For the most part I'm really enjoying the game. There's a lot of stuff here that's really interesting and I'm digging the depth of customization the game allows. With that said, the lag and spawning is making this game almost unplayable lately. Right now I feel like there is no skill needed anymore, everything is based on luck. I can be playing really well but then the connection decided to crap out on me and putting a full clip into someones back isn't enough to kill them. I can clear the room of all enemies, but suddenly the game makes me the enemies spawn point, putting the entire team around me at every angle (it's actually worked to my advantage a couple of times).
I'm also curious, is anyone getting good results with the Light Machine Guns? Maybe it's the lag issue still at work, but I feel like they do less damage than the sub-machine guns. That, coupled with the weight, long reload, high recoil and slow aiming are really turning me off. A shame since I normally keep an alt class with heavy weapons.
I would like to also throw some love towards the decoy grenades, those things are great. It's so satisfying to lure people into an ambush, or throw them down an alternate path to loose whoever is trailing you.