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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


Zinga said:
Anyone else think the Medal of Honor campaign was better than Black Ops? I honestly can't see why Medal of Honor got panned whilst this gets praised!

so far yes i do think MOH was better, but only reason it got the scores it did was due to the issues of scripting which i will admit gets annoying, but i will say
when you are fighting on the moutain in MOH and almost get fucked by the army, was one of the most intense parts in a game since Assassins creed 2 i have felt in a long time. For some reason I really loved that part and wished more games could pull it off,

BTW screw black ops, im going back to MW2, i will not be purchasing another treyarch game again. PS3 version btw, its unacceptable for a game to run this bad when the year before IW put out a game that can actually hold its framerate. (no offense to any of the people that like the game, but i just feel cheated out of 80$).

REV 09

njean777 said:
so far yes i do think MOH was better, but only reason it got the scores it did was due to the issues of scripting which i will admit gets annoying, but i will say
when you are fighting on the moutain in MOH and almost get fucked by the army, was one of the most intense parts in a game since Assassins creed 2 i have felt in a long time. For some reason I really loved that part and wished more games could pull it off,
Only 5 missions in, but MoH is better so far. I really liked the core combat in MoH. This is actually one of the weaker cods.


REV 09 said:
Only 5 missions in, but MoH is better so far. I really liked the core combat in MoH. This is actually one of the weaker cods.

I agree i like the campaign in MOH a lot actually, even if there is a lot of scripting. The MP im not really keen on since its just BFBC but its still better then black ops hands down for me.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I swear to god I want to punch the ever living shit out of Treyarch's first born kids

Who on earth thought up of that hill scenario and went hey let's make it infinite respawn, 1000%+ accuracy, 1000%+ damage for the enemy, and you are a sitting duck, that every enemies aim is pointed towards you.

I have seen my AI teammates eat 2+ grenades and a fuck-ton of bullets and survive like nothing happened, stay behind cover, let enemies pass them, and let them come chase me

Why no SP Co-Op?, every situation has 4+ dudes lets 3 others join in and help out

Love how Treyarch gave the enemies blind fire, rolling option, shoot from cover, while you get nothing

Difficulty should be more about if you can survive and move using all tactics available to you

If you think the first act is something wait till you reach the the second act, HOLY SHIT!, frustration galore, I dare to shudder what the last act entails >_<


The M.O.B said:
Nobody is playing zombie mode on PC version :(

I think that might be just because it's sort of hidden. I don't know why on PC it's something you select when you load up the single player component. Do you also have to beat the single player campaign to unlock more than one map?


GraveRobberX said:
I swear to god I want to punch the ever living shit out of Treyarch's first born kids

Who on earth thought up of that hill scenario and went hey let's make it infinite respawn, 1000%+ accuracy, 1000%+ damage for the enemy, and you are a sitting duck, that every enemies aim is pointed towards you.

I have seen my AI teammates eat 2+ grenades and a fuck-ton of bullets and survive like nothing happened, stay behind cover, let enemies pass them, and let them come chase me

Why no SP Co-Op?, every situation has 4+ dudes lets 3 others join in and help out

Love how Treyarch gave the enemies blind fire, rolling option, shoot from cover, while you get nothing

Difficulty should be more about if you can survive and move using all tactics available to you

If you think the first act is something wait till you reach the the second act, HOLY SHIT!, frustration galore, I dare to shudder what the last act entails >_<

this is how i felt in COD4 on veteran
knitoe said:
Mission accomplished. Ghost Pro. I finally had to get a sentry gun package, drop it, let someone steal it, proceed to follow, kill stealer after he deploy it, and then, destroy the sentry gun. Wish I thought of this early instead of spending 10 hrs waiting for someone to deploy one.

DY_nasty said:
Am I the only one experiencing this?

Not at all. I'm surprised there isn't a bigger uproar.

knitoe said:
Mission accomplished. Ghost Pro. I finally had to get a sentry gun package, drop it, let someone steal it, proceed to follow, kill stealer after he deploy it, and then, destroy the sentry gun. Wish I thought of this early instead of spending 10 hrs waiting for someone to deploy one.

I ended the night on a good night. Chopper gunner followed by killing a group of guys and knifing the sentry turret. I thought I'd never see one!

Now I just have to wound some guys, reload and kill them to get my sleight of hand pro.


mYm|17| said:
this is how i felt in COD4 on veteran

With you all the way bro. The fairground was broken, and they never fucking fixed it. That's what I remember. It may have gone on to become a classic with me, but it sure as hell wasn't because of the veteran level.
Ok so I've put in about 5 hours in MP and I think I'm 1/2 through with the Campaign.

I really dig the campaign. The story is pretty sweet and I'm not sure what the complaint on graphics is about, because it looks great-especially the Vietnam levels.

