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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


ashbash159 said:
Is there any fucking way to play this game online at all on the PC?!

lol, it's been screwed up since this morning, sometimes you get lucky and the server browser actually works and maybe, just maybe you'll get into a game.


Just started the single player campaign and I'm really enjoying it. They've made everything a lot tighter and I'm digging the sky-high production value.


Insertia said:
Just started the single player campaign and I'm really enjoying it. They've made everything a lot tighter and I'm digging the sky-high production value.

Agreed, the only issue I'm having is with some of the levels on Veteran, there are some challenging parts to say the least.


-Yeti said:
Yes, it is my favorite Assault Rifle. It's strong, has little recoil, and has a pretty good size clip.

Magazine. A clip is a part of a magazine... Saying clip is a magazine is like saying rim instead of a wheel. Damn rap music. :lol

The AK74 with a grip is just insane. Started going a 4.0/kdr when I began using it. I'll probably max out the levels of it before moving on. That is if I can continue to deal with the bullshit dc's and especially lag.

Honestly though, there's no real excuse for Lag to be this bad anymore, especially in games of 12 players or less. Lag, hit detection, all blow in the PS3 version right now, and it's easily killing the "fun" of the game faster than I expected.


I've went back to the FAMAS over Galil for my playstyle of not being able to aim. The faster fire rate along with From the Hip , Ghost, and a Silencer helps keep my kill rate at around 2.0 which i'm quite happy with since i'm terrible at shooters.

I'm king of the noobs!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Finished the campaigns. Long ranty useless thoughts to follow. Spoilers obviously.

I really liked the premise, and the story left MW2's mess for dead. I loved the whole special ops thing, the secret missions, the experimental technology, etc. The game had some good set pieces too.

But even so, I felt the story as a whole was a bit slapped together. The idea they had was fine, and I like the implication that Mason assassinated Kennedy, but the who Reznov thing was a bit weak.

It was predictable from quite early on, but he also becamse a deus ex machina plot device that didnt make much sense. How did he re-program Mason? I'm under the impression that it really just boiled down to "Reznov kept drilling his history into a mentally unstable Mason, and Mason got caught up with it". Plausible I guess, but I think in the long run its a little over simplified. Reznov died during the escape, and his entire plan was set in motion for five years after? Without the expertise and equipment that the Steiner and co had he was still able to brainwash?

It was a plot twist I wasnt too impressed with, mostly because it seemed a little lame and rushed compared to the pretty solid structure of the plot.

Otherwise, I thought the campaign was okay. I would have liked more special, secretive missions, and I think they should have really played on history a lot more than they did. I would have liked to see more familiar characters and locations, with a unique spin on war history and what-not. I thought that was what Black Ops was going to be all about, but it was a little less than what I expect.

And now that story spoilers are out of the way, here comes the gameplay; as a whole, I think I'm done with the franchise from both Infinity Ward and Treyarch.

My beef is that the focus is almost exclusively on huge production values, big explosions, and scripted scenarios. The gameplay, as it is, is really pretty garbage.

Firstly, the AI stinks. Like, really stinks. This makes every encounter in the game really bland, and the combat pretty sloppy. The dynamic between friendly and enemy AI is all over the place. It needs to be tighter.

Secondly, the gameplay formula is stale. Every single mission comes down to either mowing through waves of enemies (which is coupled with the first problem), or jumping into a vehicle and participating in an on-rails kill-a-thon. Very, very, very few levels try and be creative.

Thirdly, pseudo gameplay rubbish like "PULL UP ON THE CONTROL STICK TO TAKE OFF". This cinema envy wank is useless. It doesnt add anything to the experience, because if you dont do what it says it changes nothing. They're not even quick-time events. They're literally nothingness to somehow make you seem like you're playing a game thats on auto-pilot.

Fourthly, hand holding. Far too many of the missions basically have you trailing an NPC and doing exactly what they say. Why not give some freedom to the player? Why not put them in a situation where they need to think and work out what to do next? Why not allow them to tackle a situation they way they wish? Even little things in this, like Reznov telling you to avoid the chopper's search light; its all linear and scripted. Follow Reznov, stay right behind him, and you get through it with zero issue. The game holds your hand through every single level, and every single mission. You're always trailing behind the NPC tour guide. Why not stimulate the player?

