mjc said:By taking out all the ridiculous streaks/equipment for Black Ops, Treyarch wins. MW2 was infuriating.
LabouredSubterfuge said:Question:
Has anybody successfully climbed back down that fucking ladder without falling off? :lol
mjc said:By taking out all the ridiculous streaks/equipment for Black Ops, Treyarch wins. MW2 was infuriating.
It does, but it might not be for PC SpacLock wants it for?Weenerz said:Doesn't steam let you use paypal?
Mr. B Natural said:MW2 was infuriating if you didn't bother to figure it out - both the maps and the perks and the way it balances itself out. Most people are finally realizing that they need to slow down to do good. You're one game too late with that realization, folks.
Considering BO has the same or worse ridiculous streaks that nobody can counter because few have and will ever have Ghost Pro (which wasn't needed in MW2), I don't see your point. Not only that, but thanks to Hardline Pro, I have a pretty good chance at shoving a 7+ killstreak down your throat in 3 kills. If I manage a whopping 4 kills, I practically got a emergency care drop - a 9 killstreak in 4 kills. I don't need the kilstreaks to stack anymore. If my teammates play along, then you're tripled screwed.
If you had issues with streaks in mw2, you use non-pro cold-blooded. Done. Issue over. Wow, that was rough. And if you wanted to, you could double that with rockets in the same class. In BO, you will have issues unless you grind and do not prestige. I'm at level 40 and I still don't have ghost pro and I've been intentionally trying to get it for days now. To get it requires my enemies to use Spy Planes for the most part, and most are not interested.
In MW2, if you were getting killsteaked, it's cause you and your team let it happen. They let that harrier kill you. In BO, you're screwed. You gotta hope your enemy doesn't know what he's doing and let's you hit him.
Of course, to acknowledge any of this requires thought. The same thought that was required to adapt to MW2's style of play - which was actually different and not the same old game re-labeled.
And the motion sensor and it's range makes your equipment comment just as ridiculous. It's the single most effective piece of equipment this game has to offer in this series history. And, guess what - the counter is another hard to get pro-perk that few will have in this game. The motion sensor ensures that I can get flanked by 1 in 100 people I run into. And I don't have to sacrifice my nade both lethal and tactical. Don't need to sacrifice my attachment - a perk, my guns...nothing.
It does, but I wouldn't recommend it as Paypal is shit and has caused charge-backs on Steam without the user knowing, leading to their account/all games being frozen. If you must go through paypal, buy it on D2D (which then plugs into Steam) so that your Steam account isn't fucked temporarily if Paypal decides to fuck you.Weenerz said:Doesn't steam let you use paypal?
LordAlu said:It does, but it might not be for PC SpacLock wants it for?
eStarLand will take PayPal for pretty much anything for US/Canada.
Mr. B Natural said:MW2 was infuriating if you didn't bother to figure it out - both the maps and the perks and the way it balances itself out. Most people are finally realizing that they need to slow down to do good. You're one game too late with that realization, folks.
Considering BO has the same or worse ridiculous streaks that nobody can counter because few have and will ever have Ghost Pro (which wasn't needed in MW2), I don't see your point. Not only that, but thanks to Hardline Pro, I have a pretty good chance at shoving a 7+ killstreak down your throat in 3 kills. If I manage a whopping 4 kills, I practically got a emergency care drop - a 9 killstreak in 4 kills. I don't need the kilstreaks to stack anymore. If my teammates play along, then you're tripled screwed.
If you had issues with streaks in mw2, you use non-pro cold-blooded. Done. Issue over. Wow, that was rough. And if you wanted to, you could double that with rockets in the same class. In BO, you will have issues unless you grind and do not prestige. I'm at level 40 and I still don't have ghost pro and I've been intentionally trying to get it for days now. To get it requires my enemies to use Spy Planes for the most part, and most are not interested.
In MW2, if you were getting killsteaked, it's cause you and your team let it happen. They let that harrier kill you. In BO, you're screwed. You gotta hope your enemy doesn't know what he's doing and let's you hit him.
Of course, to acknowledge any of this requires thought. The same thought that was required to adapt to MW2's style of play - which was actually different and not the same old game re-labeled.
And the motion sensor and it's range makes your equipment comment just as ridiculous. It's the single most effective piece of equipment this game has to offer in this series history. And, guess what - the counter is another hard to get pro-perk that few will have in this game. The motion sensor ensures that I can get flanked by 1 in 100 people I run into. And I don't have to sacrifice my nade both lethal and tactical. Don't need to sacrifice my attachment - a perk, my guns...nothing.
mjc said:By taking out all the ridiculous streaks/equipment for Black Ops, Treyarch wins. MW2 was infuriating.
Genesis Knight said:What he said. MW2 wasn't frustrating if you rolled with the punches and learned what worked. Unfortunately most people I saw threw themselves into the enemy position over and over like Lemmings or ran around in the open w/out Cold Blooded and bitched about being killed by air support instead of pulling out a launcher.
itsnervedamage said:As more sentry guns pop up it will be easier to get ghost pro. I've destroyed 3 now at lvl 47, and the last one I finally actually had ghost on.
Hacker pro is pretty easy. Destroy some bright red dots, plant lots of claymores and use a jammer or motion sensor for a while.
I agree the huey was a pain without ghost pro, but between my 4 kill SAM turret streak and ghost pro they last until the announcer finishes announcing them for me. Be a team player, start the match hardline 3 kills for SAM crate and keep it in your pocket just in case.
Tylahedras said:Based of the good reviews and the word of mouth of a friend I went and picked this up. I've previously played Treyarch games and disliked them but figured from the videos that this one was up to snuff.
I'm not impressed. The character in singleplayer moves more slowly and the guns don't feel like they impact enemies as they should. Generally I don't know if a burst of gunfire has killed someone or not leading to a lot of secondary spraying people that are already dead.
Second while the game features some cool moments / scenarios, I find they fall back on the endless enemy respawn far to often and level design is pretty terrible. It so far feels very much like the Fevela mission from MW2 where people may shoot from any angle or the level design is sufficiently simple that they just throw wave after wave after wave after wave at you from the front.
In short it feels both frustrating and cheap. Also I played the single player for a while then switched to MW2 multiplayed and I honestly think that MW2 multi looks better then BO singleplayer.
So yeah I hope things get better but I'm feeling a bit hoodwinked at the moment.
What you guys call balance is hilarious.Genesis Knight said:What he said. MW2 wasn't frustrating if you rolled with the punches and learned what worked. Unfortunately most people I saw threw themselves into the enemy position over and over like Lemmings or ran around in the open w/out Cold Blooded and bitched about being killed by air support instead of pulling out a launcher.
Genesis Knight said:What he said. MW2 wasn't frustrating if you rolled with the punches and learned what worked. Unfortunately most people I saw threw themselves into the enemy position over and over like Lemmings or ran around in the open w/out Cold Blooded and bitched about being killed by air support instead of pulling out a launcher.
cuevas said:What you guys call balance is hilarious.
At BO's best, no. At the ugliest moments in SP (which there are whole levels that don't look very good) that is completely true. MW2 was so much more consistent on every area visually. It makes me sad that they weren't working off the MW2 engine revisionTylahedras said:In short it feels both frustrating and cheap. Also I played the single player for a while then switched to MW2 multiplayed and I honestly think that MW2 multi looks better then BO singleplayer.
Not on PS3 -.-Kyoufu said:60FPS bitches.
Animator said:This is fucking bullshit. I cant believe you guys are saying this with a straight face and defending a pos broken game where you can noobtube any capture point over and over from your spawn, danger close with no way to counter it, warp knife teleport kills from 10 feet away, glitchers up the ass, you name it mw2 has got it except good gameplay.
The best thing treyarch has done is to drop stopping power from the game and nerf noobtubes.
Just got major nostalgia for the RPD. Wish it was in Black Ops so badly. I loved that thing in MW2.Genesis Knight said:I feel like I was playing a different game from some of you people. I was fourth prestige in MW2 so I had a good number of hours invested. Before I retired the game to catch up on my single player campaigns I was running 25-5 as my average game on team deathmatch. I did that running an RPD or AUG exclusively - just a straight assault rifle class with none of the stacked bullshit loadouts you guys are always ranting about. Sure I got fucked over a lot by lag and broken mechanics but goddamn people if someone like me can get games like that consistently then you can too.
I didn't say MW2 was balanced or fair, I said you could deal with it and play well despite the exploiters.