In as far as MP goes, there's a lot I love about-removing all the cheapness from MW2 of course was a great move-but there is a lot about MW2 I miss-the weapons in that game had a weight and power to them-you knew what a UMP or FAMAS felt like-whereas the guns in this game feel like toys that are spraying little rocks at the enemy. I feel the hit detection in this game has a major issue-

I like a lot of the maps, Summit, Radiation, Launch...and yes, even Nuketown. But what I liked about MW2's maps were that they were distinct and different. Invasion felt very different that Terminal, which in turn felt very different from Favela, etc. In this game, I don't see much difference between WMD and Grid, for example. It would have been nice to have some more vaired locales.

Wager Modes are a good break from the main game-but man do I suck at them. I've come in first place ONCE in Gun Game, which is my favorite-but usually I'm always Out of the Money. One in the Chamber fucking sucks because EVERYONE camps. If you're dead, you have to spectate the remaining 5 minutes watching everyone else sit in a fucking corner. You're not going to get a bonus for winning-so what's the incentive to stay in the game?

While I suck at Wager Mode, I usually do pretty good in the main modes with one exception-it seems I'm always the highest scorer in the game-but on the losing team. :D
GraveRobberX said:
I swear to god I want to punch the ever living shit out of Treyarch's first born kids

Who on earth thought up of that hill scenario and went hey let's make it infinite respawn, 1000%+ accuracy, 1000%+ damage for the enemy, and you are a sitting duck, that every enemies aim is pointed towards you.

I have seen my AI teammates eat 2+ grenades and a fuck-ton of bullets and survive like nothing happened, stay behind cover, let enemies pass them, and let them come chase me

Why no SP Co-Op?, every situation has 4+ dudes lets 3 others join in and help out

Love how Treyarch gave the enemies blind fire, rolling option, shoot from cover, while you get nothing

Difficulty should be more about if you can survive and move using all tactics available to you

If you think the first act is something wait till you reach the the second act, HOLY SHIT!, frustration galore, I dare to shudder what the last act entails >_<

Welcome to every call of duty ever

Game is unplayable trash on veteran.
mYm|17| said:
this is how i felt in COD4 on veteran

I passed this by getting the fuck out of the ferris wheel area and running back to where the enemies were spawning. I saw a room full of them pop into existence, killed them all with a grenade and lots of bullets, then waited there as the waves of enemies came at me in this featureless black box.

Then ran my ass to the helicopter somehow. I think I had spent 3 hours prior trying to do it legitimately before that.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
mYm|17| said:
this is how i felt in COD4 on veteran

I'm telling you it's purely luck to get the game to be forgiving for maybe half a second, which gives you a window to perform said goal or wait another hour till it appears again

MW2 was fun on veteran, it was dumbed down a little, but if you knew what you were doing, being patient, took you time to kill enemies, then moved from cover to cover it was all good

No Infinite respawn until you crossed this magically line, no grenade spams, enemeies had to play just like you, stay behind cover/peek out to shoot

When you want to play at a higher a difficulty, it means you want to be challenged, not be given a seminar in sadomasochism.

I have seen an enemy kill me by running and gunning from that invisible spot where they spawn from, but you cant kill them yet due to the game hasn't registered them to being on the battlefield, but they can kill you, you can't What The Fuck!?

Also there is grenade spam, it's only on grenade spam lite, stay in an area for too long, watch 3-5 grenades come your way....worse part they either are cooked, or thrown to an open space that is right beside you, which will kill you, or you run to grab to throw it back, but now you are out on the open >_<

Mind you I've platinumed all COD's, including WAW, I thought Treyarch learned that doing these stupid things doesn't make the game enjoyable, I thought they would take the MW2 approach, was I wrong >_<


SonOfABeep said:
Welcome to every call of duty ever

Game is unplayable trash on veteran.
I can't fathom ANYBODY could GENUINELY enjoy this game on Veteran. Seriously fuck Treyarch and their ridiculously cheap difficulty levels.
NightBlade88 said:
I can't fathom ANYBODY could GENUINELY enjoy this game on Veteran. Seriously fuck Treyarch and their ridiculously cheap difficulty levels.

Just talking about the previous call of duties. i haven't tried this one yet on veteran. Just got the wii version today, will get 360 tomorrow.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Dark FaZe said:
Not at all. I'm surprised there isn't a bigger uproar.
Shit kills me

We might get 4 games in an hour with a party of 4 - but with a full squad of 6? Forget it - 3.5 million people online and no one can join the fucking lobby

the fuck is this shit


Am I insane for wanting to buy the console version for the party system? My friends and I had a horrible time joining a game and being on the same team on the PC version.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Kyoufu said:
Am I insane for wanting to buy the console version for the party system? My friends and I had a horrible time joining a game and being on the same team on the PC version.
Its fucked up in the PC version too?

I want to play this game, its kinda fun, but I'd really like to play with my friends.


While Black Ops has a pretty good campaign, there are no really big set piece moments like previous COD's.

