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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


I'm not big into shooters these days, have been thinking about getting into BC 2 but anyway, I picked this up and I am stunned by how awful the match making is. Lobby had to close, host Migration, connection interrupted and a whole myriad of other shit, takes multiple tries to get into a game sometimes, is this the norm these days? PS3 version btw


_Bro said:
what the fuck is this shitty post?
What are you on about?

The Veteran difficulty in Call Of Duty games isn't tough but fair like Halo Reach or Killzone 2. It's just fucking cheap.

Endlessly respawning A.I. who don't actually have any 'A.I.' that automatically fire you from a mile.

Modern Warfare 2 was the only one to get the difficulty right.

I wonder if Treyarch even play test their games on the harder difficulties.


Kyoufu said:
The interface is so bad on the PC. The server browser doesn't even show all the servers any more. I don't think I'm buying another PC CoD ever again.
*shrug* the interface seems fine to me. the server browser works as expected.


So, I decided to muscle through the performance bullshit and play a few TDM games on the PC version, rocking a solid 15 FPS on the lowest possible settings. I actually managed to stay positive in a few of the games, granted I'm talking scores like 14-9, but I was content :p The thing is, I can see such a kick ass game underneath the terrible performance, since there were points where I was seriously having fun in spite of the stuttering.

Patch now plz Treyarch :( I already ordered the 360 version as a back-up in case the PC issues never get fully resolved, I just don't want to have to rely on it as my primary source of BO happy fun time.


Junior Butler
I'm actually enjoying the SP, there are ridiculous moments but if you're expecting hyper-realism from anything COD related you're insane anyway.

Fix the MP lag on PC and I'm happy.


El_TigroX said:
Yeah dude... it's pretty poor design when you look at it. Your guys yell out
"We need to improvise!!," but that doesn't exactly let you know what you have to do. You need to run to the barrel and you'll get a prompt to press X to kick it down the hill, then you move to the bunker on the left, shoot some dudes, run back to the right and kick another barrel down the hill.
Voila...such poor design. Some better visual cues would have benefited that area tremendously.

I completed the lol campaign yesterday.. I completed that scene without
kicking any barrels
. I played on regular.. I just ran down the hill and killed everyone in my way. Then waited for a while and the stupid AI friendlies came to my rescue.. I swear I never
kicked any barrels

and here is a video from a clanmate in Capture the flag.. he is the one who caps the flag at the end.. it´s actually really funny-.



The Hug Dog said:
I'm not big into shooters these days, have been thinking about getting into BC 2 but anyway, I picked this up and I am stunned by how awful the match making is. Lobby had to close, host Migration, connection interrupted and a whole myriad of other shit, takes multiple tries to get into a game sometimes, is this the norm these days? PS3 version btw

And me and my friends have had no issues at all...ps3.

When we have problems like this, we should say where we are, ISP, wireless or not etc.

Edit - change you setting to look for local games first too


Zinga said:
Anyone else think the Medal of Honor campaign was better than Black Ops? I honestly can't see why Medal of Honor got panned whilst this gets praised!

I can: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2...s-detailed.ars

I consider both campaigns as average, at least they have a remotely coherent plot. The ending of Black Ops is really bad, so cliche and predictable. Both games also lack memorable set pieces, I can only remember 1 in both games
Defending the hut in MOH and the Rebirth level in Black Ops


-viper- said:
What are you on about?

The Veteran difficulty in Call Of Duty games isn't tough but fair like Halo Reach or Killzone 2. It's just fucking cheap.

Endlessly respawning A.I. who don't actually have any 'A.I.' that automatically fire you from a mile.

Modern Warfare 2 was the only one to get the difficulty right.

I wonder if Treyarch even play test their games on the harder difficulties.
No, the complaints stem from people going "This isn't the low quality crap I've come to tolerate from a study like Infinity Ward!"

NHale said:
I can: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2...s-detailed.ars

I consider both campaigns as average, at least they have a remotely coherent plot. The ending of Black Ops is really bad, so cliche and predictable. Both games also lack memorable set pieces, I can only remember 1 in both games
Defending the hut in MOH and the Rebirth level in Black Ops
Dude, you
assassinate JFK
. I, for one, did not see that coming.


GodofWine said:
And me and my friends have had no issues at all...ps3.

When we have problems like this, we should say where we are, ISP, wireless or not etc.

Well aren't you the lucky ones

UK, Tiscali/Talktalk, wired connection


Neo Member
Okay, just tried another game with the sniper and it is way too inconsistent; there's no way to tell if your shot is going to actually hit someone, even if you are aiming right at them when you pull the trigger.

