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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


nomoment said:
Man, unlocking Marathon Pro sucks. I despise Capture the Flag, and it's a pain in the ass being forced to play a mode with a bunch of a other guys who are also obviously trying to unlock the perk.

I stopped working on Marathon Pro myself. I'll just let it happen naturally. Totally destroyed my K/D rushing like a fool for first kill and for caps.


bobs99 ... said:
So which guns better? I get the feeling im going to end up using the Commando but I LOVE the AK so cant tell. I feel bad that I havent given the Stoner the time it deserves. :lol Can anyone confirm my assumptions?

Which AK are you talking about? 'Cause the AK47 and Commando are identical statistically, despite what the in game stat bars say, except for the Commando having a faster reload and raising faster when you switch to it.

The AK74u does have more recoil and takes one more bullet to kill at range as well as having about half the range as the two ARs.

LMGs lower your movement speed to 87.5% of SMGs and ARs lower it to 95%. Stuff like ADS speed and switching back to them from your secondary is also slower.

Here's the site with all the stats if you wanna see for yourself:

nomoment said:
Man, unlocking Marathon Pro sucks. I despise Capture the Flag, and it's a pain in the ass being forced to play a mode with a bunch of a other guys who are also obviously trying to unlock the perk.

I feel your pain. It'll take me forever it feels like.

LeMaximilian said:
Even tho it said the servers are down, I got into a free for all game and it felt FUCKING AMAZING. Like I was playing offline and I only had 3 bars.

Is it really because the tremendous load of players lags down the server so much itcauses all these laggy ass games normally? I'm just hoping once they're fully functional again, it feels like what I just played. Seriously, amazing shit.

Hmmmm, interesting...
nomoment said:
Man, unlocking Marathon Pro sucks. I despise Capture the Flag, and it's a pain in the ass being forced to play a mode with a bunch of a other guys who are also obviously trying to unlock the perk.

That was probably the worst Pro Perk for me as well. CTF is awful, and all I did was run for the flag.

I did lots of stupid things to get the Pros. Giving away Sentry guns for Ghost. Running around with a Nova Gas loaded in my hand, hoping to get both a grenade toss and a kill before my opponent could kill me for Tac Mask. Running towards frag grenades trying to toss them back before they explode for Flak Jacket. Knife running for Steady Aim.

W Hudson

nomoment said:
Man, unlocking Marathon Pro sucks. I despise Capture the Flag, and it's a pain in the ass being forced to play a mode with a bunch of a other guys who are also obviously trying to unlock the perk.

I had never played CTF until Black Ops, it took me about 3 hours of non stop play to get the challenge complete. Funny thing is, I actually started to enjoy the game type, and since have got some of my friends (also wanting Marathon Pro) to enjoy CTF as well, to the tune that we still play it now even after completing the challenge. Hopefully the same happens to some others out there.


Neo Member

My other icon was getting old; I think I'll stick with this one.
cameltoe said:
servers are down :( (360)
what? says 900k players online, but as usual, my party of 3 can't get into a room, but this experience is no different than it's been since launch. Also, people on my list are in game.
MrCompletely said:
what? says 900k players online, but as usual, my party of 3 can't get into a room, but this experience is no different than it's been since launch. Also, people on my list are in game.

That's how many were online when everything crashed.


Neo Member
I've been playing for about an hour and all I did was just keep trying to get online over and over (took about four tries).


It seems like everyone is constantly spawning on the same half of the map most of the time in TDM. Nuketown ironically doesn't suffer from this, but that's because everyone is constantly running around like headless chickens and causing the spawns to flip like crazy. MW2 was unbalanced garbage, but at least it had better spawns than this.

I love everything else about the game, but these spawns need to be fixed. I might just stick with S&D for now because I'm tired of this crap.
Weenerz said:
I stopped working on Marathon Pro myself. I'll just let it happen naturally. Totally destroyed my K/D rushing like a fool for first kill and for caps.

Couldn't have been much worse than me going for Flak Jacket Pro, chasing down enemy frag grenades like some coke whore looking for her next fix. I only have a few more Pro's to get, and Flak Jacket was definitely the hardest.


