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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Yesterday had both highs and lows for me. Early in the morning, won pretty much every game of Domination and they were all good, competitive games. Had probably my best game yet, a 38-5 game at Jungle with 8 captures, 4 defends.

Then to the evening portion. Pretty much put on some of the WORST teams Ive ever been on. We're talking within one minute of the match, enemy has A, B, AND C, and are just destroying us. Being on teams that bad just burns me out immediately. I can do a game like that here and there, but being rolled on for an hour does not equal fun.

All in all, Im still enjoying this WORLDS better than MW2 and slightly better than W@W. Time will tell about MW.

Random ..... things:
- Reading comments about lag, the ONLY time Ive experienced lag is split-screen multiplayer (360).
- My three favorite guns are the Galil, FAMAS, and SPAS. Although the FN Fal is climbing the charts quickly.
- Hardline pro needs to be patched to only reroll for carepackages or have a higher probability of rolling into a lower kill streak that the one you receive. Since getting the Pro version, Im getting Rolling Thunders, Chopper Gunners, and Dogs too often IMO.
- Its remarkable how little Im seeing spy planes on my team and the other team. For the value of 3, its, IMO, the best killstreak award in the game. This may be to the game being new and people experimenting.


SmokeMaxX said:
Eh, MW2 was worse than this. You must be crazy to think propelled knives is worse than what MW2 had. You must have forgotten lightweight + marathon + commando + tactical knife. The propelled knife is no better than MW2s throwing knife and guess what, it's a secondary. Also, you MIGHT get killed at mid range with a propelled knife, but you're basically guaranteed to be dead against pre-patched Akimbo 1887s.

Pack of Dogs: Back up and shoot them as they come. They have really low health and as long as you don't have a sniper or a semi-auto, you should be fine.

Spawning system is bullshit, but will be patched soon.

RC Car can be shot down, but it's easier if you just equip flak jacket. It's hard to blame the game for something that you have a hard counter for from pretty much the start of the game. I'll repeat, RC cars CAN'T kill you if you have Flak Jacket.

Yeah, I'm getting decent at shooting the RC cars... plus I've found obstacles like logs and shit block their explosions. That or I've been lucky.
SmokeMaxX said:
You've got to be kidding me....

I tried reading that, but I'm not really sure the point you're trying to make, if you had one.

I guess what I was trying to say was, in a game where the maps have a ton of flank points, with Lightweight + Marathon you really don't have a flank. Sure a random claymore or motion detector gets me from time to time, but it's rare, and certainly not a deterrent.

No, it's not how I want to play, but it seems it's either that or keep getting shot in the back all the time. Yes, spawn points are a huge problem.
So far on PC it's been smooth and plays great (thank you servers). So much better a game than the mess that was MW2 with all it's random garbage. I did have one instance of playing in MP where it was a stuttering mess, which was odd since the game has been smooth for countless games and even though I had ping in the 40's, the game was stuttering like mad.

The spawning does seem borked though, lot of wtf at people spawning right on my ass.


Kyoufu said:
The only good thing about Nuketown is that it's an anti-camper map. Lots of action with little to no camping. I wish all maps could be like this in that aspect. Sadly the map is just so tiny! Can't really go far without getting molested.

The one positive about nuketown is that most of the maps are waaay too big. IW made maps that suited the tempo of these games. A lot of these maps are full of unused space that don't faciliate the kind of fierce combat COD 4 and to a lesser extent MW2 are so popular for. It also doesn't help that the spawns are so poorly placed ... often times the combat is relegated to one corner of a map where people spawn over and over again in the same small space where you are repeatedly shot in the back


Damn, the spawns on Summit are worse than Nuketown imo. We were basically camped in the southern half of the map for the second half or so of the battle. Run out, kill a few fools, they'd spawn behind you a second later and free kill :lol and vice versa.


PoweredBySoy said:
I tried reading that, but I'm not really sure the point you're trying to make, if you had one.

I guess what I was trying to say was, in a game where the maps have a ton of flank points, with Lightweight + Marathon you really don't have a flank. Sure a random claymore or motion detector gets me from time to time, but it's rare, and certainly not a deterrent.

No, it's not how I want to play, but it seems it's either that or keep getting shot in the back all the time. Yes, spawn points are a huge problem.
The point is that running and gunning isn't super easy god mode as you claim and that camping is far easier and actually a better strategy as a good camping team will beat a good running and gunning team a vast majority of the time. The maps are designed to have a ton of flank points because they don't want camping to be as strong as it can be if you just had one entrance. Nevertheless, camping should still always beat running and gunning.

If you keep getting shot in the back, use a motion sensor. Also, spawn points absolutely blow in this game right now. We can agree on that.
Hanmik said:
It´s Activison mate.. so expect on PSN/Steam/XLBA in the next couple off months:

NUKE TOWN DLC 14.99$ unlock the rest of the map :D

Activision sucks but you're getting more into EA territory there.

Also, add me to the Fuck RC Cars camp. They are too low on the killstreak totem pole and are annoying as fuck when you constantly face them. The games netcode and hit boxes suck too much to be able to consistently take them out. With Hardline you can get one every two kills. Ridiculous. And to whoever said Flak Jacket makes them unable to kill you, they can still kill you.


Neo Member
About spawns: spawn trapping is too easy, they should definitely add some more spawns around the maps or something. However, I feel like setting up a proper spawn trap against a team is a legit strategy and one that me and my buddies use often to win TDM or demolition. Also, if you don't like the spawns at all, play S&D. It's awesome.
Oh man, getting a Chopper Gunner or Gunship on Nuketown is ridiculous. Got one of each in care packages in two consecutive games there. Both times, the host on the other team quit and I didn't even get to finish up the games. Got at least 10 or so easy kills with each before they quit, though.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Activision sucks but you're getting more into EA territory there.

Also, add me to the Fuck RC Cars camp. They are too low on the killstreak totem pole and are annoying as fuck when you constantly face them. The games netcode and hit boxes suck too much to be able to consistently take them out. With Hardline you can get one every two kills. Ridiculous. And to whoever said Flak Jacket makes them unable to kill you, they can still kill you.
yeah i find it impossible to avoid RC cars. shooting it makes doesn't really do much considering the lag + terrible hitbox detection.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Activision sucks but you're getting more into EA territory there.

Also, add me to the Fuck RC Cars camp. They are too low on the killstreak totem pole and are annoying as fuck when you constantly face them. The games netcode and hit boxes suck too much to be able to consistently take them out. With Hardline you can get one every two kills. Ridiculous. And to whoever said Flak Jacket makes them unable to kill you, they can still kill you.

If you're already damaged, than sure, they can kill you. But if you're at 100% health with Flak Jacket, the explosion won't kill you.
SmokeMaxX said:
The point is that running and gunning isn't super easy god mode as you claim and that camping is far easier and actually a better strategy as a good camping team will beat a good running and gunning team a vast majority of the time. The maps are designed to have a ton of flank points because they don't want camping to be as strong as it can be if you just had one entrance. Nevertheless, camping should still always beat running and gunning.

Sure, if some dude holes up in a room with claymores and motion sensors, yeah, he'd be hard to get to, and I suppose that would be a viable strategy for death match, but after leveling to 49 it's just not how I see most of the matches playing out. Especially matches with any sort of objective. The game in general is very fast and chaotic, and it seems best to play into that.

Calling it 'super easy god mode' is a bit of hyperbole, either on my part or yours, sure, but run & gun with the appropriate layout still comes off as the most effective method.


I am completely frustrated by the campaign of Black Ops, The story so far is good but the small cooridors along with the endless spawning enemies makes certain parts frustrating and really highlights to me how inferior Treyarch is as a developer at least for singleplayer design, I never had this problem in MW or MW2 but had it in WaW.

Mutliplayer is ok so far but haven't played enough of it, I will keep playing it


Lothars said:
I am completely frustrated by the campaign of Black Ops, The story so far is good but the small cooridors along with the endless spawning enemies makes certain parts frustrating and really highlights to me how inferior Treyarch is as a developer at least for singleplayer design, I never had this problem in MW or MW2 but had it in WaW.

Mutliplayer is ok so far but haven't played enough of it, I will keep playing it

Played some SP last night on normal and I am finding it very enjoyable. These games are not meant to be fun on harder difficulty settings. What are you playing it on?
Loxley said:
If you're already damaged, than sure, they can kill you. But if you're at 100% health with Flak Jacket, the explosion won't kill you.

I play with a lot of Flak Jacket, and I'm pretty sure the RC can if it detonates right at your feet. Any sort of distance though and you should live. Same with claymores I believe.. ?
Lothars said:
I am completely frustrated by the campaign of Black Ops, The story so far is good but the small cooridors along with the endless spawning enemies makes certain parts frustrating and really highlights to me how inferior Treyarch is as a developer at least for singleplayer design, I never had this problem in MW or MW2 but had it in WaW.

Mutliplayer is ok so far but haven't played enough of it, I will keep playing it

I'm finding the same thing. I'm trying to play it on Veteran and an getting owned by the fucking bullshit unlimited enemy respawning. I don't usually get angry at games but I wanted to smash my controller into the screen after playing this :(


PoweredBySoy said:
Sure, if some dude holes up in a room with claymores and motion sensors, yeah, he'd be hard to get to, and I suppose that would be a viable strategy for death match, but after leveling to 49 it's just not how I see most of the matches playing out. Especially matches with any sort of objective. The game in general is very fast and chaotic, and it seems best to play into that.

Calling it 'super easy god mode' is a bit of hyperbole, either on my part or yours, sure, but run & gun with the appropriate layout still comes off as the most effective method.
I think that's just a property of CoD though. I've always found it extremely effective to play public matches by running and gunning since most teams are just filled with randoms that don't know how to work together. Also, I will add that I think any close that you want to make is best served with an AR over an SMG.


Beat Single Player: While the
Fight Club twist was pretty well telegraphed, I liked how they revealed it with playing the Rebirth level from two different perspectives.

Also, Treyarch could've learned a thing or two from IW when it comes to
having the end of your games be really cool. Mashing joysticks to choke a guy is nothing compared to how MW or MW2 ended.
xxjuicesxx said:
If I had it my way the shooting whilst going prone would be removed and it would be perfect but I know thats a matter of opinion.

Fixed that for you.

I dont have a problem with the diving
RC cars are balanced just fine at 3, as is having Hardline as a Perk 1. In the amount of time it takes for a car to seek out and kill someone, the controller could have easily gotten another two or three kills that contribute to further killstreaks. Not to mention leaving himself completely defenseless in that duration of time.
OK so I finally unlocked combat record, but there isn't anywhere that shows me my total playtime, or the amount of hours I spent in each mode, Modern Warfare 2 had that stats screen that had that info. Is there anything like that in Black Ops, I don't see it in combat record?
MarkMclovin said:
Fixed that for you.

I dont have a problem with the diving

Yea its all personal preference with that stuff I'm just the exact opposite and I dunno I think the dive looks out of place and isn't really even animated well into the game and it takes away from the experience. I prefer the dropshot mainly cause it was in MW2 (first CoD I played really) and I've grown used to it.

I think we can all agree the party issues and spawning need fixin tho!
TSAGoodness said:
OK so I finally unlocked combat record, but there isn't anywhere that shows me my total playtime, or the amount of hours I spent in each mode, Modern Warfare 2 had that stats screen that had that info. Is there anything like that in Black Ops, I don't see it in combat record?
check under playercard, there are all your stats.


JB1981 said:
Played some SP last night on normal and I am finding it very enjoyable. These games are not meant to be fun on harder difficulty settings. What are you playing it on?

I am playing on Veteran which is my own fault but I doubt I will want to replay the game again anyway so one playthrough is all I am doing and that's part of the reason why I am doing it on Veteran.


About to prestige, so some comments

1) Footsteps be fucked. I think they said they're patching this. Not sure how you ship with footstep audio screwed. On the down side, once they fix it, I'll be back to using Ninja on every build :(

2) Snipers are fucked. They over nerfed them to the point of uselessness. I think I ran into _one_ good sniper in 50 levels, and he didn't do well.

3) Shotguns are pretty bad as well. For a close range specialist weapon, you can get a hit marker for an on target point blank shot way, way, way too easily. That said, silenced SPAS is surprisingly effective.

Digging the explosive nerfs, and Flak Jacket is a beautiful thing. G11 is just as ridiculous as an MW/MW2 M16 with SP ever was.

The spawns are absurd, but I will say I've played more viable, enjoyable matches of Sabotage and Headquarters than I did in the fading days of MW and MW2, I hope that stays true. So far at least, I'm running into more people playing Sabo than 10 minute TDM, and HQ is playable due to the explosive nerfs (at least until people realize that Scav Pro + Warlord Pro is dangerous).
Cosmo Clock 21 said:
RC cars are balanced just fine at 3, as is having Hardline as a Perk 1. In the amount of time it takes for a car to seek out and kill someone, the controller could have easily gotten another two or three kills that contribute to further killstreaks. Not to mention leaving himself completely defenseless in that duration of time.

