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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


I just had some very very fun times. Me and 3 of my friends just went into a gun game wager match, went zombie horde and just rushed the other 2 guys w/ knives the whole time. It was hilarious to see all 4 of us going at a guy and him turning around, running, and jumping out of a window to escape. 2 games we held everyone to the tier 1 gun and 1 game we let a guy get to tier 3. It was definitely LULZY.
People in search and destroy LOVE to play nuketown. It's one consistent observation I've made, and keep in mind it's the only mode I play so I've seen a lot. But when it comes up people always vote for it, I played it more than 5 times in a row in many occasions. Hectic first 10 seconds, then 1 minute of cleaning up the trash, then 30 seconds of intense 1 on 1 is how it usually ends :D


grap3fruitman said:
I haven't tried it but how is the one bullet wager match supposed to work with this sort of awful hit detection?
Smaller groups so less lag in my limited experience.

I swear, something must be totally fucking wrong with the sound modeling in this game. I think I'm getting shot by a silenced weapon and it's some guy 10 feet away on a ledge unloading an entire clip.
Zabka said:
Smaller groups so less lag in my limited experience.

I swear, something must be totally fucking wrong with the sound modeling in this game. I think I'm getting shot by a silenced weapon and it's some guy 10 feet away on a ledge unloading an entire clip.

As far as sound goes, I really miss the footsteps. Sure they're still there but they were much louder and more helpful in previous games. My surround sound whoring in S&D has been virtually negated.
Finished the campaign today. It was great. Best of the entire series in my opinion.

Playing on PC and the game ran perfect after the performance patch that I received the other day.
Jesus christ this game needs a fucking patch asap. I'm playing on 360, apparently the lead SKU, and it's virtually impossible to play in party. Even when you find a fucking game there's always a connection issue. Oh, and host migration does not work AT ALL. I was willing to give Treyarch the benefit of the doubt the first few days. I'm going on a week now and the netcode is still shitty. It makes Aliens vs. Predator look freaking smooth.


TheStringTheory said:
G11 is a piece of shit.

An amazing piece of shit. Just don't use the awful scopes and it's like 2 shot kills for everyone.

Also, PC servers are down? Can't do anything atm.
GillianSeed79 said:
Jesus christ this game needs a fucking patch asap. I'm playing on 360, apparently the lead SKU, and it's virtually impossible to play in party. Even when you find a fucking game there's always a connection issue. Oh, and host migration does not work AT ALL. I was willing to give Treyarch the benefit of the doubt the first few days. I'm going on a week now and the netcode is still shitty. It makes Aliens vs. Predator look freaking smooth.

Parties seem to be limited to a max of 2. Sometimes you'll strike lucky and get a large group in there, but most of the time it refuses to work. It's bullshit.
When this game came out it had over 3 million online, 1-2 million average. Now it's only 450,000 online?

Are people giving up on this game already or is something else going on like bad servers, etc.
Nabs said:
have you played many pc games?

i think they're patching the servers

I have been playing PC games for 20 years.

The game does not fucking work. I have a Quad Core CPU with a GTX 460 and the multiplayer is a stuttering mess. I have a $60 game that I have been unable to play for a week.


FirstInHell said:
PC servers are down. Nice work Teryarch!

Shittiest PC launch ever.

They will be up again soon. They are patching them atm so you will get a better experience. Calm down. It was announced on the Call of Duty forums.
Veteran mode in the campaign has some of the cheapest, shittiest AI I've ever played against. It's as bad as Modern Warfare 1. Dudes popping out and firing from the hip with impeccable aim 20 meters away? Check. endlessly spawning enemies in A NARROW FUCKING CORRIDOR?! Check.
Fucking stupid, stupid,stupid. Who the hell playtested this shit? In house staff?


theignoramus said:
Veteran mode in the campaign has some of the cheapest, shittiest AI I've ever played against. Dudes popping out and firing from the hip with impeccable aim 20 meters away? endlessly spawning enemies in A NARROW FUCKING CORRIDOR?! Fucking stupid, stupid,stupid. Who the hell playtested this shit? In house staff?

In the tunnels? That's where I stopped.

the tunnels after you blow up that missle. I guess there's more than one tunnel system in the game, haha.
AcciDante said:
In the tunnels? That's where I stopped.
It was actually somewhat tolerable up to that point. Cheap as all hell, but you could grit your teeth and say "this is what I signed up for." But the respawning enemies in the fucking tunnels? Nah, that's motherfucking BAD,BAD game design.


TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
When this game came out it had over 3 million online, 1-2 million average. Now it's only 450,000 online?

Are people giving up on this game already or is something else going on like bad servers, etc.

well, the three million number was wrong - they've since fixed the way it is counting players, at least that's what they said last week.
NinjaKixx said:
Why do people love the removal of stopping power? Now, success is dependent solely on connection speed. I was playing a round and hit a dude atleast 9 times (Swear to God) and he survived. I checked the replay in the theater because I was going to post the ridiculousness to see that in the replay I wasn't even hitting the guy. If it is that bad for me on a 25MB connection I cant imagine how guys on lower speeds are doing.

