MDavis360 said:and when I get into a one-on-one gunfight I will ALWAYS lose.![]()
Brian Fellows said:I was having this problem up until today. My connection was actually halfway decent.
DidntKnowJack said:Just got the game tonight. I've only played multi-player, about 4 and half hours of it, and I really only have one BIG complaint:
Thank you, had to get that off my chest.
DidntKnowJack said:You may want to edit that last comment, dude.
MDavis360 said:It's making me go fucking bezerk. The ONLY way I can kill people, is to shoot them in the back (If I'm lucky, I won't empty an entire clip into them and have them turn around and headshot me), claymores, or grenades. That's it. If someone spots me, I'm fucking dead-no matter what. It sucks.
Yeah, i love that handguns are a viable option again.Dresden said:Pistols feel pretty beastly--dropping fools left and right with the M1911. The contract for that is the easiest one out of the lot for me.
Odrion said:What I want to say about the multiplayer:
The maps are fucking awesome, but it's pretty evident that they copied some of the elements of the COD4 maps for their maps. Havana is totally Crossfire and the Shuttle map is a copy of Ambush. But then again. I'm rank 20 and I've never played Nuketown yet. Haha. :V
samus4ever said:I've never seen such a lonely camper before until tonight
Glowingmonx said:I found one too!
He ended the game with 2 kills and 3 deaths
Glowingmonx said:I found one too!
He ended the game with 2 kills and 3 deaths
supermackem said:Anyone else getting strict nat, fuck is this about it was open on mw2. Is it that causing issues or are partys still fucked.
Dina said:PC-version, anyone got the theatre mode working? I can't create an account on, so I can't upload it to youtube.
_Alkaline_ said:Try restarting your modem. This happened once to me in Mw2 for some reason.
samus4ever said:LOL. I bet he was like, "Man you blocking my view".
Same for me.kitch9 said:Is nobody else having connection issues on PC?
I agree with you about the swastika issue. Treyarch really has no room to ban any political or military symbol considering they put the hammer and sickle for sale. As for memorable moments in the campaign,zlatko said:Black Ops for me single player "memorable" moments will be the frustrating parts I think in the long run.
The good parts I felt were down to two parts for me:
1)When you parachute off that mountain during the avalanche.
2)When you catch up to Steiner and Reznov says, "I AM VICTOR REZNOV, AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!"
Those two parts stand out for me.
Also, to the peeps who were hating on Swastika emblems earlier...why would you in this game? It's in the co-op all over the place, and World at War was covered to the brim with them. Kind of would be funny if Treyarch sent out a ban hammer for it when they use it in their games.
snack said:Same for me.![]()
Dina said:PC-version, anyone got the theatre mode working? I can't create an account on, so I can't upload it to youtube.
That gun is beast! That's the primary weapon that I'm using at the moment. :lolkitch9 said:Damn, I'd just unlocked the AK74U and last chance pro and didn't get chance to try them. :-(
2real4tv said:This is more like what Iam seeing, on the right...look at the ground textures they look even worse in person:
I knew about the res drop but this is bad very bad thought the upscale would look much better on my tv..I was wrong.
snap0212 said:Has everyone now figured out how to do the GAF logo? I've gotten about 12 PMs asking for advice. I feel kinda bad, because it wasn't actually me who figured out how to do it. I'd capture the who building process if there's still demand for it, though.
zombieshavebrains said:Yeah it just keeps telling me to play a couple games. I'm level 17 so far and have never had a clip show up. Are we supposed to register at It doesn't say anything about it.
Glowingmonx said:I found one too!
He ended the game with 2 kills and 3 deaths
Sorry bro, but I'm pretty sure you're confused... Maybe the points don't carry over but there's no way you had 100k unless you're some wager match god who never bought a single weapon or attachment. And since wager match doesn't give XP so you couldn't prestige if that's all you play, you aren't.RS4- said:Pretty sure you don't keep your points; I made the same mistake thinking that I did and bought some perks and ran out of points after choosing two of them and an attachment. And I had like 100k in the bank too and that rolled back to maybe 5? 10k? Lol. I should have purchased all the emblem/background stuff first, then go prestige.
aku:jiki said:I just saw the dumbest killcam of the day... Dumbass had Warlord on a Stakeout. Which doesn't even have 2 attachments to put on. :lol
Sorry bro, but I'm pretty sure you're confused... Maybe the points don't carry over but there's no way you had 100k unless you're some wager match god who never bought a single weapon or attachment. And since wager match doesn't give XP so you couldn't prestige if that's all you play, you aren't.![]()
There's a warning about how you should link your YouTube account so your stuff gets saved, otherwise it'll get deleted eventually.bobs99 ... said:Just out of interest, ive linked my account to the CoD website, but before I go ahead and render videos is there a limit to how much stuff I can render? It would suck to waste all my space on stuff trying the service out. :lol
Really? :/RS4- said:Pretty sure you don't keep your points; I made the same mistake thinking that I did and bought some perks and ran out of points after choosing two of them and an attachment. And I had like 100k in the bank too and that rolled back to maybe 5? 10k? Lol. I should have purchased all the emblem/background stuff first, then go prestige.
ultron87 said:If you can get past the batshit insanity of the plot MW2's campaign has lots of awesome moments.
And the Oil Rig - Gulag sequence is probably my favorite CoD level of all time.