RPD was a pretty powerful gun. Loved that thing to bits, then I moved over to the L86 for the sex fire rate.Genesis Knight said:I feel like I was playing a different game from some of you people. I was fourth prestige in MW2 so I had a good number of hours invested. Before I retired the game to catch up on my single player campaigns I was running 25-5 as my average game on team deathmatch. I did that running an RPD or AUG exclusively - just a straight assault rifle class with none of the stacked bullshit loadouts you guys are always ranting about. Sure I got fucked over a lot by lag and broken mechanics but goddamn people if someone like me can get games like that consistently then you can too.
I didn't say MW2 was balanced or fair, I said you could deal with it and play well despite the exploiters.
backflip10019 said:Just got major nostalgia for the RPD. Wish it was in Black Ops so badly. I loved that thing in MW2.
Useless? LMGs are still pretty powerful, as are shotguns which kill in a shot.Genesis Knight said:Yeah, I was a big fan. Felt like a badass when you emptied that belt, even if you didn't get a kill. :lol Of course it's probably just as well that it's not in BO because I would cry, since LMGs are borderline useless (as are snipers and shotties, mostly).
I really don't believe this at all. As long as the product still has the "Call of Duty" name attached to it, it will do incredibly well. There's no way that Activision would let it die out. Besides, the Respawn guys probably won't get anything out for two years or so (that is, if they want to release a quality product) and by then, I'm sure that there will be another CoD game out or on its way out.Dresden said:Treyarch just isn't talented as IW. Their solution to imbalance issues was to remove the issue entirely--hence, broken sniping. CoD as a franchise is going to die soon, especially if Respawn delivers a knockout.
Bumblebeetuna said:Pretty much. Black Ops certainly has its issues but it is nowhere close to as being as broken as MW2 was.
Also, motherFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK this game on Veteran. Just took me nearly 3 goddamn HOURS to get past that room/tunnel checkpoint in the sabotage mission. Infinitely respawning enemies with pin point accuracy the very second they see you, teammates who were beyond worthless, enemies spawning BEHIND you... Treyarch games blow on Veteran. Are there any areas of the game worse than this one? Holy shit. Almost had an aneurysm.
Confidence Man said:Black Ops destroys MW2. The latter was probably 80% tubing, killstreaking, teleport knifing bullshit. Good riddance Infinity Ward.
Stallion Free said:At BO's best, no. At the ugliest moments in SP (which there are whole levels that don't look very good) that is completely true. MW2 was so much more consistent on every area visually. It makes me sad that they weren't working off the MW2 engine revision.
Yeah, the engine just falls apart completely in the helicopter level. Holy shit the engine is not capable of doing that scale while still looking good. The tech department should have laid down some law with some of the scale shit. I'd rather have tighter environments that look significantly better. Hue City and the rainy city level were two of my fav levels because of that.Tylahedras said:Maybe I should take a step back because it's not like this game is really bad or anything. At worst it's mediocre but it does have some great moments. I think that some of the scripted stuff like the minecart at the prison is as good as MW2, but there's not enough of it and it feels imbalanced with what I feel are the games short comings.
Also it seems like the openning to the levels usually feature some great very rich visuals but then when you get into the levels themselves it will be repetitive and sometimes ugly.
-viper- said:Useless? LMGs are still pretty powerful, as are shotguns which kill in a shot.
90% of people were running SP builds on MW2, so "success" hasn't changed one bit. The only difference now is that class-making isn't "use stopping power" or "niche build" anymore.NinjaKixx said:Why do people love the removal of stopping power? Now, success is dependent solely on connection speed. I was playing a round and hit a dude atleast 9 times (Swear to God) and he survived. I checked the replay in the theater because I was going to post the ridiculousness to see that in the replay I wasn't even hitting the guy. If it is that bad for me on a 25MB connection I cant imagine how guys on lower speeds are doing.
Cosmo Clock 21 said:90% of people were running SP builds on MW2, so "success" hasn't changed one bit. The only difference now is that class-making isn't "use stopping power" or "niche build" anymore.
Mr. B Natural said:Noobtubes was an issue in mw2 but was counterable if you position yourself properly. If you got killed by a knifer, then you're an idiot who doesn't listen for footsteps or thinks his AR is a shotgun or got out positioned or was just running and gunning and ran into someone that had their classes properly alligned for running and gunning. Glitches were a problem but they were fixed...some of which came back for BO. OMA in MW2 was the nade spam of COD4. It was counterable and mostly avoidable, but you had to use a braincell. Too much to ask.
In MW2 I can use every class in the game and be effective. BO is smgs and ars...and that's it. If you think that's your definition of balanced when half of the gun classes are useless, then more power to you. You got your biases in a bunch.