That's so true. Unfortunately, I feel like this game has a steep learning curve for those who didn't play MW2 through a few prestiges, so a lot of people who just picked it up expecting to have an easygoing online experience and are getting destroyed by more experienced players. Then they immediately disregard it as being the game's fault, or lag, etc.
not my case. 7 prestiges on mw2, k/r 1.8 (i know it doesn`t mean much but anyway). i'm getting destroyed on black ops, getting k/d ratios like 0.63 in every game. i can't find a gun that fits my game style. guess i agree with the user that posted that the first guns you get suck. or maybe i just suck at this game :lol , don't know. althought i like the slower pace and not being killed every 10 seconds by a plane or chopper.
Well then I guess my theory has been proven wrong in this instance.
Though I do think that there's more to it that just the game choosing who lives and who dies. Skill plays a major part, and you must be pretty skilled if you're hovering around a 2.0 (I'm at a 1.7 or thereabouts myself).
I decided to give Domination another shot after giving up on it with MW2. As I suspected people were actually playing it as intended as an objective based match in all but one or two matches last night.
I really wonder how long it will stay objective oriented until the kids turn it into just another TDM mode.
It seems like the guns you start with in MP, more than the past few games, are terribly underpowered compared to the later guns. The Enfield is the worst thing ever. Getting owned by people with the Famas, Aug, and Galil. Ugh.
If you're on Xbox 360 press the "back" button while in the lobby, you can only select which region you would like to search in though, not based on skill as far as i know.
Cheers. Yeah, I figured being able to pick whatever you wanted would be an excuse for not being able to play like-levelled players. Shame.. Wasn't there a playlist in MW2 where low level players could go against each other W/O level 70 M60 super soldiers running around? Or is that Halo I'm thinking of? :lol
Anyway.. More playing, RC-XD needs a shorter fuse or a smaller travel distance. They last way too long.
That said, if you shoot a driver, does it kill the RC?
Had a fun THC game on Crisis too. I died this one time whilst hiding prone in some bushes thinking WTF? (got knifed) It was only afterwards that I discovered I was wearing blue jeans. :lol
I never ever used extended mags in any of the COD's(assuming they were in the previous titles) sleight of hand fixes the problem and it gives you a faster aim. Seems like the way to go for me. But if you really like the iron sight then extended mags are pretty good i guess.
haven't even bought sleight of hand so far as I only want to reload when I'm pretty sure there are no enemies around (and the machine guns I use have clips instead of belts now so they reload much faster)
with 45 bullets in the extended clip a FAMAS can take down 3 to 4 enemies in <5 seconds, which can really help out in frantic firefights ... you firing and hitting them means their aim is screwed up, so larger clips help a lot in these situations
for any high firing-rate automatic gun I <3 extended clips
Cheers. Yeah, I figured being able to pick whatever you wanted would be an excuse for not being able to play like-levelled players. Shame.. Wasn't there a playlist in MW2 where low level players could go against each other W/O level 70 M60 super soldiers running around? Or is that Halo I'm thinking of? :lol
Nah, I don't think there was any option for actual level-based matchmaking in MW2. The Call of Duty franchise's matchmaking system is laughable at best in comparison to that of Halo. Most games seem so one-sided. For instance, in BLOPS, out of the two dozen or so games that I've played, I've lost two of them (and in one of the losses, I had a guy who went 2-20 on my team). Granted I don't think Truskill (TM) has picked up on my skill level yet, but it was kind of the same case in MW2.
Halo's system is much better and actually seems to match you up with people around both your skill and experience levels.
Ickuu is right, MP is running around shooting people and seeing who gets the kill first. Thats what an FPS is by the way. In case you were confused Black Ops is an FPS also.
Holy shit, i just won my first Free for all. That's a great feeling. 30:10
I always played team deatmatch and other modes, and tried free for all a couple of times, but always think it's too frustrating and i like to play with others. But feels good man
Anyway.. More playing, RC-XD needs a shorter fuse or a smaller travel distance. They last way too long.