Neo Member
DRE Fei said:
It seems like everyone is constantly spawning on the same half of the map most of the time in TDM. Nuketown ironically doesn't suffer from this, but that's because everyone is constantly running around like headless chickens and causing the spawns to flip like crazy. MW2 was unbalanced garbage, but at least it had better spawns than this.

I love everything else about the game, but these spawns need to be fixed. I might just stick with S&D for now because I'm tired of this crap.

I've had pretty much the opposite experience so far.


LabouredSubterfuge said:
I find it interesting that this post can be neatly surmmised as 'deal with it'. More so because you didn't find these gaping errors in design and balance to be that troubling compared to the clearly unforgiveable design decision of having to kill a sentry turret to gain Ghost pro or some meta objective akin to this.

Still worse, you winge about having to kill someone 4 times to gain a SAM turret in a tight spot and conveniently neglect the fact that launchers are still in the game and are as effective as ever.

I'll happily concede to your point on sniper rifles, they're nerfed and wrongly so. But shotguns are very useful (and not to mention fun)) on certain maps, as are LMGs. I've also not come across this so-called incredible motion sensor that makes you impervious to attack. It seems no-one but you has realised quite how amazing it is. I look forward going 30-1 with it.

I'm also not ignorant to the fact that you've been persistently whinging about many of the game's design decisions in this thread since before it was even released. I can't help but think that you're determined not to like the game. That's fine, but feel free not to adorn your thoughts on the game with disingenuous and biased analysis of its design when comparing it to MW2, please.

'Deal with it' indeed.
well said sir...
DRE Fei said:
It seems like everyone is constantly spawning on the same half of the map most of the time in TDM. Nuketown ironically doesn't suffer from this,
What? I'll spawn and kill someone in front of me, and then get mowed down from the back by a newly-spawned group of enemies.


Konig94 said:
I've had pretty much the opposite experience so far.
Really? Well you must be one of the lucky ones. I haven't played on the map "Cracked" much because it doesn't come up that often for me, but everything else has been a mess with all the action taking place on one half.

Koroshi said:
What? I'll spawn and kill someone in front of me, and then get mowed down from the back by a newly-spawned group of enemies.
Yeah, but at least the spawns flip. It's not constantly putting both teams on the same side. Don't get me wrong, though that map is still a clusterfuck.


DRE Fei said:
Yeah, but at least the spawns flip. It's not constantly putting both teams on the same side. Don't get me wrong, though that map is still a clusterfuck.

In that map, I constantly spawn surrounded by enemies. It flips the spawns so often that everyone is just spawning everywhere. One of my least favorite maps in any FPS game ever.
Put about a day+ into the PS3 MP then traded it in for the 360 version. The MP game itself is substantially better on the 360 in my experience so far. However the community on the 360 is absolute shit. TDM and Sabotage are completely useless game modes as everyone just camps. A few of us played a game of Sabotage on Radiation where the other team didn't even try to pick up the bomb. They just allowed it to sit next to their crate and then just camped for kills. Pathetic.

I also seem to have a much harder time getting kills on the 360. I think this may be a combination of my inexperience with FPS on the 360 pad and a generally higher level of proficiency among those I am playing against. Lag is still a major factor on the 360 but the game runs a lot smoother.

It sucks that I have to unlock all of my pro perks again. On the PS3 I didn't even pay attention to the Marathon Pro requirements, but now it seems like such a chore. And with Flack Pro, well, after a certain point everyone stopped using grenades and instead went for semtex.

My major gripe though is that there seems to be no skill balancing in these games. I am ranked level 24 and being pitted against someone who is already on their second prestige, has their sensitivity at 10 and can headshot me before I can even react. I can appreciate their skill, but with such a disparity I can't really have any fun.
Hanmik said:
NECK..? that my friend is called an ANCLE..


this is a neck..


look closely..



I was referring to the clip [I]I[/I] was trying to upload, not his. Check it out:

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqGD5hU2sMo]Final kill tomahawk neck shot[/url]


New favorite setup:

Galil with Reflex Sight
Dual Wield Pythons (deadly as hell up close)

Sleight of Hand (Almost pro)
Second Chance Pro


I've gotten over a 2.0 KDR since using this for the past few hours. It is freaking deadly.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
NightBlade88 said:
Yeah....unlocking Pro was MUCH easier in MW2. If ain't broke, don't fix it Treyarch!

