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CM Punk Walks Out of the WWE

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Shame. Punk's probably my favorite recent wrestler, and pretty much one of the few reasons I kept track of WWE, even after I stopped watching a year or so ago.

Can't see this as anything but good for him, and bad for WWE. Having enough trouble creating new stars, can't afford to lose one of the few they have.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
We're better off without Punk. He had been without direction for too long. This is good for everyone.
Punk at home with AJ on the road by herself? AJ is about to find out the answer to the age old question "HOW BIG IS BATISTA'S COCK?"


Remember when Punk was the biggest thing going, with a bunch of mainstream attention, and that was smothered by HHH's I-gotta-get-in-on-this nonsense?

Remember when he held the company's biggest championship for a year and still was considered less important than John Cena slut shaming Eve and getting Zack Ryder pushed off the stage in a wheelchair?

Remember when the Rock came back and him vs Cena was the big Wrestlemania match in the year when they should have been able to capitalize on Punk vs Cena?

Remember when they brought him back for the next year and did the same exact thing?

And now Batista comes back to do the same exact thing and the crowd boos him out of the building?

edit: also there's the fact that Punk has been basically entirely shut out of the main event/title picture since last Wrestlemania, off in his own little alternate Punkiverse in the midcard while Randy "no one cares" Orton is the heel face of the company.


Yep, talk about completely talentless and soulless. Mojo Rawley the future of The E. the Darkest Timeline.

It's a bit unfair to call Mojo Rawley "soulless". Dude turned down a 400k contract with the NFL in the prime of his life to come to work in WWE developmental (which pays about 25k a year). He's green as grass but by all accounts he's passionate.
CM punk is fucking awesome. Do whatever you want man. I don't watch wrestling and haven't since WCW but for some reason I have followed his career.
Mojo Rawley is not good, he will never even be decent. NFL contracts arent guaranteed so turning a rookie deal at mini camp is nothing. He does not have the pure passion of Fergal Devvit. Who turned mopping up Japanese shit into a Gorgio Armani sponsorship. Ive seen Brawlin Budddies wrestle better than Mojo.


I don't get these complaints about his wrestling. Of course he's bad, he's been wrestling like 10 months.

He's not going to be on the main roster for probably two years.. It seems unfair to look at a green rookie and say "he will never be good" based on him being green.
Except Bryan is shit on the mic. He truly is Benoit 2.0

The kid is a genius in the ring, but stick a mic in his hand and he's a mess. Hate HHH all you want, but he destroys him everytime they exchange words. Punk always had great come backs.

I don't think he's that bad... At least he is entertaining. He's not Orton or Bastista level of horribleness... I cringe every time I have to listen to either of them open their mouth.


So not worth it
I don't get these complaints about his wrestling. Of course he's bad, he's been wrestling like 10 months.

He's not going to be on the main roster for probably two years.. It seems unfair to look at a green rookie and say "he will never be good" based on him being green.

With NXT being a mix with indie pro's and new guys coming in it's kind of hard sometimes to remember it's a place of learning, people are going to suck there, some will get better and some will keep sucking and disappear. It's hard to say wether Mojo will get better or not, but I agree with you that it's impossible for him to be good at it at this point in his career.

People said the same about Roman Reigns when he was in NXT and look where he's at now.
Meh, it seems like Punk hasn't done anything interesting in quite a while now. Like doing the bare minimum in his recent feuds while physically looking bad as well. He'll be back and it's probably best that he takes a break. Although in my eyes he's not as big of a star as some of you guys are making him out to be.

At least we still have Bryan and Cesaro.
And Christian.

His merch sales are on par with Cenas, he's probably the main reason the 18 to 40 demographic watch the show. In fact his shirts are the only ones I see people wearing on the street in the UK. Him gone is a heck of a lot of people not subscribing to the network, because without him the WWE is a full on kids show in many people's eyes.

Him gone will further cement in the minds of a good percentage of viewers that the likes of Ziggler, Bryan, Ambrose, Cesaro, Zayn and other unique wrestlers will never get ahead in this company. Yet Del Rio and the Big Show get push after push without really earning it. Who the fuck wants to see Billy Gunn and Road Dog as tag champs really?

Like all sports people get pissy when your best players are on the bench.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Him being gone is good for everyone. Punk gets to rest. Fans don't have to complain about him being put in poor stories because he isn't a draw. WWE doesn't have to shoehorn him in to their program if they don't have a solid plan for him. Everyone wins.


the problem is that, aside from Daniel Bryan, Punk was the most likely to drop a fucking fantastic match at a PPV.


Him being gone is good for everyone. Punk gets to rest. Fans don't have to complain about him being put in poor stories because he isn't a draw. WWE doesn't have to shoehorn him in to their program if they don't have a solid plan for him. Everyone wins.

