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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


Gary Whitta said:
Any tips on weapons that provide good accuracy and range? I'm still mostly relying on the FAMAS with red dot sight.
It's all about the Galil and the AK74u right now. They're the new M16/MP5/MP40/UMP45/ACR.

Edit: Oh, you said range too... Not so much with the AK then. Very much with the Galil (with some controlled fire)!
This is really bugging me. It keeps on migrating hosts the moment I join a game, and it kicks me out afterward.

There must be a glitch or something.

And do you feel that this game has hackers already? I keep seeing double gamertags with a [1] at the end of it. What is that? Are those people who are playing split-screen?


Gary Whitta said:
Any tips on weapons that provide good accuracy and range? I'm still mostly relying on the FAMAS with red dot sight.
Same here. The FAL and M14 have good accuracy but they are semi-auto, which I don't really like. The FAMAS works fine most of the time anyway, but I can't wait to try the G11 even though it's a 3 round burst.
cuevas said:
i loved the FAMAS then I tried the galil

I'm a big fan of the FAMAS, but seeing your post made me try the Galil, and holy hell - it's awesome! The recoil is a bit much, but it's power and range more than make up for it. I had tried using the AUG as it's stats are more in line with the FAMAS, but it's just awful.
God this game fucking sucks. More than 60% of the games I try to join get stuck at the loading screen, then boot me back to the lobby, then inform me that the lobby is closed. I spent the last hour trying to play the game and was only able to get one and a half matches out of it.


Mik2121 said:
Same here. The FAL and M14 have good accuracy but they are semi-auto, which I don't really like. The FAMAS works fine most of the time anyway, but I can't wait to try the G11 even though it's a 3 round burst.
The G11 feels like a laser. Almost continuous three-round bursts with no recoil. So good. With a scope it's more reliable than a sniper rifle... FFS.


Ogs said:
Gave FRAPS a whirl while watching a clip in Theater mode, works well, way better than the 360p motion jpeg codec crap they use - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkWG2TiSlMQ

Anyway, does anyone know any more info on when this game stuttering issue will be sorted ?
You're still having frame rate issues? I thought that cleared up a few days after release, I haven't had any stutteing since that patch came out.

I'm only on a q6600, 8800gt and 2gb of ram at 1080p and it's been quite smooth for me.


Ogs said:
Anyway, does anyone know any more info on when this game stuttering issue will be sorted ?
when they finally patch the damn game - or new graphic card drivers surface.
best case - both happens :D
RS4- said:
You're still having frame rate issues? I thought that cleared up a few days after release, I haven't had any stutteing since that patch came out.

I'm only on a q6600, 8800gt and 2gb of ram at 1080p and it's been quite smooth for me.

Yup :( Menus stutter for the first 30 seconds, then in-game the start is pretty bad, after a couple of mins it clears up.... until the next map then it starts again. They have said they are looking into "GPU hitching" which i can only assume is the same thing im getting and im just waiting on the next info/update they put out :/


for those who haven't settled on any weapons yet here are my fav ones


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
iNvidious01 said:
for those who haven't settled on any weapons yet here are my fav ones


Commando pisses me off because they modeled it with a damn strap blocking the charging handle. In fact, they didn't even animate the charging handle which leads me to believe either A: they don't know how an M4/AR15 work or B: They realized they messed up and said "eh, fuck it."
Is there any word on Treyarch patching the spawning problems in MP? I couldn't stand WaW for those very reasons so I'm loath to purchase it if it has the same problems again. Spawn death makes me rage so hard...


iNvidious01 said:
i'll try it out

It is perhaps one of the best guns in the entire game. I personally combo it with lightweight pro (or ghost), sleight of hand pro, and marathon pro, and am able to run around the levels like an idiot, destroying almost anyone. Just avoid wide open spaces and you can easily get a 2-3 kdr.
luoapp said:
Well, if your teammates are chasing enemies, then they are helping "cover your ass", aren't they? Sitting duck in the spot isn't the best strategy, if there is someone holding that already. Admitted, I am more of run-and-gun kinda of player, so that's just my reasoning of doing that in a domination game :) Besides, I "believe" I am a pretty good shooter, just like everyone else does.

To me, most of playlists are just one variant of deathmatches. The only different one is S&D, which really has a unique dynamic. But since they halved the number of claymore from 2 to 1 in MW2, they also reduced the fun there. :(

They aren't covering my ass if they run off. They are leaving me to enter the most vulnerable spot and going to find enemies somewhere else. That isn't helping at all.
TacticalFox88 said:
Fuck it. SOOO not worth it. I'm working hard for these Pro Perks, I'll be dammed if I give them up for some exrta class slot.

Exactly, Treyarch done fucked up. I will probaly not Prestige as well for the sole reason that some of those Pro Perks are like winning the lottery, its just banannas!
I don't think it means they fucked up. It is designed so some people are going to chose the prestige while other are going to chose the perks and unlocks. I personally am all for prestige.
Anerythristic said:
Exactly, Treyarch done fucked up. I will probaly not Prestige as well for the sole reason that some of those Pro Perks are like winning the lottery, its just banannas!

For me, I have no intention of using most of the perks. I'm content with sticking with Hardine, Slight of Hand and Second Chance Pro versions while I prestige. Those are probably some of the easier pro versions to get.

Gary Whitta said:
What exactly is "prestiging"?

Once you hit level 50 (well, 51 technically, as you have to hit 50 then gain another level), you can "Prestige" to drop back to level 1, but you gain extra class slots/emblems/backgrounds as well as a different medal as you level up. You can do this 15 times I believe.


