Hanmik said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwco-KH6mpI&feature=player_embedded
watch 37 seconds in... :lol
ahhh I will just Gif it for Gaf..
This is the best kill ever :lol :lol :lol :lol
Hanmik said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwco-KH6mpI&feature=player_embedded
watch 37 seconds in... :lol
ahhh I will just Gif it for Gaf..
I can't stop laughing! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolHanmik said:
This is pure gold :lolHanmik said:
Lonewolf_92 said:Nearly everyone ran with Stopping Power anyway, so it still came down to connection speed and if you got the drop on somebody. Now that Perk Slot is free and we're seeing a lot more variety in loadouts.
Not only are launchers available, but one of the prefab builds (the LMG) comes with the very versatile starting launcher which has both free launch and air tracking, allowing even the newest of the new to deal with them. There is no need to suffer any air based kill streak reward other than ignorance, the tools to deal with it are right at your fingertips.
Weenerz said:An amazing piece of shit. Just don't use the awful scopes and it's like 2 shot kills for everyone.
Also, PC servers are down? Can't do anything atm.
:lol :lol did he get some vengeance or did he quit instantly?Hanmik said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwco-KH6mpI&feature=player_embedded
watch 37 seconds in... :lol
ahhh I will just Gif it for Gaf..
Brian Fellows said:It only comes with one round and you'll probably get killed firing that one round.
Lonewolf_92 said:If your going to be a bullet sponge anyway, at least you can be proactive about it. Besides, I've never been killed taking stuff down yet. Too few people bother.
You could just shoot down enemy spy planes. It counts.molekiller said:I've only been able to take down one chopper... It always launches its counter measures and I miss my only shot... And I need 30 of them for ghost pro...
Somnium986 said:You could just shoot down enemy spy planes. It counts.
Treyarch is patching that.UFRA said:My sarcasm detector is off the charts!
I played the map 3 times in a row today in Domination...stupid assholes kept voting for it over and over. I just quit the 3rd time.
Sorry, I rarely get shot at will taking one down. XD When I look for one, I try to look at corners of the map. Usually their off in the distance some where.molekiller said:Any tips on how to spot them before being shot while staring at the sky? xD But you are right, though... I try with choppers because they appear on the radar. I'll try harder on the spy planes.
cdyhybrid said:Seems like the spawns are getting worse and worse.
Speak for yourself! The LAW is awesome for me, both for kills and taking down air support.Brian Fellows said:It only comes with one round and you'll probably get killed firing that one round.
aku:jiki said:- I want to love theater mode and what's there is certainly good enough for some decent little clips and montages, but the fucking thing sucks! I hear other people have no problems, but my best games never show up in my recent games even after days of waiting. Sometimes they show up but can never be played. If my game does save, then the streak I wanted to clip and upload to YouTube turns out to have been 45 seconds long which I can't upload. 30 seconds is some bullshit Activision - you're making a bajillion trillion dollars on this game and you don't even host the god damn videos yourselves, so why are you cheapskating us with a pathetic 30 seconds? Fix the glitches and get cut/paste and a 3 minute limit in there and we can talk. What's there right now is broken and pathetic.
Hanmik said:
Stantron said:Apparently extended mags works in second chance, while the full auto upgrade for the final pistol (CZ75) does not.Probably by design. Would have been awesome though.
Here's me using the Sentry as bait. Poor guy thought he was finally gonna get ghost pro. :lol
Sealda said:Am i the only one thinking the MP5 is awesome? Seriously better than the AK47u. Not in stats but maybe in balance overall? For some reason the Mp5 with extended mags makes me awesome in run and gun.
so Uzi or AK47u?molekiller said:I kill far more easily with the AK47u. I can't stand the MP5... The first levels I used the M16 instead... Yesterday I did an 8 killstreak the first time I picked up the UZI, It means nothing, I just had luck with a so so smg.
Skel said:Wow 48 hours in 7 days.. not including sleep and work.
That's a little much lol.
Always-honest said:so Uzi or AK47u?
