Stallion Free said:Alrighty nice, good luck on Wager tonight then and let us know how it goes :lol
Here's my predictions for the night.
Stallion Free said:Alrighty nice, good luck on Wager tonight then and let us know how it goes :lol
Kyoufu said:It isn't supposed to. Just loses range.
I think it would be better if they didn't give you giant red diamonds to shoot, if you actually had to look for the enemies running around it would be a lot more fair. Maybe they could make your teammates blue diamonds so you'd know the difference.Dresden said:Got a chopper gunner again on Jungle. So insane. :lol Poor guys on the other team, they had nowhere to hide.
PalaceBrother said:I keep hearing this. What are the advantages? I have way more success with ARs and LMGs.
Neuromancer said:I think it would be better if they didn't give you giant red diamonds to shoot, if you actually had to look for the enemies running around it would be a lot more fair. Maybe they could make your teammates blue diamonds so you'd know the difference.
Brian Fellows said:This is where Ghost should come into play. But they fucked that up. Oh and having the Strela unlock at 30 is also pretty retarded.
Yeah, right now it's almost too unfair. SAM turrets obviously counter but half the people with that on just Hardline Pro it anyways. :lol And once the killing starts there's no way they're shooting me down.Neuromancer said:I think it would be better if they didn't give you giant red diamonds to shoot, if you actually had to look for the enemies running around it would be a lot more fair. Maybe they could make your teammates blue diamonds so you'd know the difference.
VaLiancY said:Here's my predictions for the night.
Genesis Knight said:Beats ARs around corners 99% of the time, they're fast in all respects and if you control recoil it will basically function as an AR at medium range. I mean they aren't the ultimate weapons but they'll beat anything else most of the time provided you don't run around in the open.
Damage is decreased with silencer though. Especially if you use the assault rifles.Kyoufu said:It isn't supposed to. Just loses range.
Steady aim+hipfire beasts in the game. Maybe it's your connection.PalaceBrother said:Good advice, I'll play around with this. In MW2 my SMG loadout was built around speed. I'm finding that in BLOPS I lose almost every close up battle with an SMG. I think I need to stop running. I play a much more cautious game with an AR/LMG.
Ah, lame. Better get all that rerolling out of my system quick then!AnEternalEnigma said:Vahn said on Twitter they're probably going to alter Hardline Pro so that anything other than Care Packages can't be re-rolled.
Good.AnEternalEnigma said:Vahn said on Twitter they're probably going to alter Hardline Pro so that anything other than Care Packages can't be re-rolled.
Kyoufu said:This game is really fucking good in multi-player. Like almost COD4 levels of good.
AnEternalEnigma said:Vahn said on Twitter they're probably going to alter Hardline Pro so that anything other than Care Packages can't be re-rolled.
Xater said:Game sold. The constant crashing in MP was just too much. Really a shame because the game itself is awesome.
Fuck.AnEternalEnigma said:Vahn said on Twitter they're probably going to alter Hardline Pro so that anything other than Care Packages can't be re-rolled.
Dresden said:Treyarch just isn't talented as IW. Their solution to imbalance issues was to remove the issue entirely--hence, broken sniping.
backflip10019 said:Ah, lame. Better get all that rerolling out of my system quick then!
Aside: what's his twitter handle?
Xater said:Game sold. The constant crashing in MP was just too much. Really a shame because the game itself is awesome.
UFRA said:Is this your first COD this gen?
Because every COD this gen had major issues with MP the first week or two.
Remember MW2 had like 4 patches in a week? :lol
Xater said:Game sold. The constant crashing in MP was just too much. Really a shame because the game itself is awesome.
AnEternalEnigma said:You gave up on a game that's only suffering from a first-week crush of millions of players on at the same time after only 5 days?
I hope you never have to make any important decisions for anyone else.
UFRA said:Is this your first COD this gen?
Because every COD this gen had major issues with MP the first week or two.
Remember MW2 had like 4 patches in a week? :lol
cuevas said:And we keep supporting these shitty standards...
AnEternalEnigma said:I don't support it at all. I think it's pathetic that it takes my party of four 45 minutes to get into a game.
But let's not be unrealistic and assume it's not going to be addressed.
AnEternalEnigma said:
Thx.AnEternalEnigma said:
IW didn't share assets. Treyarch was able to have access to MW2 code close to the time the game went Gold.Effect said:Shouldn't that mean it should get better with each game though on this front?
The single player is just a roller coaster. Its designed to give you the feeling of participating in the cool action sequences from movies and it does that by having heavily scripted scenes. Forget MW2 - it has been the same since the original MoH and CoD. Pretty much all these games including MoH and Bad Company have the same overall design and the same problems. Overcoming these problems requires removing some of the scripted spectacle, and these games only exist to feed the spectacle to you. The very arbitrariness of the difficulty makes it all the more addictive because you know that next time, even if by pure luck, you might succeed.Campster said:In contrast, though, the singleplayer game is an absolute train wreck.
I'm holding on to my copy in the hopes the PS3 version can/will get patched to take care of some issues. Overall, I'm enjoying the multiplayer. Feels like it's back to basics in that I'm dying mostly to other people's weapons instead of the rain of killstreaks from above but most importantly to me: no deaths to the bullshit Commando perk.Xater said:Game sold. The constant crashing in MP was just too much. Really a shame because the game itself is awesome.
edbrat said:someone help me! I am awful at online, haven't played much before, can someone give me a few pointers on how to not completely suck balls at this?
I'm playing hardcore search and destroy because someone on my friends list from playing blur is playing but I am worse than clueless. I have got as far as "shoot the red players" but otherwise its all a bit mystifying.
God forbid Treyarch pull their own weight instead of relying on the A-team for assets and engine modifications._Bro said:IW didn't share assets. Treyarch was able to have access to MW2 code close to the time the game went Gold.
So all you white knights all for IW, they're pretty big dicks.
.nimrod said:Holy shit! You booby trap an enemy care package with hacker pro by just stealing it, so you get the killstreak AND leave a bomb![]()
_Bro said:IW didn't share assets. Treyarch was able to have access to MW2 code close to the time the game went Gold.
So all you white knights all for IW, they're pretty big dicks.
Concept17 said:Jungle is by far the worst map. So bad. I like the more narrow portions of the map to either side, but the rest is garbage.
edbrat said:someone help me! I am awful at online, haven't played much before, can someone give me a few pointers on how to not completely suck balls at this?
I'm playing hardcore search and destroy because someone on my friends list from playing blur is playing but I am worse than clueless. I have got as far as "shoot the red players" but otherwise its all a bit mystifying.
Animator said:This is hands down my favorite thing to do in the game. I stole a chopper gunner yesterday and got a quadruple kill from the care package bomb I left behind. :lol :lol
Mayyhem said:I dont like the maps in this game, not one of them I can say I love. Some are okay, others are playable, but most are just garbage.
Precisely.Patrick Bateman said:So, the care package seems still to be there after you took it?