Lastly, creativity and variety in mission structure. When I think back at the levels I've loved the most throughout the Call of Duty franchise, I remember them as being the ones that felt a little different from the rest of the campaign. Even if its something small, just mixing up the gameplay with new ideas and themes goes a long way in keeping things fresh. The hazmat suit section of this game, with the heat scope, is an okay example of what I'm talking about. I wish there was more stuff like this, with more levels focusing on a particular style of play or something really special and level defining. As it is, a vast majority of the game plays with the formula of my second point. Run, gun, on-rails, repeat. Maybe shoot down a chopper or something. When the level design is mediocre, and the AI encounters are craptacular, there's not much else selling the unique feel of every levels. Its basically the same game repackaged over and over and over and over and over.

All of these problems have existed in the franchise in varying degrees for a long time now, with MW2 the biggest culprit.

I know this is probably a lost cause as much of what I want is entirely against the point of the series, and it has a rabid following of fans that obviously love what it does, but those are my main issues with the franchise at this point and the things I'd like changed.

I just want to be stimulated, is all. I dont want the game to hold my hand. I want variety in challange and gameplay. I want to be faced with a situation that requires me to think, at least somewhat, about what exactly I'm going to do. I dont want a series of context sensitive button presses to 'scale the wall' and other crap, because none of this is stimulating gameplay. Its pseudo interactivity.

Oh well. Rant over I guess. Sorry :p.


Finished the campsign, overall? Really liked it. Not the best in the series, but I felt it was a good marriage between the believability of CoD4 and the Hollywood action-movie style of Modern Warfare 2. Definitely a step-up for Treyarch.

Other pros and cons:

+ By far the most creative story in the franchise's history. It's great now that the series has moved on from WW2 that both IW and Treyarch are coming up with their own stories instead of just putting the players in battles from history.
+ Really liked the characters overall, Woods in particular.
+ Ed Harris and Garry Oldman were (unsurprisingly) excellent.
+ The missions were varied and well-paced, the campaign didn't over-stay it's welcome.
+ Really liked the time-period and setting Treyarch chose, we don't see it enough in video games these days.
+ Gameplay was liquid Call of Duty (which is a good thing), but to quote Giant Bomb: If the CoD franchise doesn't get an entry that does to the series what Call of Duty 4 did (completely change it up and make something new an unique compared to previous titles) then Call of Duty seriously risks going the way of Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero.
+ Best facial animations in the series yet.
The flash-back WW2 mission where you search the ship, one of the best missions in any Call of Duty, extremely atmospheric and grandios.
The after credits sequence
:lol :lol

- I'll say this up-front; Sam Worthington needs a goddamn dialect coach. Every third line it felt like he wasn't even trying to maintain his American accent. Sometimes his sentences would start off with the accent, but my the end he'd slip back into full on Aussie mode. Was very distracting and would pull me out of the moment whenever it would happen. When his American accent is good, it's very spot-on, but when it's bad, it's horrendously bad.
- Story was pretty convoluted at certain points, with so many names being thrown around so quickly, sometimes i simply lost track of who-was-who.
- I'm sort of in-different on the "twist" at the end. Could make for an interesting set-up for the (inevitable) Black Ops 2.
- The AI is probably the worst it's ever been, both friendly and enemy.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ashes1396 said:
you agree with edge's 7, then?

Campaign only, on a true objective 10 point scale, its a 6/10 from me. Maybe a 5/10.

Its fun, but not good enough, and not what I would consider standout gaming. It was better than MW2 though.


I think I'll be done with it after this one, too. I'm having a decent time with MP, but I won't lie. The main SP draw to me was the whole Cold War thing. They've done most of the major wars, they've done "modern war" and they've done this. I'm just not sure where they can go next (Call of Duty: The 100 Years War?), and I'm not sure I give a shit about them going back to the well again.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
SalsaShark said:
Anyone else getting some stuttering during cutscenes ? PC version.

As in, the pre-rendered custscenes before a mission? Its because the game is loading. Optimisation + hardware issues can lead to stuttering when video is playing while its also trying to load level data.

I had the same problem.

