fuck that's awesome news. One of my biggest complaints is playing the same damn maps in search and destroy over and over. I think I've seen 3 of the 14 maps about 400 times and the rest once each.AnEternalEnigma said:Vahn just confirmed on his Twitter that the voting system was being changed in a future update to remove the map you just played from the choices.
* 11/10
* - Users rank and stats can get wiped under very specific conditions
* - Online number counts were not updating properly; these are now reporting exact online numbers
* - Parties getting disbanded when host did not find a match quickly
* - Improved matchmaking to find matches faster
* - Improved match and host selection; will result in much better networking conditions for all games (a.k.a., decreased lag)
* - Weekly and Monthly leaderboards stats reporting incorrectly for kills, deaths and assists (All Time leaderboard not affected by this)
* - Additional improvements to party system
AnEternalEnigma said:Vahn just confirmed on his Twitter that the voting system is being changed in a future update to remove the map you just played from the choices.
Alienshogun said:Guess I'm one of the few people who keep going back to the Einfeld and the M14.
-Pyromaniac- said:The FAL is a superior M14.
paskowitz said:I do not know what other people are experiencing but about 80% of my match have terrible lag. When I watch the kill cam its as if I did even shoot the other person, even though I fired 1/4-1/2 a clip. (BTW PS3 version)
It does more damage, is more accurate, has more range. I think it just about outclasses it in every category. At least that's what I noticed when I unlocked it, after having been a fan of the M14 in COD4.Alienshogun said:What's better about it? I don't have it unlocked yet.
Edit: Also the fact that rendering videos is free, and auto upload to youtube is awesome. Why didn't Bungie do this?!?
Omiee said:iv not used steam for black ops.
any where i can download it.
Stoney Mason said:I like some of them but I prefer the maps of MW 2. They felt more balanced for more weapon types.
A lot of these maps are so tight and clustered and full of stuff that it really encourages everybody to be an SMG player so you can react quickly and pump out bullets. It feels like you get punished on a lot of maps if you break out of that mold. (I'm not saying every map is that way but a lot of them feel that way imo) And the sniper nerfing doesn't help. You use to have support on your team with a few snipers to clear away people but I'm not seeing that happpen alot. I almost never get killed by snipers which is a sign that something is off. Every game is going to be balanced differently but right now I'd like to see distance combat buffed a bit in a few ways.
Kusagari said:Is the campaign glitched? I'm on the first mission and have failed 20 times when this tank comes out getting "Your actions have caused your team to be killed."
What the fuck is this?
Najaf said:Don't shoot the tank with the RPG. Just run out toward the road and it will take care of itself. I just followed the bearded guy out to the main road and then friendlies came.
Veteran difficulty is a kick in the balls with every CoD. I wouldn't recommend it if you want to actually have fun with the game.blindrocket said:Man, playing on the hardest difficulty is pretty much insanity.
It took me probably an hour to get through what would amount to five or ten minutes of easy or normal gameplay. yeesh.
paskowitz said:I do not know what other people are experiencing but about 80% of my match have terrible lag. When I watch the kill cam its as if I did even shoot the other person, even though I fired 1/4-1/2 a clip. (BTW PS3 version)
mw2 veteran wasn't as bad as this or mw1Accidentus said:Veteran difficulty is a kick in the balls with every CoD. I wouldn't recommend it if you want to actually have fun with the game.
Aigis said:Is it just me or are most of the maps in this game no good for Domination? Time to try a different mode I guess.
VariantX said:has anyone had this glitch during campaign where suddenly there's a guy who you nor the npc's on your team are able to kill a enemy soldier on the 360 ver?
I was in one of the missions in the later half of the game and suddenly my bullets would go right through this guy and then he kills me. I start over in that same section and the bug is still active and he kills me again. Eventually I run around with him chasing me in circles until i run out the door, run back in just to buy me enough time to get to the next section of the game without getting shot up.
VariantX said:has anyone had this glitch during campaign where suddenly there's a guy who you nor the npc's on your team are able to kill?
I was in one of the missions in the later half of the game and suddenly my bullets would go right through this guy and then he kills me. I start over in that same section and the bug is still active and he kills me again. Eventually, I run around with him chasing me in circles until i run out the door, run back in just to buy me enough time to get to the next section of the game without getting shot up.
I have the 360 version of the game just to be clear.
:lolMechDX said:Had this game sitting in its Amazon box since launch day. Finally got home from work tonight to play and wouldnt ya know....damn RROD. This is my 4th 360. fuck
xxracerxx said:Alright idiotic question incoming (you have been warned):
When do I show up on enemy radar? Is it when I sprint as well as shoot? I know when the UAV (or whatever it is called is up, unless I have Ghost). But what about if I have the Ninja perk?
Perfect, thanks for letting me know. For some reason I always thought that sprinting made me show up on radar.Najaf said:Just shooting unless there is a UAV or SR71 up or you have a suppressor equipped.
RJNavarrete said:What's the theater website? I can't find it even with my elite googling skills. WTF?
Looks awesome. I want to rock that emblem!The Chef said: