Rated-Rsuperstar said:MW2 is the most dudebro Michael Bay explode-athon game there is.
:lol :lol :lol
Rated-Rsuperstar said:MW2 is the most dudebro Michael Bay explode-athon game there is.
NullPointer said:Completely true :lol :lol
Where Modern Warfare 1 and 2 are Tom Clancy wet dreams on crack, Treyarch installments are full on Last Action Hero.
Lets just disagree to disagree. I think you guys are all bizarro world.d0c_zaius said:I think you have it wrong.
MW2 was if spike TV took a tom clancy book and made it into a tv movie.
WaW had Jack bauer yelling crazy shit and one of the most satisfying slo-mo end sequences in all the CODS.....imo of course.
The first picture shows Black Ops hitting 100% or near 100% CPU usage at all times, however despite getting a solid 60 FPS, the stuttering persists. Making the game completely unplayable to my standards. I regularly play at 1920x1200, but I downscaled the resolution to show the CPU usage and other data.
The second picture shows MW2 running in a similarly hectic area, only using 52% of the CPU, the kicker? The system idle process is using more of the CPU than the iw4sp.exe is.
The conclusion? This is not a GPU related bug - this is in the origin of the CPU, and terrible optimizations on behalf of Treyarch. The game was purchased for me, so that I could review it - and believe you me... this knocks the score off what it could be.
Gary Whitta said:I played the SP campaign right through and have played an hour or two of MP and haven't noticed any performance issues on PC yet.
Wat? :lolDrBo42 said:Congrats. I had a nice killstreak going last night in Combat Training until I got knifed in the back by the Gary Whitta bot.
About six hours.Happy Phantom said:so how long is the campaign anyways? I'm sure it's been answered, but this thread moves pretty fast
The bots are all made up of people you have on your steam list, even if they don't have the game. It's hilarious.TheOddOne said:Wat? :lol
Shut up and write Book of Eli 2: Eli Harder, you lucky bastard. :lolGary Whitta said:I played the SP campaign right through and have played an hour or two of MP and haven't noticed any performance issues on PC yet.
That's because ninja pro doesn't make enemy footsteps louder. It makes their voices louder and makes your guy completely mute. It's not sitrep pro.akmcbroom said:OK, first off.. This game is much better than MW2 in multiplayer!!
My only complaint is what's wrong with Ninja Pro?
Where are my footsteps??
Why can I not hear anyone who sneaks up behind me, even when I'm using Ninja Pro?
Anyone else notice this?
akmcbroom said:OK, first off.. This game is much better than MW2 in multiplayer!!
My only complaint is what's wrong with Ninja Pro?
Where are my footsteps??
Why can I not hear anyone who sneaks up behind me, even when I'm using Ninja Pro?
Anyone else notice this?
Contracts? Though I suppose that might require not sucking.Wildstar75 said:Any recommendations for scoring cod points, besides not sucking?
canadian crowe said:I did love theVery unique stuff.gas mask section, and the tunnel section.
The M.O.B said:I'm new to this zombie mode, never played WAW.
HOW the heck do you kill the fire dogs??? They just keep coming, and are almost impossible to hit with anything.
I cant get past level 6![]()
obviously.Red Blaster said:What you listed is in literally every CoD campaign.
Kyoufu said:Prone diving is retarded. I'd rather have dicks raining down death from the sky than this shit.
DrBo42 said:Leveling in Combat Training is completely separate from the normal MP right? Seems like that's a great way to try out and buy weapons/perks without wasting your legit points.
Xux said:It sure is. Anyone higher than level 19 is playing way too much and needs to take more breaks.
Yeah, I"m not sure why they got rid of this.GDJustin said:- Major bummer that there is no "overall" leaderboard (sorted by rank/XP). I used to spend a lot of time looking at the comparative ranks of me and my friends. After a night of hard playing, check to see if I jump my friends on the EXP chart, etc.
Not to mention, the PS3 version (at least in multiplayer) suffers from poor framerate on pretty much every single map.manzo said:AlStrong of Beyond3D on this image comparison:
Welp, based on that shot, the PS3 edge indicates 540 vertical. The 360 is at a higher resolution than that (different, but not too far from 1024x600).
I'm still looking for longer stretches before I give anything more exact than that, but that's the gist of it.
Also the PS3 version suffers from small texture hits (smaller objects like magazines, bottles etc), toned-down bloom and lower-res alphas like explosions.
IW did a waaaaaaayyyy better job with the PS3 than Treyarch did. Shame since CoD MW's were nearly (if not perfectly) identical with the 360 counterparts.On the other hand, the comparisons are pretty fucking awesome, the PC version runs circles around both console versions combined! :lol
DrBo42 said:You made that? Or was that prefab?
:lol The same thing I thought tooMarshMellow96 said:Shit was in Metro 2033, yo.
you mean compare wins, losses, kill ratio with friends? or just rank/xp? cause you can still compare the other stuff for each game mode. But i guess that's not what you mean.GDJustin said:- Major bummer that there is no "overall" leaderboard (sorted by rank/XP). I used to spend a lot of time looking at the comparative ranks of me and my friends. After a night of hard playing, check to see if I jump my friends on the EXP chart, etc.
online the framerate or lag in some maps is pretty aparent. Just online thoughUFRA said:Also, I'm on PS3 version and the game has been working great. Not sure why people are whining so much about frame rates.