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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


TheFallen said:
How do you even play with friends (on the same team) on the PC version? We just invite each other once we get into the room and hope we end up on the same team. More often than not, we're on opposite sides.

You can't at the moment, auto balanced is force on by default and game servers won't change the server cfg. :lol
Played a few more maps this morning on the pc and had barley any lag 3 maps in a row 2nd place +- 20-10 scores and a lot of fun.

Sure sometimes a lag spike but non where horrible, lucky me I guess.

Hopefully the patch is out there soon so that everyone can enjoy it!


Always-honest said:
on veteran?

I played the game on normal...but I'm planning to start a second playthrough on Veteran just for the achievements mainly because higher difficulties in CoD games are always crap.

Veteran is not the way to play a CoD game for the first time IMO.


Gold Member
playing sp..sigh

same old scripted crap but now its even more OTT how fast can they throw you forwards its even worse than MW2 which i didnt think was possible and the skyboxes look worse than UT99, glad i didnt buy this game.


Feindflug said:
I played the game on normal...but I'm planning to start a second playthrough on Veteran just for the achievements mainly because higher difficulties in CoD games are always crap.

Veteran is not the way to play a CoD game for the first time IMO.
I played BO for the first time on Veteran and beat it and still enjoyed the hell out of it, albeit there were some BS moments...
Feindflug said:
I played the game on normal...but I'm planning to start a second playthrough on Veteran just for the achievements mainly because higher difficulties in CoD games are always crap.

Veteran is not the way to play a CoD game for the first time IMO.
Well, it was okay in MW2, but in this game, it's much harder imo. I'm thinking of playing it one step lower to enjoy it more. It's a great game
Playing through on Veteran last night making a good pace and then I got completely owned at the
barrels of napalm
section (minor mission 4 spoiler). Seriously it was not even obvious what I was supposed to do there at first, I actually made it the whole way down into the trenches and had no idea why the AI was not following me. Finally I turned on subtitles just so I could figure out what my teammates were telling me to do. Combine this confusion with the AI completely destroying me every time I poked my head out and I wasted two hours on that checkpoint.

So far I like the MoH campaign a lot more. This one might compare if it was more polished and balanced, but MoH just felt like it had some better grounding in reality and did not completely punish you. I really think more people need to give MoH a shot even if they wait for a price drop.

Also some of the models look like they need another pass, the mini
section had some pretty bad NPC models.
Always-honest said:
Well, it was okay in MW2, but in this game, it's much harder imo. I'm thinking of playing it one step lower to enjoy it more. It's a great game

I was actually considering this last night and I have beaten every CoD on Veteran during my first play through. I think I am getting too old for this shit.
Evil Benius said:
I think I am getting too old for this shit.
same here bro... But i think i can still do it, i just don't think i want to put in the effort anymore.
I'm having very little time as it is these days. And veteran will cause me to die a lot of times.
I don't mind dying a couple of times, but when i die 5 times at the start of a level just by moving 1 pixel... well.. you know.


I wasn't too excited when I picked it up and I'm still not into it. I've played a few missions on the sp and the mp and I'm not sure if its me or if I'm tired of the COD formula. I'll keep playing,but I have a feeling it will be like it was with MW2. I beat the SP and stopped at level 45 on mp.

I really really like DOA though


Ainigma said:
Maybe I'm in the minority, but this feels like a Typical Treyarch Call of Duty....

How did this get the priase for the single player game? I've always judged COD games on how they play in Veteran, every Infinity Ward Developed game has been hard but you never felt you were up against cheating game design, for instance you could take things slow in MW 1 & 2, and the enemy seemed to have some kind of fear for their lives, as they would duck behind cover and RELOAD - does the enemy ever reload in this game?

Most levels feel the same, walk into a room and the enemy stand in line firing an endless supply of bullets, this game doesn't feel much about skill more about running to invisible check points to stop enemy's spawning.

I want a challenge but on the harder difficulties this is ridiculous, Treyarch don't seem to know how to make a game challenging without being cheap, there's no intelligence here.

Black Ops & Covert Ops - My A'se! for example, there's a level, you go to great lengths to get into the building without being detected, so why as soon as you get in there GO LOUD? why not stay Covert? It's like they want the loudest COD with the highest bullet count.

