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CNN: Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year

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Has more vacation days than probably any working/ middle class person in the world. Makes money that goes directly to his pocket. Any expense of his is payed by the tax payers.


Dozens of agents from field offices across the country, including New York, have been temporarily pulled off their normal criminal investigation duties to work two-week rotations protecting members of the large Trump family, Secret Service officials told CNN.
As if the wasted money wasn't bad enough
Amazing, just amazing.
i mean he is a member of the capitalist class so yes. has he ever demonstrated how he's an actual worthwhile member of society?

I sometimes think of what kind of response Trump would give if someone asked him if he's ever done yard work, home maintenance, or cooked on an outdoor grill. Since he's a hero for blue collar Americans surely he has experience with these things.


Neo Member
I asked my dad how he felt about Trump out spending Obamas annual vacation budget in just a few months. He just said "You probably saw that on CNN." :



Even more here:

This is like astral projection or something. How could he know that he'd be president, playing golf?


I asked my dad how he felt about Trump out spending Obamas annual vacation budget in just a few months. He just said "You probably saw that on CNN." :

These people can't be bargained or reasoned with.

Sexual assault? CNN lies
Forced to settle fraud case? Totally CNN
Suspicious trail of dead Russians? CNN bullshiting again
Makes fun of dead vet's parents. C-N-N

You should find as many reputable right wing sources and see if there is some change.


plus this double whammy:


His avatar makes me scream inside, and then sob quietly in the fetal position in the darkest corner of my soul. The plastic, Cheshire smiles of hateful people are in a way acts of abuse.

On topic, this is a fitting notice for Made-up Monday. Looking forward to whatever lazy excuse our faithful president accident provides on Twoface Tuesday or Hypocrisy Humpday while he's launching missiles from his golf course.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
People elected a man who is the epitome of conspicuous consumption, lives in gold plated towers, and is an avatar of gluttony upon the Earth.

Now they get to pay for it themselves.


I'm surprised people havent just attached these tweets to signs and protested with them.

Or putting them all over a building or something like that.


So... Has Russiagate really just been forgotten or? I mean now that Trump is all presidential and bomby?

Of course it hasn't. Just because it's not dominating the news cycle 24/7 doesn't mean the people in charge of actively investigating it aren't doing their jobs while the rest of us talk about other newsworthy events like the attack on the Syrian airbase, the terror attack in Sweden, the murder-suicide in that school, the United airlines fiasco, etc.

We'll be hearing about Russia/Trump again in no time.


Hey, he's saving a lot of money now that he's president! It makes me sick when I think that people indirectly pay for all that.


Was thinking that maybe this fuck could get an illness that would keep him admitted to a hospital but unfortunately that would probably cost more
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