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CNN anchor tears up talking about shellshocked Syrian boy pulled out of rubble

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Again there is a difference in how the US sell their intentions and how is people see the intentions of their government truly are. The US is the leaser of 2 evils? Yes and? How does that make the actions of the US any better than the Russians when the result is the same? How do you claim the US has moral high ground when they are currently allies with a theocratic state that beheads people? How are you claiming the US has moral high ground to judge the actions of any nation at all when the Saudis are bombing schools and hospitals?

Maybe just maybe, the US should fuck off from regions nobody asked to be in and where they are only there because of political gains, because they sure as shit don't give a crap about human rights being violated.
That is all fine talk, but we are already at this point. So the US can pull out completely and be done with it, and they would be judged for it also.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Nobody wants the US to be the world police, until something happens and everybody is looking their direction again. Can't blame people also for that, since the other options seem to be Russia or China. And the EU I guess, but we here in Europe don't seem to be that effective also on the world stage when it comes to these kind of conflicts.

Doesn't mean I'm happy with the things they do or the allies they keep everywhere.
You're on some strange ideological purity trip with this logic. It's like saying that someone who steals paper-clips is morally the same as someone who robs a bank.

And you seem disturbingly comfortable to the US own mistakes only because the rest is fucking it up even more. Personally I would love the US to fuck of the region and then aim all the blame to Russia, though Russia doesn't seem to care what their global image is, not that the US is any better when it comes to that.

That is all fine talk, but we are already at this point. So the US can pull out completely and be done with it, and they would be judged for it also.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Nobody wants the US to be the world police, until something happens and everybody is looking their direction again. Can't blame people also for that, since the other options seem to be Russia or China. And the EU I guess, but we here in Europe don't seem to be that effective also on the world stage when it comes to these kind of conflicts.

Doesn't mean I'm happy with the things they do or the allies they keep everywhere.

The world has always had terrible events occurring or terrible governments and dictators, nobody asked the US to intervene in any of those, the US did it on their own accord pursuing their own agenda and lying to people about their true intentions.

What would happen if the US didn't started a proxy war in Syria? Who knows maybe they should stay the fuck out and let countries to their own volition, that be utter chaos and death or maybe to find their own solution. Nobody wants a US policing the world and nobody truly ask them to do it, they just took on the job so they could persue their political goals by force if they wanted.


Saddam did not literally destroy his country in response to peaceful protests. Not that he didn't do his fair share of slaughtering protesters.

Peaceful protests? Bashar Al Assad is part religious minority that has been constantly massacred by Sunnis, who are on the same side as ISIS on the rebellion lol.

They are all degenerates, don't try to shift the blame like this.


Unconfirmed Member
The only good news about this (trying to find some glitter of hope).

1) The boy is "ok" and his family too. For now.
2) The world is shocked. That's better than indifference in my book.

I'm going to sound super cynical here so take it for what you will but the reaction to this is like when the show a sad puppy on the news. Everyone wants to ring up and adopt that puppy but will they bother their arse to help the thousands of others? no. This war has been going on for years and the only time anyone even gives a shit is when a sad picture appears on their twitter timeline. They'll forgot about this just as quick like that little boy that drowned last year.
What would happen if the US didn't started a proxy war in Syria?
The US didn't start a proxy war. We kept our hands off. We tried giving some guns to some rebel forces early on but Obama was highly disinterested by the whole thing and pulled the plug. The worst humanitarian crisis in the 21st century, this civil war, is the result of the US keeping its hands off and there being no UN resolution in place.
The world has always had terrible events occurring or terrible governments and dictators, nobody asked the US to intervene in any of those, the US did it on their own accord pursuing their own agenda and lying to people about their true intentions.

What would happen if the US didn't started a proxy war in Syria? Who knows maybe they should stay the fuck out and let countries to their own volition, that be utter chaos and death or maybe to find their own solution. Nobody wants a US policing the world and nobody truly ask them to do it, they just took on the job so they could persue their political goals by force if they wanted.
You are doing some rewriting of history here. The US got involved after the people rose up against Assad and demanded he step down, like people in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt done also. You make it seem like they started it? What did they lie about to get involved in Syria exactly?

And like I said, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Whenever a conflict breaks out, the world looks at the US. If they refuse to do anything while people are slaughtered, they are condemned for it also. Comes with the position of being the worlds most powerful nation of course.
You are doing some rewriting of history here. The US got involved after the people rose up against Assad and demanded he step down, like people in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt done also. You make it seem like they started it? What did they lie about to get involved in Syria exactly?

