Cutwolf said:Does the suppressor reduce recoil?
Cutwolf said:Does the suppressor reduce recoil?
Seems like it makes it worse. Or, since it seems to take twice as long to kill someone, holding down the trigger longer makes more recoil.Cutwolf said:Does the suppressor reduce recoil?
Alienshogun said:Apparently a lot of others are having the same issue with the FAL simply not firing.
Have you used the Galil? It is incredible.SquirrelNuckle said:I can't seem to use any assault rifles in this game.
bobs99 ... said:Hmm that doesnt seem right, im convinced the AK47 (assualt rifle) is slightly more powerful - im also convinced its got more recoil. Maybe attachments make a difference - does Reflex site actually make a gun appear to have less recoil like I keep hearing?
From those charts the Commando beats the AK flat down, simply because its faster but im not convinced that those charts tell the full story. hmm.
W Hudson said:Another improvement I like is taking K/D ratio off the stats page for Domination and CTF, hopefully that reduces the amount of people who play those games like they would play TDM. Anybody think this is the case? I haven't played these game types much yet so I can't comment.
knitoe said:Seems like it makes it worse. Or, since it seems to take twice as long to kill someone, holding down the trigger longer makes more recoil.
Xux said:The guns are listed by individual gun/attachment combination (MP5K Ext. Mags, MP5K RDS etc.) in the programming and the guy that made the chart said he listed all of the attachments that change stuff (silencers, Python Snub Nose, and CZ75 Full Auto).
This'll probably sound stupid but reducing muzzle flash, which silencers and having a tall/elevated sight like the Reflex can do, gives the illusion of less recoil since you can see where your bullets are going easier.
subversus said:I must say that after BFBC2 this game feels very stupid. It's stupid but addictive. By stupid I mean that people can hold all strategic points during the match and it's very hard to flush them out. So they just do it again and again and again and again. There's no such shit in BFBC2. There are no cozy campspots. So I think I might go back at some time.
It's like that sometimes, I mean ridiculousStallion Free said:Ridiculous:
-The prison escape, absolutely ridiculous
-The chase across the rooftops in the rain, absolutely ridiculous
-You were BRAINWASHED, absolutely ridiculous
-Some Russian dude secretly placed nova gas bombs ALL OVER THE U.S., absolutely ridiculous
But yeah, all that shit is plausible.
Cookie Monster Emblem :lolPookaki said:I got a few awesome tomahawk kills last night. I didn't know that a tomahawk could set off canisters and explode, killing dudes. :lol
Video is here:
KiKaL said:I am going for hardline pro and I think it is hilarious that I have to ask people to pick up my packages. I've dropped packages and left them for minutes without anyone touching them. It's nice that people are assholes and snagging them but still funny how nice people are about it. I had one map where I called a care package. Got killed before opening it. Died twice more and spawned across the map. I still was able to make it and open the care package. It was a chopper too.
biosnake20 said:is there a smg better than the ak74u?
Three hours ago, I would've said no. I've been spending those three hours with a silenced Kiparis, though, and it's been a fucking beast! Doesn't hurt that the firing animation is badass, with the empty shells flying everywhere.biosnake20 said:is there a smg better than the ak74u?
SmokingBarrelX said:I'm sick of playing headquarters and people ignoring the objective. People play that because it is the best way to earn the coveted XP, but then ignore the best ways to get that, by working as a team, and resort to playing it the same way as TDM. In my opinion, you should get even less points than you already earn for kills. Although, honestly, I don't think it would matter. I end up becoming one of maybe two people going for capture points, and just get sliced up every time I go near it. Maybe I'm just bad...(well, I know I'm not good, but never assumed I was bad).
