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CNBC: President Donald Trump's approval rating has hit a new low

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Polls overall were not wildly inaccurate. In fact they were very very accurate. Trump won with a systematic error on the models which did not account for enough uncertainty in undecided and unlikely voters.

Polls are just polls. It's the models that were wrong.

No, the state polls (i.e. the ones that count in a country that uses the EC) were way out. Sometimes by as much as 30%. That's how we went from Hillary with a 95% lock to losing.
And just think, he's still in his "honeymoon" period where the WWC voters in the midwest/rust belt/appalachia are still waiting for him to bring their jobs back. If he continues doing nothing for them (or pursuing more anti-poor policies) we could see him in the 20s by summer.
When was the last time a POTUS had an approval rating below 30%? I'm beginning to think the GOP base will make it impossible for it to sink that low.
Lower please. He can say fake news all he wants and cite friendly polls but with how thin-skinned the insecure the little shit is you know this fucking drives him nuts. Eat shit, Donald.

almost 60% disapproval
Bush had 25% and it didnt hurt him

OR trump may just beat the "system is corrupt " drum and introduce dictatorship.

Than approval ratings will be 99%

It took Iraq, Katrina, and a financial collapse to get there. Trump is flirting with 37 during his honeymoon with no major crises on people's minds. Now imagine the economy struggling in 2 years, or a botched response to something like an Ebola outbreak or massive storm.
It took Iraq, Katrina, and a financial collapse to get there. Trump is flirting with 37 during his honeymoon with no major crises on people's minds. Now imagine the economy struggling in 2 years, or a botched response to something like an Ebola outbreak or massive storm.

I wish i shared your optimism, the bar is so low for him that all he has to do is read from a teleprompter and his approval rating spikes and the media falls in love with him instantly, it took Sessions perjuring himself to snap them out of it.
How the hell has it ever gone up? What has he ever done to warrant it going up?

He read from a teleprompter for an hour and pundits like Van Jones were slobbering all over themselves calling him the greatest President of all time and shit.

That teleprompter speech involved parading out a war widow whose husband Trump killed through his incompetence and Donny announced his monstorous VOICE program that takes a Nazi approach by promoting crimes committed by immigrants to the public.
Regarding disapproval you have to subtracf 25% because it never goes that low even nixon when impeachment or resignation was inevitable didn't go below 25% approval.

So he has 13% more to lose.

Tommy DJ

He read from a teleprompter for an hour and pundits like Van Jones were slobbering all over themselves calling him the greatest President of all time and shit.

That teleprompter speech involved parading out a war widow whose husband Trump killed through his incompetence and Donny announced his monstorous VOICE program that takes a Nazi approach by promoting crimes committed by immigrants to the public.

I'm somewhat glad that, at the very least, social media dragged Van Jones for that bullshit.


No, the state polls (i.e. the ones that count in a country that uses the EC) were way out. Sometimes by as much as 30%. That's how we went from Hillary with a 95% lock to losing.
And the national polls were spot on. So any national polls about approval ratings we should take seriously. It's the individual state polls that needed work
Still too high. I want low teens at the very least. I want historically low numbers. I want him to be known as the single biggest mistake ever elected.

This. Not just the biggest mistake, but I want him to be ridiculed and reviled throughout history as a complete and utter douchebag.


This. Not just the biggest mistake, but I want him to be ridiculed and reviled throughout history as a complete and utter douchebag.

Yup. If we have to deal with this, he at least needs to be a reminder that we can never let someone like Trump win an election again. There are worse examples of leaders, but the people that voted for him tend to only think about themselves; they need to own this mistake & grow from it.

That said, I don't want anyone to get hurt/lose services. I just fear that's inevitable after everything this week.


This. Not just the biggest mistake, but I want him to be ridiculed and reviled throughout history as a complete and utter douchebag.

That's pretty much already an inevitability as society inevitably progresses (as long as it doesn't end).

Yup. If we have to deal with this, he at least needs to be a reminder that we can never let someone like Trump win an election again. There are worse examples of leaders, but the people that voted for him tend to only think about themselves; they need to own this mistake & grow from it.

That said, I don't want anyone to get hurt/lose services. I just fear that's inevitable after everything this week.
That's my only hope for this.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm somewhat glad that, at the very least, social media dragged Van Jones for that bullshit.

Van Jones made Rachel Maddow look like Woodward and Bernstein. That dude should get side eye from the universe for the rest of eternity's infinite, wheeling grandeur.

Like, that was perhaps the most bafflingly stupid little moment in this whole farce. The only thing I can think was that his mother networkd said, 'Look, try to find SOMETHING positive to say. Anything." - But he wasn't alone. That whole spectacle was an embarassment for a media that's supposed to actually protect us from tyrants and failed spectacularly from the beginning to this moment.

Tommy DJ

Van Jones made Rachel Maddow look like Woodward and Bernstein. That dude should get side eye from the universe for the rest of eternity's infinite, wheeling grandeur.