And Squad AI, can they not see the enemy when standing next to them?, or when they run passed them?
what the fuck is this shitty post?
So far my impressions are that the multiplayer is pretty solid, and a lot more balanced, but the netcode is shithouse. Far too often I die when I get the first shot in, and far too often I am shot when I'm clearly behind a wall. These have always been issues with COD games (and most FPS in general) but it's mega-bad here, and I'm talking on full green bars here.

The maps are pretty good, there's like four snow maps which is a bit overkill but I can't think of one I actively dislike. That said, the spawns suck ass from a straw. Many a time I've been killed by someone who has spawned behind me. It's actually pretty confusing, as you never really know where the enemy is coming from because the spawns swap so much. The map design itself is good, not much room here for snipers since most maps are middle-sized, but I like how each room has multiple entries, which helps discourage camping (which is still an issue though). One or two larger maps would have been nice though, but there's always map packs.

Personally I like the way MW2 'played' more - netcode was better and firefights were less guesswork. I also prefer IW's sound design much more - I like the music here but boy oh boy the guns and grenades sound pissweak. And the final killcams are not as good now, I think it's because in MW2 it still captured your movements after the kill whereas now you just stop dead, and it looks janky. Visually it's not quite as good as MW2 (that game had some really impressive textures) but I do like the colour contrasts as well as the improved animation. The actual package is superior here - much more balanced, discourages camping, and stats galore. Theatre mode is pretty comprehensive too which is nice to see given this is the first effort we've seen in a COD game. Single player I haven't touched yet, but I will say Dead Ops is surprisingly deep and just as fun as Nazi Zombies was in 2008.

I liked MW2's reward system - it felt more rewarding than just buying stuff (particularly since by level 20 or so you have a surplus of money - I just prestiged and reached nearly 100 grand) but at least the challenges here seem generally achievable, whereas in MW2 they were a joke. Contract system is nice, but again, not really worth it given how many COD points you get each game. Weapon selection and attachments seem pretty great, I haven't tried everything yet but nothing so far seems overpowered. Killstreaks too are well balanced, though the chopper gunner and gunship are rather ridiculous. Actually getting killstreaks is tough too, since they don't stack and getting multiple kills is harder due to the netcode.

Overall I'll see how things go, I haven't even touched Search yet since I've wanted to explore all the maps and get to know them in TDM. Search is what I was born for and I can see that these maps are well-designed for it. So I think my slightly meh opinion on the game may change once I get stuck into that. But for now I love the package but prefer how MW2 felt. Shitty netcode FTL.


Just started playing this last night on 360. Runs silky smooth and the game looks sharp as hell. Audio is amazing too.

Fuck the infinite spawn section tho.
Roxas said:
I am so fucked off right now. I was playing Wager matches most of last night and got upto 50,000 CP. Switch the game on this morning and all my points have gone and i have 135 CP. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

I did a simple contract last night, 3 killstreak, definitely should have had it awarded, as I had killstreaks, but I didn't get credit for it. It worked the first time, but not the second time. Total buggy crap!


_Bro said:
what the fuck is this shitty post?
I wouldn’t agree with him on the “every Infinity Ward game”-part, but it’s true that Call of Duty: Black Ops is a mess on Veteran. The game is clearly not built to be played on that difficulty setting. Neither was Call of Duty: World at War. Infinity Ward did a better job with the Veteran-difficulty in Modern Warfare 2.

If you’ve ever played World at War on Veteran you’d know that it’s not hard, because it’s just difficult, it’s hard, because the enemies constantly respawn with bags of grenades they’ll throw in your direction. Treyarch (and Infinity Ward) just reduced your health and added additional enemies which will throw endless amounts of grenades in your direction. Infinity Ward cut the endless enemy spawns, but aside from that they did nothing to improve the veteran experience. Another problem with the game on Veteran is that every single enemy will ignore your partners and just shoot you.