That said, if you shoot a driver, does it kill the RC?
Had a fun THC game on Crisis too. I died this one time whilst hiding prone in some bushes thinking WTF? (got knifed) It was only afterwards that I discovered I was wearing blue jeans. :lol
For SMGers (my favorite weapon class) the MAC-11 seems to be king. I held back saying this until I noticed I was consistently beating AK74u users gun to gun (hint: its the MAC-11s fire rate) if you like shooting your SMG past mid range I would say stick with the AK74u.
Also I am already over the RCXD. It leaves you vulnerable for too long and is ALOT of work to usually only get one kill. As of right now its off my Killstreak list in all modes except Domination where its an awesome scout that kills shit.
I'll never switch from hacker/pro in the third slot. It's going to ruin claymores. The only other choice might be marathon but that just helps me sprint faster to my next death usually.
Yep that is totally retarded. Yesterday I killed a guy who just started his RC-XD and thought that that should take care of it, but nooooo he then killed me with the damn thing.
Just picked this up yesterday after some hesitation due to the initial feedback. After playing the game a few hours it feels like a lot of the complaining comes off as people just not being very good at the game. Lag has been an issue in a few of my deaths, but most of the times I die its because I was doing something wrong. I hated MW2 with a passion, but so far I am loving Black Ops. I'm hoping the game doesn't become horribly unbalanced as people unlock more guns and perks. The maps in BO feel a lot more playable and interesting than those that shipped with MW2. There are a few tweaks to the weapon damage(M16) I'd like to see made, but aside from that this is the multiplayer experience I've been wanting again since I stopped playing COD4.
RC cars, meet claymore. Haven't had a problem with them since I started laying down claymores, and you get points for killing them, too.
Just played a dom match on cracked. It joined me 2/3 into the game and I still ended up with the most caps on my team :lol
All my team was doing was proudly calling out that they got carepackages. Guess they can't get this shit in deathmatch, they have to play objective games to get a killstreak of 5?
Thanks for the advice on using the grip - I tried this load-out for about half an hour this morning and it felt really good. That one more bar of accuracy seemed to make a huge difference.
Dude, I'm not being an asshole..sell it. If you are not having fun don't torture yourself. If you are a shooter fan there are plenty of others avaialble.
So I got this on Steam this morning and I'm pretty impressed by the MP...when pings are similar. This is undoubtedly down to my lack of practice, but it really feels as though higher latency players are getting overly-compensated accuracy and timing. I hit a guy twice with my Olympia (at about 8 paces) and get killed by the target. Killcam shows I never did, even with the X indicator.
PS. This is my first serious MP CoD attempt.
30-40 ping on a UK based server against 120+ ping players. Do people not pick a more local server anymore?
Nothing is more fun than a 10 death deathstreak from rc-bombs and mac-10s.
It's all down to latency for me, the lag just makes it shit, I know im a really good player (always top 2 in every match on MW2 pretty much and I don't tube/quickscope/use commando or anything dirty)
Yet this im lucky if I break even on kills in most matches where I have 2 yellow bars or even 3 light green.
the lag is expected, MW2 and WAW were terrible the first few weeks.
when this gets sorted out, and when the first patch comes it should be even more fun.
right now i probably end up in 1/5 games with a decent connection which is playable.
So I got this on Steam this morning and I'm pretty impressed by the MP...when pings are similar. This is undoubtedly down to my lack of practice, but it really feels as though higher latency players are getting overly-compensated accuracy and timing. I hit a guy twice with my Olympia (at about 8 paces) and get killed by the target. Killcam shows I never did, even with the X indicator.
PS. This is my first serious MP CoD attempt.
30-40 ping on a UK based server against 120+ ping players. Do people not pick a more local server anymore?
Nothing is more fun than a 10 death deathstreak from rc-bombs and mac-10s.