Belfast said:
I think I'll be done with it after this one, too. I'm having a decent time with MP, but I won't lie. The main SP draw to me was the whole Cold War thing. They've done most of the major wars, they've done "modern war" and they've done this. I'm just not sure where they can go next (Call of Duty: The 100 Years War?), and I'm not sure I give a shit about them going back to the well again.

Call of Duty: Space Marines.
So can anyone explain the significance of the numbers to me, I finished the campaign and loved it from a storyline level but im not tooooo sure what happened there. Even wikipedia has nothing to say about them which I find odd.


EatChildren said:
As in, the pre-rendered custscenes before a mission? Its because the game is loading. Optimisation + hardware issues can lead to stuttering when video is playing while its also trying to load level data.

I had the same problem.

Call of Duty: Space Marines.

Call of Duty: Zulu Dawn


EatChildren said:
As in, the pre-rendered custscenes before a mission? Its because the game is loading. Optimisation + hardware issues can lead to stuttering when video is playing while its also trying to load level data.

I had the same problem.

Yup. Same thing happened with PC version of Darksiders. Bad optimization afaik.

Any way to fix this other than getting a better rig i guess ?


I was shocked at how well Black Ops did sales wise out of the gate, I really thought it would be behind MW2, but apparently it's selling even better, and I didn't pick it up at launch as I'm a little burned out on the series, but after seeing everyone else had picked it up and the impressions from this thread I bought it at Target. I'm starting the 5th campaign mission on Veteran and plan on tackling the multiplayer when I'm done with single player. I was also pleased that it seems like the online gameplay is more like COD4 rather than Modern Warfare 2 or World at War. I guess we'll see if this is the peak of the series sales wise or not, seems like it will be. The backlash is building slowly, although I see it as more of a Madden maybe than something that will completely vanish like Guitar Hero. It seems like there will always be a core base of gamers that will buy the franchise.


Loxley said:
Finished the campsign, overall? Really liked it. Not the best in the series, but I felt it was a good marriage between the believability of CoD4 and the Hollywood action-movie style of Modern Warfare 2. Definitely a step-up for Treyarch.

Other pros and cons:

+ By far the most creative story in the franchise's history. It's great now that the series has moved on from WW2 that both IW and Treyarch are coming up with their own stories instead of just putting the players in battles from history.
+ Really liked the characters overall, Woods in particular.
+ Ed Harris and Garry Oldman were (unsurprisingly) excellent.
+ The missions were varied and well-paced, the campaign didn't over-stay it's welcome.
+ Really liked the time-period and setting Treyarch chose, we don't see it enough in video games these days.
+ Gameplay was liquid Call of Duty (which is a good thing), but to quote Giant Bomb: If the CoD franchise doesn't get an entry that does to the series what Call of Duty 4 did (completely change it up and make something new an unique compared to previous titles) then Call of Duty seriously risks going the way of Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero.
+ Best facial animations in the series yet.
The flash-back WW2 mission where you search the ship, one of the best missions in any Call of Duty, extremely atmospheric and grandios.
The after credits sequence
:lol :lol

- I'll say this up-front; Sam Worthington needs a goddamn dialect coach. Every third line it felt like he wasn't even trying to maintain his American accent. Sometimes his sentences would start off with the accent, but my the end he'd slip back into full on Aussie mode. Was very distracting and would pull me out of the moment whenever it would happen. When his American accent is good, it's very spot-on, but when it's bad, it's horrendously bad.
- Story was pretty convoluted at certain points, with so many names being thrown around so quickly, sometimes i simply lost track of who-was-who.
- I'm sort of in-different on the "twist" at the end. Could make for an interesting set-up for the (inevitable) Black Ops 2.
- The AI is probably the worst it's ever been, both friendly and enemy.

So true. I thought, "Wait, did they brainwash him to think he's an American?"
finally got the game to run. and extremely dissapointed....horrible AI, last gen graphics, crap map design and spawn placement. BF BC2 is honestly a whole generation ahead of this Garbage.


