completely stupid storylines, really piss poor match build ups, all enough to de-value their own PPVs and their titles belts. Ha! It's like SEGA.


Remember when Mick Foley "retired" but they brought him back because he always wanted to headline Wrestlemania? They should do that here if the dirtsheets are to be believed and Punk had a goal of headlining WM. Just leave the McMahon in every corner gimmick in Wresltemania 2000 where it belongs.

I could see it. Smarks will be very important to the WWE network starting off as they'll be early adopters and the people who'll push it through word of mouth. WWE just might panic since they're burning up a lot of goodwiill with their smart audience . Punk no doubt has all the leverage here. Threatening to leave during the Summer of Punk got him what he wanted then, so who knows.




I believe it's a work but work or not, him not being on TV is a huge problem for me.

Like i said in the wrasslin thread, Punk is 1 of 4 guys i actually really, really, really enjoy watching. It's not to say the rest of the roster sucks, i like a good portion of the roster but he's what Stone Cold was to me back in the mid/late 90s. He's one of the main reasons i watch RAW live and not on DVR, he's one of the main reasons i buy the PPVs.

Although i believe it's a work it wouldn't surprise me if he legit walked out because he's been burnt out and it's been said people backstage are not happy about the Network.

Creatives don't matter when Vince rewrites shit all the time.

The fact that none of the regular WWE guys get to headline WM 4 years in a row now is just terrible.

Remember when WM built stars. Now it's just old retires coming back.
Exactly. This is also a reason why smarks aggravate me. They think HHH is burying Bryan and doing this and that when the fact of the matter is Vince has the final say in everything. Nothing happens in the WWE without Vince saying "ok"


Bryan is very different from Punk in every way except the way they came up in the business. Bryan is a mild-mannered working guy, Punk is a constantly pissed off guy. Bryan is just happy doing his thing in wrestling and absolutely loves everything about it, you just can't compare those two.

Look at Cena, guy has been doing nothing buy wrestling for a decade, never takes a break and I see him easily doing 10 years more (ugh).

Cena has a very safe and easy workstyle- he never takes crazy bumps, works a slower pace, and has worked nothing by WWE main events for the last decade. Bryan was working 30+ minute hard indie matches for years, always going at 100 mph. He's been working lots of long TV matches, and many times has been double booked on the same show. If you subscribe to the theory that you only have so many miles in your body, Bryan probably has more on him that Cena does.


So not worth it
Could be a work, but with the Network launching next month and Mania in April there's just no reason behind it. There's no way they'd want Punk to be off of TV for any extended period of time right now.

If this was after Mania, it could be a work, but right now it seems to me it's extremely unlikely.

Remember, this is the same company that wouldn't keep Punk off of TV for 2 weeks after he won the title at MitB, afraid for SummerSlam's buyrate.

Cena has a very safe and easy workstyle- he never takes crazy bumps, works a slower pace, and has worked nothing by WWE main events for the last decade. Bryan was working 30+ minute hard indie matches for years, always going at 100 mph. He's been working lots of long TV matches, and many times has been double booked on the same show. If you subscribe to the theory that you only have so many miles in your body, Bryan probably has more on him that Cena does.

I thought we were talking about Bryan burning out?


All this controversy with the launch of WWE network looming...
I wonder if it will benefit them more than it will damage them.
Cena has a very safe and easy workstyle- he never takes crazy bumps, works a slower pace, and has worked nothing by WWE main events for the last decade. Bryan was working 30+ minute hard indie matches for years, always going at 100 mph. He's been working lots of long TV matches, and many times has been double booked on the same show. If you subscribe to the theory that you only have so many miles in your body, Bryan probably has more on him that Cena does.

Eh, honestly, I'd say it's about even. Bryan may have more hard hitting matches, but until recently, Cena was working far more often than Bryan. Also, WWE main events can still fuck you up. Ask Edge's broken neck, Cena's injured elbow, and so on, and so forth.
Punk spent a lot of time on the mat during the rumble match. I may have to re-watch it and see if he was hurt at any point.

This could be some kind of cover for an injury. It probably isn't.

Trojan X

So is AJ and Punk on the next season of Total Divas? Because this sounds like a storyline from the show.

You know. The Divas division needs a serious major shake up. I mean a MAJOR shake up. They have no structure, no real stars, and the ladies who SHOULD be dominating are either gone for no reason or they have been completely side cased. Frankly, when Micky James and others were there, TNA's ladies were MUCH better than the WWE Divas. In fact, they were so much better, there were many times I prefer watching the ladies at TNA do battle than the men.