And like I said, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Whenever a conflict breaks out, the world looks at the US. If they refuse to do anything while people are slaughtered, they are condemned for it also. Comes with the position of being the worlds most powerful nation of course.

The US didn't start a proxy war. We kept our hands off. We tried giving some guns to some rebel forces early on but Obama was highly disinterested by the whole thing and pulled the plug. The worst humanitarian crisis in the 21st century, this civil war, is the result of the US keeping its hands off and there being no UN resolution in place.

May bad, they didn't start the war, but the proxy war did start because they couldn't keep their hands out if it and "allow" Russia to increase their sphere of influence, even though Assad and Russia where already allies before all this mess broke down.

Also I have never seen citizens in any part of the world asking for the US for help on their own internal affairs. That is an attitude no one has. Nobody is asking the US to go to Syria and solve the issue if anything more and more people are asking for them to fuck off the region, though that will never happen.
Yeah this war is messed up. It didnt really hit me until I saw a video of a kid around 10 years old. He was a bombing victim by Assad. His leg was blown off from above the kneecap. He was just trying to move what wasn't there while on a stretcher. He wasn't crying either, I guess it was fairly recent when the video was taken. :/


Peaceful protests? Bashar Al Assad is part religious minority that has been constantly massacred by Sunnis, who are on the same side as ISIS on the rebellion lol.

They are all degenerates, don't try to shift the blame like this.

Huh? The war absolutely started with peaceful protests. How the fuck is that shifting the blame?


Pro-democracy protests erupted in March 2011 in the southern city of Deraa after the arrest and torture of some teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall. After security forces opened fire on demonstrators, killing several, more took to the streets.
The unrest triggered nationwide protests demanding President Assad's resignation. The government's use of force to crush the dissent merely hardened the protesters' resolve. By July 2011, hundreds of thousands were taking to the streets across the country.
Opposition supporters eventually began to take up arms, first to defend themselves and later to expel security forces from their local areas.

Also, ISIS only came into the picture deep into the Syrian civil war, it was not there from the start, and rebel forces are fighting them as well as the regime at this point.

Also I have never seen citizens in any part of the world asking for the US for help on their own internal affairs. That is an attitude no one has. Nobody is asking the US to go to Syria and solve the issue if anything more and more people are asking for them to fuck off the region, though that will never happen.

You are 100% rewriting history with this line. The Syrian rebels were absolutely expecting an intervention ala Lybia when the civil war broke out. There were numerous requests for intervention. Like this one:


We Syrians had hoped that the international community could cooperate in helping lift us from the daily terror we live in, but with the Security Council in stalemate, it is hard not to feel abandoned by it. Instead, we turn to the United States, which we know can still make a difference.

That’s not to suggest that Washington hasn’t been helpful already. We appreciate that the Obama administration has repeatedly issued demands for Bashar al-Assad to cede power, and that, together with the EU, the Arab League, and Turkey, it has implemented sanctions to undermine the regime. But more decisive action is needed.

Not to mention that the Lybians were also looking for an intervention. Hell, even a lot of Iraqis wanted U.S. intervention before it happened.
May bad, they didn't start the war, but the proxy war did start because they couldn't keep their hands out if it and "allow" Russia to increase their sphere of influence, even though Assad and Russia where already allies before all this mess broke down.

Also I have never seen citizens in any part of the world asking for the US for help on their own internal affairs. That is an attitude no one has. Nobody is asking the US to go to Syria and solve the issue if anything more and more people are asking for them to fuck off the region, though that will never happen.
I think you might want to check that timeline. From what I remember the Russians got involved after. The US didn't go in beside some support for the rebels there. Might not have been the best idea looking back, but Assad was slaughtering his own people by then. If anything, the US this time tried their best to keep their hands of, but got pulled in anyway since stuff was going bad quickly.

And if you don't see how the world looks to the US for leadership and action with most conflicts, I don't know what to tell you. It's pretty much the first thing that happens with any conflict.


I think you might want to check that timeline. From what I remember the Russians got involved after. The US didn't go in beside some support for the rebels there. Might not have been the best idea looking back, but Assad was slaughtering his own people by then.

And if you don't see how the world looks tot he US for leadership and action with most conflicts, I don't know what to tell you.

Russians were supplying weapons to Assad from the beginning, then they deepened their involvement as time went on.



