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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


So three days into my first COD game since COD 2, and I'm really digging it so far. I kept up with the MW2 complaints from friends to know that they made some pretty decent balance changes. The main reason I didn't play MW2 was because of the "hands off" killing, where you'd rarely get killed by an enemy's gun.

Here, I can sneak, I can set traps, and occasionally get a cool killstreak reward. The game punishes sprinting, which is really refreshing coming from BFBC2. Recoil renders some guns useless in the wrong hands, which is good as well.

All in all, I've been completely surprised by how much fun I'm having. I'm sure it's a tough adjustment for all the MW2 fans, though.
aku:jiki said:
So, I'm almost 2nd prestige and have put over 48 hours into the multiplayer. Didn't play singleplayer at all yet.

Here's some of my random thoughts:

- Loving the game overall, and the fact that it's taking steps back to gunplay and away from all the other bullshit. It's got problems, like basically everything everywhere glitching in some way, but with a few patches this game has massive potential to be the only FPS I play for years to come.
- Loving the map and weapon design, it wants to focus on running and gunning and does not give any playstyle a real advantage over another. Really happy to see that the map design actually allows for shotgun primary play, or that you can run around like a mong with an SMG on any map with no problems. Awesome.
- Killstreaks not giving you killstreaks is amazing. It makes the game much more balanced and calm, but also makes the experience much more tense and exciting when you're going for your own streaks.
- Most of the killstreak rewards themselves are tons of fun to use. I especially like the Grim Reaper and Death Machine, and how they work (that you can only get them in a care package and that they're rare, but not ultra-rare).

- Dive is a little useless, isn't it? It's fun and cool and being able to Lightweight Pro-dive out of high places and potentially get a kill by doing it is absolutely hilarious, but as a serious combat manouver it's just completely useless and actually detrimental to most people's playstyle. We've been doing manual dives to prone in CoD for 6 games now, taking that away from us is a mindfuck we didn't ask for.
- I'm not a fan of the fact that Treyarch promised that they'd get rid of Commando, and how they made comments about how dumb that shit was, only to go ahead and give everybody Commando in Black Ops. Seriously, what the fuck? Why am I getting tele-knifed by everybody?!
- The game has some serious bullet lag issues. At first I thought it was my spotty connection, but now I've seen that it's doing it even when my connection is behaving. It does al lthe previous CoD bullet lag shit, but now it has the new feature of forgetting that you're firing bullets at the other guy halfway through the clip - sometimes you shoot and get hits but the hits just stop coming after 2 or 3 as the other guy spazzes out and shoots you. So not cool, Treyarch.
- Sniping is really, really, really dumb. Okay, those of us who like it get that many of you hate quickscoping. That's fine, remove the stuff that made it way too easy in MW2. Hell, if you need to, you can even make it a little bit harder than it was in CoD4. But they didn't need to make sniping completely impossible! The maps don't allow for sniping, the idiotic and impossible to control sway doesn't allow for sniping and supremely braindead feature where your shots will just randomly miss sometimes certainly doesn't allow for sniping. This weapon type was obviously designed by someone who hates one shot kills and decided to make it impossible for anyone who likes it. Childish and retarded, Treyarch. Grow up and balance the snipers properly.
- I want to love theater mode and what's there is certainly good enough for some decent little clips and montages, but the fucking thing sucks! I hear other people have no problems, but my best games never show up in my recent games even after days of waiting. Sometimes they show up but can never be played. If my game does save, then the streak I wanted to clip and upload to YouTube turns out to have been 45 seconds long which I can't upload. 30 seconds is some bullshit Activision - you're making a bajillion trillion dollars on this game and you don't even host the god damn videos yourselves, so why are you cheapskating us with a pathetic 30 seconds? Fix the glitches and get cut/paste and a 3 minute limit in there and we can talk. What's there right now is broken and pathetic.
- The Strela is going to be a massive problem eventually. It is simply not fair or fun that all the effort, care and skill that went into an 11 killstreak Gunship can be countered by another player pressing start, down, down, A, Y, LT and finally RT, repeating the last two presses twice. That's way too easy of a counter for something that takes way too much effort now. When the air support all came from a potentially hardlined Predator in MW2, the Stinger was fair game and a must. Now, the Strela is way too powerful and easy to use. The only map where a Gunship will stand a chance in 2 months is Nuketown, and on all other maps everything will instantly go down once people stop fucking around with ballistic knives and start putting Strelas in their kits. That's not cool. Remove the Strela, and remove the Chopper Gunner and Gunship from Care Packages. Instant balance.

