What's everyones thoughts about the multiplayer so far?
I'm very very unimpressed, and I'm unsure why the things I hate are happening so maybe someone can tech speak to me so I understand if this has a chance to be fixed:
1) Bullets seem to NOT register SO much. Even when someone is sitting 100% still and you start to rip at them to not miss a damn shot, it says bullets are missing. Headshots in this game seem 100% broken. I found an enemy sitting in spawn not moving and I went up close to his head with my red dot and pulled the trigger----NO headshot for 2 bullets. I was SMH so hard.
2) The lag issues and how it picks host are so bad. I've had games where my whole team is yellow and 1 bars, but the other team is 3 and 4 bars. I'm also having a consistent problem of getting all my friends together into games. Usually there is 4-6 of us and no matter what we pick it either drops one or two, or leaves us in an empty lobby that no one ever joins in.
3) Knifing seems to be a total crap shoot this time around. Whenever I get knifed I feel like they have Commando from MW2 on, but whenever I knife at chest level it won't come out. Is this caused from lag? The only times I feel like knifing is reliable is if you get behind someone.
4) The maps all feel very average to me. There isn't a really stand out map for me. Nuketown is a sin against man. I'll also throw in my complaint about spawns in this game here now that I mentioned Nuketown. This game has the WORST spawns of the COD series as far as I can tell. Non stop spawned with people behind me, or have enemies always popped up in my ass. Good lord.
5) Guns have an odd feel to them. I still haven't found one that clicks with me. Any suggestions Gaf on what's an OP beast?

Does anyone here snipe on most levels? The combination of the map layouts and lag/bullet detection make sniping frustrating for me.
I guess that's all I'll hit on for now. I'll also quickly say that the campaign on Veteran was the worst of all the CoD games I've played. I hated it more than WaW's grenade spam enemies. From horrible vehicle sequences, to the you die in 1-2 bullets, to shotguns can kill you from 50+ feet away, to 100% worthless A.I buddies, to so many bull crap sequences left up to luck(Rooftops level at the end with you on your back with a pistol waiting for the van...FUCK that part), to just a very unimpressive told story, and sprinkle in that it was told in a bleh way.
Feels good to get that off my chest, and I hope Trey can put out a good patch to iron out the kinks soon.