He and his family are alive and well... It is the only consolation we have about this... :(

The child is so disoriented that he neither cries nor shouts but instead looks confused as he puts his hand up to a large open wound on his forehead.
“Omran’s mum and dad then arrived [at the hospital] shortly after… in a second wave of injured people. Only then, once Omran saw them, did he start to cry”.

I feel like crying myself :(


It's fucking rough. I used to be pretty dispassionate about this stuff, but reading the stories of the siege and how parents can't do anything about their babies crying for milk really hits home. I can't even imagine not being able to satiate my baby's hunger and just having to listen to her cry and cry and cry. Definitely gets me emotional.


It is really weird how some people here seem to think Russia and Assad are some unconditionally evil badguys while the US is just trying to help the poor rebels. Maybe look up some of those so-called "moderate rebels" - is cutting off heads and posing for photographs now considered "moderate"?

Add to that the islamists supported by Turkey (NATO country) and Saudi-Arabia(the US' biggest ally in the region). Plus the US gear that fell into the hands of ISIS etc.

Don't get me wrong, Assad absolutely is a criminal and Russia is no doubt commiting crimes as well. But some of the posts in this thread sound incredibly american-centric "good vs evil" style, it hurts. There are many players in this conflicts and they each have their own geopolitical goals, no government is acting because of a noble humanitarian goal.

You are comparing Saddam to Assad's Syria while the latter is in a full-blown civil war? The reason people say Assad must go is because the country will not stabilize with him in power. This is a fact, especially since Syria is a major proxy war right now between Suuni and Shia as the gulf states (Saudis, etc.) fuel the rebels.

So much happened that each side is full with extremes that I do not believe it is possible to achieve peace while Assad is in power; his removal is the least that can be done to even begin looking at peace.

How would creating even more of a power vacuum help at all? There are essentially no moderate rebels left. If anything I believe this would push Syria into even more chaos.


That reeks of "We must take Saddam to bring peace to the region". I find hilarious that people are using the same arguments now and exchange Saddam with Assad. Yes Assad is a terrible dictator but that doesn't mean the US should focus on bringing "democracy" to the region if they aren't willing to deal with a possible even worse elected leader.

Also yesterday we hear how Saudi Arabia bombed a doctor without borders hospital in Yemen and the week before the US SOLD weapons to Saudi Arabia for over 1 Billion or more. Then you see the mass media in the US crying crocodile tears for a kid being bombed in Syria but not even raise the question of why their government is selling weapons to a theocratic state that is basically bombing hospitals and schools.

You are comparing Saddam to Assad's Syria while the latter is in a full-blown civil war? The reason people say Assad must go is because the country will not stabilize with him in power. This is a fact, especially since Syria is a major proxy war right now between Suuni and Shia as the gulf states (Saudis, etc.) fuel the rebels.

So much happened that each side is full with extremes that I do not believe it is possible to achieve peace while Assad is in power; his removal is the least that can be done to even begin looking at peace.

Also, I would not compare the Saudi's with a nation like Syria or even Iraq (and even Iraq was pushing it), when you keep talking about U.S support for them.

U.S maintains it's policy with the Saud's not because they like them, but because it is a necessity. Otherwise we will see major issues going forward in the Middle-east between Shia nations and Suuni ones (Iran vs Saudia Arabia) which would have a detrimental effect on the world economy due to oil.
You are 100% rewriting history with this line. The Syrian rebels were absolutely expecting an intervention ala Lybia when the civil war broke out. There were numerous requests for intervention. Like this one:


Not to mention that the Lybians were also looking for an intervention. Hell, even a lot of Iraqis wanted U.S. intervention before it happened.

That person is/was a spoke person of a rebel faction, of course they wanted the US aid because Assad was getting Russia backing them. That is not the people demonstrating they actively want US intervention in the region. Where are the people then clamoring for the US to actively intervene Syria? Where are the people that are clamoring for the Military to go and save the day again? All I see is Syrian people fleeing the war zone and the ones that can't are basically casualties of the civil war that both Russia and the US are interested in keep going because of their political bets in the region.

I think you might want to check that timeline. From what I remember the Russians got involved after. The US didn't go in beside some support for the rebels there. Might not have been the best idea looking back, but Assad was slaughtering his own people by then. If anything, the US this time tried their best to keep their hands of, but got pulled in anyway since stuff was going bad quickly.

And if you don't see how the world looks to the US for leadership and action with most conflicts, I don't know what to tell you. It's pretty much the first thing that happens with any conflict.

Russia got involved BECAUSE of the active involvement of the US to take down Assad by backing several rebel groups with weapons, training, etc etc. I don't see how the US has their hands clean of all this at all.

