of coursesubversus said:[IG]http://galyonkin.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/bl14-600x398.jpg[/IMG]
of coursesubversus said:[IG]http://galyonkin.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/bl14-600x398.jpg[/IMG]
The Dutch Slayer said:isn't the big guy the same one as with Gears of War 2?
btw this video from a few playing zombies for the first time is so FUNNY!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Stantron said:
Stantron said:
Mush said:Just got prompted for a 6MB patch on X360, anyone know what this is for?
I find the lack of effort put into this cookie monster more disturbing than any cock I've seen on live.aristotle said:Here's my emblem
# 11/17 (full title update)
# · Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster
# · Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions
# · Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby
# · Improved party system to ensure that parties dont get broken apart
# · Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games
# · Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads
# · Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
# · Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions
# · Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses
# · Additional online security enhancements
Hail jesus. That's a lot of needed fixes. Awesome.SmokeMaxX said:360 Update did this:
Unfortunately it's a HUGE problem.buy teh haloz said:Cool. Sounds like spawns are the only major problem to be fixed.
# 11/17 (full title update)
# · Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster
# · Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions
# · Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby
# · Improved party system to ensure that parties dont get broken apart
# · Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games
# · Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads
# · Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
# · Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions
# · Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses
# · Additional online security enhancements
# · Optimization to prevent friends list from spamming user while in game will improve game performance for users with large numbers of friends
SmokeMaxX said:360 Update did this:
spiderman123 said:i am tired of ppl quitting half way through a game till one fucker is left. All the fucking time this is happening to me.
The Dutch Slayer said:isn't the big guy the same one as with Gears of War 2?
btw this video from a few playing zombies for the first time is so FUNNY!! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
that's good news!!Brian Fellows said:And for the PS3....
- Tomahawk now doesn't bounce and instead will imbed itself into walls and floors.
- AK-74u damage reduced by one bullet at all ranges
- MP5k damage reduced by one bullet at close range
- G11 damage reduced by one bullet at all ranges
- Nova Gas now drains health 25% slower
- AK-74u accuracy changed to that of the MPL
- Crossbow normal bolts are now available in multiplayer
- Fixes to the matchmaking system (ps3 and pc)
TheApatheticOne said:It was another night of my guns shooting marshmellows, only for the person Im shooting at realizes this, gets angry that someone is shooting them with marshmellows, takes a moment to find out where this marshmellow bandit is attacking from, and fires off one inaccurate shot from a silenced SMG from 100 yards away killing me. Getting the jump on someone in this game is absolutely the WORST THING YOU CAN DO! :lol
kaizoku said:Is everyone loving it then? Any tips on getting over the "this is not MW2, start again" syndrome?
kaizoku said:As someone who reached a decent level on MW2 and spent like 12 Full days on it or something, I find this a lot harder to get into. It feels different and less accessible and it feels like the people who have played it loads have a higher advantage than those just starting.
I've always argued that on MW2 every starting loadout/weapon is just as useable as all the later weapons, they just require a different skillset or style of play to master. This doesn't feel the case with BO. I feel at a disadvantage to guys who have earnt more COD points and have spent it on cool stuff or perhaps spent theirs better instead of squandering them.
I also played a level where the other team just seemed to camp out in an area and made it real difficult for the other team to approach as we were coming from narrow alleys and their visibility was just massively superior to ours.
I haven't taken the same time to master the maps and everything yet but so far I don't really feel like I have as much incentive to bother.
Is everyone loving it then? Any tips on getting over the "this is not MW2, start again" syndrome?
Does Hacker (Pro) hide you from the motion sensor? Does anything? I've been wondering about the motion sensor and camera spike, but don't really use Hacker yet. Can they be countered?bobs99 ... said:What does hacker pro actually let you hack? Ive hacked an enemy care package and motion sensor before (right behind an enemy). :lol I assume it will let me hack Camera spikes aswell, but what about turrets?
Feels like Mr. Wonderhair doesn't really get it, doesn't it? "Not being killed or killing anyone within 3 seconds" does not sound like a great "golden rule" for spawns to me.Wonderhair said:During development, we had the spawns running with a low error rate. 98 to 99% of the time for most maps (small maps like Nuketown are an exception) when you spawned you were not killed or injured or able to injure someone within 3 seconds of spawning. The game was instrumented and we were logging this. Our spawn debug tools are the best they have ever been, so I'm disappointed and want to see if we can sort this out.
Be fair, man! You said it yourself; they were a party and parties don't have it easy in BO. They didn't leave because they didn't want to spend another 35 minutes getting "party no longer active" and "game session no longer available."MarshMellow96 said:Obviously the first thing you do when you have a bad connection is stay for another round. After his party had left
i_am_ben said:so when trying to get into a game (on ps3) does anyone else's game freeze on the loading map screen? cos its happened to me twice tonight and i'm wondering whether its my ps3 dying or the game.
Mik2121 said:I'm with another 4 friends and after the patch it still takes a long while to get into a game (it took us some 15 mins of people dropping, etc..)
And we just joined a game that's a laggy hell..
Yeah, it does.aku:jiki said:Does Hacker (Pro) hide you from the motion sensor?
Mik2121 said: