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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Kyoufu said:
It isn't supposed to. Just loses range.

Oh, I thought it was like MW2 where it also lost damage. Still, it's awesome. :D

Although I'm pretty sure Assault Rifles lose some damage with Suppressors attached.
Dresden said:
Got a chopper gunner again on Jungle. So insane. :lol Poor guys on the other team, they had nowhere to hide.
I think it would be better if they didn't give you giant red diamonds to shoot, if you actually had to look for the enemies running around it would be a lot more fair. Maybe they could make your teammates blue diamonds so you'd know the difference.
PalaceBrother said:
I keep hearing this. What are the advantages? I have way more success with ARs and LMGs.

Beats ARs around corners 99% of the time, they're fast in all respects and if you control recoil it will basically function as an AR at medium range. I mean they aren't the ultimate weapons but they'll beat anything else most of the time provided you don't run around in the open.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Neuromancer said:
I think it would be better if they didn't give you giant red diamonds to shoot, if you actually had to look for the enemies running around it would be a lot more fair. Maybe they could make your teammates blue diamonds so you'd know the difference.

This is where Ghost should come into play. But they fucked that up. Oh and having the Strela unlock at 30 is also pretty retarded.


Brian Fellows said:
This is where Ghost should come into play. But they fucked that up. Oh and having the Strela unlock at 30 is also pretty retarded.

Ghost Pro removes that red box around you I think, so you can take down that chopper without the dude mowing you down.


Neuromancer said:
I think it would be better if they didn't give you giant red diamonds to shoot, if you actually had to look for the enemies running around it would be a lot more fair. Maybe they could make your teammates blue diamonds so you'd know the difference.
Yeah, right now it's almost too unfair. SAM turrets obviously counter but half the people with that on just Hardline Pro it anyways. :lol And once the killing starts there's no way they're shooting me down.

I'm tempted to buy gunship just to see what it's like. Always ran with dogs.
Genesis Knight said:
Beats ARs around corners 99% of the time, they're fast in all respects and if you control recoil it will basically function as an AR at medium range. I mean they aren't the ultimate weapons but they'll beat anything else most of the time provided you don't run around in the open.

Good advice, I'll play around with this. In MW2 my SMG loadout was built around speed. I'm finding that in BLOPS I lose almost every close up battle with an SMG. I think I need to stop running. I play a much more cautious game with an AR/LMG.


PalaceBrother said:
Good advice, I'll play around with this. In MW2 my SMG loadout was built around speed. I'm finding that in BLOPS I lose almost every close up battle with an SMG. I think I need to stop running. I play a much more cautious game with an AR/LMG.
Steady aim+hipfire beasts in the game. Maybe it's your connection.
AnEternalEnigma said:
Vahn said on Twitter they're probably going to alter Hardline Pro so that anything other than Care Packages can't be re-rolled.
Ah, lame. Better get all that rerolling out of my system quick then!

Aside: what's his twitter handle?


Kyoufu said:
This game is really fucking good in multi-player. Like almost COD4 levels of good.

It really is. I'm enjoy it more than either MW 1 or 2. It has its quirks for certain (PC) but put those aside and its a damn solid MP experience.
Dresden said:
Treyarch just isn't talented as IW. Their solution to imbalance issues was to remove the issue entirely--hence, broken sniping.

How is IW more talented if they just added broken elements to their game?


Holy shit! You booby trap an enemy care package with hacker pro by just stealing it, so you get the killstreak AND leave a bomb :D


Xater said:
Game sold. The constant crashing in MP was just too much. Really a shame because the game itself is awesome.

Is this your first COD this gen?

Because every COD this gen had major issues with MP the first week or two.

Remember MW2 had like 4 patches in a week? :lol


UFRA said:
Is this your first COD this gen?

Because every COD this gen had major issues with MP the first week or two.

Remember MW2 had like 4 patches in a week? :lol

Shouldn't that mean it should get better with each game though on this front?
Xater said:
Game sold. The constant crashing in MP was just too much. Really a shame because the game itself is awesome.

You gave up on a game that's only suffering from a first-week crush of millions of players on at the same time after only 5 days?

I hope you never have to make any important decisions for anyone else.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
I find the entire post-Modern Warfare incarnation of Call of Duty to be this interesting duality. Both the singleplayer and the multiplayer use the same art assets and core mechanics. The inputs are the same for both games, the weapons feel about the same, and the levels often reuse content. But in practice these the singleplayer and multiplayer offer vastly different experiences, despite sharing so much code and content.

The multiplayer isn't perfect. There are obvious issues with spawn placements and the respawn algorithms. The better killstreak rewards have a habit of making any sort of comeback completely impossible for the losing team. And the carrot-on-the-end-of-a-stick design rubs me the wrong way - I hate feeling obligated to play one more round because I'm only a few hundred XP from gaining another level or a few hundred COD Points from that fancy scope upgrade. But unlike the singleplayer campaign there are plenty of positive things to be said for the multiplayer component.

Since the first Modern Warfare the series has demonstrated a great way to make really, really lethal gameplay incredibly fun. Where Counter-Strike left you in limbo after the slightest mistake and Rainbow Six insisted on hours of strategizeing before taking action, Modern Warfare kept the action coming by figuring out ideal respawn locations relative to the position of allies and enemies. The game's also pretty amazing at positive feedback. The same "no matter what I do I'm improving something" design that made Diablo so addictive is also present here. There are rewards for damned near everything. Killing a guy nets you experience, sure, but so do objectives, using a certain gun often, attaining killstreaks, using killstreaks, using killstreaks often, specialty kills like combos or assisted suicides, and even a bonus for making a kill after dying... it's an IV drip of positive feedback.

In contrast, though, the singleplayer game is an absolute train wreck. The most immediate and constant woe is the game's difficulty. Black Ops is hard. And not the good kind of hard, either. This isn't a game that feels rewarding when you finally reach the next checkpoint; it isn't a tough but fair arbiter of your skill with its mechanics. You'll die repeatedly because of an unseen enemy - because you happened to be looking at one place when the game spawned enemies in the other, because the AI pseudo-randomly decided to zero in on you from hundreds of yards away, or because you missed a guy behind you that your dumb-as-bricks AI teammates didn't bother to off as you passed him. On difficulties above normal the game honestly feels less like a game about shooting enemies and more like a game of press-your-luck where the goal is to guess when it's safe to move ahead and hope that the AI algorithms don't decide to shoot you before you reach the next checkpoint. Shooting just helps your odds, but the random number generators controlling the AI's aim truly decide your fate.

And that's when the game deigns itself generous enough to let you play it. There are an alarming number of pseudo-interactive sequences where you're ostensibly "playing the game" by sitting and watching a cutscene with control over a camera or holding down a button because the game wants you to. At one point you need to
drag a body from one spot to another.
This requires you to move forward about 15 feet. Since they didn't plan on making this a core mechanic (which would have almost been interesting!) the game literally ignores all input except "up" on the left analogue stick. You can't turn, you can't strafe, you can't shoot, you can't go prone. It's a non-mechanic. It's "Hold A to turn the page of our so-bad-Tom-Clancy-would-be-ashamed war story." And to make it all the more aggravating, five minutes later your allies don't even bother to
move the bodies of their own victims
. There's also an unskippable cutscene where you have control over only the camera that you actually get an achievement for completing.

Mission objectives (and the messages associated with failing them) suffer from ambiguity. Shoot an enemy when the game isn't ready for you to? Mission failed. Throw a grenade when your mission is to protect an ally and accidentally kill him even though grenades generally don't do team damage? Mission failed. Try to protect yourself for a few seconds and assume the AI can hold its own while you wait for your health to regen? Mission failed. And usually the only message you get is a "Your actions have caused the death of your team." Feedback in general suffers - if the game wasn't so linear you'd have no idea where to go.

I'm having tremendous fun with the multiplayer, a few faults aside. But to have a singleplayer game this frustrating and badly designed is maddening, and I really struggle to understand how people give this absolute dreck a free pass. It does nothing original, nothing of style, nothing of substance, and, worst of all, nothing that's even all that good.

And, yes, I assume the same complaints could be leveled at Modern Warfare 2, but I never picked it up. This isn't a knock at Treyarch in particular, this is a knock at the entire state of the franchise.
AnEternalEnigma said:
You gave up on a game that's only suffering from a first-week crush of millions of players on at the same time after only 5 days?

I hope you never have to make any important decisions for anyone else.
UFRA said:
Is this your first COD this gen?

Because every COD this gen had major issues with MP the first week or two.

Remember MW2 had like 4 patches in a week? :lol

And we keep supporting these shitty standards...
cuevas said:
And we keep supporting these shitty standards...

I don't support it at all. I think it's pathetic that it takes my party of four 45 minutes to get into a game.

But let's not be unrealistic and assume it's not going to be addressed.
AnEternalEnigma said:
I don't support it at all. I think it's pathetic that it takes my party of four 45 minutes to get into a game.

But let's not be unrealistic and assume it's not going to be addressed.

You do support it, you bought the game while it is broken and you keep playing it.

AnEternalEnigma said:

Most of the issues that are going to be patched could have been solved with a beta...sigh.


someone help me! I am awful at online, haven't played much before, can someone give me a few pointers on how to not completely suck balls at this?

I'm playing hardcore search and destroy because someone on my friends list from playing blur is playing but I am worse than clueless. I have got as far as "shoot the red players" but otherwise its all a bit mystifying.


