I felt the same way till me and my little brother both dropped 100 on it. I've taught him well.snack said:Anything on Nuketown is the worst. Shit hits the fan on that map.

I felt the same way till me and my little brother both dropped 100 on it. I've taught him well.snack said:Anything on Nuketown is the worst. Shit hits the fan on that map.
Treyarch said:Multiplayer: Free with every copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops
jonnybryce said:What's the best automatic weapon to slap a suppressor on? I want to be a ghostly ninja off everyones radar. But strong.
Net_Wrecker said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8-9iXoNTDU Elpresador Commentary:lol
Every SINGLE TIME he yells "WHYYYYY?!?!" or "LOOK AT DIS SHIT!!!" I'm crying from laughter.
corkscrewblow said:I felt the same way till me and my little brother both dropped 100 on it. I've taught him well.
No, I want to run around like hell as I always do but not be a red dot for camping window bitches and other enemies to turn around and shoot.Alienshogun said:AKA "I wanna camp my ass off."
Alienshogun said:No. The sleepers were awaiting the signal order to unleash the Nova gas.
jonnybryce said:What's the best automatic weapon to slap a suppressor on? I want to be a ghostly ninja off everyones radar. But strong.
AK47 w/ silencerjonnybryce said:No, I want to run around like hell as I always do but not be a red dot for camping window bitches and other enemies to turn around and shoot.
Smokey said:ok so wait..the numbers were for the sleepers and for mason as to when to kill kennedy, or were those 2 separate things?
jonnybryce said:No, I want to run around like hell as I always do but not be a red dot for camping window bitches and other enemies to turn around and shoot.
Pkm said:Haven't played single player yet, I really don't care for FPS SP games.
Zombies is pretty fun tho.
Mutiplayer is fun, but still prefer BFBC2.
So many aspects of BFBC2 trump BO but I can see the allure of BO to the masses.
It's nice to have BO since its something my 9 yr old can play competitively. Easy to use guns, generous amounts of auto-aim, spawning atop each other for increased action and easy kills for noobs to snatch up, simple to use 1 hit kill weapons etc...
I think its pretty cool how main stream and easy CoD mutiplayer has become, its nice to play a MP FPS and not get angry or feel "pwned".
Oh course for real competition and and such I'll slap BFBC2 in but to blow of steam and have a laugh CoD is great.
It's like BFBC2 gameplay is NBA Live while CoD is NBA Jam, very toungue in cheek assisted gameplay.
This is why I love listening to the shit talkers in the lobby, you'd think they just won gold at the Special Olympic.
Alienshogun said:The numbers were a code and part of Masons programming, he was programmed to assassinate kennedy, hence the pistol flash in the pentagon. At the end of the game, as I pointed out, Mason says all the numbers, then pieces out what they mean for the player. Then you see a picture of Kennedy surrounded by people, and what looks like Mason in the crowd.
Mason DIDN'T kill the president because Reznov's additional programming messed it up.
The transmission from the boat was intended to count down for the sleepers on when to unleash the Nova gas so that the communists could invade.
Spl1nter said:Overall COD has a pretty high guaranteed level of enjoyment and fun due to these mechanics. Battlefield as everyone knows is simply amazing when playing with friends but doesn't have that guaranteed enjoyable experience
Nard Bagman said:I'm still waiting to play this![]()
Alienshogun said:He rattles off the numbers at the very end and it breaks down to a date, and place. That's when you see the picture of Kennedy and him in the background.
Are you 100% that you're not, in fact, playing against bots?xxjuicesxx said:I've only played about 50 games so far haven't even seen all the maps and weapons and perks but yet I still find myself constantly positive with the most score yelling at the randoms on my team for being so bad. Sometimes I feel like they are just bots added in because no human beings could be that dumb and still remember to breathe!
Gah where do I apply for the GAF dream team?
Loxley said:Call of Duty is primarily about kills, Bad Company 2 is primarily about attacking/defending objectives).
Battlefield and CoD can't coexist apparently. Call of Duty appeals to the masses because when Joe Consumer buys a shooter, he does it because he wants to shoot people, and that's what the CoD series does best (which is why it keeps selling millions). It's no secret that for a while now, the de facto game-type in a multiplayer shooter is Team Deathmatch, it's the one people play the most. Battlefield's lack of any sort of kill-focused gametype (Squad-Deathmatch doesn't count) and constant pimping of Objective game-types pushes people away since BC2's focus is decidedly on not killing people
Neuromancer said:Are you 100% that you're not, in fact, playing against bots?
xxjuicesxx said:I've only played about 50 games so far haven't even seen all the maps and weapons and perks but yet I still find myself constantly positive with the most score yelling at the randoms on my team for being so bad. Sometimes I feel like they are just bots added in because no human beings could be that dumb and still remember to breathe!