To round off this bored-at-work huge post with a positive note, here's a list of things I think are awesome in the game: Galil, the fact that objective markers fade when you aim at them, the fact that Marathon Pro is still in, the Valkyrie rockets on the right map, the variety in the map environments, AK74u+grip+rapid fire, the new callsign system, theater mode, that you can boot directly to MP...hell, I can keep writing this list of awesome things all day. If they can just fix the glitches and various problems, this game is going to be insanely good. :D

Speak for yourself! The LAW is awesome for me, both for kills and taking down air support.

I'm constantly whining at my team for having other secondaries. in fact! Yelling at them that it's retarded how I'm the only one that rolls with a LAW. Having a LAW at all times totally rules, and having pistols isn't very necessary anymore... Enemy spy plane incoming? Down before it helps them get one kill. Some dude camping in a shitty spot and stopping your path? Boom. So useful in so many situations, and so easy to use.

Interesting thoughts. I agree with most of it. Disagree with some of it. Really agree about the sniping which is my personal pet peeve.

Somebody posted this link yesterday which I thought was very useful and deserved a repost







I am going for hardline pro and I think it is hilarious that I have to ask people to pick up my packages. I've dropped packages and left them for minutes without anyone touching them. It's nice that people are assholes and snagging them but still funny how nice people are about it. I had one map where I called a care package. Got killed before opening it. Died twice more and spawned across the map. I still was able to make it and open the care package. It was a chopper too.
GeekyDad said:
:D The world's first prone run.

Don't think Treyarch would take too kindly to seeing this video become popular.

meh. That first level is essentially the training level from past COD games. It's supposed to be easy. There are definitely later levels where you beg for your squad to do things and they won't.


So does anyone have any tips on how to do the
S.O.G hill descent on veteran? trying to push the barrels over is hopeless because you get cut to ribbons as soon as the animation starts. :/


The Dutch Slayer said:

It was a bitch but now I have all pr0 :D :D :D :D :D :D
How do you get your guy to look like that with Ghost on? Mine is always wearing the Ghillie suit. Didn't realize there was an option to change his look.


A few days after I finish the campaign and I still love it. I just love the whole vibe of the campaign so much, I think Treyarch did a really good job with that. Best campaign since CoD4, easily.

I'd put Reznov at the same level as Captain Price in terms of awesomeness.


Skel said:
How do you get your guy to look like that with Ghost on? Mine is always wearing the Ghillie suit. Didn't realize there was an option to change his look.

That's the look for urban black ops, if he cycled through the other factions (Tropas, SOG, etc) then you'd see the ghillie suit.
Tried the campaign today after playing the multiplayer non-stop. I'm totally getting a COD2 difficulty vibe i.e. don't shoot and you're dead. It's pretty fun even if the
level was a little silly.
It made me laugh how the guards use guns, riot armour, turrets helicopters, then resorted to tear gas :lol
Oh and some of the checkpoints are pretty bad too. Other than that it's a COD Campaign...
The Dutch Slayer said:
so who wants to play..... I mean watch CODBLOPS?


:lol :lol :lol

For the first 3rd of the game I really didnt think I needed to be there, the game seemed to be pushing me through movie sequences but my input was minimal. :lol It gets a bit better from there. From a campaign gameplay point of view, this is the weakest CoD (in my opinion) at least the story is really interesting though. In defence against that video though you can do pacifist runs of most games, and its not impressive considering its only the first mission.

CoD4 is still my favorite campaign, it just felt so much more viceral, like you could relate it to movies like Black Hawk Down and in a weird stupid way it seemed pretty realistic.


Ikuu said:
Sick of seeing people knifing me without even looking at me, 1 hit knife kill has to be one of the worst things added to gaming, especially with stupid lock-on and lunges.
Unless struck from behind the knife should not be a 1 hit kill. Sick to fucking death of people warping to knife me through a hail of bullets.


m0ngo said:
Unless struck from behind the knife should not be a 1 hit kill. Sick to fucking death of people warping to knife me through a hail of bullets.

That happens every single game and it's frustrating.


hamchan said:
I'd put Reznov at the same level as Captain Price in terms of awesomeness.
Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing.

I kept hoping Price would make a cameo as like a young soldier with Mason or something. I think that woulda been really cool.

That's the look for urban black ops, if he cycled through the other factions (Tropas, SOG, etc) then you'd see the ghillie suit.
Oh ok. So it just changes based on what map and faction you're playing then? It's not like I can set it to whatever I like best.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Skel said:
Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing.

I kept hoping Price would make a cameo as like a young soldier with Mason or something. I think that woulda been really cool.
Nah Price was IW's baby. If Treyarch stole him too, that would be fucking pathetic.


bobs99 ... said:
CoD4 is still my favorite campaign, it just felt so much more viceral, like you could relate it to movies like Black Hawk Down and in a weird stupid way it seemed pretty realistic.