You are comparing Saddam to Assad's Syria while the latter is in a full-blown civil war? The reason people say Assad must go is because the country will not stabilize with him in power. This is a fact, especially since Syria is a major proxy war right now between Suuni and Shia as the gulf states (Saudis, etc.) fuel the rebels.

So much happened that each side is full with extremes that I do not believe it is possible to achieve peace while Assad is in power; his removal is the least that can be done to even begin looking at peace.

Also, I would not compare the Saudi's with a nation like Syria or even Iraq (and even Iraq was pushing it), when you keep talking about U.S support for them.

U.S maintains it's policy with the Saud's not because they like them, but because it is a necessity. Otherwise we will see major issues going forward in the Middle-east between Shia nations and Suuni ones (Iran vs Saudia Arabia) which would have a detrimental effect on the world economy due to oil.

My point is that people "clamoring" for the US to do something out of the "human rights" violations going on in Syria are either blind or willingly not opening their eyes. The US clearly doesn't care about "human rights" being violated in the region, they clearly don't care that their own allies constantly violate human rights. How the US could speak out against terrorism if they are supporting a government that basically acts like ISIS (without going into the rabbit hole that the Saudis could be backing ISIS with money,guns,whatever)?

My point being that there is a lot of hypocrisy and people should see things for what they are, 2 powerful nations seeking to gain something in a region and be damned all the persons that have to suffer for it.
The regime has killed 98 percent of the civilians in this civil war. That's not majority. That uber majority. And the regime has 200k people in its dungeons where virgin women are raped and kids aborted on a massive industrial scale.

If you want to know what assad is capable of in his dungeons read on this

google his corpse. I am telling you right now. saddam has not done 1% of what assad has done to syrians. Assad has taken syria back to the stone age. I said it before. Those mongols who ransacked baghadad have nothing on this guy

I knew they were capable of atrocities, but torturing children. Fuck.


Junior Member
God dammit....

I look at that picture and think of what I was doing when I was 5. I was playing TBall. I was playing with friends. I was being a kid. It just blows my mind, still, that here we have an innocent 5 year old who just survived a bombing. This kid has already witnessed more atrocities first hand in 5 years than I have in 25. Just... wow.


It is really weird how some people here seem to think Russia and Assad are some unconditionally evil badguys while the US is just trying to help the poor rebels. Maybe look up some of those so-called "moderate rebels" - is cutting off heads and posing for photographs now considered "moderate"?

Add to that the islamists supported by Turkey (NATO country) and Saudi-Arabia(the US' biggest ally in the region). Plus the US gear that fell into the hands of ISIS etc.

Don't get me wrong, Assad absolutely is a criminal and Russia is no doubt commiting crimes as well. But some of the posts in this thread sound incredibly american-centric "good vs evil" style, it hurts. There are many players in this conflicts and they each have their own geopolitical goals, no government is acting because of a noble humanitarian goal.

How would creating even more of a power vacuum help at all? There are essentially no moderate rebels left. If anything I believe this would push Syria into even more chaos.

You don't seem to get it. The country has been in such turmoil for so long with so many lives lost, that any attempts to quell the rebels would have to come with an Assad replacement as a condition for talks of surrender. The rebels will fight until they run out of graves to put their dead into because that is how indecisive Assad's force is in the battles.

Its like asking you to work for a person who murdered your entire family and expecting you to deal with it, while you have him there and a gun in your hand.

That person is/was a spoke person of a rebel faction, of course they wanted the US aid because Assad was getting Russia backing them. That is not the people demonstrating they actively want US intervention in the region. Where are the people then clamoring for the US to actively intervene Syria? Where are the people that are clamoring for the Military to go and save the day again? All I see is Syrian people fleeing the war zone and the ones that can't are basically casualties of the civil war that both Russia and the US a cal bets in the region.

Russia got involved BECAUSE of the active involvement of the US to take down Assad by backing several rebel groups with weapons, training, etc etc. I don't see how the US has their hands clean of all this at all.

Russia got involved because of the active involvement of the Gulf States actually, as that is where the rebels got most of their weapons and training. U.S didn't start supplying weapons until later on.

Your sentence is clearly wrong anyways and you are moving the goal posts. There are ALWAYS someone in a country who is on the other side, there is always someone asking for intervention.

Afghanistan (current)

These are just 4 of the list of plenty of nations that asks for U.S assistance with their insurgencies. There are more, but these are off the top of my head.