Effect said:
Shouldn't that mean it should get better with each game though on this front?
IW didn't share assets. Treyarch was able to have access to MW2 code close to the time the game went Gold.

So all you white knights all for IW, they're pretty big dicks.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Campster said:
In contrast, though, the singleplayer game is an absolute train wreck.
The single player is just a roller coaster. Its designed to give you the feeling of participating in the cool action sequences from movies and it does that by having heavily scripted scenes. Forget MW2 - it has been the same since the original MoH and CoD. Pretty much all these games including MoH and Bad Company have the same overall design and the same problems. Overcoming these problems requires removing some of the scripted spectacle, and these games only exist to feed the spectacle to you. The very arbitrariness of the difficulty makes it all the more addictive because you know that next time, even if by pure luck, you might succeed.


Xater said:
Game sold. The constant crashing in MP was just too much. Really a shame because the game itself is awesome.
I'm holding on to my copy in the hopes the PS3 version can/will get patched to take care of some issues. Overall, I'm enjoying the multiplayer. Feels like it's back to basics in that I'm dying mostly to other people's weapons instead of the rain of killstreaks from above but most importantly to me: no deaths to the bullshit Commando perk.

Runners are at a minimum nowadays, at least knife runners. I'm really hoping Treyarch can take care of the lag in the game and more importantly to me, fix the framerate in the MP.
That's one of the most disappointing things about the MP. After how MW2/W@W performed MP wise on PS3, I was let down by the performance in Black Ops. :(

A shame, since basically I like the MP.
Has anyone had any problems with their gamer score? my cousin had his gamer score reset to 0 and when he called Microsoft told him that a few people are calling in and that Black Ops is causing problems.

fyi, this guy knows nothing about gaming and cheating, he just likes to play halo and call of duty I know he was not trying to cheat.


looks like this guy is having the same problem?


scary stuff.
edbrat said:
someone help me! I am awful at online, haven't played much before, can someone give me a few pointers on how to not completely suck balls at this?

I'm playing hardcore search and destroy because someone on my friends list from playing blur is playing but I am worse than clueless. I have got as far as "shoot the red players" but otherwise its all a bit mystifying.

I would suggest playing domination to get started. It gives you clear objectives, which will result in you learning the maps. An understanding of the maps is the biggest hurdle imo.
_Bro said:
IW didn't share assets. Treyarch was able to have access to MW2 code close to the time the game went Gold.

So all you white knights all for IW, they're pretty big dicks.
God forbid Treyarch pull their own weight instead of relying on the A-team for assets and engine modifications.

I wonder how much more stagnant Black Ops would be if IW didn't make a MW2 at all. Clearly they just copy what works from IW games, and if they didn't have anything to copy I think they'd honestly be at a loss for new ideas.


.nimrod said:
Holy shit! You booby trap an enemy care package with hacker pro by just stealing it, so you get the killstreak AND leave a bomb :D

This is hands down my favorite thing to do in the game. I stole a chopper gunner yesterday and got a quadruple kill from the care package bomb I left behind. :lol :lol


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
_Bro said:
IW didn't share assets. Treyarch was able to have access to MW2 code close to the time the game went Gold.

So all you white knights all for IW, they're pretty big dicks.

so someone is coding something that is in progress and you're calling IW dicks for not sharing unfinished code so their 'rival' developer can make their own work better? are you having a laugh?

From what I've played of Black Ops single player, I'm not impressed, its just there. Its not that I'm numb to spectacle, its just that the spectacle isn't great, the action set pieces aren't great, the acting/scripting feel clumsy and all in all its an average package. I wouldnt buy it without the massive multiplayer hysteria that comes with every COD.

Its like theres a difference between a bog standard hollywood action scene and a very good well directed action scene.


edbrat said:
someone help me! I am awful at online, haven't played much before, can someone give me a few pointers on how to not completely suck balls at this?

I'm playing hardcore search and destroy because someone on my friends list from playing blur is playing but I am worse than clueless. I have got as far as "shoot the red players" but otherwise its all a bit mystifying.

Which version are you playing? I would say check the manual for mode descriptions...but CoD manuals are kinda bare these days.
Animator said:
This is hands down my favorite thing to do in the game. I stole a chopper gunner yesterday and got a quadruple kill from the care package bomb I left behind. :lol :lol

So, the care package seems still to be there after you took it?


I dont like the maps in this game, not one of them I can say I love. Some are okay, others are playable, but most are just garbage.
Mayyhem said:
I dont like the maps in this game, not one of them I can say I love. Some are okay, others are playable, but most are just garbage.

Since you can't argue that MW2s maps are better which other game has better maps?
Has anyone else experienced a glitch where Valkyrie Rockets explode as soon as you shoot them (and kill you), but never get used up from your killstreak queue?
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