Like, that was perhaps the most bafflingly stupid little moment in this whole farce. The only thing I can think was that his mother networkd said, 'Look, try to find SOMETHING positive to say. Anything." - But he wasn't alone. That whole spectacle was an embarassment for a media that's supposed to actually protect us from tyrants and failed spectacularly from the beginning to this moment.

The worst part of it was that no once forced him to say the shit he did. If the network told him to say something nice, all he had to do is say that he didn't sound completely mental for once. Which is what a few people did say.

The dude actually had to go out of his way to say the shit he just did. Shit like if he can keep wheeling out crying widows, he's going to unify the United States and serve 8 years.

When he started the whole Love Army bullshit, I knew he was a dumbass who probably wouldn't be adversely impacted by Trump's policy decisions on the basis that he's a rich man.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The worst part of it was that no once forced him to say the shit he did. If the network told him to say something nice, all he had to do is say that he didn't sound completely mental for once. Which is what a few people did say.

The dude actually had to go out of his way to say the shit he just did. Shit like if he can keep wheeling out crying widows, he's going to unify the United States and serve 8 years.

As I get older, my memory has started to suffer a little bit. Sometimes I just forget an obscure technical term, or a portmanteau word that only works in acolloquial dialect. But I am comitting to memory the GOP, press and even democrats that are letting this fundamentally evil part of our history slide. Let the record show that we recogbnized what was happening, James Comey, and the main question in 2030 will be, what side did you align with, and why?

The Fourth Estate should be held to the following standard from now on:

"Do you [politician] believe that what is happening right now is acceptable or normal? We are making a record of these times. Choose your answer with history in mind.
If there's any good news in this, it's that a few supporters are finally starting to realize they got conned.
I will forgive people like this:

For whatever initial reason they voted for him, they've now realized they screwed up. If you're still supporting Trump at this point (and we're only two months in!), well, if you ain't rich...
Is there a time limit for retweeting? Shouldn't we be flooding Twitter every time he does something he has ironically tweeted about in the past?


Unconfirmed Member
As people pointed out, these historically low approval ratings are while the country is not experiencing a major crisis (other than Trump himself) and things are going relatively well...for now. What are these polls going to look like when they see Trump try to handle an actual emergency.

Every time I get excited thinking about Trump's approval rating when things actually go bad, I'm reminded of how terrifying it is for trump to be in charge when things go bad.

If he's this incompetent when nothing is going on, how is he going to handle it when things go bad?


Junior Member
I think the combo of Trump cutting programs, lying about Obama, looking like a fool next to world leaders, and spending EVERY weekend golfing in Florida is finally taking their toll.
What comes next is the mass terrorist attack...
He'll claim that proves he is super smart and he won't get nearly the bump Dubya did, with speeches about togetherness and needing to work with Muslims more than ever etc.

He'll say something like "I told you so" and it will only play to his base.


That was during his 2nd term.

This is Trump's 1st, & his approval ratings are already hitting low.

He also hit highs far above what Trump started with fairly early on. Granted, that was due to his response to 9/11, but...

He'll claim that proves he is super smart and he won't get nearly the bump Dubya did, with speeches about togetherness and needing to work with Muslims more than ever etc.

He'll say something like "I told you so" and it will only play to his base.

Yup. It wasn't the fact he was president during a tragedy that boosted public perception of W., it was the fact that he handled it very professionally & eloquently before... Everything else that followed.

Trump can't go a single day without attacking someone over a slight. He's continuously been developing Twitter beefs with anyone who'd bite; he's not emotionally equipped to respond to a terror attack.


Unconfirmed Member
This doesnt console me in the slightest.

Look at the fucking bump he got for reading from a god damn teleprompter without shitting all over the walls, the bar hasnt been lowered, there is no bar.

To be fair, addressing congress always gives a boost to the president, and he didn't get that noticable of a bump in approval polls despite certain centrist and liberal pundits falling over themselves to praise him.
What's the lowest approval rating in history?

I'd like Trump to smash that record.

Also how is he doing on his 100-day action plan to Make America Gonorrhea Again?
And this is DURING the 100-day presidential honeymoon period.

Dude's a fucking trainwreck, as is his presidency. I hope if he doesn't get impeached, he gets destroyed in 2020.


And this is DURING the 100-day presidential honeymoon period.

Dude's a fucking trainwreck, as is his presidency. I hope if he doesn't get impeached, he gets destroyed in 2020.

I hope he drags the entire Republican party down with him too. The Democrats should focus on tying everything to the party, they were complicit in his rise, after all.
And this is DURING the 100-day presidential honeymoon period.

Dude's a fucking trainwreck, as is his presidency. I hope if he doesn't get impeached, he gets destroyed in 2020.

He most likely will.

Plus registered voters who just sat in their homes & didn't vote for either Hillary or Trump aren't going to let Trump get a 2nd term. No way in hell.
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