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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
SMZC said:
The knifing in this game is fucking ridiculous. It's worse than in MW2. Black Ops doesn't need Commando to piss you off with knifers; the telelung with invincibility frames is still there and is still as stupid as ever. Only difference being that with the maps being much smaller and less camp friendly than MW2's, knifers have it much better than in that game to knife you, so it's much more of an annoyance (again, even without Commando). I run with an SMG class a lot of the time, and despite of having a pretty decent K/D ratio, I get knifed all over the place by AR users who are just running around like fools. I get the first shot or two on them, but the stupid lunge with its invincibility gives them the kill. I'm loving this game, I really am, overall it's a more fun and balanced game than MW2, but this knifing crap is ridiculous, and don't get me started on the respawns. Somehow Treyarch has managed the impossible: They have fucked those up even more than IW did in MW2. I just had a game where the final killcam clearly showed someone just dying and spawning literally a few feet behind my back. As ridiculous as MW2 could get, it never got THIS ridiculous.

Treyarch, fix this shit now. Your game is awesome and in my opinion better than MW2, but this crap has no excuse. While you are it, fix snipers too so they don't suck complete ass.

I fucking hate knifing in this game. Only in this game does a knife overpower a fucking gun! If I put three fucking shots in your skull then you should be DEAD!

This should have been the easiest/first fucking thing they should have fixed from MW2.
SMZC said:
The knifing in this game is fucking ridiculous. It's worse than in MW2. Black Ops doesn't need Commando to piss you off with knifers; the telelung with invincibility frames is still there and is still as stupid as ever. Only difference being that with the maps being much smaller and less camp friendly than MW2's, knifers have it much better than in that game to knife you, so it's much more of an annoyance (again, even without Commando). I run with an SMG class a lot of the time, and despite of having a pretty decent K/D ratio, I get knifed all over the place by AR users who are just running around like fools. I get the first shot or two on them, but the stupid lunge with its invincibility gives them the kill. I'm loving this game, I really am, overall it's a more fun and balanced game than MW2, but this knifing crap is ridiculous, and don't get me started on the respawns. Somehow Treyarch has managed the impossible: They have fucked those up even more than IW did in MW2. I just had a game where the final killcam clearly showed someone just dying and spawning literally a few feet behind my back. As ridiculous as MW2 could get, it never got THIS ridiculous.

Treyarch, fix this shit now. Your game is awesome and in my opinion better than MW2, but this crap has no excuse. While you are it, fix snipers too so they don't suck complete ass.

I don't find the knifing so bad, but I would suggest trying out hardcore mode if you're finding it that big a problem.


Blair said:

Friend got this score earlier, was also accused of wallhack and aimbot. TURNS OUT HE IS JUST A PRO
Do people find this impressive? What's the point of joining an objective game and not take part in it? If you want to just kill people with kill/death ratio, play TDM, FFA or someting along that line. Picking people off while they run around doing objectives is easy.


I just found out earlier that Ballistic Knife equipped when you knife makes you lunge forward like Commando did in MW2. Can someone confirm this?

I tried it in sticks and stones wager match and it sure as hell felt like I went 10+ feet forward to stab people. If so, that'd explain why so often in other game types I felt like I was getting shanked from too far. Granted lag issues could have also been an influence in the whack assetry of it.
knitoe said:
Do people find this impressive? What's the point of joining an objective game and not take part in it? If you want to just kill people with kill/death ratio, play TDM, FFA or someting along that line. Picking people off while they run around doing objectives is easy.

Ughh they won by like 220 points he probably was going for or at least defending the objective...
Alienshogun said:
Oh, a tip for anyone wanting to dislodge campers, equip the jammer and nova gas.

Jammer will piss them off since they can't rely on their map, or their claymores/motion sensors anymore, and nova gas will force them from their hiding spot.
Ill have to try this. I usually stick to the decoy and lure people out in a direction I can see, then when they realize its two cans hopping around and not idiots shooting at the sky I strike.
xxjuicesxx said:
Ughh they won by like 220 points he probably was going for or at least defending the objective...