I really like the story in both CoD4 and Black Ops because it seems like the events that occur could or could have happened in real life.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
hamchan said:
I really like the story in both CoD4 and Black Ops because it seems like the events that occur could or could have happened in real life.
Holy shit, what game did you play? Black Ops is the most ridiculous game story since MW2.


m0ngo said:
Unless struck from behind the knife should not be a 1 hit kill. Sick to fucking death of people warping to knife me through a hail of bullets.
Even from behind, if you can knife once, you should have enough time to knife again before they turn around. The lag in this game is worse than MW2 thus makes it even harder to shoot people while they try to knife you. And, it's great they took out commando, but why did they kept in some lunge / teleportation.

This game is best describe as one step forward one step back.
Skel said:
Oh ok. So it just changes based on what map and faction you're playing then? It's not like I can set it to whatever I like best.
What version are you playing?

On the 360, you can hit the bumpers to change the way he looks. I think there are about 4 or 5 different versions.


Stallion Free said:
Holy shit, what game did you play? Black Ops is the most ridiculous game story since MW2.
I can't think of one thing in the game that tops fucking Russia invading the United States with nobody noticing. Seriously though, point out what happens in Black Ops that seems impossible to you.
hamchan said:
I can't think of one thing in the game that tops fucking Russia invading the United States with nobody noticing. Seriously though, point out what happens in Black Ops that seems impossible to you.

MW2 is completely over the top. Everything I've seen in blops so far seems like it could have actually happened. Not done yet though.


zero margin said:
MW2 is completely over the top. Everything I've seen in blops so far seems like it could have actually happened. Not done yet though.
Yep. Even some of the ridiculous stuff you'll see later in Black Ops fits in with the Cold War theme and some of the stories that have come from the era.
Serious question. Is there a mp first person shooter with a worse spawn system than this? I certainly haven't played one worse.
It's not just me getting the short end of the stick either. Last night enemies were spawning in front of me left and right. Can't imagine the rage on the other end.:lol
zero margin said:
MW2 is completely over the top. Everything I've seen in blops so far seems like it could have actually happened. Not done yet though.

Everything in this campaign is completely over the top. That's the fun of COD games. You may like one or the other over another but calling one of them especially over the top is odd to me.
Stoney Mason said:
Everything in this campaign is completely over the top. That's the fun of COD games. You may like one or the other over another but calling one of them especially over the top is odd to me.

well, like I just said, everything that's happened in blops so far seems like something that could have actually happened.


Actually went positive a couple matches last night with the sniper. I think I'm getting used to it. Also loving the AK-74U. Just like a tiny Ak-47 and I didn't have to wait forever to unlock it.
zero margin said:
well, like I just said, everything that's happened in blops so far seems like something that could have actually happened.

It doesn't feel that way to me at all. But then I don't care. I'm just in it for the fun. Medal of Honor has a very grounded campaign by comparison and it was decent. But I much prefer COD campaigns because they are like an insane bat shit crazy movie with great set pieces and locations. When things get too grounded or realistic in videogames is precisely when I start to get bored.
Stoney Mason said:
It doesn't feel that way to me at all. But then I don't care. I'm just in it for the fun. Medal of Honor has a very grounded campaign by comparison and it was decent. But I much prefer COD campaigns because they are like an insane bat shit crazy movie with great set pieces and locations.

I don't care either, they could be fighting in my front yard in the game and it wouldn't make a difference. The set pieces are awesome.
CitizenCope said:
Serious question. Is there a mp first person shooter with a worse spawn system than this? I certainly haven't played one worse.
It's not just me getting the short end of the stick either. Last night enemies were spawning in front of me left and right. Can't imagine the rage on the other end.:lol

Played a match of summit a few days ago, everyone started spawning down the same map as each other, turned into the biggest cluster fuck i've seen in my life, no one could get away because there were bullets flying everywhere...


Well to be honest too I don't really care about realism either. I haven't bought that new medal of honor and have no desire to play it. The insane set pieces in CoD are just really enjoyable to play through.

Still, none of the events in this game has made me say "that's not possible". I feel Treyarch has managed to deliver the over top experience CoD is known for but still keep it within the bounds of its Cold War setting. Feels like they went through a lot of Cold War stories and media to make this campaign, so many possible homages to famous movies or books too. I really appreciate that.
WickedLaharl said:
some of these fixes are great (audio adjustments, party system), but no mention of spawns being currently worked on makes me super sad.

Well dont lose hope, on vonderhars twitter hes been responding to people about fixing the spawns and saying its one of the developers top priorities and they are evaluating it now.
Eh, COD1-3, and WaW were pretty grounded and based off real historical battles for the most part.

It wasn't till MW and 2 that they really turned COD into some crazy action flick. Blops is of course pretty out there though the setting in a historical context gives it some more authenticity, but it's set pieces and "twists" are more in line with the MW line.
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