AndresON777 said:
matchmaking bad on 360? just got it

Last night my friends and I had a horrible time getting into games. Played for 4 hours and never made it into a TDM game. If you are alone I think you will be fine but right now it seems the game has a hard time populating games once it starts.
Not sure if this was answered already, but I went 32-0 on Array yesterday but it still says my best streak was 9. Does it only count regular kills as your best killstreak or is this one of the stat glitches they are gonna fix?
Kabuki Waq said:
finally got the game to run. and extremely dissapointed....horrible AI, last gen graphics, crap map design and spawn placement. BF BC2 is honestly a whole generation ahead of this Garbage.
:lol Oh you


Belfast said:
I just have a feeling the series may start to feel the fatigue that Guitar Hero/Rock Band have experienced this year.
It's done. You can't live on COD4's pickings forever, which is what the last three COD games have been. With no IW, the franchise is doomed to fail.


The engine has reached it's limits, a new one should be developed next year because these shortcomings aren't fixed by just updating the engine again.

But since this is Activision, it won't happen.
MarshMellow96 said:
Ergh, fuck the RC. Three kills? Even the Predator in MW2 needed five and you were safe from it indoors. I've gotten to the stage where I just accept a death when 'enemy RC' comes up. That isn't right anyway you swing it.

More importantly, I feel it's ruining the game for the people who actually want to play it properly. You rarely get spy planes because people are so fucking bloodthirsty for that one goddamn kill that they just go for the RC instead. Really gets my goat.

I concur - the RC-XD is so damn cheap, I dropped into a game earlier where the other team were getting raped by waves of the things, every couple of seconds "Enemy RC-XD spotted in your area!". Fucking nightmare. I can only hope the novelty soon wears off, because it's crazy how many people use it at the moment.

However, it is rather satisfying when you catch someone laying an RC-XD and blow it up in their face;



Kabuki Waq said:
finally got the game to run. and extremely dissapointed....horrible AI, last gen graphics, crap map design and spawn placement. BF BC2 is honestly a whole generation ahead of this Garbage.
You are officially blind. Or just can't remember how the last gen actually looked like. Don't worry, there are many like you around saying the same kind of bullshit with many games ;)
Loxley said:
Finished the campsign, overall? Really liked it. Not the best in the series, but I felt it was a good marriage between the believability of CoD4 and the Hollywood action-movie style of Modern Warfare 2. Definitely a step-up for Treyarch.

Other pros and cons:

+ By far the most creative story in the franchise's history. It's great now that the series has moved on from WW2 that both IW and Treyarch are coming up with their own stories instead of just putting the players in battles from history.
+ Really liked the characters overall, Woods in particular.
+ Ed Harris and Garry Oldman were (unsurprisingly) excellent.
+ The missions were varied and well-paced, the campaign didn't over-stay it's welcome.
+ Really liked the time-period and setting Treyarch chose, we don't see it enough in video games these days.
+ Gameplay was liquid Call of Duty (which is a good thing), but to quote Giant Bomb: If the CoD franchise doesn't get an entry that does to the series what Call of Duty 4 did (completely change it up and make something new an unique compared to previous titles) then Call of Duty seriously risks going the way of Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero.
+ Best facial animations in the series yet.
The flash-back WW2 mission where you search the ship, one of the best missions in any Call of Duty, extremely atmospheric and grandios.
The after credits sequence
:lol :lol

- I'll say this up-front; Sam Worthington needs a goddamn dialect coach. Every third line it felt like he wasn't even trying to maintain his American accent. Sometimes his sentences would start off with the accent, but my the end he'd slip back into full on Aussie mode. Was very distracting and would pull me out of the moment whenever it would happen. When his American accent is good, it's very spot-on, but when it's bad, it's horrendously bad.
- Story was pretty convoluted at certain points, with so many names being thrown around so quickly, sometimes i simply lost track of who-was-who.
- I'm sort of in-different on the "twist" at the end. Could make for an interesting set-up for the (inevitable) Black Ops 2.
- The AI is probably the worst it's ever been, both friendly and enemy.
Yeah I pretty much agree with all points. I liked the story less and less as the game went on, it started strong but it got too convoluted and ridiculous towards the end. Still, miles ahead of MW and MW2 in my opinion. Oh yeah and Reznov was awesome as usual.

Could have done without the 'twist' but oh well.

I think if they opened up the levels just a bit and relied less on scripted events and more on semi-random enemy placement and AI, this would have been a much better game.

