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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


Pistols feel pretty beastly--dropping fools left and right with the M1911. The contract for that is the easiest one out of the lot for me.

But I suck with the Dragunov so much. :lol
Just got the game tonight. I've only played multi-player, about 4 and half hours of it, and I really only have one BIG complaint:


Thank you, had to get that off my chest.
Brian Fellows said:
I was having this problem up until today. My connection was actually halfway decent.

It's making me go fucking bezerk. The ONLY way I can kill people, is to shoot them in the back (If I'm lucky, I won't empty an entire clip into them and have them turn around and headshot me), claymores, or grenades. That's it. If someone spots me, I'm fucking dead-no matter what. It sucks.
DidntKnowJack said:
Just got the game tonight. I've only played multi-player, about 4 and half hours of it, and I really only have one BIG complaint:


Thank you, had to get that off my chest.

I loved it how I join a Nuketown TDM, my team gets pummelled into the ground then when we get back to the lobby there are 6 votes to replay the previous map... such wimps :lol

DidntKnowJack said:
You may want to edit that last comment, dude.

Cheers, forgot myself a bit.
MDavis360 said:
It's making me go fucking bezerk. The ONLY way I can kill people, is to shoot them in the back (If I'm lucky, I won't empty an entire clip into them and have them turn around and headshot me), claymores, or grenades. That's it. If someone spots me, I'm fucking dead-no matter what. It sucks.

This is essentially much of the BlackOps experience. Even when I'm hosting a game this can happen. Something about netcode, hit detection or both isn't quite right. You'll get the jump on someone who isn't even facing you and they'll down you almost instantly.

The COD series has always been pretty bad with this, but I dunno, feels like it's worse here than ever. It's managable, but it's still (along with the spawning) very frustrating.


What I want to say about the multiplayer:

The maps are fucking awesome, but it's pretty evident that they copied some of the elements of the COD4 maps for their maps. Havana is totally Crossfire 2.0 and the Shuttle map is pretty much plagiarizing Ambush. Also, I'm rank 20 and I've never played Nuketown yet. Haha. :V

Removing Stopping Power was a great idea but I think that Ghost is pretty OP now. You use to have to trade your additional damage with the luxury of stealth, but now that's not the case and it makes it pretty hard to choose anything but Ghost. Anyways, Famas with the silencer is deadly as shit, although I hear that the AK74u is even deadlier.

Feels like the weapons are a lot less balanced than they were in MW2, but the game seems less bullshitty too. I also don't understand the complaints about spawning, I think it's done better than MW2 (where you will shoot someone, and then they will spawn close enough to run up and shoot you in the back.)


Dresden said:
Pistols feel pretty beastly--dropping fools left and right with the M1911. The contract for that is the easiest one out of the lot for me.
Yeah, i love that handguns are a viable option again.
Odrion said:
What I want to say about the multiplayer:

The maps are fucking awesome, but it's pretty evident that they copied some of the elements of the COD4 maps for their maps. Havana is totally Crossfire and the Shuttle map is a copy of Ambush. But then again. I'm rank 20 and I've never played Nuketown yet. Haha. :V

Nuketown is the most popular map I've encountered. Annoying as heck because sometimes they'll vote for it three consecutive times


PC-version, anyone got the theatre mode working? I can't create an account on callofduty.com, so I can't upload it to youtube.
supermackem said:
Anyone else getting strict nat, fuck is this about it was open on mw2. Is it that causing issues or are partys still fucked.

Try restarting your modem. This happened once to me in Mw2 for some reason.


Dina said:
PC-version, anyone got the theatre mode working? I can't create an account on callofduty.com, so I can't upload it to youtube.

i haven't tried uploading to youtube, but you could record using fraps and upload it yourself. i was messing around with it earlier today, and it's pretty cool.
_Alkaline_ said:
Try restarting your modem. This happened once to me in Mw2 for some reason.

Not working, tried everything done the ports etc. Seems alot of people are having issues with it thanks to google search. Im a bit stuck now ports have been sorted everything is fine with mw2.
samus4ever said:
LOL. I bet he was like, "Man you blocking my view".

I believe his exact words were ''GLOWINGMONX GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY YOU RETARD''. Too bad theater doesn't record sound from players talking ;(


Can you guys do me a favor to verify something in campaign mode switch your controls to N0M4D and play the game. What am finding is the ADS button doesn't work like it's suppose to you have to either press the left trigger twice to goto scope mode or press really hard which when your in scope and want to switch back quickly it get's you killed. In multi it works correctly but in the story mode it's broken I know it's the game cause if i switch to default the left trigger works just fine. Thanks for reading and posting your findings


Multiplayer has been a mixed bag for me so far. There are some excellent (such as Grid and WMD) and some terrible ones (Summit and Nuketown spring to mind).