DMeisterJ said:The first time I equipped Ghost I ran into an enemy Sentry Gun. I guess that was mighty lucky.
I know. What happened was I was toiling away at work on release day, constantly regretting that I didn't take time off to play the game. Out of the blue, one of our servers crashed and since I'm fairly new, they had to roll back to before my accounts and stuff were up. So my boss came over to my desk, apologized profusely and asked if I wouldn't mind taking the rest of the day off while they set it all up again. I said I'd accept this sacrifice if they'd meet me halfway and let me take the whole rest of the week off. All agreed and I ran off to the store to buy the game. :lolSkel said:Wow 48 hours in 7 days.. not including sleep and work.
That's a little much lol.
It is broken, and not to be an ass, but you are not considering all the nuances of the situation._Alkaline_ said:Some good points. Don't agree with removing the Strela though. Thing is a godsend and its efficiency has actually managed to promote some level of team play and awareness. Generally you'll still die at least once or twice shooting town a Gunner/Gunship and it'll still take at least 15-20 secs doing so, which allows for a decent rack-up of kills anyway (depending on the map of course). It's not broken.
the_prime_mover said:Put about a day+ into the PS3 MP then traded it in for the 360 version. The MP game itself is substantially better on the 360 in my experience so far. However the community on the 360 is absolute shit. TDM and Sabotage are completely useless game modes as everyone just camps. A few of us played a game of Sabotage on Radiation where the other team didn't even try to pick up the bomb. They just allowed it to sit next to their crate and then just camped for kills. Pathetic.
I also seem to have a much harder time getting kills on the 360. I think this may be a combination of my inexperience with FPS on the 360 pad and a generally higher level of proficiency among those I am playing against. Lag is still a major factor on the 360 but the game runs a lot smoother.
It sucks that I have to unlock all of my pro perks again. On the PS3 I didn't even pay attention to the Marathon Pro requirements, but now it seems like such a chore. And with Flack Pro, well, after a certain point everyone stopped using grenades and instead went for semtex.
My major gripe though is that there seems to be no skill balancing in these games. I am ranked level 24 and being pitted against someone who is already on their second prestige, has their sensitivity at 10 and can headshot me before I can even react. I can appreciate their skill, but with such a disparity I can't really have any fun.
Ballistik said:What do you guys think is the best way to rank up? I've always been told Search and Destroy.. I've tried headquarters too.. but I don't quite think that's it, at least personally. Since MW2, I've found the best way to rank up is ground war, and having 3-4-5 awards with spy plane and counter spy plane to get those +100 quickly. It's pretty much what I only play. For example, right now I'm a 39 on first prestige with 23 hours of playtime, and all I've done is Ground war. Are you guys on the same boat?
Pennybags said:FYI, you can bypass the flares on enemy aircraft by firing the LAW before you establish a lock-on.
Pennybags said:FYI, you can bypass the flares on enemy aircraft by firing the LAW before you establish a lock-on.
Xux said:Which AK are you talking about? 'Cause the AK47 and Commando are identical statistically, despite what the in game stat bars say, except for the Commando having a faster reload and raising faster when you switch to it.
The AK74u does have more recoil and takes one more bullet to kill at range as well as having about half the range as the two ARs.
LMGs lower your movement speed to 87.5% of SMGs and ARs lower it to 95%. Stuff like ADS speed and switching back to them from your secondary is also slower.
Here's the site with all the stats if you wanna see for yourself:
harrytang said:do you think it may have to do more with the distance between you and the target? i fired at a heli and hit, flares went off, but i was so close the heli really couldnt move. havent tried firing across the map no lock on. might have to now.
bobs99 ... said:Hmm that doesnt seem right, im convinced the AK47 (assualt rifle) is slightly more powerful - im also convinced its got more recoil. Maybe attachments make a difference - does Reflex site actually make a gun appear to have less recoil like I keep hearing?
From those charts the Commando beats the AK flat down, simply because its faster but im not convinced that those charts tell the full story. hmm.
ResidentDante said:This is pure gold :lol