:lolMcBacon said:Why can't they just make something nice like this?
:lolMcBacon said:Why can't they just make something nice like this?
D4Danger said:you're a terrible person.
Fixed.NameGenerated said:One of my no longer irl friends has a swastika icon. :\
Najaf said:I love how you cannot name a custom class "assault", but they let you drop Nazi or Naz1 into your clan tag. Really people?
Yeah, sniping still kinda blows. My KDR doubles when I stop sniping and grab my FN-FAL.X26 said:Just how useless are sniper rifles in blops? Well, I've been killed 1,746 times sofar, 19 times by sniper rifles![]()
Dresden said:Yeah, sniping still kinda blows. My KDR doubles when I stop sniping and grab my FN-FAL.
It's pretty cheap. Resetting just the care package would've been enough.sweetfish said:I feel so bad for using: SAM Turret, Care package, Sentry Gun + Hardline Pro
It's too good of a combination. :lol
Yeah I got one earlier thinking "dammit, I don't want this crap." Then I went on a rampage of like 8 kills straight. :lol It's on my file share but it won't appear online for some reason..nimrod said:Just got the Death Machine in a care package, and holy shit that thing is devastating :O
You're basically a walking Chopper Gunner :lol
Weenerz said:How do you reset care packages?
sweetfish said:I feel so bad for using: SAM Turret, Care package, Sentry Gun + Hardline Pro
It's too good of a combination. :lol
Mr Sandman said:Wow, the bunny hop + drop shotting shit is getting annoying. Though it is funny to see a bitch try to drop shot a flame thrower. They need to add some kind of shooting delay when you pull that shit.
Kyoufu said:Where are you when I need you? lol![]()
Not diving, drop shotting. Bunny hopping is not that annoying, just when they jump sideways and go prone *and* get a recoil deduction (from proning?). I am starting to aim at peoples' legs it's getting that ridiculous.X26 said:there is a delay when you do the dive
not seeing much in the way of bunny hopping, kind of pointless given how low you jump
Foliorum Viridum said:Just finished the SP. Overall, I'm disappointed. I thought that Treyarch would take note from the Modern Warfare games and bring their own thing to it, but I found it was more a mix of their old game design and bad copying of IW's finest moments.
It was solid and enjoyable but there was no edge. Nothing impacted me like experiencing the AC-130 mission, dying in the nuclear blast, having to witness the Russian airport slaughtered or seeing America in tatters as the country is attacked. There were one or two dicey moments, like thebut even that wasn't too shocking. Infinity Ward knew how to shock me and push the envelope in some way, there was nothing like that here.game of Russian roulette in Vietnam
I also feel that IW do pacing better than Treyarch. The narrative structure made the game too disjointed. I know that IW games jump around different theatres of war and whatnot, but it was jarring to be in the middle of a mission in Vietnam, get flashed back to the interrogation room, then be 15 minutes ahead in the mission. It felt more like playing the greatest hits of a war rather than fighting through all of the action myself. There were also long stretches where you were just shooting guys. Yeah, I know that sounds stupid to say about an FPS, but I felt that every 3-5 minutes IW always threw something unique at you, whereas this was a lot more reliant on clearing out room after room, and throwing in some mechanics you'd already done in MW/2.
Also, I found the story to be even more ridiculous than the ones in the MW franchise. Yes, those are over-the-top and Michael Bay influenced, but nothing was as far-fetched or unsatisfying as. I'll take a rogue US official orchestrating a war over that.you being brainwashed and imagining your sidekick that isn't really there for half of the game
This may read like a fanboy IW post, but I did have high hopes for this game and it just doesn't have that edge or excitement that the Modern Warfare games did. Treyarch took the WW2 formula and perfected it with World at War, but here they fell a long way short.
It was more plausibe that a piece of stolen technology could help that happen. I'm not saying that's realistic in the SLIGHTEST, but compared toNinjaFridge said:America being invaded by Russia without anybody else noticing is more realistic?
NinjaFridge said:America being invaded by Russia without anybody else noticing is more realistic?
NinjaFridge said:America being invaded by Russia without anybody else noticing is more realistic?
I think the location plays a big part of why I find this SP disappointing. The Russian levels were nothing new, and the Vietnam sections weren't as horrendous and gritty as they should've been. It felt like a WW2 design with the Vietnam setting pasted on top of it.Jack Scofield said:Who cares if it's realistic? It was a nice change of pace from the Middle-East/Russian environments found in most modern shooters today. Like that poster said, seeing Washington DC in ruins was pretty interesting, and the battle to retake the White House was incredibly fun.
IW did a great job of making the Washington DC levels feel like an actual war. I could care less if it makes sense in real life.
Foliorum Viridum said:It was more plausibe that a piece of stolen technology could help that happen. I'm not saying that's realistic in the SLIGHTEST, but compared toI'm more willing to buy it.brainwashing
Foliorum Viridum said:It was more plausibe that a piece of stolen technology could help that happen. I'm not saying that's realistic in the SLIGHTEST, but compared toI'm more willing to buy it.brainwashing
Foliorum Viridum said:It was more plausibe that a piece of stolen technology could help that happen. I'm not saying that's realistic in the SLIGHTEST, but compared toI'm more willing to buy it.brainwashing
Okay, maybe "far-fetched" was the wrong term to use. I know thatsubversus said:You cana person like it was made in Black Ops. There are techniques for that. While Russia attacking America is as possible as China solving its overpopulation issue by mass firing squad executions.brainwash
:lol That's exactly why I kept playing the whole campaign in a few sittings. Other CoDs the story kind of bores me, so it might take me a week or two to finally complete the sp, but on this one I just wanted to know wtf was going on. I enjoyed it.X26 said:The thing BO has over the other (non-ww2) cod campaigns is anticipation. You want to keep going and find out more about what's going on with mason and what the numbers mean. In the other games there's nothing like that.
Not necessarily a good or bad thing either way, but it does set it apart
See my previous post for clarification on what I meant, but that was an interesting read. Thanks!NinjaFridge said:You're willing to buy an impossible scenario where not one country bothers to tell America that some crazy shit is on the way, that nobody notices the entire Russian army preparing for a massive war, but you're not willing to buy brainwashing ala MK ULTRA was successful?
MarshMellow96 said:Uploading videos seems difficult. I've linked my account and everything and my rendered file still doesn't show up on the website. =/
Foliorum Viridum said:Okay, maybe "far-fetched" was the wrong term to use. I know thatcan happen, but it just didn't seem like an interesting narrative device. When it was revealed I just groaned, whereas the narrative devices used to explain the war in MW2 were equally as far-fetched but didn't annoy me because the pay-off was better.brainwashing
I was just rambling as the credits were rolling in that post, so it wasn't the most articulate pieces of prose. :lol
I prefer care package, chopper gunner, and dogs with hardline pro. I love watching guys flee into houses away from my chopper only to get killed by the dogs.sweetfish said:I feel so bad for using: SAM Turret, Care package, Sentry Gun + Hardline Pro
It's too good of a combination. :lol
Yeah, the over the top dismemberments remind me a lot of solder of fortune, I actually like it haha. Would be rad if it was in MP.Draft said:This game's pretty gross. I thought the graphic throat slitting was bad, but then some guy in the VC tunnels had his hand blown off by my magnum. He was rolling around for a few seconds, and the fleshy mess at the end of his former hand were wiggling and jiggling. Nasty. :lol
You do realize a lot of those grand scenes in MW are references to other stories, right?Foliorum Viridum said:There were one or two dicey moments, like thebut even that wasn't too shocking.game of Russian roulette in Vietnam