Not getting a single capture means you never even went for one. Not even the one that's right in front of you when the game starts. That means he literally just ran to a spot to camp and pick people off. I've seen it hundreds of times.

There's no excuse for this type of play. You know anyone with that score gave two shits about the objective, so why defend it?


Unconfirmed Member
CartridgeBlower said:
Getting tons of kills and zero objectives in an objective game does not make one a pro. It makes them a bitch.

What does it make you if you're calling people a bitch about COD?
Treyarch definitely shits on Infinity Ward when it comes to campaigns. Aside from some cheesy trial and error deaths the campaign was a ton of fun. Having the main character speak not only in cutscenes but also in game added a lot to the immersion and having noticable guys like Worthington and Cube added to the fun as well. Worthington did a great job.


Sniping blows. I know quickscoping was annoying but now it's just gimped to hell. Just removing SoH Pro's effect on scoping speed would've been enough.
Look I honestly don't care when I see those stats pictures if the dudes team won It doesn't matter to me. They blew them out in kills and objective, if there was a pure slayer on their team I just don't care he still killed a ridiculous amount of people.


xxjuicesxx said:
Look I honestly don't care when I see those stats pictures if the dudes team won It doesn't matter to me. They blew them out in kills and objective, if there was a pure slayer on their team I just don't care he still killed a ridiculous amount of people.
Yeah... just killing them that much means the other team was probably respawning the whole time, unable to group up, unable to mount offensives, unable to put killstreaks into play, etc. There's more to objective games than just flag play.

I mean, the guy was probably just farming kills like a little whore, but still, there's that to consider as well.
Dresden said:
Yeah... just killing them that much means the other team was probably respawning the whole time, unable to group up, unable to mount offensives, unable to put killstreaks into play, etc. There's more to objective games than just flag play.

I mean, the guy was probably just farming kills like a little whore, but still, there's that to consider as well.

^^^ Someone who thinks strategically rather than just singular. Ultimately it doesn't come down to how well you did, how many objectives you got, it matters how well your team performed in all aspects cohesively. If one person does the majority of the slaying it frees your team up to get the objectives easier and stops the enemies from unleashing distracting killstreaks.
What's wrong with camping? Sooner or later theyll get flushed out. Besides if you're a sniper isn't that what you're supposed to be doing?

That said I play against bots, they don't really care too much whether I camp or not. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
CartridgeBlower said:

Except killing people plays a big role in Domination, sure the guy was just farming but it played a big part in the victory im sure.
Tokubetsu said:
Do we have an ETA on the first patch?
Call of Duty gamers:

For the past two years, we've been working day and night to deliver the best game we possibly can to our fans. We are committed to making sure that continues for a long time to come. If you have questions, concerns or just need more info, we want to hear, so please continue coming back to the COD forums to share your thoughts.

We've always been committed to our community and we'll be here to help in every way we can. We've already fixed some things that have popped up in recent days now that large volumes of players have arrived online. Let us know how we can continue to make the best possible experience for you, the fans.

Please bookmark the links below for ongoing updates about fixes that have already been made and fixes that are in the works.

PS3: http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=313365
X360: http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=313362
PC: http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=313146
Wii: http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=313460

Thanks as always for your support.



Tomorrow, Monday?


xxjuicesxx said:
Look I honestly don't care when I see those stats pictures if the dudes team won It doesn't matter to me. They blew them out in kills and objective, if there was a pure slayer on their team I just don't care he still killed a ridiculous amount of people.

Not hard to kill a lot of people on COD in objective game types whilst not actually going for any objectives. No doubt the people on the other team were also average to poor player judging by the amount of Captures and Defends they had.

The map also looks like Jungle which is a prime map to get a 9 killstreak on and abuse the chopper gunner as spawning opponents literally have ZERO cover. I will also bet not one of them had a class containing any kind of launcher.

Nice to have so many kills and so little deaths but on games like COD it's not very impressive nor is it ''PRO''.