Yeah, I don't use them anymore in Deathmatch games. Its way too much work for a kill. On top of that people are starting to get cute with the people the find using them because you can kill them in all sorts of interesting ways.
Er has the game been patched? I seem to be actually killing people at the amount I would expect for my skill level, last 4 matches my KD has been 6+

Serious kudos to treyarch if it has for the fact that when I shoot people they are actually dying not turning round and blowing my face off :lol


Most times I play Sabo or Headquarters its just a bunch of dudes camping for kills, increasing killstreaks and then just annihilating the other team with airstrikes for the rest of the game. People don't even go for the objective. Back to Mercs it is!
Hardline + Spy Plane has got to be the best combo ever. Spy Plane after two kills? Yes, please. So easy to get and can have such a huge impact on the match. I'm surprised that anybody uses those stupid RC-XDs.
backflip10019 said:
Hardline + Spy Plane has got to be the best combo ever. Spy Plane after two kills? Yes, please. So easy to get and can have such a huge impact on the match. I'm surprised that anybody uses those stupid RC-XDs.

Completely agree. RC-XD sucks meaty balls compared to spy plane.


keep your strippers out of my American football
JB1981 said:
Most times I play Sabo or Headquarters its just a bunch of dudes camping for kills, increasing killstreaks and then just annihilating the other team with airstrikes for the rest of the game. People don't even go for the objective. Back to Mercs it is!

I love me some Mercenaries. Though it seems the same game most times. -

My team gets a big lead to start the game.
The other team starts camping to get deathstreaks
The other team makes a comeback
My team ends up winning by 4-5 kills.

I really wish people would stop using the RC cars for their first streak. Use the Spy Plane!!!! Helps the entire team get more than the one kill you would have gotten with the RC car.


backflip10019 said:
Hardline + Spy Plane has got to be the best combo ever. Spy Plane after two kills? Yes, please. So easy to get and can have such a huge impact on the match. I'm surprised that anybody uses those stupid RC-XDs.

Hardline + Spy Plane + Counter Spy Plane = They can kiss their minimaps goodbye :D
dskillzhtown said:
I really wish people would stop using the RC cars for their first streak. Use the Spy Plane!!!! Helps the entire team get more than the one kill you would have gotten with the RC car.

RC cars are a waste of a killstreak. It's funny though, I have only been killed maybe a dozen times by the things but my friend who plays an "in you face with SMG" playstyle gets killed a couple times at least every match that someone is using them.
cuevas said:
RC cars are a waste of a killstreak. It's funny though, I have only been killed maybe a dozen times by the things but my friend who plays an "in you face with SMG" playstyle gets killed a couple times at least every match that someone is using them.
I have a playstyle very similar to that of your friend. I'm killed by one of those pretty much every game. Sucks, especially considering how terrible the hit detection is in this game when I try to blow them up before they get to me.
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Completely agree. RC-XD sucks meaty balls compared to spy plane.
As much as I like support killstreaks the RC-XD is just way too much fun to let go of. Nothing says Black Ops like panicked runs away from remote-controlled explosives.

I make up for it by calling in SAM turrets and Blackbirds.
Hanmik said:

this is how people respond in here, if someone mentions the game is broke.. :D

Agreed. It's like someone insulted their mother. Treyarch isn't giving out money bags for your cultish loyalty. I don't care who the developer is. If the game/system is crap, I'll say it.
A quick fix would be to have the RC Car blow up automatically if you die. I was a little surprised that you can still control the thing even if you have been killed.
Kyoufu said:
Hardline + Spy Plane + Counter Spy Plane = They can kiss their minimaps goodbye :D

Hardline pro: spy plane, sam turret, napalm
Spy plane in 2 kills is so good, especially since people travel in pairs sometimes and one clumsy spray can get that up. Sam turret with re-roll option is probably OP. I keep the first one on hand and just re-roll the subsequent ones. Feels like I get 3 or 4 sentry guns for every huey or blackbird, but still probably too good. Napalm in the pocket means I can lay down some fire on the objective so that is super useful.
backflip10019 said:
I have a playstyle very similar to that of your friend. I'm killed by one of those pretty much every game. Sucks, especially considering how terrible the hit detection is in this game when I try to blow them up before they get to me.

I think it would help if you could hear them a bit sooner (it would also be helpful if you could hear enemies walking instead of just your own footsteps)

god this game needed a beta so bad - IF DEAD SPACE AND ASSASSINS CREED GET BETAS WHY DOESN'T COD?


cuevas said:
RC cars are a waste of a killstreak. It's funny though, I have only been killed maybe a dozen times by the things but my friend who plays an "in you face with SMG" playstyle gets killed a couple times at least every match that someone is using them.

How do you put a value on how fun it is to launch that little sucker off a set of stairs and into a group of people?
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