Sigh.... really? :lolMcBacon said:
PaNaMa said:On 360, with a 7.1 Sony ES2400 home theatre system, I hear no footsteps. I'm regularly stabbed out by dudes with tactical mask, marthon, etc and had no idea they were chasing me, or rolling up on me at all. The broken spawn system amplifies this problem.
The only time I hear footsteps are my own (when I'm not using ninja) and only then when I'm sprinting on on metal grates and stuff.
I have Ninja Pro unlocked, which gives me the benefit of making no sound, and even then I don't hear enemies clomping up behind me for the stab. I have my speakers up so loud my friends complain about the sound feeding back.
In MW2 the bad thing was if you hear Johnny Lightweight Command Marathon sprinting toward you at 80MPH, you could at least turn and fire a couple rounds into him before he pressed the teleportation/stab/win button. In Black Ops, the win button is scaled back little with commando gone, but even that is somewhat nullfied by the relative weakness of guns. Not having footsteps just compounds the problem
What the.. :lolMcBacon said:
He's jackin his little wenis.McBacon said:
cameltoe said:I still use it because my footsteps are so damn loud it drives me crazy.
celestial body said:Vahn said in a twitter that the intention was to reduce soundwhoring, now clearly they've gone too far and it seemed he kinda acknowledged that so we will probably see it patched. However he did say the footsteps will never be as loud as in MW2.
McBacon said:
10/10McBacon said:Also, I've sorted out my Playercard
Cerrius said:Barebones is such a nice change of pace. Feels like I'm playing CoD2 again. So good.
W1SSY said:Started single player and trying to go through on Veteran but it just seems impossible. I beat MW2 on veteran and it was a challenge but not even close to as hard as this is. Sadly I am still really early in the game and cannot beat it.
Trying to go through the tunnels afteris impossible and I just find myself trying to run through it faster after I die multiple times. It also to me seems like I should have got a checkpoint but the checkpoints are spread out so much I have to repeat the same thing over and over.destroying the rocket with the valkyrie
iam220 said:I'll try asking again;
Where and how do you change your kill streaks? Tried going through the MP menus yesterday and couldn't find it.
iam220 said:I'll try asking again;
Where and how do you change your kill streaks? Tried going through the MP menus yesterday and couldn't find it.
Ikuu said:No way, one claymore is perfectly fine. If anything they need to add a delay to the Claymore so you can plant it as you die and kill someone right away.
Loxley said:On the 360 (assuming the same with the PS3), Killstreaks are under the "Player Match" multiplayer menu option; located right under Create A Class and Contracts.
MDavis360 said:By the time I get the Pro Perks I want it will be time to Prestige.![]()
zero margin said:Hacker pro is awesome! I walk up to this enemy care package and it says "take contents and booby trap". So I'm like, ok! Right as I finish someone walks up on me and thinking he's all cute kills me with his pistol in the back. A couple seconds after I respawn I see +100. :lol
No just want to try to platinum the game but with how hard it is I may give up.Rubenov said:Those of you playing this game on Veteran I'd suspect you of having a sadomasochist fetish.
Foliorum Viridum said:I'm still not feeling this and it's annoying me.Everything feels like a step backwards from the Modern Warfare games. In the SP there's nothing that's shocking or gripping me, and in the multiplayer I just find it a bit lifeless compared to the mad battlefield in the previous games.
I mean, I'm having fun, but there's no spark there. I was utterly addicted to MW/2 by this time after their releases.
That would be so pimp. I want Draper's silhouette so badly.Domino Theory said:Everything above the words MAD MEN is my emblem:
subversus said:Nope, stuttering is still there.
* GPU hitching on certain graphics cards.
* Incomplete server browser results.
* Improvements to Quickmatch joins (results with better ping and reduced lag).
* Zombies "The game session is no longer available" error.
MDavis360 said:I'm trying to get Hacker Pro right now but that 3rd challenge is a bitch!
Belfast said:Just saying, I find LMG camping with a Motion Sensor to be very profitable. Claymore works if you're not good at monitoring your mini-map. Otherwise, you can see pretty much anyone coming and I think it works against people with Ghost, as well.
You wish. I just had this happen to me earlier today. The one time I EVER leave a game and it was only because I had a red bar and only had X minutes left to finish a contract. I leave, get a loss, rejoin the exact same game, leave, and get TWO LOSSES out of ONE GAME.MDavis360 said:Remember how in MW2 if you quit a game and then tried to join a new one- it would put you right back in the match you left?
That's gone.![]()
Anerythristic said:Agree with you. I am having a hell of a time with some of the right place, right time ones.
I simply have yet to be in a situation where I melee kill two enemies in 5 seconds, even with the Ballistic Knife I think I killed two guys with it in under ten seconds though :lol
I played Objective based games ALL night last night and ran into (1) Sentry Gun , I did destoy it totally forgetting that I had switched classes and did not have a build with the ghost perk on at that moment. I literally shouted at the screen.
Guys, if you're having trouble with the Sentry Gun requirement, equip the Sentry Gun killstreak and toss it to where enemies are spawning and then hope that they pick it up and place it. Then wait and destroy. Might work out in your favor.Anerythristic said:Agree with you. I am having a hell of a time with some of the right place, right time ones.
I simply have yet to be in a situation where I melee kill two enemies in 5 seconds, even with the Ballistic Knife I think I killed two guys with it in under ten seconds though :lol
I played Objective based games ALL night last night and ran into (1) Sentry Gun , I did destoy it totally forgetting that I had switched classes and did not have a build with the ghost perk on at that moment. I literally shouted at the screen.