The achievement addict in me wants to beat this on veteran, but the human being in me wants to throw my controller at the wall when I get killed over and over and over for simply turning a corner or something.

How the hell do you do it? I turned back to hardened for now :/
sn1pes said:
The achievement addict in me wants to beat this on veteran, but the human being in me wants to throw my controller at the wall when I get killed over and over and over for simply turning a corner or something.

How the hell do you do it? I turned back to hardened for now :/

I am so so so so happy that I chose Regular instead of Hardened or Veteran. Even there are parts where I want to rip my hair out.


Unconfirmed Member
Just got my first chopper gunner from a care package and the game ended just as i opened the door! Motherfucker!
Weenerz said:
Enjoying this quite a bit more than MW2, especially after Treyarch sort of fixed the PC version.

Yeah, I'm still experiencing stuttering and poor performance, but the game is at least playable and enjoyable on some level now. Hopefully it all gets squared away in the near future


Nelo Ice said:
so is anyone else having probs getting randoms to take ur care package to level up hardline?

unless its something really good i just wait there and protect it until someone grabs it

last game i got a counter spy plane and no one wanted it but enemies were heading en mass to snag it so i ended up getting like 10 straight kills stopping them so hopefully a teammate would grab it :lol
I was trying to get hardline Pro with randoms and I couldn't get any of them to take the care package even with me telling them over and over on the mic. Luckily I got into a game with my friends and got it pretty easy.

Eric WK

xxjuicesxx said:
^^^ Someone who thinks strategically rather than just singular. Ultimately it doesn't come down to how well you did, how many objectives you got, it matters how well your team performed in all aspects cohesively. If one person does the majority of the slaying it frees your team up to get the objectives easier and stops the enemies from unleashing distracting killstreaks.


I honestly can't believe this argument still takes place in FPS threads.


knitoe said:
Do people find this impressive? What's the point of joining an objective game and not take part in it? If you want to just kill people with kill/death ratio, play TDM, FFA or someting along that line. Picking people off while they run around doing objectives is easy.
You see, if you're a little bitch, you will go to objective games to get kills. As others are trying to accomplish the "objectives", you know where they will be and can hide.


It was definitely the strangest and darkest CoD storyline to date (not that I mind at all!), but I consider it to be an "alternate history" of the Cold War.

I mean, a full-scale American invasion of a Soviet island in the Aral Sea, an assault on a secret Soviet research facility, AND an attempt to sabotage the Soviet space program? Any ONE of these would've been enough to trigger WWIII, far less ALL of them! Also, an underwater base worthy of a James Bond movie villain?

It may not be as outlandish as MW2's Russian invasion of the US, but it's still out there!

Anyway, the end of the game implies
that there are other "Manchurian Candidate" operatives in the US as the numbers are still being broadcast by the woman from an obviously secure location. Personally, I do believe that Mason did kill JFK as at one point the game refers to Oswald as a failure or something to that effect.

As for the numbers/brain-washing, if you're interested in the historical basis, I suggest you read about the CIA'S MKUltra project:



I am not Max
How is breaking from the chair and using the
DOA code
revealed to you? Gathering all the intel?
In the campaign, do the enemies throw out grenades endlessly again like in WaW/MW or did they tone it down? For some reason, constant grenades annoy me more than anything in single player.
I don't think I'll ever get a good demolition game. I get in and see the other team has like 50+kills each and the team I'm on has like 50 deaths each, I just leave since obviously no one is going for the objective.

So for the mp has been up and down with me. I can see it taking awhile longer to get the hang of than with past CoD's. I finally unlocked the AK74u and it's probably the best gun so far.


the_zombie_luke said:
In the campaign, do the enemies throw out grenades endlessly again like in WaW/MW or did they tone it down? For some reason, constant grenades annoy me more than anything in single player.

I played on Hardened and that definitely didn't happen.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
To be honest posting scores is completely pointless, and honestly does anyone really care that you had a good game?
RedStep said:
You see, if you're a little bitch, you will go to objective games to get kills. As others are trying to accomplish the "objectives", you know where they will be and can hide.
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