WWE's problem is that they don't stick to their guns. You want a tag team division, build it and maintain it. You want real Divas to do battle, then make sure you got some real fighters in there and stop focussing so much on how much boobs and blond hair they have for girls, like the one with Fandango, should not be in there. What a joke.


Agreed Aiii. After Royal Rumble's debacle with the fans, Foley's rants, the 1,000 rewrites of Raw or something like that, and now this, I think the fans, and the talent are getting tired of the antics of the company.

The last star they truly "built" (as in not coming in from independents) is probably Batista. They use the main titles to see if that can quickly build talent (which is why The Miz even had a sniff at a title reign, same with Del Rio). This process won't work long term, and now its catching up with them.

Hopefully all of this bad press will shake up the established order. Actually start giving some creative control back to the wrestlers, and let them actually take the ball and run with it if given the opportunity.
Person who lot of people like didn't win the Rumble and wasn't in the Rumble, but instead, a person a lot of people don't like won it instead.

Sure, that's fan reaction, which is fine. But when I heard Foley said it was digusting I assumed something big went down.


I thought we were talking about Bryan burning out?

Dude is getting married, doesn't live an extravagant lifestyle (He mentioned on Steve Austin's podcast that he didn't want a private bus because he felt it was too luxurious for him), and has worked a ton. What happens in a year when he wakes up in a little more pain than he does today? How about 2 years, when he's had a few years of making big money and is in even more pain?

Eh, honestly, I'd say it's about even. Bryan may have more hard hitting matches, but until recently, Cena was working far more often than Bryan. Also, WWE main events can still fuck you up. Ask Edge's broken neck, Cena's injured elbow, and so on, and so forth.

Well, in Edge's case, he spent years taking all sorts of stupid bumps in TLC/Ladder matches, and broke his neck in 2002. In 2006, his big breakout year, he worked TLC matches with Cena and Flair, and tons of hardcore matches with guys like Foley at WM, and probably in the most "hardcore" match ever promoted by WWE, Edge and Foley vs Dreamer and Funk at One Night Stand 2006 (seriously, go back and watch that). And not to accuse anyone of being on drugs or anything, but he was someone who got suspended in that Florida steroid bust, and someone who's physique basically melted away over time. If he had spent most of his career like he did in 2008-on, he'd probably still be around today, but those early career bumps and miles caught up with him.
Sure, that's fan reaction, which is fine. But when I heard Foley said it was digusting I assumed something big went down.

[jadedwrestlingsmark] Oh, most of it is people who never really had to deal with a real burial in wrestling as a fan trying to make themselves martyrs for a guy making fantastic amounts of money and marrying a beautiful woman.

Also, Foley getting pissed is a work. I guarantee it.[/jadedwrestlingsmark]


Sure, that's fan reaction, which is fine. But when I heard Foley said it was digusting I assumed something big went down.

In a lot of ways, Foley and Bryan are a lot alike. Problem is, Foley was actually given an opportunity (partly because WWF at the time was actually listening to fans due to WCW stomping them in the ratings for over a year).

This is what was left off the Royal Rumble:


The fans are 100% behind this guy. He's the hottest thing, fan reaction wise, since Rock/Austin. But now WWE doesn't have to listen to the fans, because they have "fuck you" money.


love on your sleeve
I don't blame him. WWE sounds like a terrible place to work right now. Case in point:

In that time, they can push the guys they want to push (Roman Reigns, Big E. Langston, Mojo Rowley, Alexander Rusev, etc.) to the top and keep Bryan, Ziggler, and such as upper midcard or midcard guys who occasionally get a main event push in the off months and work a good match.

If that sentence doesn't make you want to bail out, I don't know what will.


So not worth it
Dude is getting married, doesn't live an extravagant lifestyle (He mentioned on Steve Austin's podcast that he didn't want a private bus because he felt it was too luxurious for him), and has worked a ton. What happens in a year when he wakes up in a little more pain than he does today? How about 2 years, when he's had a few years of making big money and is in even more pain?

What you should know about Bryan is that this guy lives and dies with wrestling, now I'm not saying he won't ever stop wrestling, but unless the WWE doctor forbids him to ever wrestle again, he will be there.

This guy once seperated his shoulder in an Iron Man Match. It was 10 minutes into the match and he tore three tendons (one in his chest), he then wrestled the remaining 50 minutes. He also seperated his retina and finished the match, he's practically blind in that eye now. He only once ever had a match called off, when he had a stinger last year against Orton on Raw. When he got backstage, Bryan, one of the most soft-spoken mild guys in wrestling, got into a shouting match with Triple H, calling him a motherfucker at one point for daring to end that match.

