Y2Kev said:I don't play for a ton of time, so my sample is small, but I never spawned in front of the person who just killed me in MW2. This happens regularly to me in BO. Especially (well, primarily, since i get it ALL THE TIME) on Array.
Perhaps Black Ops 2 will be better. They still have another 20 years of cold war shenanigans to explore.harriet the spy said:SP was less fun than i hoped. they could have done so much more with the themeand with that kind of twist, which also was super heavy-handedly alluded to throughout the game
I guess when I heard the name was 'black ops', and since Treyarch previously did 'historical' CODs, i thought it was going to be about real operations of black ops, throughout history (starting from 1940's or even earlier and finishing in modern times). The fact that the story was aboutFirst mission was totally the right direction, then it fizzled, and ended sucking.yet another russian who wants to destroy the US by means of a plan a 5 year old could concoct was very disappointing :/
thisRamirez said:Spawning and lag are just as bad in MW2, I really don't know what game some of you are playing.
I do give them credit for the theme, yes.Scarecrow said:Perhaps Black Ops 2 will be better. They still have another 20 years of cold war shenanigans to explore.
did it work for you?Brian Fellows said:No idea if this has been posted or not but its pretty interesting.....
I'm testing it out now.
Skel said:Haven't beat the single player yet, but I think thatmission was the best CoD mission I've ever played.escape from the Russian labor camp
What do you guys think?
Stripper13 said:Fail. Seriously. At least give the game a try - the graphics are a little off in some areas (gun models like the M16 look like BC2... cartoonish or bland). Otherwise, it's a superior game to MW2 in every way IMO. The party system, spawn bugs etc are all straight out of MW2... so if you could enjoy that, or it didn't bother you all that much - then Black Ops won't either. More importantly, the game plays so much nicer than MW2 due to the balance improvements and currency/customisation system that makes you invested in your weapons.
Really? The spawn issues make it a 'decent' attempt? It's really starting to sound like the people bitching or putting the game down are really holding Treyarch to unrealistic expectations. Modern Warfare 2 was a glitchy, unbalanced mess of a game that seen some improvements over several months. The only thing it clearly outdid Black Ops in was the graphics/image quality... and possibly the sound on some weapons, footsteps etc. MW2 had the exact same issues with spawns as anyone else was having... and for anyone complaining about Nuketown, you need to go and have a match on Rust in MW2 to see the meaning of unfair spawns. If you don't spawn on top of a MLC knifer, or Noob Tuber, you are getting spawn camped by 1-3 people on the top of the building, or have someone spawn directly behind you 2 seconds after you kill them. Nuketown is an improvement if nothing else, as you can quite easily make it into the house, or into the garage on the side of the map, or even into the caravan/van/bus things in the middle for alittle extra safety. Killstreaks of course are an issue on that map, but no worse than MW2 was on many of its maps due to the constant death from above in that game.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I was a huge fan of MW1, hated WaW, really enjoyed MW2 despite its issues (the tubing became too much and I had to stop)... and Black Ops is easily the best FPS I've played (besides Reach) for a long, long time. It plays almost exactly like MW1/2 without the quickscoping, knifing, killstreak-rape, UMP45 bullshit. And to top it all off, it's the most feature rich CoD game by a mile, with some of the best designed maps I've played.
DennisK4 said:I simply cannot believe the respawning enemies and super-restricted linear corridor gameplay in 2010.
Is it really not possible to design the game without respawn? Halo does it. Crysis did it. Are people actually fond of this gameplay? I don't understand....
And the restricted game enviroment....*sigh*.....its almost literally a corridor. BFBC2 was a lot more open. Again, do people really prefer this?
Its god damn infuriating is what it is. The setting and premise are great, if only they had gotten rid of the respawn and the corridor....
Druz said:Even ignoring the optimization issues the game was pretty poorly made for PC.
MetalAlien said:I almost never play the single player games. I got to burger town on MW2 but stopped there. I only play these games for the multiplayer.
