-viper- said:
How does that make a difference to what he's complainig about? Wouldn't those problems be present in all 3 versions?
ACE 1991 said:
It could be the lag playing it's part, but even in this thread someone posted a video of someone being shit, when it appeared they didn't really shoot them. Seen in in final killcam a LOT.
DevelopmentArrested said:
LOL. Don't play One in the Chamber or Hardcore or MW2...
I've only played a couple of games of Hardcore. Only just unlocked it yesterday. Been playing mostly Team deathmatch and barebones (which is a pretty cool idea).
I just think certain choices in the CoD series encourage camping.
You wouldn't camp:
- If the map didn't have 'hiding spots'. Spots where someone couldn't sneak up on you and take you down. CoD MP Maps have heaps of these
- If you knew you're weapon wouldn't take someone out quickly, which is why the only weapon you'll see someone 'camp' with in Halo is the shotgun or sniper rifle. You can camp with anything in CoD. Even if you decided to camp with an AR in Halo, it would take to long to take someone down, and they'd have a chance to counter you somehow.
In theory, the killcam should eliminate camping, but the problems I listed above cancel it out, especially the first point.