Finished the SP last night. I thought the finale was a little tepid, but overall I think the SP campaign was a vast improvement over MW2. The story was a lot more believable than MW2, and a lot more coherent, although most of the game was superfluous to the main plot. It was also a little too much 'get the bad guy' driven, which doesn't really work over the long time period. The vehicle sections were pretty much universally terrible, either let us pilot a chopper or not, 'push forward for forward and we'll handle the rest' is not any fun especially in heli to heli fights where you end up clipping through the enemy helicopters. I was glad that there weren't any
shock nukes
in the game, as this got really old in MW2. Given the nuketown MP map, I was kinda disappointed that one level didn't play out on an impending nuclear test sight. I think they definitely missed some opportunities with the time period, a US black ops led Bay of Pigs invasion and subsequent abandonment by the US government would have given the spectacle, moral ambiguity and feeling of fighting for survival against overwhelming odds that the series thrives on.
I had one glitch near the end right after
hudson punches you and stands over you with a pistol
, all of a sudden the character model switched to wearing sunglasses and holding an AK47, then back to no sunglasses and a pistol and then the character froze, although the game still carried on, sound etc. I could still move to menus, and so I wasn't even sure if it was a glitch for awhile, given how weird things are going on in that part of the game. Unfortunately I had to start that level again which meant re going through a bunch of exposition.
What'd I'd like to know is why when I explicitly tell the search "Locale Only" I often end up in games where the players are in completely different countries. The matchmaking is busted, it's not pairing together players properly. I'd say this is where most of the lag is coming from, just being placed with the wrong set of people.
Here you go, hopefully you understand what I mean by using triangles.
Diablohead said:
The white N isn't actually anything, use 4 triangles, two for the orange part and two for the grey, use a O in white to cap the sides and then a white box in the background to show up the N, the highlights were just some extra since I had 2 layers spare.
I just mastered the game yesterday. Overall liked it a bit more then MW2's campaign. Playing as 5 different people was too confusing for me in MW2. Though i did run into a few glitches, and moments were i didn't do exactly what they wanted me to, and died instantly. One glitch had the second to last level where every bad guy was standing like Jesus, and i just walked past them :lol. Great game though.
Sniping is damn hard, the only thing that is OHK with any rifle is a chest or head shot. Shoulders or stomach don't even seem to count. Might have been lag last night, but I seriously had hit detection issues. I had shots I swore were head or neck, hitmarker.
That bolt action isn't even worth it, the classified has the close damage and a better chance for a second shot. Why would you not just use the famas (or M14) with acog instead? It fires faster, I think it has less sway, and it takes the same number of shots .
I played a couple hours with the sniper, I'm pretty sure I am a 2-3 KD with ARs and SMGs, and a .5 to .33 KD with snipers. I was never great at sniping, but in previous iterations I could go even or a little above, never quickscoping (on purpose) and without SOH.
Run and gun is terrific though, both SMG and AR. Tons of flanking routes, ghost + marathon with silencer hip spray and you will destroy.
My opinion is slowing turning. At first, yes, no more BS deaths like MW2. Now, jump guy from behind, put 3-5 bullets into him and he either turns around kills me or disappear around a corner. Makes me want to throw my controller. Happens way too often. Lag netcode sucks in this game. Put in MW2 and drops guy 99% of the time.
Yeah, same. I can understand why they slowed down the scope/autoaim as to prevent quickscoping, but it sucks that they changed the damage dealt. Seems like it's impossible to kill anyone with less than two shots.
Yeah, same. I can understand why they slowed down the scope/autoaim as to prevent quickscoping, but it sucks that they changed the damage dealt. Seems like it's impossible to kill anyone with less than two shots.
Well I mean with the hitboxes/lag as they are, body shots haven't really killed that often for me. Headshots, yes, but with anywhere else it seems like I have to pump at least 2 into them to take them down.