The Veteran setting in CoD-games seems something like this:
(Number of enemies x 2) + (health x 0,25) + (amount of thrown grenades x 4) = Veteran Difficulty.


does anybody know how many dutch servers there are on the pc version.
i realy dont know what to get, the pc version or the ps3 version


Neo Member
Yeah maybe I used the wrong wording, the game isn't terrible on normal, and Treyarch have done things really well apparently with MP (I can't comment on this) but it just highlights what they don't do very well on the Harder difficulty settings, and the frustration from having to things over and over again and getting a little bit 'lucky' seems, occasionally, to be the only way to move forward.
harrytang said:
is there any way to view our ingame stats online? WaW had a site for that and I thought it was coming for Black Ops. Cannot find.

I asked a few pages ago and nobody seemed to know the answer. It probably didn't work worth a shit and Treyarch didn't bother going live with it. Hell, they slapped the "beta" tag on the online theater late Tuesday because they couldn't get it to work either.


Konig94 said:
I'm really enjoying multiplayer, but the sniping feels a bit off. Here's some sniping clips from a game I just played.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlXIOsVunSg (pretty hard to see the guy because of the low resolution)

had the same issue when I unlocked the PGS1 last night, both with ACOG and regular scope

then joined another server after switching to the bolt-action sniper with ACOG, and there I did manage to hit people. So then I switched it to variable zoom, went to the same server again and played 10 matches all with a K/D ratio of 2 or higher with the bolt-action + variable zoom (python did help as well ;] ) ...

think I'll try the PSG1 again tonight but I guess the issue is somewhat server related?

great thing about sniping is that the stuttering on PC only happens in close combat for me, during sniping I have 60+ FPS all the time so much easier to aim


So I actually got to play the MP yesterday and I really enjoyed it, went back to play it today and the 999 ping connection interrupted bug is back.

I know this is not a problem with my connection because I can play other games just fine, reading up on this on the Steam forums it seems a lot of people are having this problem and a lot of people had this problem with World at War as well.


Is it worth trying to get Ninja Pro or is it broken like some people have said here? (still can't properly hear enemy footsteps)


After playing some solid hours (rank 37 now) I must say I like the multiplayer when it runs smooth. I really like the addition of the cod points though I dislike how Treyarch currently implemented it. For example the weapons, in my opinion they shouldnt require both point and a level just one. I would actually prefer that they would have made all the means to kill other players available from the start with a price tag on them. All the customization options on the other hand tp be linked to xp/challenges because at the moment there is absolutely no incentive to go for headshots with a paticular weapon because you can just buy all the camos, apart from the prestige one.


Awwww, come on! I'm playing on some shitty $20 router right now (and can't afford a new one until I get paid) and so I never do truly well... Despite that, I somehow got a great connection to a Gun Game match just now and proceeded to tear that bitch up and even scored like 3 double kills (very lucky in gun game).

Was feeling very happy and excited to get some good clips to mess around with, so I immediately ran to theater mode to save it and it's not there. Every other match, before and after, is there...but not this one. I'm about to cry, Treyarch! Come on! :(
jonnybryce said:
FN FAL is pretty bad ass. Trying to practice with it, I'm better with auto but it's a damn good gun that I think is smart to use.
Loving the FAL, put a supressor + reflex site and it's a ton of fun to pop enemies in two well placed shots, just click click down;

Also, one by buddies kept using the motion mine on headquarters rounds last night and it might be a big party of the reason we didn't lose a single game.
In SP, the shotguns are some of the most satisfying I've used in a video game. Deadly spray, gore, and decent range. The spas semi auto blasting is just so much fun.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Evil Benius said:
Playing through on Veteran last night making a good pace and then I got completely owned at the
barrels of napalm
section (minor mission 4 spoiler). Seriously it was not even obvious what I was supposed to do there at first, I actually made it the whole way down into the trenches and had no idea why the AI was not following me. Finally I turned on subtitles just so I could figure out what my teammates were telling me to do. Combine this confusion with the AI completely destroying me every time I poked my head out and I wasted two hours on that checkpoint.

I had a real problem with that exact point. I couldn't understand what was going on. I went left down the hill, I went right down the hill, but none of that mattered because the VC kept fillling the trench and my guys wouldn't follow me.

I actually had to look at a FAQ to understand that I needed to
kick the barrels down the hill
. Once I knew what I needed to do I blazed through there. That was 45 minutes wasted on poor design.

I wish they had given me a better visual indicator on what I needed to do.