Gah where do I apply for the GAF dream team?
What's wrong with camping?Alienshogun said:AKA "I wanna camp my ass off."
Really? They're simply mocking the fact that there was talk about there being a subscription fee months back. Ease up.Major Williams said:Is it just me or is there an inherent problem with the saying on the bottom:
It's irritating because it's not free. It's included in the cost. I wouldn't have bought the damn game if it didn't have multiplayer. They paid developers for it, and are using profits to pay those wages. Nuff said.
They need to take that shit down. It's almost like they're mocking us out of our $60.
xxjuicesxx said:I've only played about 50 games so far haven't even seen all the maps and weapons and perks but yet I still find myself constantly positive with the most score yelling at the randoms on my team for being so bad. Sometimes I feel like they are just bots added in because no human beings could be that dumb and still remember to breathe!
Gah where do I apply for the GAF dream team?
AmericanNinja said:What's wrong with camping?
You sure about that? I've actually have situations where I thought exactly the same but both were because..Alienshogun said:Wow, my playercard is erased, and theater is saving someone else's games into my recent game history, wtf.
XBL version.
What's the difference between chillin' and campin'?Nelo Ice said:so just went 27-2 in hardcore tdm
apparently teams dont learn to not cross one of the bridges in jungle :lol
i knew the whole team was on the other side by that one high point where everyone camps
so i was just chilling on the other side of the bridge since i knew they would keep coming the same way and only one person tried to flank me and he completely failed
i ended up getting 11 straight to get my attack dogs as well and of course after i called em in i noticed the majority of the team just quit :lol
Mik2121 said:You sure about that? I've actually have situations where I thought exactly the same but both were because..
(Playercard erased) - It took a very LONG time to connect to the servers, so until then it would just show me as level 0 (!?) without my emblem nor anything. After about 1 or 2 minutes going back and forth from the menu to the playercard menu to everywhere.. it finally updated my info and it was all as I left it the last time
(Someone else's games) - If it's like what it happened to me, basically I kept watching some of my games and trying to find myself, without any luck. Then I remembered that I joined that game when there were only a few minutes left. I fast-forwarded and there I wasSo what the game did was to actually save the whole game even from before I joined! Dang that's pretty awesome if you ask me
:lolnatedog4000 said:Really? They're simply mocking the fact that there was talk about there being a subscription fee months back. Ease up.
Mik2121 said:Uhmm.. damn. Then I guess it was some server fuck-up. Hopefully it's not a very common error.
Man, Infinity Ward and Treyarch should team up. We need the connection quality, image quality and overal visuals of IW mixed with Treyarch's balanced gameplay, customization and fun modes![]()
RedStep said:What's the difference between chillin' and campin'?
I really don't feel that the knifing is as bad as you make it out to be. I haven't anything close to commando/tac knife...SMZC said:The knifing in this game is fucking ridiculous. It's worse than in MW2. Black Ops doesn't need Commando to piss you off with knifers; the telelung with invincibility frames is still there and is still as stupid as ever. Only difference being that with the maps being much smaller and less camp friendly than MW2's, knifers have it much better than in that game to knife you, so it's much more of an annoyance (again, even without Commando). I run with an SMG class a lot of the time, and despite of having a pretty decent K/D ratio, I get knifed all over the place by AR users who are just running around like fools. I get the first shot or two on them, but the stupid lunge with its invincibility gives them the kill. I'm loving this game, I really am, overall it's a more fun and balanced game than MW2, but this knifing crap is ridiculous, and don't get me started on the respawns. Somehow Treyarch has managed the impossible: They have fucked those up even more than IW did in MW2. I just had a game where the final killcam clearly showed someone just dying and spawning literally a few feet behind my back. As ridiculous as MW2 could get, it never got THIS ridiculous.
Treyarch, fix this shit now. Your game is awesome and in my opinion better than MW2, but this crap has no excuse. While you are it, fix snipers too so they don't suck complete ass.
Aigis said:They really need to fix the sound in this game. I can't hear anyone's footsteps other than my own and I have the sound way up, tried headphones, messed with the settings; nothing.
I'm having trouble getting a 7 killstreak.Nelo Ice said:so is anyone else having probs getting randoms to take ur care package to level up hardline?
unless its something really good i just wait there and protect it until someone grabs it
last game i got a counter spy plane and no one wanted it but enemies were heading en mass to snag it so i ended up getting like 10 straight kills stopping them so hopefully a teammate would grab it :lol