Loved COD2, 3 was ok, LOVED MW1, fucking hated COD5, loved MW2, hate black ops with a passion.
I have learned my lesson. I only hope that MW3 is good since Infinity Ward is no more.
I thankfully only rented blacks ops so I am only out 9 bucks. I am returning it a day early.
cuevas said:would something like this (NSFW) get you in trouble on XBL?
just realized if I have to put NSFW on it, its not gunna be good on XBL
Dipindots said:Me and my friends tried to get into a game 8 times in a row only to have the "party is no longer active" BS pop up.
Starting to get really frustrated
KaYotiX said:agree, fix this asap!!!
...And all of that is patchable?maximum360 said:I disagree. The game is utter fail on many levels. Spawning in MW2 was bad while in black ops it's atrocious. Hit detection is absolute garbage. Sound effects are equally bad. Removing stopping power was just idiotic (they should have at least made given every gun the stopping power equivalent instead of taking it out entirely). Knifing is just as bad as before because your guns are powerful to put people down as they lunge (and the lunge range is crazy). Nuketown, Nuketown, Nuketown. Giving players the option to play the previous map again was dumb. It results in 5 games of Nuketown in a row. Please don't compare this to MW1, it was superior to this. I applaud their attempt to try to balance the game but it's not hard to take the criticism from the previous game in the series and make design the game from there.
The maps are a disaster with 4 ways into every building. You never feel like you have your back to a wall encouraging run and gun twitch game play.
bigjimmystyle said:Whats the etiquette with care packages?
Alienshogun said:Either pull the trigger and immediately release then pull again to detonate, or hold it down then release when you want it to explode.
You're effectively detonating it in your face.
As for it still being there, I believe it death machine, and grim reaper are all ones you keepm until you use up.
bigjimmystyle said:Whats the etiquette with care packages?
bigjimmystyle said:Whats the etiquette with care packages?
I hated getting killed by my own care package in MW2, felt like a tool everytime it happened.Najaf said:If it drops and nobody is around, fair game after ~20 seconds. If you see its owner get killed, then you kill his killer, its all yours. If it drops on top of the guy who called it in, take it because he did not deserve it. *j/k* Wait for him to come back if he spawns close.
Relix said:How can anyone prefer the shitfest that is MW2 multi over Black Ops is truly beyond me. That game is a cesspool of crap, really. :lol
It takes twice as long for someone to take one that's not theirs, so it should be fair game no matter what. Better someone on your team get it than an enemy.bloodforge said:I never grab it if the guy that threw it is still standing near, if he runs away, fair game.
Weenerz said:I was all for prestiging, until I went for hardline pro and warlord pro. Fuck that.
Took forever to get my teammates to steam my crates.
corkscrewblow said:this
Everdred said:![]()
Sadly, I lost the next match because I got split from my group and join a game that was almost over. Bye bye streak
Ballistik said:Spawning is better in MW2. Lag is worse in Black Ops. Since I played the first match, I notice that lag does play a big role, and I feel who wins the confrontation is random sometimes. Honestly, that's something I NEVER noticed in MW2.. I could tell when I was going to win a confrontation, (Not counting commando or noob tube or the occasional lag spikes).
I take it if it's just lying there, and if its a spy plane or counter spy plane. I only take something good if team spawns switch and its in danger of getting stolen. Similarly, I always leave spy planes and counter spy planes for my allies if i know they're safe.bigjimmystyle said:Whats the etiquette with care packages?
yoopoo said:Finally a gun I'm decent at, G11. Looks really goofy though...too bad there'd no red dot attachment.
Ramirez said:I have used it a ton and never had that happen...it didn't matter if I held the trigger down, or released it, I got the same result every time, not to mention the ammo wasn't going down, I had the same amount every time I respawned for a good 8 minutes.
this this this. BO >>>>MW2 because spawns and lag can be tweaked. Getting killed by constant killstreaks and one man armies in MW2 was never going to be fixed.zero margin said:All of that can be fixed on the bright side. I would wait until a couple weeks at least have gone by before writing this game off because of lag.