aku:jiki said:
You really, really need to work on your reading comprehension. You see, skipping over words in other people's posts just so you can have an easier time making your point is considered a pretty lame way to debate.
I said "much bigger advantage," not "an advantage at all." Read, son.
Again, when it is YOU who does not understand, you act like its the other person.
Nothing in my post has any implication of what you just said.
Let me break it down for you yet again.
AlienShogun said:
Think about that for a second.
The guy, who is ALREADY ADSing at a door, waiting for you to walk through SHOULDN'T be at an advantage?
The first part implies that you should take a second and think, so I will allow time for that.
Ok, enough time has passed.
The second part is stating that you are a moron to believe that a person sitting in the door, behind cover, will not be at an advantage. If, as I stated, you walked into the room in ADS, sweeping the room for hostiles, the advantage you are so concerned with becomes moot. However, if you just charge in, he will be at an advantage over you, since you have yet to ADS.
What YOU implied is that since a guy is already in ADS and is behind cover is looking where you will be coming through it will be "unfair," since you still have yet to ADS and are thus subject to the SAME delay in which he has.
Now, if he WASN'T in ADS and you both scoped in at the same time, and he DIDN'T have slight of hand pro, YOU would be at an advantage.
See how that works? It's a uniform game play decision, his placement and tactical positioning (I.E camping) has no bearing on your complaint over the "delay" from which ADS transitions from hip fire to aimed fire. It's a balance decision, and effects everyone in a uniform manner, aside from those like YOU who are at an advantage with a quicker scope in.