Hah, the quickscoping thing just gets funnier! I just put ACOG on the bolt-action - it has no initial sway, scopes up immediately and is pretty accurate.

Vahn's pre-release tweets are just making less and less sense by the day. What game did he design? 'Cause it wasn't this one!


aku:jiki said:
Awwww, come on! I'm playing on some shitty $20 router right now (and can't afford a new one until I get paid) and so I never do truly well... Despite that, I somehow got a great connection to a Gun Game match just now and proceeded to tear that bitch up and even scored like 3 double kills (very lucky in gun game).

Was feeling very happy and excited to get some good clips to mess around with, so I immediately ran to theater mode to save it and it's not there. Every other match, before and after, is there...but not this one. I'm about to cry, Treyarch! Come on! :(

At times, its taken a few hours for some matches to show up in the theater. Give it time.


BattleMonkey said:
In SP, the shotguns are some of the most satisfying I've used in a video game. Deadly spray, gore, and decent range. The spas semi auto blasting is just so much fun.
Yup, I was laughing like a maniac when I got to use the spas with dragons breath. So satisfying.


So I just discovered that "epic" is on the list of banned words. "Epic game winning kill" is not an acceptable clip title! :lol :lol


This is my first Treyarch online game.. WOW at the presentation. Flawless victory. Seems like I can't find my accuracy and w/l ratio in games though.. not that I want to see it considering it blows right now after no CoD for months and months but still surprised it wasn't more evident.

I wish it had the same perks as MW2 or at least kept the same names but I guess they've always been slightly different based on the response after MW2 came out. I keep wanting to knife with the right button.. was that the melee button in Halo? Is that why I am getting thrown off?


Meier said:
This is my first Treyarch online game.. WOW at the presentation. Flawless victory. Seems like I can't find my accuracy and w/l ratio in games though.. not that I want to see it considering it blows right now after no CoD for months and months but still surprised it wasn't more evident.

I wish it had the same perks as MW2 or at least kept the same names but I guess they've always been slightly different based on the response after MW2 came out.
To check it out, you need to reach Rank 13, then you get access to your Combat Record. There you have tons of info :)


Beat this on hardened last night. I'd beat the others on Veteran, but I'm not replaying this one on veteran. A few of those levels were just the worst parts of CoD all mashed into one rage-inducing shitstorm. I haven't been so close to smashing a controller since my college days.


The interface is so bad on the PC. The server browser doesn't even show all the servers any more. I don't think I'm buying another PC CoD ever again.


El_TigroX said:
I had a real problem with that exact point. I couldn't understand what was going on. I went left down the hill, I went right down the hill, but none of that mattered because the VC kept fillling the trench and my guys wouldn't follow me.

I actually had to look at a FAQ to understand that I needed to
kick the barrels down the hill
. Once I knew what I needed to do I blazed through there. That was 45 minutes wasted on poor design.

I wish they had given me a better visual indicator on what I needed to do.

Wait, there's barrels I have to kick down at that section? I spent a half hour throwing myself down that hill and dying on that section on Hardened! I even got all the way to the bottom of the hill a few times. Damnit.


Kyoufu said:
The interface is so bad on the PC. The server browser doesn't even show all the servers any more. I don't think I'm buying another PC CoD ever again.

Yeah, for some reason it is really low res and in some parts of the interface you can use a mouse and in other parts you can't, it is really confusing
aku:jiki said:
So I just discovered that "epic" is on the list of banned words. "Epic game winning kill" is not an acceptable clip title! :lol :lol

Interesting cause in Reach I can't have EPIC as my 4 digit service tag thingy.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
ultron87 said:
Wait, there's barrels I have to kick down at that section? I spent a half hour throwing myself down that hill and dying on that section on Hardened! I even got all the way to the bottom of the hill a few times. Damnit.

Yeah dude... it's pretty poor design when you look at it. Your guys yell out
"We need to improvise!!," but that doesn't exactly let you know what you have to do. You need to run to the barrel and you'll get a prompt to press X to kick it down the hill, then you move to the bunker on the left, shoot some dudes, run back to the right and kick another barrel down the hill.
Voila...such poor design. Some better visual cues would have benefited that area tremendously.
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