Bryan wrestles, that's what he does.
The fans are 100% behind this guy. He's the hottest thing, fan reaction wise, since Rock/Austin. But now WWE doesn't have to listen to the fans, because they have "fuck you" money.

we've been over this. they have "fuck you money" cause the same fans who bitch and moan about Bryan still buy tickets, still give them ratings, still buy their merch.

there's zero reason for Vince to listen to the fans, he has them by the balls.


He is so good for the business, he'll be missed if this isn't a work. I wonder what he'll do? It seems TNA isn't really giving out big money contracts anymore. Retire or Japan maybe?


we've been over this. they have "fuck you money" cause the same fans who bitch and moan about Bryan still buy tickets, still give them ratings, still buy their merch.

there's zero reason for Vince to listen to the fans, he has them by the balls.

Good luck grabbing mine, they are the size of grapefruits.
we've been over this. they have "fuck you money" cause the same fans who bitch and moan about Bryan still buy tickets, still give them ratings, still buy their merch.

there's zero reason for Vince to listen to the fans, he has them by the balls.

Bingo. When it becomes impossible to find any WWE or WCW footage in a few months once they go nuclear on Youtube uploaders (and believe me, they will now that they have a monetary reason too), are you going to spend an hour searching for Judgement Day '00 PPV to watch the Rock/HHH Iron Man match or are you just going to pay the $10/month?

Trojan X

What you should know about Bryan is that this guy lives and dies with wrestling, now I'm not saying he won't ever stop wrestling, but unless the WWE doctor forbids him to ever wrestle again, he will be there.

This guy once seperated his shoulder in an Iron Man Match. It was 10 minutes into the match and he tore three tendons (one in his chest), he then wrestled the remaining 50 minutes. He also seperated his retina and finished the match, he's practically blind in that eye now. He only once ever had a match called off, when he had a stinger last year against Orton on Raw. When he got backstage, Bryan, one of the most soft-spoken mild guys in wrestling, got into a shouting match with Triple H, calling him a motherfucker at one point for daring to end that match.

Bryan wrestles, that's what he does.

Do you know if he has he ever tried to get his eye repaired with laser surgery?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bingo. When it becomes impossible to find any WWE or WCW footage in a few months once they go nuclear on Youtube uploaders (and believe me, they will now that they have a monetary reason too), are you going to spend an hour searching for Judgement Day '00 PPV to watch the Rock/HHH Iron Man match or are you just going to pay the $10/month?

They have been busting their ass too - I used to run a WCW archive, almost all the vids are toast as of the past year.

Never understood why a Dungeon of Doom promo got over 90k hits.


Good job, Vince and HHH!
WWE isn't just crap, it's pure shit now.

Leaving WWE once and for all.
No Punk = WWE boring

Good look with John Shitna, Randy Bore-ton and Ba-shit-sta.
I don't blame him. WWE sounds like a terrible place to work right now. Case in point:

If that sentence doesn't make you want to bail out, I don't know what will.
Yep, talk about completely talentless and soulless. Mojo Rawley the future of The E. the Darkest Timeline.


What you should know about Bryan is that this guy lives and dies with wrestling, now I'm not saying he won't ever stop wrestling, but unless the WWE doctor forbids him to ever wrestle again, he will be there.

This guy once seperated his shoulder in an Iron Man Match. It was 10 minutes into the match and he tore three tendons (one in his chest), he then wrestled the remaining 50 minutes. He also seperated his retina and finished the match, he's practically blind in that eye now. He only once ever had a match called off, when he had a stinger last year against Orton on Raw. When he got backstage, Bryan, one of the most soft-spoken mild guys in wrestling, got into a shouting match with Triple H, calling him a motherfucker at one point for daring to end that match.

Bryan wrestles, that's what he does.

Those all sound like things that are fine when you are younger, but as you get older/domesticated, you wonder what the fuck you were thinking about.

Listen, all i'm saying about people who think they should push Bryan to the moon and make him the number one guy- he's older than you think he is, and his body has more miles on it than most people his age. I would not be shocked to see him, just like Punk has apparently done, step away in his mid 30s because his body is telling him its time to take a break. (which is at least 90% of the reason Punk is stepping away now- if you've watched him lately, its been pretty clear he's been hurting to the point where he wasn't even working out much anymore)
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