Also you are incorrect, U.S have no interest in keeping the Syrian Civil War going. What do U.S gain from Syria? The one's who have interest in Syria are the regional powers there and that and U.S's status as a global power are the reasons why U.S is in this.

U.S further got involved due to the chemical attacks and the rise of ISIS (2013 marks the year U.S actually fully got involved in Syria.)

My point is that people "clamoring" for the US to do something out of the "human rights" violations going on in Syria are either blind or willingly not opening their eyes. The US clearly doesn't care about "human rights" being violated in the region, they clearly don't care that their own allies constantly violate human rights. How the US could speak out against terrorism if they are supporting a government that basically acts like ISIS (without going into the rabbit hole that the Saudis could be backing ISIS with money,guns,whatever)?

My point being that there is a lot of hypocrisy and people should see things for what they are, 2 powerful nations seeking to gain something in a region and be damned all the persons that have to suffer for it.

You focus on the wrong things here then. The argument shouldn't be "well how clean is your record?" when talking about intervention, it should be "What are you planning to do" and then we can go on from there to find out how to execute that plan and it's results.

You would be that guy that points out the morals of countries that want to intervene when Rwanda is happening, huh? Kind of dislike that approach when talking about intervening in a conflict that claimed 400,000 lives in 5-6 years.
Damn, picture's like these are hard to look at, poor kid and the sad part is that the kids pulled from the rubble have probably lived almost their entire lives in war. Bombs and gunfire are probably a regular part if their lives by now.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
I would just like to say I just openly wept for that boy. My son is that age and it breaks my heart to see he cute little face in such shock and terror. God bless these people and ease the suffering of the innocent.
You are doing some rewriting of history here. The US got involved after the people rose up against Assad and demanded he step down, like people in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt done also. You make it seem like they started it? What did they lie about to get involved in Syria exactly?

And like I said, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Whenever a conflict breaks out, the world looks at the US. If they refuse to do anything while people are slaughtered, they are condemned for it also. Comes with the position of being the worlds most powerful nation of course.

You are talking like the US didnt help the tyrants in Tunisia and Egypt gain power in the first place.
Jesus christ, I can't deal with this, I wish there was something I could do.
Why is the world so unfair?
I just want to hug those kids, give them some kind of comfort.

Edit: So glad to know he's reunited with his parents.
That's perhaps the saddest thing I've ever seen. No words. Seeing stuff like this is why I ultimately support letting in taking in some of those refugees, because even if we get some possibly bad apples, we will hopefully have a few instances where we give kids like this a better life away from war.


Heartbreaking. My wife was born there. She had lots of family there too but thankfully they left early on in the war to Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.


I do find it interesting the sort of leaway the US gets ion these arguments. If Russia does it, they are monsters, if Obama (and, inevitably Clinton) will do it, its for the greater good and they are really underappreciated saints of virtue.

Pick one.


There are no good actors left in the country that have any amount of influence. All there are is thugs with weapons and the civilians caught in the crossfire.

All we can do is try and get the civilians out of there and help support them.

No faction in that country is deserving of any support.

There are no 'moderate' rebels. Good lord the very phrase is a contradiction in terms.


The image and the video of him are soul crushing. I couldn't help but get choked up over this. Him just being utterly shocked and confused as to what happened and sitting there quiet, not crying or shedding a single tear, while he presses his hand to where he's bleeding from and looks at his dirtied hand in wonder. While I'm happy him and his family survived I still feel so much sympathy for him. Nobody should ever have to go through that, let alone an innocent kid like that.


You know shit is terrible when a news anchor -- who has reported so much violence and horror in their career life -- can barely contain his/her emotions in check.

When we see terrible shit like this, and we see news anchors that can tell the story with a stoic face, we can separate ourselves from it. But when we see such a human reaction, it really hits home and our hearts break.

This war is wrong on so many levels. You have to wonder why people like Assad cling to their seat of power. Why not just go? Why not just say, fuck, I'm responsible for so many deaths, I need to get out of here? What kind of justification could he possibly have for spreading so much pain and chaos to his own people?
This war is wrong on so many levels. You have to wonder why people like Assad cling to their seat of power. Why not just go? Why not just say, fuck, I'm responsible for so many deaths, I need to get out of here? What kind of justification could he possibly have for spreading so much pain and chaos to his own people?