I don't mind them making pro a lot harder to obtain, though it makes it a lot harder to want to prestige.

Also, decoy grenades are hilariously effective.


With dual wielding pistols on the pc, I've noticed that the left button fires the right gun and vice versa. Is there a way to change that?


foomfoom415 said:
I love the new stuff needed to unlock pro perks.
Why? Because you don't see them as much so that levels the field more? That is the only benefit I could possibly imagine for it.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Flawless One in the Chamber match I recorded today.

Not in the least bit special, but meh, first time I've actually used Fraps and it's less than 2 minutes long. Enjoy :D

Skel said:
Why? Because you don't see them as much so that levels the field more? That is the only benefit I could possibly imagine for it.
I like it because it demonstrates that you've mastered that skill to a reasonable degree. Some of the requirements in MW2 were totally arbitrary if not downright ridiculous (I'm looking at you SitRep pro). The criteria for pro perks in Black Ops are totally tailored to that perk. For example, I use Flak Jacket and Ninja in S&D, and was pleasantly surprised when there are pro challenges directly suited to that mode with those perks.


AnEternalEnigma said:
You do realize there's nothing stopping you from backing out and re-searching for another game, right?
yea but my friends like it and i don't feel like leaving

although, im host now so it's all good :lol


AnEternalEnigma said:
You do realize there's nothing stopping you from backing out and re-searching for another game, right?

Considering you have to do that every-single-time that map comes up, then you have to back out, hope your party makes it with you, then search for another game to accommodate you is annoying as hell, period. People keep selecting this map due to it's poor design, with easy spawn camping/grenade launching. It's honestly annoying as hell anymore. People want to vote for it once to powerlevel fine, twice, whatever... but when you're going past that mark it's annoying.

People openly admit the map sucks horribly, but they just want to do it to powerlevel.

It maybe the single worst designed map I have ever played in a shooter.


Usually don't remember any names of maps but just looked at the OP and really I can't say I hate any of them. Fave is probably summit. Its not too small and that central room is just a constant battle in tdm.
Skel said:
Why? Because you don't see them as much so that levels the field more? That is the only benefit I could possibly imagine for it.

I like them creating challenges that get me to play new modes or in new ways I wouldn't normally. I greatly miss MW2's style emblem challenges. The new create-an-emblem is lame.


I really am starting to despise this game.. It tells me i have a full connection but the online play still SUCKS. don't get me wrong the customization and balance is terrific and all, but when any and every gun takes 6-8 bullets to kill somebody and I die in only 2-3, it ruins the experience. The maps are terrible in my opinion, sniping is near impossible with how much you stick out. whats the motivation for doing any of the challenges? jump through a window and kill somebody, yay i got 500 dollars or whatever. i could have just shot them through the window, gone on to get myself more kills and killstreaks (and dollars/points) and saved myself 10-15 deaths trying to do it in the first place. I loved unlocking titles and emblems, it kept me playing MW2 until the day BO came out. i'm seriously considering swapping this in for medal of honor. anybody with me on this? or am i just being rediculous..


ajf009 said:
I really am starting to despise this game.. It tells me i have a full connection but the online play still SUCKS. don't get me wrong the customization and balance is terrific and all, but when any and every gun takes 6-8 bullets to kill somebody and I die in only 2-3, it ruins the experience. The maps are terrible in my opinion, sniping is near impossible with how much you stick out. whats the motivation for doing any of the challenges? jump through a window and kill somebody, yay i got 500 dollars or whatever. i could have just shot them through the window, gone on to get myself more kills and killstreaks (and dollars/points) and saved myself 10-15 deaths trying to do it in the first place. I loved unlocking titles and emblems, it kept me playing MW2 until the day BO came out. i'm seriously considering swapping this in for medal of honor. anybody with me on this? or am i just being rediculous..
Have you played any Hardcore matches? if not give it a go


NightBlade88 said:
Search and Destroy? Dude...the games would end in like 2 minutes at best. :lol
That's good. It's how I like my SnD matches. Not the last two guys listening for each others footsteps.
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