Also means that Kane probably won't have a match at Elimintation Chamber. Soulplaya will make CM Punk his #1 enemy in response.
Too bad nobody else will stand up to Vince, and instead will tell him what he wants to hear so nothing will change.

Good for Punk though. The Rock coming back and getting the title and the top billing at WM annoyed me, but the same thing with Batista pisses me off to no end, due to a.) him not being anywhere near Rock's level and b.) the crowd begging and crying for Bryan to be the main event of WM.

Unfortunately, Vince will stick his head in the sand, have his "baby" hijacked by fans chanting for DB all night, then he'll throw a fit and try to bury DB even worse.

Got it.


lol this is such a work. Just like the pipebomb work.

I hope so because goddamn Punk is a great worker in and out of the ring. He's one of those guys that if Vince would just let him do his thing, he'd be as huge as Austin, Taker, Flair, Hogan, Rock, etc. But for some reason Vince has refused to let the guy shine. He does this is several of his stars. Punk, DB, Ziggler, Kofi, etc. So many guys that if they were allowed some freedom they'd surprise people. I have no doubt.
3-way/4-way main events typically mean a bad WM buyrate.

Well that title match has to be at least a 3 way, because Batista clearly can't work a half hour match alone, dude was gassed in the Rumble. The fact that Orton is generally slow in the ring might save him though.

But I'd rather keep Bryan out of any title picture with those two. Chances are he'd get injured by sloppy work. Plus months of working a program with Batista and Orton doesn't exactly sound like riveting viewing.

Wanting Bryan to have the title is all well and good, but outside of Punk, all the other people he has top matches with aren't anywhere near headling an event. Which is what happens when for ten years your big players are the Big show, Cena and Orton.

Better for him to have the belt when the likes of Reigns, Ambrose, Sandow, Ziggler, and Bray Wyatt are ready also, otherwise you're just placing a band aid over a gaping wound.

It's exactly why Punk has had nothing the past year.

If people just stop to look at things The Shield are the group that have saved this past year being a complete bore fest, along with Daniel Bryan.
I hope so because goddamn Punk is a great worker in and out of the ring. He's one of those guys that if Vince would just let him do his thing, he'd be as huge as Austin, Taker, Flair, Hogan, Rock, etc. But for some reason Vince has refused to let the guy shine. He does this is several of his stars. Punk, DB, Ziggler, Kofi, etc. So many guys that if they were allowed some freedom they'd surprise people. I have no doubt.
Vince's thoughts on these wrestlers:

Ziggler - Not a Yes Man and mouths off too often on twitter.

Daniel Bryan - Too small.

Punk - Too small. Not in shape.

Kofi - Black
That there is some incredibly crummy news to swallow. This time last year, Punk was the only thing keeping me watching wrestling. With the way Bryan's been handled lately they're running a very high chance of me dropping the product entirely.

I don't have any interest in watching a children's program.

They have basically until the day after Elimination Chamber to fix this garbage.


His only goal left in WWE is to headline Wrestlemania. Probably said fuck it since he knows Vince won't let him.

Punk always delivered in big time money matches aside from the two crappy ones he had with The Rock, which was all Rocky's fault. Then Punk went and had what was arguably the best match in 2013 with Cena on RAW, just to show that he should be headlining mania. His match with The Undertaker was pretty good, too, and so was the match between him and Brock Lesnar.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
CM Punk fans...i'm afraid i've got some BAD NEWS.


Make it happen WWE, make it happen...the heat would be epic.

Oh god this would be so amazing. I love bad news barret. Do it WWE. I was really disappointed Barret wasn't the number 30 in the rumble to break the bad news Bryan wasn't in it.

"You're all expecting your hero Daniel Bryan to come out next and win the rumble.....3....2....1.....BUT I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS"

Would have been epic.


No doubt this is nothing new. With the wrestling road travel , hobbies, and eating AJ's ass there is pretty much no time for him to sleep.

Dude's lifestyle is gonna kill him.
Im at least happy that UFC has a fan as their president who know what the people like. Say what you want about Dana White being an outspoken bozo the clown, but at least he much more in touch with his fans than Vince ever was.

Trojan X

Oh god this would be so amazing. I love bad news barret. Do it WWE. I was really disappointed Barret wasn't the number 30 in the rumble to break the bad news Bryan wasn't in it.

"You're all expecting your hero Daniel Bryan to come out next and win the rumble.....3....2....1.....BUT I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS"

Would have been epic.

Why do you love those segments? Barret should be the man aiming for world champion and putting everyone in their place, but now he is doing these kind of segment. I haven't seen him battle anyone for awhile and the last time I saw him, he had an awful theme song, strange mobster attire, and an unoriginal finisher. All Barret need is guys like Paul Haymen to push the heck out of him to break everyone for he has lots of potential. It seems so sad.
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