The Spectre is my favorite weapon so I think so. Put a grip and rapid fire on that baby and you're golden. I went 89-12 and had the most captures on normal Firing Range HQ so I wasn't even camping for kills.biosnake20 said:is there a smg better than the ak74u?
biosnake20 said:is there a smg better than the ak74u?
aku:jiki said:Three hours ago, I would've said no. I've been spending those three hours with a silenced Kiparis, though, and it's been a fucking beast! Doesn't hurt that the firing animation is badass, with the empty shells flying everywhere.![]()
biosnake20 said:is there a smg better than the ak74u?
SmokingBarrelX said:I'm sick of playing headquarters and people ignoring the objective. People play that because it is the best way to earn the coveted XP, but then ignore the best ways to get that, by working as a team, and resort to playing it the same way as TDM. In my opinion, you should get even less points than you already earn for kills. Although, honestly, I don't think it would matter. I end up becoming one of maybe two people going for capture points, and just get sliced up every time I go near it. Maybe I'm just bad...(well, I know I'm not good, but never assumed I was bad).
biosnake20 said:is there a smg better than the ak74u?
luoapp said:I don't know. I mean, if you play with random people, isn't the best and simplest strategy is to let the best shooter do the shooting, and not-so-good capturing the site/flag? Probably, the real problem is everyone thinks he is the "best shooter"Even in your case, I would say, you got "sliced up" because you/your team didn't kill enough enemy before you going in.
Stantron said:I gotta say, I really like Theater mode, especially for a first pass attempt in the series. Being able to see where you're kills/deaths/assists were in the time line is nice. Probably obvious, but I think Activision is going to monetise the feature set at some point down the road. Longer clips to render, higher quality renders, larger file share. Technically, this is just the beta to gather data, work out the kinks, and see how popular it is.
If the rest of the CoD community thinks like me, they do this because TDM in CoD pretty much blows. What I like about CoD is the killing. I sometimes really enjoy the tactical aspects of playing the objective, and I'm never the type to fully ignore the objectives and allow my team to lose a Domination with 200-0, but I am one of the "so-called" slayers in my team...which is the fancy clan play name for "dude who ignores the objective and plays TDM."SmokingBarrelX said:It just seems that people are choosing to play TDM on the Headquarters playlist because they want to get more XP. If you want to play TDM, play TDM. Maybe the solution is to even out all the playlists XP wise so people can play the game types they want to play, instead of crowding the objective based gametypes because they've been told they level faster.
SmokingBarrelX said:Well, usually I will go in, get a kill, maybe two if I'm lucky, and I think I have people covering my ass, but I get lit up, and realize they didn't stay with me.
Gary Whitta said:I'm up to level 32 now and getting half-decent at the game. I played a 24/7 Nuketown map the other night which was hilarious. Yeah it's a small map but that's what makes it so much fun, you spend less time running around looking for people to kill and more time actually killing people. I don't get all the hate for it!
LOL I must have played Nuketown for four hours straight last night, it never gets old!LabouredSubterfuge said:My hate eminates from playing it the 5th fucking time in a row.
LabouredSubterfuge said:My hate eminates from playing it the 5th fucking time in a row.
Gary Whitta said:LOL I must have played Nuketown for four hours straight last night, it never gets old!
I really hope you're right, that would be awesome! Activision would be retarded to pass it up - they stand to make so much money off 360 noscope montage kids. Add cut and paste and a bin, up the limit to 3-5 minutes and add a store for adding songs. Oh shit, am I giving Kotick ideas with that last one? :lolStantron said:I gotta say, I really like Theater mode, especially for a first pass attempt in the series. Being able to see where you're kills/deaths/assists were in the time line is nice. Probably obvious, but I think Activision is going to monetise the feature set at some point down the road. Longer clips to render, higher quality renders, larger file share. Technically, this is just the beta to gather data, work out the kinks, and see how popular it is.
Gary Whitta said:Any tips on weapons that provide good accuracy and range? I'm still mostly relying on the FAMAS with red dot sight.
:lol That thing took longer to make than I thought it would.Serenade said:Cookie Monster Emblem :lol