Zinga said:Anyone else think the Medal of Honor campaign was better than Black Ops? I honestly can't see why Medal of Honor got panned whilst this gets praised!
so far yes i do think MOH was better, but only reason it got the scores it did was due to the issues of scripting which i will admit gets annoying, but i will say
when you are fighting on the moutain in MOH and almost get fucked by the army, was one of the most intense parts in a game since Assassins creed 2 i have felt in a long time. For some reason I really loved that part and wished more games could pull it off,
BTW screw black ops, im going back to MW2, i will not be purchasing another treyarch game again. PS3 version btw, its unacceptable for a game to run this bad when the year before IW put out a game that can actually hold its framerate. (no offense to any of the people that like the game, but i just feel cheated out of 80$).