Nearly everyone ran with Stopping Power anyway, so it still came down to connection speed and if you got the drop on somebody. Now that Perk Slot is free and we're seeing a lot more variety in loadouts.

LabouredSubterfuge said:
I find it interesting that this post can be neatly surmmised as 'deal with it'. More so because you didn't find these gaping errors in design and balance to be that troubling compared to the clearly unforgiveable design decision of having to kill a sentry turret to gain Ghost pro or some meta objective akin to this.

Still worse, you winge about having to kill someone 4 times to gain a SAM turret in a tight spot and conveniently neglect the fact that launchers are still in the game and are as effective as ever.

I'll happily concede to your point on sniper rifles, they're nerfed and wrongly so. But shotguns are very useful (and not to mention fun)) on certain maps, as are LMGs. I've also not come across this so-called incredible motion sensor that makes you impervious to attack. It seems no-one but you has realised quite how amazing it is. I look forward going 30-1 with it.

I'm also not ignorant to the fact that you've been persistently whinging about many of the game's design decisions in this thread since before it was even released. I can't help but think that you're determined not to like the game. That's fine, but feel free not to adorn your thoughts on the game with disingenuous and biased analysis of its design when comparing it to MW2, please.

'Deal with it' indeed.

Not only are launchers available, but one of the prefab builds (the LMG) comes with the very versatile starting launcher which has both free launch and air tracking, allowing even the newest of the new to deal with them. There is no need to suffer any air based kill streak reward other than ignorance, the tools to deal with it are right at your fingertips.
jlevel13 said:
well, the three million number was wrong - they've since fixed the way it is counting players, at least that's what they said last week.
Okay. That makes sense.

So the player count should still be the same then? I don't get what's going on.

Anyway, I just checked MW2's player count and it's at 31,000-40,000. Black Ops certainly has the most players right now.
LocoMrPollock said:
Finished the campaign today. It was great. Best of the entire series in my opinion.

Playing on PC and the game ran perfect after the performance patch that I received the other day.

I could not possibly disagree more. Just played campaign today and thought the story was interesting, but the actual game was terrible. I thought it the levels were boring, the endless enemy closets were annoying, and could never tell my squad apart from the enemies. The levels were too short, and had way too many driving,flying, boating sections. The levels all seemed to start and end abruptly, and I never felt any connection to anything involving the game characters. Half of the game I spent wondering what i was supposed to be doing as the game would quickly announce some vital piece of information in the middle of a loud ass firefight, during which there was no possible way i could actually understand what they were saying. It was honestly one of the worst single player experiences I have had on the 360.



Scavenger Pro
Sleight of Hand Pro

Sooooo fun. :lol Love playing the explosive archer. The best moments are when you stick someone and they go sprinting off... into another teammember.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Just went 6-30 on Domination :lol

It's amazing how one match I can do great and then the next match I just completely suck. Is there anything I can do to better my reflexes? When I see the killcam is when my brain tells me to shoot.
OMG! Am I hearing little 12 year old voices coming from my TV?!

Reminds me of Robin Williams saying on Leno about playing CoD, "There's a nasty 10 year old in the tower with a sniper rifle!" :lol
Cerrius said:
This is why I HATE the knife lunging in this game!


The problem here really isn't the knife lunge.

It's that a shotgun blast at pointblank range, even to the gut, isn't a one hit kill. Nor does it push the opponent back enough so that they can't get close enough to melee you. Even if there was no "lunge," it's still ridiculous that a player can run through a shotgun blast from that close.
Being spawned infront of an enemy who knifes me a second later from behind, nothing like it!

Also, all these kill stealing bitches. Ifi got him into second chance and he's not even looking at you then he's MINE. Don't complain when I do it back to you.

I'd rather have a death than an assist.


Konig94 said:

My other icon was getting old; I think I'll stick with this one.
That's pretty sweet.

We need more people posting their emblems! I wanna make some characters like Kirby.. too bad you can't save the emblem designs :(


jonnybryce said:
Being spawned infront of an enemy who knifes me a second later from behind, nothing like it!

Also, all these kill stealing bitches. Ifi got him into second chance and he's not even looking at you then he's MINE. Don't complain when I do it back to you.

I'd rather have a death than an assist.
F the haters. I'm gonna steal every single kill that I see. Why? Because if I'm in Second Chance, I know I can kill three or four people before I die as long as they don't see me. Also, I rock Second Chance Pro so I know I can be revived. And if I can do this, anyone can.
Im having such a blast playing the Nuke Town multiplayer included in this game. It's a blast. Same level over and over again. I love it.


samus4ever said:
Im having such a blast playing the Nuke Town multiplayer included in this game. It's a blast. Same level over and over again. I love it.

My sarcasm detector is off the charts!

I played the map 3 times in a row today in Domination...stupid assholes kept voting for it over and over. I just quit the 3rd time.
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