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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


Gold Member
Obviously, we know that Castro is the apex of video game voice acting, but how do you do you all feel about Sam Worthington in this game?


Fuck this game in the ass! I'm sick of cheap deaths and respawning enemies. I can literally walk through an area and kill everyone, hit a dead end, turn around and suddenly there's enemies behind me again -in the dead end! - who kill me in one shot. Fuck you Treyarch!


123rl said:
Fuck this game in the ass! I'm sick of cheap deaths and respawning enemies. I can literally walk through an area and kill everyone, hit a dead end, turn around and suddenly there's enemies behind me again -in the dead end! - who kill me in one shot. Fuck you Treyarch!

Why are you walking into a dead end on Veteran? I assume you are on Veteran given the one shot death, so would not a playthrough on normal or hardened be appropriate so you avoid that sort of thing?


123rl said:
Fuck this game in the ass! I'm sick of cheap deaths and respawning enemies. I can literally walk through an area and kill everyone, hit a dead end, turn around and suddenly there's enemies behind me again -in the dead end! - who kill me in one shot. Fuck you Treyarch!
Veteran sounds like a pain in the ass. But it's expected since Treyarch don't even know how to code good A.I. so they resort to cheating bullshit.

How reasonable is hardened or should I just jump to normal mode for my first playthrough?
Scalpel Knight said:
What the hell? So, I finished an online match (PS3) and left the lobby. Left the game running for a bit. Turned back, looked at my screen, and saw this:

Game had a fucking seizure. Goddamn.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I have a question-

In the PS3 and 360 SKUs, do they have that thing where pulling the iron-sights trigger near a target snaps your gun to the target like MW2 had?
123rl said:
Fuck this game in the ass! I'm sick of cheap deaths and respawning enemies. I can literally walk through an area and kill everyone, hit a dead end, turn around and suddenly there's enemies behind me again -in the dead end! - who kill me in one shot. Fuck you Treyarch!

Sometimes I feel I would do better if I ran around backwards :lol


Relix said:
I am gonna make a defense force for the Galil. Fucking awesome AR :lol

The AUG, FAMAS and Galil have been my favorite go to guns when something needs to die quickly. I won't have time to try all the rifles unless I'm playing Sharpshooter or Gun game since I'm blitzkrieging to get that prestige.


Am I being too harsh, or is Nuketown fucking hideous. I understand it's supposed to have an artificial look because it's an artificial town, but Christ it looks like some kids shitty CS Source map. The texture work, the lighting, it's all just ugly.

Nelo Ice

VaLiancY said:
Wager matches are srs bsns people.

I'm sitting on 2nd place and I'm tailing behind 1st place by a kill and then boom a fucking Tomahawk gets casted down from God into my head."Bankrupt" I wanted to rage so badly.

Edit - I'm loving it more than HC S&D.

i had 27 kills and next closest guy had 18...i got tomahawked 3 times =(

but damn it was fun!...except for the whole losing cod points part...


Draft said:
Am I being too harsh, or is Nuketown fucking hideous. I understand it's supposed to have an artificial look because it's an artificial town, but Christ it looks like some kids shitty CS Source map. The texture work, the lighting, it's all just ugly.

The map in general sucks.
MikeE21286 said:
man, PC version fucking still unplayable after the patch.....smh
your mileage my very for me Its totally fixed and for a lot of other people its a lot better but this was just a "quick" fix their will be more updates.
Draft said:
Am I being too harsh, or is Nuketown fucking hideous. I understand it's supposed to have an artificial look because it's an artificial town, but Christ it looks like some kids shitty CS Source map. The texture work, the lighting, it's all just ugly.

It was supposedly just a map treyarch used for testing and then some asshole got the bright idea to stick it in the game. Another asshole decided that was a good idea and now we have it in the rotation.
Draft said:
Am I being too harsh, or is Nuketown fucking hideous. I understand it's supposed to have an artificial look because it's an artificial town, but Christ it looks like some kids shitty CS Source map. The texture work, the lighting, it's all just ugly.
.. wow you are right, it does feel like a home made CSS map along the lines of lego land and the simpsons maps.


Yeah, the other thing about Nuketown is the spawns are ridiculous. I remember people having conniptions about the spawns in MW2 but I never really got burned too bad by a guy spawning on top of or behind me. In Nuketown I've been standing in one of the backyards with a teammate or two and seen tangos pop into existence right before my eyes. It's so stupid.


Anerythristic said:
Hey guys about the grenade sound, I have thrown the (real but no explosive) grenades you buy at Army Navy stores they make the same sound as throwing a baseball or softball on concrete (espcially the older pineapple frags) its like a dull thud. So don't get to excited about that grenade sound.

Also flashbangs and concussion grenades sound like soup cans.

I think the actual explosion is what people are talking about. Frags exploding sound like a paper bag filled with air being popped.


Game runs fine on PC. Ran fine before. Still does not fix the endemic problem of back-asswards netcode. It is arguably WORSE than MW2. Sure, sometimes it would gamble with who-shot-who-first, but in BlOps, I literally won't even see the dude on my screen before I die.