Gary Whitta said:
What exactly is "prestiging"?

Giving up all of your unlockables (aside from your emblem) to start all over at 1, but with an asterisk (a new rank icon) next to your name and access to some new aesthetic customizations for your character/nameplate.

Nelo Ice

some of the pro perk requirements are ridiculous but im definetely going to prestige once i clear level 50

the only pro challenge that seems ridiculous to obtain is marathon pro with the 15 flag caps
i havent bothered to get it and likely wont until i prestige


Stallion Free said:
Holy shit, I dropped in-game AA and switched over to 8xAA w/4x Sparse Grid Super-Sampling for Edge AA and the game look incredible. The jungle levels look a million times better and it hasn't dropped below 30 fps. Kowloon was actually holding above 60 fps pretty much the whole time. If you have an Nvidia card go download Nvidia Inspector and check it out.

I'm definitely using this when I run through it for the intel.

Seems like a good stand-in for nhancer. I haven't been able to run it for a while. Hopefully this thing works just as good.

Wasn't there Nvidia profiles for AO in the other CoDs? Pretty sure there was.

Strange thing about my performance. It's not bad. I get 60fps most of the time in both SP and MP. Strange thing, I get use 16xAA max AF and get the same FPS drops in the same spots on Low, 0xAA.

Can't say I'm too bummed about since so many people can't even get a playable framerate, but I'd love to unleash this thing with the force of COD4. I can force anything with that game and get a million FPS.

The engine is a beast IMO. People should really be praising it for looking as good as it does and nailing 60fps on both consoles. I don't get the engine hate. Spawning enemies, yeah. Subjective MP experience, yeah. Bad engine? Hell nah. Best one running on console IMO. Great on PC until Blops.
Gary Whitta said:
What exactly is "prestiging"?
Resetting your rank so you can do it all over again, oh and you get a unique badge next to your name depending on how many times you do it. You unlock an extra custom slot every 2 pristieges...

I'm not doing it, don't need too and cba.


RadicalRad said:
Is there any word on Treyarch patching the spawning problems in MP? I couldn't stand WaW for those very reasons so I'm loath to purchase it if it has the same problems again. Spawn death makes me rage so hard...

There was a twitter post that said they had some guys working specifically on this issue. So hopefully soon.


Nelo Ice said:
some of the pro perk requirements are ridiculous but im definetely going to prestige once i clear level 50

the only pro challenge that seems ridiculous to obtain is marathon pro with the 15 flag caps
i havent bothered to get it and likely wont until i prestige

Getting the flag caps took me about two hours on a full PC server... You guys must really suck :lol :D :lol


RS4- said:
Yeah I don't mind prestige since I only use a few perks

I only use hardline, warlord and ninja perks and that's it. As for weapons I only use the Galil and Commandos.

I am currently lvl 47 and I am already craving for more gamercard backgrounds, reticules, icons so as soon as I hit lvl 50 I am prestiging.


Had an amazing game winning killcam in TDM the other night.

We were 2 kills away from winning. As I'm peppering bullets into the first of those 2 kills, the guy's teammate spawns directly behind him, in my line of fire. You clearly see the guy pop into the game on my killcam. I didn't even understand how I killed 2 guys until we all watched the final killcam.

The definitive broken-spawn-system video and, of course, it doesn't show up in my recent games thing.

Treyarch, you got lucky on this one.....


TacticalFox88 said:
Fuck it. SOOO not worth it. I'm working hard for these Pro Perks, I'll be dammed if I give them up for some exrta class slot.


Prestiged once and regretted it immediately. It is not worth giving your hard earned pro perks over.


ChefRamsay said:
Had an amazing game winning killcam in TDM the other night.

We were 2 kills away from winning. As I'm peppering bullets into the first of those 2 kills, the guy's teammate spawns directly behind him, in my line of fire. You clearly see the guy pop into the game on my killcam. I didn't even understand how I killed 2 guys until we all watched the final killcam.

The definitive broken-spawn-system video and, of course, it doesn't show up in my recent games thing.

Treyarch, you got lucky on this one.....

The spawn system in this game is a complete joke. It should be #1 on Treyarch's list of fixes/glitches and needs to be patched asap.


iNvidious01 said:

Death Machine is so freakin' worthless. It just feels like a waste because there are few situations where you can tote that around and get more than like 2-3 kills before someone spawns behind you and shoots you in the back.

Edit: Instead, it should be some sort of Supersoldier/Rambo/Commando (of the Arnold variety) Killstreak where you get some extra speed/armor/health, too.


Gary Whitta said:
I'm up to level 32 now and getting half-decent at the game. I played a 24/7 Nuketown map the other night which was hilarious. Yeah it's a small map but that's what makes it so much fun, you spend less time running around looking for people to kill and more time actually killing people. I don't get all the hate for it!

I treat Nuketown like a break from the rest of the maps.


Something about this game that bothers me is the lack of explosions. I don't mean that in the MW2 way of getting tubed, I'm glad that is gone. But when I'm in a firefight and a car blows up to me, there's no boom at all to it, you just hear a bang and the car is suddenly ruined. MW2 car and gas tank explosions had such a pretty explosion to it. The napalm air strike is another offender, you can't even really see that bombs were dropped, you just hear planes in the air and a wall of flame sprouts from the ground with nothing in between. The little touches of polish here and there are distracting from the game in my opinion.
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