Spawning is plain broken - Halo has shown me just how good spawning can really help the flow of the game. At one point I spawned, took three steps forward, and was shot in the back. When I saw the kill cam, the guy respawned behind me, and killed me instantly! I've also found in Headquarters that it doesn't try and spawn the teams as far away as possible from the objective and their opponents, just as far away from each other as it can. So you could spawn at the other end of the map to the objective, and the opposition will pretty much spawn on top of it.

Thank god I've almost unlocked Hardcore. I never really enjoyed normal CoD playlists since you have to pretty much get the drop on anyone to kill them, and even then you need to use half a clip. If I shoot someone and get three bullets into them with the M16 then they should drop. Only one more level to go!
Just picked this up yesterday - the campaign seems like a fairly standard COD affair, but despite it not being the main reason I buy Call of Duty games it's still pretty enjoyable (a notch below Medal of Honor's campaign, imo). The multiplayer is a ton of fun so far - I've yet to find a map I dislike (although I wish I got maps like Jungle and WMD more often - it's crazy how much Nuke Town keeps coming up, and seemingly everyone votes for it! It's not THAT good of a map, I don't get the love).

Incidentally, I love the blood spurts from knife attacks in this game, it seems wonderfully over the top;



zlatko said:
Black Ops for me single player "memorable" moments will be the frustrating parts I think in the long run.

The good parts I felt were down to two parts for me:

When you parachute off that mountain during the avalanche.

When you catch up to Steiner and Reznov says, "I AM VICTOR REZNOV, AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!"

Those two parts stand out for me.

Also, to the peeps who were hating on Swastika emblems earlier...why would you in this game? It's in the co-op all over the place, and World at War was covered to the brim with them. Kind of would be funny if Treyarch sent out a ban hammer for it when they use it in their games.
I agree with you about the swastika issue. Treyarch really has no room to ban any political or military symbol considering they put the hammer and sickle for sale. As for memorable moments in the campaign,
The Reznov flashback level was incredible. Just hearing the WaW music and fighting the SS in the arctic became the highlight of the game. It was awesome to actually see Dimitri this time around. I also loved wearing the hazmat suit during the nova gas attack.


I have not used cocaine
Dina said:
PC-version, anyone got the theatre mode working? I can't create an account on callofduty.com, so I can't upload it to youtube.

Yeah it just keeps telling me to play a couple games. I'm level 17 so far and have never had a clip show up. Are we supposed to register at callofduty.com? It doesn't say anything about it.


So I just endured a MP match consisting of a baby crying it's lungs out while daddy played MP, clearly some chav whom has his priorities in the wrong place. That was really fucking annoying and have been looking everywhere but please let me know how I can turn off people speaking into headsets. For the first time in over a year I turned on the PS headset not to discuss tactics or whatever but it was to tell that cunt to get off the fucking game and maybe take care of his kid, what made it much better was that soon after another about 4-5 people turned on their headsets and said the exact same thing.

The reason I loved PSN was because it was mute and the best I got from LIVE was being called every racist word in the book which gets boring over time however PSN is becoming the same. I must be missing something obvious but from what I've seen you can't turn that shit off in Black Ops so please any help would be appreciated, if not the mute button is always there. PS3 version BTW.
2real4tv said:
This is more like what Iam seeing, on the right...look at the ground textures they look even worse in person:


I knew about the res drop but this is bad very bad thought the upscale would look much better on my tv..I was wrong.


Still doesn't look anything remotely like a PS2 game, so quit being so disingenuous.


So I just prestiged for the first time last night! Feels good man. :D

In case anyone's still curious, here's what I kept:

- Layers and unlocked clip art for the callsign.
- CoD points.
- Gun customization (etched clan tag, stamped emblem; I haven't unlocked a gun I bought camo or a custom reticle for, nor face paint, yet so I can't see if it's kept).
- Your emblem design does not reset.

Everything else is reset as far as I can see.
Ok Ak74u and Grip and Rapid Fire is just absolutely ridiculous. You win almost all your up close battles with it unless you really mess up or they are rocking the same thing.

Also the M16 with thermal scope is awesome because there's no cold blooded. I use it like a sniper and quick scoping with it lets me win a lot of close up battles too.

Ghost is probably the best perk. So many spy planes, its good to know you aren't being detected half the match.