For Bashar al-Assad, it's a matter of survival. He has to stay in Syria and be it's leader. If he is deposed, he will most certainly be arrested and tried for war crimes and convicted. It seems he is willing to sacrifice every life in the country he rules to avoid that fate. He's even willing to become a puppet and client state of Russia. There is nothing al-Assad will not do to ensure his own survival.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I am a heartless person whose capacity for feeling anything other than happiness, regardless of the situation is next to nil. However, this picture is one of the saddest, most powerful images I have ever seen, up there with this:




:( Just horrible, horrible shit. The evil in this world is just too much.
The United States doesn't have any problems supporting tyrants and governments that violate human rights either. We shouldn't look to the US to solve shit.


Every single dictatorship in Latin America and other parts of the world, for the last 60 years has been designed, imposed, supported and led by the US, so please, don't give us the crap of the US being the "beacon of hope" because it never was and still certainly isn't.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

I knew they were capable of atrocities, but torturing children. Fuck.
Even using the most twisted of arguments from the logic and rationale of the biggest asshole dictator, I can't even fathom a reason for torturing a kid. It doesn't make a lick of sense. Worse, they sent the mutilated body back to his family, clearly not caring two shits about how that'd make them look. It's really quite astonishing.


I knew they were capable of atrocities, but torturing children. Fuck.
Google the pictures of baniyas massacre of 2013 and know hamza Al khattib was not an accident.

A man once said that human beings are the most depraved creation on earth. When asked why he said, a man can do the most horrible thing on earth and there would be people willing to defend him.

So when I see posters here defending bashar Al assad I am reminded that wild animals are actually more humane than humans in general
There are still plenty of rebel factions which envision a pluralist future for Syria. However due to Obama's inaction (and gulf country's / Turkish action) those factions' power is dwindling and they have to ally with Islamists in some places.
Continuing Obama's approach will Islamize the rebellion even more because the gulf countries will simply continue to fund it and the those rebels will continue to get shit done.
Had there been a no fly zone after the sarin gas attack, the war may have been over by now.
Well tell that to Russia, Iran and their stupid baby Alassad. As long as the world is not willing to take something actually decisive this won't end anytime soon.

It had already been ongoing for years before the Russians took part, let's not be immature and make a singular scapegoat for this nonsense.
My god some of you people seriously try to hard.

"Oh my god US is evil" "No Russia is evil it's all their fault"

Do you guys realise Syria became like this because a civil war turned into a proxy war?

You guys are so quick to blame Russia and America (especially America, since a lot of people are trying to be tryhards) and completely dissolve responsibility from Arab/Muslim countries that seem to fuel this war without no care for the Syrian people.

This is Assad's fault for being a dictator scum

This is the fault of Arab/Muslim countries trying to be opportunists

This is the fault of terrorist extremists for capitalizing on the turmoil.

This is a hard war to end because everyone involved in this is a fucking opportunist.


That person is/was a spoke person of a rebel faction, of course they wanted the US aid because Assad was getting Russia backing them. That is not the people demonstrating they actively want US intervention in the region. Where are the people then clamoring for the US to actively intervene Syria? Where are the people that are clamoring for the Military to go and save the day again? All I see is Syrian people fleeing the war zone and the ones that can't are basically casualties of the civil war that both Russia and the US are interested in keep going because of their political bets in the region.

Russia got involved BECAUSE of the active involvement of the US to take down Assad by backing several rebel groups with weapons, training, etc etc. I don't see how the US has their hands clean of all this at all.

My point is that people "clamoring" for the US to do something out of the "human rights" violations going on in Syria are either blind or willingly not opening their eyes. The US clearly doesn't care about "human rights" being violated in the region, they clearly don't care that their own allies constantly violate human rights. How the US could speak out against terrorism if they are supporting a government that basically acts like ISIS (without going into the rabbit hole that the Saudis could be backing ISIS with money,guns,whatever)?

My point being that there is a lot of hypocrisy and people should see things for what they are, 2 powerful nations seeking to gain something in a region and be damned all the persons that have to suffer for it.

UGG. Stop with this false "the US is just as bad" bullshit. It is 100% intellectually dishonest. It is Alex Jones level bullshit.

The west is constantly asked to intervene. You seem to have an incredibly short memory. You might want to read up on Rwanda to see what happens when the west does absolutely nothing.
I do find it interesting the sort of leaway the US gets ion these arguments. If Russia does it, they are monsters, if Obama (and, inevitably Clinton) will do it, its for the greater good and they are really underappreciated saints of virtue.

Pick one.

not sure if we are reading the same thread? People in this thread are blaming the US for what's happening in Syria (but lets forget that the war was already happening before the US got involved)
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