Koroshi said:
I miss Infinity Ward. :(
Oh I don't. Literally everything in Black Ops is better, in my opinion, except for the graphics maybe.
Ikuu said:
Get the AK47u, for either you just want something with good damage and a high rate of fire. I don't bother with anything but the AK47u, none of the maps really require a long range weapon.

I was getting dominated until I got the famas and ak47u. Mp5 is the best of the starting guns, but its not that good. Unfortunately I had to spend 5 hrs getting raped before I could get a gun that keep my k/d ratio above 1. I figured id try dual wielding mac 11 with extended mags and the 2 attachment perk, but it didn't let me. so wasted my money. Couldn't you do this in mw2? So far mw2 multiplayer blows this out of the water..

Lag, map design, guns, perks...Yeah its toned down, making it more real, but so far it feels significantly less fun. The game is still fun, doesn't suck, it just cant sniff mw2's panties. The one thing I do like is that it seems more people are actually trying to win domination and the objective games instead of preserving the k/d ratio. Perhaps its the contracts?
Mik2121 said:
You are officially blind. Or just can't remember how the last gen actually looked like. Don't worry, there are many like you around saying the same kind of bullshit with many games ;)

Not all impressions are about consoles.

sorry but I played it on PC. By Last gen I meant Last gen PC games. :D Which it does look like.

edit: cmon the textures...so low res.
Finally beat the single player on hardened. Wasn't bad except for a few spots where they didn't do a good job telling me what to do. Overall I thought it was pretty good and fun. I didn't really follow the story. If anyone could summarize it for me I'd appreciate it.

Time to put more time into mp now!


Unconfirmed Member
AndresON777 said:
matchmaking bad on 360? just got it

I got it on the 360 today and can't seem to join a game. It says 50 found but never connects.

I just played the single player for bit instead.


Alligator F*ck House
Stats time...

Wins 235
Losses 115
Ratio 2.04
Best Winstreak 47

Kills 10158
Deaths 3102
K/D 3.27
Acc 20.57
Best Killstreak 21

Fav weapon, Galil k/d 2.74


LeMaximilian said:
Stats time...

Wins 235
Losses 115
Ratio 2.04
Best Winstreak 47

Kills 10158
Deaths 3102
K/D 3.27
Acc 20.57
Best Killstreak 21

Fav weapon, Galil k/d 2.74
And I thought my 15 game win streak was good.

When you prestige do you lose your playercard?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
bobs99 ... said:
So can anyone explain the significance of the numbers to me, I finished the campaign and loved it from a storyline level but im not tooooo sure what happened there. Even wikipedia has nothing to say about them which I find odd.

He rattles off the numbers at the very end and it breaks down to a date, and place. That's when you see the picture of Kennedy and him in the background.
Alienshogun said:
He rattles off the numbers at the very end and it breaks down to a date, and place. That's when you see the picture of Kennedy and him in the background.

You'd think the top minds of the US intelligence community could have decoded that.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
EatChildren said:
Fourthly, hand holding. Far too many of the missions basically have you trailing an NPC and doing exactly what they say. Why not give some freedom to the player? Why not put them in a situation where they need to think and work out what to do next? Why not allow them to tackle a situation they way they wish? Even little things in this, like Reznov telling you to avoid the chopper's search light; its all linear and scripted. Follow Reznov, stay right behind him, and you get through it with zero issue. The game holds your hand through every single level, and every single mission. You're always trailing behind the NPC tour guide. Why not stimulate the player?

This is where I think Black Ops failed miserably & World at War succeeded. Like I said before a huge step back from Treyarch.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Neuromancer said:

You'd think the top minds of the US intelligence community could have decoded that.

You'd also think they would have just used triangulation to figure out where the broadcast was coming from. :lol


LeMaximilian said:
Stats time...

Wins 235
Losses 115
Ratio 2.04
Best Winstreak 47

Kills 10158
Deaths 3102
K/D 3.27
Acc 20.57
Best Killstreak 21

Fav weapon, Galil k/d 2.74

That is quite impressive, which gametype do you play mostly?
FTWer said:
This is where I think Black Ops failed miserably & World at War succeeded. Like I said before a huge step back from Treyarch.
To say nothing of taking campaign co-op out, I guess just to service the needs of the story.

Mega bummer. I played through W@W a couple times but I don't know if I'll ever play through this campaign again.
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