Really dove in to MP tonight and this game is fun.


Has everyone now figured out how to do the GAF logo? I've gotten about 12 PMs asking for advice. I feel kinda bad, because it wasn't actually me who figured out how to do it. I'd capture the who building process if there's still demand for it, though.


Pretty sure you don't keep your points; I made the same mistake thinking that I did and bought some perks and ran out of points after choosing two of them and an attachment. And I had like 100k in the bank too and that rolled back to maybe 5? 10k? Lol. I should have purchased all the emblem/background stuff first, then go prestige.


I'm having so much fun with team deathmatch pure. It feels ages ago that I have played a shooter with no classes/killstreaks/attachments and all the other crap and i'm loving it :D
snap0212 said:
Has everyone now figured out how to do the GAF logo? I've gotten about 12 PMs asking for advice. I feel kinda bad, because it wasn't actually me who figured out how to do it. I'd capture the who building process if there's still demand for it, though.

I read it and still cant figure it out. A more detailed description or video would definitely be appreciated.

Would be cool to see someone I don't know rocking one randomly.


zombieshavebrains said:
Yeah it just keeps telling me to play a couple games. I'm level 17 so far and have never had a clip show up. Are we supposed to register at callofduty.com? It doesn't say anything about it.

I think you need to have a callofduty.com account and link it to your steam account. How else would callofduty.com know in which user space to look?

Thing is, I can't sign up. I get an unexpected error when trying to sign up and it ports me back to the fill-in form. And yes, you can go into theatre mode, create a clip and upload it to your space, but you can't get to your space because you can't create an account at callofduty.com. Maybe you can create a forum account and that works, I dunno. But going to the theatre part of the website and creating an account doesn't work.
Just out of interest, ive linked my account to the CoD website, but before I go ahead and render videos is there a limit to how much stuff I can render? It would suck to waste all my space on stuff trying the service out. :lol


I just saw the dumbest killcam of the day... Dumbass had Warlord on a Stakeout. Which doesn't even have 2 attachments to put on. :lol

RS4- said:
Pretty sure you don't keep your points; I made the same mistake thinking that I did and bought some perks and ran out of points after choosing two of them and an attachment. And I had like 100k in the bank too and that rolled back to maybe 5? 10k? Lol. I should have purchased all the emblem/background stuff first, then go prestige.
Sorry bro, but I'm pretty sure you're confused... Maybe the points don't carry over but there's no way you had 100k unless you're some wager match god who never bought a single weapon or attachment. And since wager match doesn't give XP so you couldn't prestige if that's all you play, you aren't. :D


aku:jiki said:
I just saw the dumbest killcam of the day... Dumbass had Warlord on a Stakeout. Which doesn't even have 2 attachments to put on. :lol

Sorry bro, but I'm pretty sure you're confused... Maybe the points don't carry over but there's no way you had 100k unless you're some wager match god who never bought a single weapon or attachment. And since wager match doesn't give XP so you couldn't prestige if that's all you play, you aren't. :D

Im level 35 now and have 35K of money and bought plenty of stuff, i think 100K at lv 50 is possible?


bobs99 ... said:
Just out of interest, ive linked my account to the CoD website, but before I go ahead and render videos is there a limit to how much stuff I can render? It would suck to waste all my space on stuff trying the service out. :lol
There's a warning about how you should link your YouTube account so your stuff gets saved, otherwise it'll get deleted eventually.


RS4- said:
Pretty sure you don't keep your points; I made the same mistake thinking that I did and bought some perks and ran out of points after choosing two of them and an attachment. And I had like 100k in the bank too and that rolled back to maybe 5? 10k? Lol. I should have purchased all the emblem/background stuff first, then go prestige.
Really? :/

I'm level 31 and my lifetime earnings are 84k. I guess you never bought anything at all? Because otherwise I find it hard to have all that much money. My current disposable money is... 64 credits, lol (I keep buying shit all the time).


ultron87 said:
If you can get past the batshit insanity of the plot MW2's campaign has lots of awesome moments.

And the Oil Rig - Gulag sequence is probably my favorite CoD level of all time.

The plot in Black Op is like three times dumber than MW2.

The only really unrealistic thing in MW2 is Russia invading the US.

in Black Ops:

the same thing happens!
But then there's also the brainwashing part.

Allmost all of the setpieces also had a more polished presentation in the previous 2 modern warfare games, which made them easier to swallow.


I double dipped and got the PS3 version yesterday. This will probably sound like blasphemy but I am enjoying it far more than the PC version.....

Getting into game types of my choice is just so much easier.
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