Double D

I don't play multiplayer, but have played through all the CoD SP campaigns. I have to say this is probably my favorite out of them all. Certainly the only entry in the series where I am actually paying attention to the story. Hopefully I'll wrap it up tonight. Just got to Rebirth Island.
Whats the best level to get the "Russian bar-b-q" trophy actually? I encountered the flamethrower attachement several times, but don't remember where exactly. Thanks!


_Bro said:
No, the complaints stem from people going "This isn't the low quality crap I've come to tolerate from a study like Infinity Ward!"

Dude, you
assassinate JFK
. I, for one, did not see that coming.

I saw that coming after
the Pentagon level. He gives you a mission to kill Draguvich but it seems you hear numbers and Mason "snap" resulting in him pointing a gun at JFK (in his mind). After that point I was always expecting that Mason was programmed by the Russians to kill JFK.


Neo Member
_Bro said:
No, the complaints stem from people going "This isn't the low quality crap I've come to tolerate from a study like Infinity Ward!"

A study like Infinity ward????

Like I said, not a terrible game, but not a great one either, for me at least. And I agree in that it appears to have very little in the way of play testing on the harder difficulties.
The spawns.:lol
Dropped napalm on 5 poor fools only for them to respawn RIGHT IN FRONT of me 5 seconds later. Took 3 of them out again. Really starting to enjoy the game but come on Treyarch these spawns are just horrible. Is it bad map design?


Ok slowely but surely I think this game technically is a disaster. We all already know about the PS3 version being graphical not great, but the game already locked up 3 times during MP today for me.
CitizenCope said:
The spawns.:lol
Dropped napalm on 5 poor fools only for them to respawn RIGHT IN FRONT of me 5 seconds later. Took 3 of them out again. Really starting to enjoy the game but come on Treyarch these spawns are just horrible. Is it bad map design?

A lot of the maps are two-sided with a lot of fluff in the middle. You appear on one side or the other with little variation in between. The only ones I can think of that don't are Hanoi and Array. MW2 had much more rounded maps, even if they weren't designed as well as the ones in Black Ops.

The problem is that this can lead to spawn campers, but even worse is that the spawn system does little to alleviate it. Instead it tends to emphasise it.

Nuketown, whilst I enjoy it because it's quick fast and fun, is really bad with this. I think Launch is the worst though. Holy shit that map has bad spawning. And I mean bad.


Xater said:
Ok slowely but surely I think this game technically is a disaster. We all already know about the PS3 version being graphical not great, but the game already locked up 3 times during MP today for me.

I have been playing for the last 4 hours or so and I have had probably 20 technical issues like collapsed lobbies or connection time outs. I know it's not just me either, you can hear people swearing into their mics. Played some SSF4 and it was fine. This game is broken


Finished the NVA mission finally, after lucking out on some AI that broke and just stood there.

The worst times during that mission, I was taking out guys on the right side during the intro session at the top and suddenly there was an enemy in my face. I killed him and looked left, where my "allies" were just standing there looking down the hill. Two more soldiers ran through the line to attack me, one getting stuck for a second running in place trying to get through the two allies...

I shot them all, fucking sympathizers.

Terrible, terrible AI on that level. Multiple times the ally/enemy AI would just ignore one another, running right past them on the path. Brutal job all around and I'm glad that one's behind me.


The Hug Dog said:
I have been playing for the last 4 hours or so and I have had probably 20 technical issues like collapsed lobbies or connection time outs. I know it's not just me either, you can hear people swearing into their mics. Played some SSF4 and it was fine. This game is broken

Oh yeah collapsing lobbies was also something I experienced today. And a match where it basically all the hosts where kicked out one after another untill no more players were left. :lol


Ainigma said:
A study like Infinity ward????

Like I said, not a terrible game, but not a great one either, for me at least. And I agree in that it appears to have very little in the way of play testing on the harder difficulties.
whoops, totally meant studio
Damn BO has frozen my PS3slim 4 or 5 times now. Sometimes it freezes and comes back if I wait, other times it crashes, others a pure freeze. I've seen other people say the same, step ya game up Treyarch!
Ak47u with Silencer and Extended mags, Deadline, Warlord, Marathon, Frag, Gas, Claymore. Bowgun as secondary.

You can thank me later.

BTW you can spawn kill with the bow gun if you start on the left side of Nuke Town using the bow gun, aim just over the fence and you will tag someone 1 second into the match :p it explodes too unlike grenades at spawn.

Another good setup is AUG with Extended mag and Red Dot.

Oh and there is a Scavenger bug I noticed the other night, if you us scavenger with extended mag (with the ak74u at least) you only get your frags back, no ammo, however take away extended mags and you will pick up ammo again. So if you like to scavenge :p use taped mags instead of extended.
I'm really enjoying the game now. Played for two hours last night and had a blast. Unlocked the Ballistic Knife and just went to town with it. Really liking the feel of the FAMAS and just unlocked the AK74u, but haven't had a chance to test it out.