And knifes should NEVER teleport. If the blade doesn't touch your character model, you shouldn't die. No excuses.

While the lizard part of my brain is having a lot of fun, the logical bit knows the series is, fundamentally, a complete mess.
I love Nuketown! Partially because I have always been fascinated by those towns. There's something creepy about a fake, happy, '50's American neighborhood being nuked. Plus if you rock the flack jacket, sleight of hand and a SPAS you will dominate. You feel like a god damned jug from MW2 with grenades blowing up beneath your feet left and right not even phasing you while your enemies cower from the sight of your SPAS going off in their faces.

I loved Dome and Rust as well. Rust was fun as hell.


Draft said:
Yeah, the other thing about Nuketown is the spawns are ridiculous. I remember people having conniptions about the spawns in MW2 but I never really got burned too bad by a guy spawning on top of or behind me. In Nuketown I've been standing in one of the backyards with a teammate or two and seen tangos pop into existence right before my eyes. It's so stupid.

I like Nuketown as an objective map, mainly S&D. I kind of like on Demo & TDM because it's fast paced but the spawns do get fucked and if someone gets a chopper gunner or a gunship. It's frustrating as fuck.

Nelo Ice said:
i had 27 kills and next closest guy had 18...i got tomahawked 3 times =(

but damn it was fun!...except for the whole losing cod points part...

But it feels so good killing the top player and watch them crawl back up the ladder all over again.
Draft said:
Yeah, the other thing about Nuketown is the spawns are ridiculous. I remember people having conniptions about the spawns in MW2 but I never really got burned too bad by a guy spawning on top of or behind me. In Nuketown I've been standing in one of the backyards with a teammate or two and seen tangos pop into existence right before my eyes. It's so stupid.

yup, hello killstreaks! They put that shit in the game you can bet I will take advantage of it.


Only negative i have found so far in multi player after just a few games is the spawn points. opposing teams are spawning at the exact same time in the exact same place, so stupid.


VaLiancY said:
The AUG, FAMAS and Galil have been my favorite go to guns when something needs to die quickly. I won't have time to try all the rifles unless I'm playing Sharpshooter or Gun game since I'm blitzkrieging to get that prestige.

I'm spending my credits wisely. I don't have time to play the game nonstop and so I can't rack up credit quickly, so what I do have I gotta make sure it goes a long way.

Which of the three is the best overall. Which one would you pick if you could only keep one?


Draft said:
Yeah, the other thing about Nuketown is the spawns are ridiculous. I remember people having conniptions about the spawns in MW2 but I never really got burned too bad by a guy spawning on top of or behind me. In Nuketown I've been standing in one of the backyards with a teammate or two and seen tangos pop into existence right before my eyes. It's so stupid.

relax - it's just a fun little map - no different from rust or shipment


jlevel13 said:
relax - it's just a fun little map - no different from rust or shipment

But shipment >>>>> rust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nuketown.

Man, I miss shipment. Loved that map now that I think about it.
ImperialConquest said:
I'm spending my credits wisely. I don't have time to play the game nonstop and so I can't rack up credit quickly, so what I do have I gotta make sure it goes a long way.

Which of the three is the best overall. Which one would you pick if you could only keep one?

Galil, its beastly, famas is a definetly a no no.


ImperialConquest said:
I'm spending my credits wisely. I don't have time to play the game nonstop and so I can't rack up credit quickly, so what I do have I gotta make sure it goes a long way.

Which of the three is the best overall. Which one would you pick if you could only keep one?
Galil for me. I've been using it since level 20. It's probably my favorite gun.
Chiggs said:
Obviously, we know that Castro is the apex of video game voice acting, but how do you do you all feel about Sam Worthington in this game?

I think he's alright. Aussie accent bleeding in asides, I think he was alright.

Nelo Ice

ImperialConquest said:
I'm spending my credits wisely. I don't have time to play the game nonstop and so I can't rack up credit quickly, so what I do have I gotta make sure it goes a long way.

Which of the three is the best overall. Which one would you pick if you could only keep one?

the galil+supressor!

i went from struggling to complete ownage as soon as i made the switch :lol :D


ImperialConquest said:
I'm spending my credits wisely. I don't have time to play the game nonstop and so I can't rack up credit quickly, so what I do have I gotta make sure it goes a long way.

Which of the three is the best overall. Which one would you pick if you could only keep one?

Very tough question. I would have to say the AUG. It gives me middle ground between the close range beast that the FAMAS is and the long range of the Galil.


quadrax1s said:
I have never seen anyone spawn right in front of my eyes in rust or shipment.

weird - because I have many many times - perhaps you were blinded by twenty flash bangs and grenades exploding around you at the same time
ImperialConquest said:
Which of the three is the best overall. Which one would you pick if you could only keep one?
AUG would be my choice, it does kind of need extended mags otherwise you reload too often due to it's fire rate :p


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Late game help please.

What the hell am I supposed to do during the stealth part on Rebirth? I'm at the very beginning and at the corner where you overhear some guys talking in Russian and I get spotted every time, even when I'm right behind Reznov and in the shadows.
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