Even with the fucked up storyline of MW2, the worst levels of that are still better then BO's.


DY_nasty said:
Shit kills me

We might get 4 games in an hour with a party of 4 - but with a full squad of 6? Forget it - 3.5 million people online and no one can join the fucking lobby

the fuck is this shit

Experiencing this too, except we can't even get a game with 4. Even if by some miracle we get into a lobby with other people they immediately leave. So irritating.


DY_nasty said:
Its fucked up in the PC version too?

I want to play this game, its kinda fun, but I'd really like to play with my friends.

There is no party system on PC. Hence why I feel like migrating to consoles instead.
Omiee said:
anybody have this game on pc..? and how does it play.
im thinking of getting the pc version tomorrow.
should i activate my game on steam or can i just jump in the game and do matchmaking.
this will be the first cod i will play online on my pc.
any tips, and how many people are online on pc, cuz i think on ps3 it was something over 1 million or something, and thats my second choise of platform if i dont get it on pc
It needs to be said, DO NOT BUY THIS ON PC until they fix it. They clearly didn't test this. This is why every COD needs a beta test.

Loxley said:
The PC version is almost unplayable for (apparently) half the people who bought it, including myself. The game uses resources in an obscure way, mainly it hogs up your PC's CPU and largely ignores the GPU from what I understand. Which is causing massive amounts of stuttering and rendering the game unplayable for people who are running a CPU older than an i5 (I'm running a Dual-Core from about three years ago :p). Since the game is thriving on what is the oldest piece of hardware in my rig, it runs horribly. (
No, even the most powerful systems are unplayable. Even i7s. It doesn't matter what you have.


Haven't been following the thread, maybe has been noted... but why does it say I have 16,000 KILLS in domination?! I think Im ranked 1,000 in global leaderboards... my overall kills is like almost 2,000.. so somethings up.


Unconfirmed Member
With regards to lag in MP on PS3, I've heard that some people have been experiencing more favorable performance when playing with a fresh PSN account with no one on their friends list.
Making the RC car a 3 kill streak was a terrible idea. Now every fuckstain uses that instead of the Spy Plane. If anything, the Spy Plane should be the only streak available at 3.


njean777 said:
doesnt steam have a party feature?
It depends on the game. MW2 has a really good one. This game doesn't (unless you're playing a private match or zombies). I feel like there are still bugs to be worked out though. The "Friends" tab of the server browser doesn't seem to be working. It would solve a lot of my problems.


njean777 said:
doesnt steam have a party feature?

Yes but it doesn't get ported to Black Ops. So you can't create a team and enter Wager matches for cash. You can only hope that you can invite a friend and that he enters before 5 others do. And that hardly happens since they fill up so quick.

Saving emblems would also be nice, since I really wanna try others but save my current one. What's also really dumb is that you can only browse a certain portion of the available servers, but you can't connect to ips. So one way of subverting the no party mode was sharing an ip among your friends and connecting all at the same time to it. Except that you can't connect to an ip. And you can't tell people to connect to server X or Y, because just that I see the server appearing on the serverbrowser, doesn't mean that my friends do. Oh and the friends-tab in the browser is also a bit clunky. I also heard that when dual-wielding, the left mouse button fires the right gun, and vica versa. Don't know if this is true, but if it is it's just sad.

It's small things like that, on top of the perfomance issues, that make this a really sloppy port.


Yes, matchmaking for 'large' parties of 4 or more is terrible. I tried doing an Ante Up wager match with a party of six and it could not find us a game. We had the max players for the playlist and for some reason it still had to search to set up a game. Matchmaking needs a fix really quick.
Najaf said:
Yes, matchmaking for 'large' parties of 4 or more is terrible. I tried doing an Ante Up wager match with a party of six and it could not find us a game. We had the max players for the playlist and for some reason it still had to search to set up a game. Matchmaking needs a fix really quick.

I'm pretty sure that this is because the servers are getting overloaded. I had no problem playing during the afternoon today, but matchmaking was non-existent during peak hours.


johnFkennedy said:
I'm pretty sure that this is because the servers are getting overloaded. I had no problem playing during the afternoon today, but matchmaking was non-existent during peak hours.

No problems while having a big party or just solo?


What the fuck? I kept dying at this one section towards the end of Ch. 4 on Veteran so I turn off the console to take a break. Come back, resume campaign and it starts me back at the beginning of Ch. 3!

It only saves your progress if you do save/quit? What is this, 1995?

Goddamn, took me so long to get that far in Ch. 4 too. :lol


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Gary Whitta said:
So I'm about lvl13 right now, still noobing it up quite a bit... what's a good reliable weapon I should be looking to upgrade to?

FAMAS is your best friend. Or will be. I don't think you can QUITE get it yet. Lvl 14 or 15 I think. But yeah. Buy it, love it, revel in your magically-improved K/D ratio.
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