biosnake20 said:god the snipers and shotguns are so bad in this game compared to the others
I cannot recall being killed by a sniper rifle in the game yet. Not that I am complaining mind you.....
biosnake20 said:god the snipers and shotguns are so bad in this game compared to the others
The respawns were always shitty to be fair. I exclusively play S&D just to avoid dealing with them. It's also more intense because dying actually has weight to it._Alkaline_ said:Started playing Search (was playing TDM exclusively to learn the maps, now halfway through first prestige) and what do you know? Game is miles better. Search really is the only way to go, particularly now with the shitty respawns.
Have you turned on locale search?Tongue said:This is by far the most lag infested piece of shit I have ever had the misfortune of buying.
Normaly mp games are shit because I live in Montana.
This piece of shit takes it to a whole new level.
Aigis said:Have you turned on locale search?
rodvik said:I cannot recall being killed by a sniper rifle in the game yet. Not that I am complaining mind you.....Shotguns have wasted me a couple of times but nothing out of the ordinary. Curious if any GAFers have effectively used sniper rifles yet? They seem really underpowered vs previous cod games.
rodvik said:I cannot recall being killed by a sniper rifle in the game yet. Not that I am complaining mind you.....Shotguns have wasted me a couple of times but nothing out of the ordinary. Curious if any GAFers have effectively used sniper rifles yet? They seem really underpowered vs previous cod games.
-Pyromaniac- said:Anyone notice how easy it is to get to 40-45, but how insanely long it takes to get from 45-50. Maybe it's just me.
I've only encountered one penis-related emblem so far. The rest involve beer, which is funny.UFRA said:So....anyone notice the trend that is starting?
People have managed to create various ways to involve a penis in their emblems.
Sometimes it's splooging, other times it's a horse banging another horse....ugh.
UFRA said:So....anyone notice the trend that is starting?
People have managed to create various ways to involve a penis in their emblems.
Sometimes it's splooging, other times it's a horse banging another horse....ugh.
Boogat said:Starting? Penis/ass themed emblems have been going since day one lol. Treyarch is 'banning' people who are caught with inappropriate emblems though, but this ban is only from creating a new emblem (for 15 hours). I don't know how common these bans are though, but I've seen it happen multiple times now.
slamskank said:I'm a little concerned about how popular ninja is... I think the 3 perk slots is kind of a mistake in that respect, it and marathon are the only useful ones in the 3rd slot.
Freezie KO said:Hacker seems like a waste of time though.
CcrooK said:Not true. You're able to see where people lay equipment down. So you don't run into a claymore. Pro allows you to hack everything to your benefit. Even enemy crates you can steal and turn the crate into a bomb. I think it's one of the best perks to have.
Dresden said:I get like six, seven RCXDs a match, so I guess I'm part of the problem. They're so fun to use though--if I have two stacked up I'll use one to kill then send out the other one just exploring the hidden tunnels and stuff.
What's odd is that it's very rare for me to actually get killed by one. The key is to run away from everyone else so the RC zooms for them instead of you. :lol And to aim well.
CcrooK said:Not true. You're able to see where people lay equipment down. So you don't run into a claymore. Pro allows you to hack everything to your benefit. Even enemy crates you can steal and turn the crate into a bomb. I think it's one of the best perks to have.
Najaf said:Just prestiged and I am loving how quickly you get your toys back. In four matches, I had my usual perks (albeit not the pro versions), my chopper gunner, my m14 and my tactical gear. Only a few more matches and I'll have my Famas back. The money system is great for prestigers. The only real speedbump is earning back all your pro perks which is a fun little challenge in itself.
Also, for those who are going to prestige, make sure to use all of your money at the end on the emblem layers and backgrounds. Those are the only things you keep and you loose all your money.
He means all the emblem parts and player card backgrounds. You keep them all, including the ones you're not using. That's why you should spend all your money on buying ALL of them right before prestige.Nelo Ice said:so u mean the player card backgrounds right?
and im guessing this means u lose any emblems youve unlocked besides the ones ur using
Nelo Ice said:so u mean the player card backgrounds right?
and im guessing this means u lose any emblems youve unlocked besides the ones ur using
Mik2121 said:Check out all the lost potential..
Add some extra details and some fences and trees to create a good flow on the map, let us enter a few more houses and a couple extra higher buildings (or not) and it would have been a pretty awesome medium / big map if you ask me.
Also I want more maps that include western cities or civilian environments, not just factories or war environmentsI'd love to fight on some big department store or at least something like the Pentagon (hey, if they have it already, why not...).
Oh and add the ship environment from the campaign. It would work sooo much better than that goddamn Shipment map.
I used to memorize areas at the top edge of buildings where you can throw nades around the opposite teams spawn area in CoD2/4. Get into it, makes people rage.Mik2121 said:Damn.. am I the only one here getting A LOT of lucky kills with grenades throwing them just on the direction where my enemies might be, but over buildings and shit?.. This didn't happen to me in MW2 :lol
yea it's fucking lame/broken. they should've put zombies on dedicated servers like they have with wager matches. such a bummer.subversus said:So I tried to play a zombie match, but every time the counter goes to 0 I'm disconnected with the message "Group isn't active" or something like that. PC version here.
As far as I understand zombie mode uses p2p connection, right?
UFRA said:So....anyone notice the trend that is starting?
People have managed to create various ways to involve a penis in their emblems.
Sometimes it's splooging, other times it's a horse banging another horse....ugh.
I agree with you. I only like nuketown because it's actually something different. I'd love more maps that are in the middle of cities, like an office building or a store. war environments get boring.Mik2121 said:Also I want more maps that include western cities or civilian environments, not just factories or war environmentsI'd love to fight on some big department store or at least something like the Pentagon (hey, if they have it already, why not...).
jonnybryce said:Launch. Spawned infront of two enemies, they kill me. Spawned two feet from that spot, killed them. They spawned where I spawned, killed them again.
Wtf is this shit.
kyo_daikun said:Never would have seen that coming