Ugh.. what the hell. This thing just forgot the last two matches. I had bought some stuff that's not there anymore and got a lower level. Hopefully Treyarch fixes this shit too, it's one of the things that really bug me A LOT.
Don't know if it's been posted, but I found a list of possible upcoming patch fixes (second hand source, so take with a grain of salt)

Treyarch's community manager Josh Olin also known as his twitter name JD_2020 has just recently posted on twitter "Hello World. We're here, working. We will patch all platforms, as always. I'll have info of substance once we catch our breath."


I asked Josh what the patch was for and he listed the following:

* Frame rate issues
* Error connections
* Lagging while receiving achievements/trophies
* Party invite
* Leaderboards
* Killstreaks
* Glitches
* People seem to knife from far, kind of like Commando from MW2
* Theater Lobby videos not showing
* Guns seem weak when shooting at enemies, it takes longer too kill unlike MW2.
* Taking long to view the achievements/trophies
* Floating apple
* And many more

Assuming frame rate issues refers to the PC version.

No idea what floating apple means.
I have 1 complaint about the single player, on a few missions I honestly cant tell who the enemy is and who is a teammate, I havent really had this problem on other CoD games so im guessing its not just me being blind?


BuddhaRockstar said:
Don't know if it's been posted, but I found a list of possible upcoming patch fixes (second hand source, so take with a grain of salt)

Assuming frame rate issues refers to the PC version.

No idea what floating apple means.
Some massive bullshit that shows that Treyarch can't make games at all. You better stay there without knowing about it.


bobs99 ... said:
I have 1 complaint about the single player, on a few missions I honestly cant tell who the enemy is and who is a teammate, I havent really had this problem on other CoD games so im guessing its not just me being blind?

Yeah, so far I've accidentally gunned down allies during the second mission (
), and fourth mission (
launch base
). Thankfully only one was blatant enough to cause me to have to restart.

Double D

bobs99 ... said:
I have 1 complaint about the single player, on a few missions I honestly cant tell who the enemy is and who is a teammate, I havent really had this problem on other CoD games so im guessing its not just me being blind?
Totally. I catch myself saying, "Oops, sorry man" a lot.


BuddhaRockstar said:
Assuming frame rate issues refers to the PC version.

No idea what floating apple means.

As bad as the NVA mission is, it was made worse knowing that there probably was a floating apple somewhere in it.

[search youtube for floating apple black ops]


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
BuddhaRockstar said:
Don't know if it's been posted, but I found a list of possible upcoming patch fixes (second hand source, so take with a grain of salt)

Assuming frame rate issues refers to the PC version.

No idea what floating apple means.
Sounds like total bullshit. That guy just basically listed every complaint that people have had; no way they'd address ALL of them. Why even bother "fixing" the floating apple? And why, so soon after release, would they change a fundamental element of the game (how powerful the guns are in MP)?
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Just discovered th M14 last night, muuuuuuuch better.

Not sure if I've seen it mentioned but man does the M16 suck cock in this game.

Since stopping power is gone, the M16 has lost its mojo. The beauty of the three-round burst basically turns into a drawback.
BuddhaRockstar said:
Don't know if it's been posted, but I found a list of possible upcoming patch fixes (second hand source, so take with a grain of salt)

Assuming frame rate issues refers to the PC version.

No idea what floating apple means.
Anyone could have typed that patch list, it's just bullet points of things the game has.

What's wrong with killstreaks? only the care package glitch for what I know.


I have the worst time ever getting into a game, alone or with friends. When I'm with other people it'll kick everyone but the leader and the people that get kicked get a message about losing their connection or something.
When I try going in alone it takes at least 10 minutes to find a game. Ugh. I love the MP but I can't even play it.
Yeah, the M16 is crap! Can anybody recommend a good early level load out? Currently Level 13 rocking mp5 with suppressor, lightweight, steady aim, ninja, frags, decoy grenade, c4. Havent been hugely successful, but not getting owned. Bought the MAC10 and was hugely dissapointed, may its better dual wield? Had no luck with M16 once so ever. Totally owned using that weapon.


LabouredSubterfuge said:
Just discovered th M14 last night, muuuuuuuch better.

Not sure if I've seen it mentioned but man does the M16 suck cock in this game.

It's still good, just not god tier like in cod4 and mw2. Thanks to that I'm seeing a lot of variety in what AR's people are using


BuddhaRockstar said:
Don't know if it's been posted, but I found a list of possible upcoming patch fixes (second hand source, so take with a grain of salt)

Assuming frame rate issues refers to the PC version.

No idea what floating apple means.

That's clearly fake, anyone could of written that list.

I'm not sure what's worse, they released the game in such a state, or they didn't know it was so bad and need to collect data. The few bits of official comment have all seemed to imply we are being unreasonably harsh.
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