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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


Do we exactly know what's the deal with the screen twitching when on the menu? Dunno if it's exclusive of the PS3, but when you are on the menu and open the XMB to, say, chat with someone, usually the game screen starts flickering and everything seems 'broken'.

Sometimes it fixes when you open the Class menu, but sometimes it will stay there all the time until a game starts.

This, added to the fact that I can barely play two games on a row with my friends (after spending 30 minutes trying to join the first game, obviously), makes me not want to play in a Party ever. Or at least until they fix this shit...


Also, me practicing some video editing.. :lol



aristotle said:
So you're saying it's impossible for people to have different experiences? I'm not the only person without issues. Some people have it, some don't. I've only had a handful of lag issues and those were remedied by choosing only local and with the new patch. It runs better for me, sorry it doesn't for you. No need to call me a liar because I'm having a better experience than you.
There's a chance that you might not have problems with lag or matchmaking, but there is absolutely no way that your version of this game doesn't have the frame rate issues. We have proof that the PS3 version has frame rate problems, that it runs at a lower resolution and that it has worse textures.

If you haven't experienced lag- or matchmaking-problems, fine. If you tell us that your version has no frame rate problems (for example) you're lying or you're just unable to see them (for whatever reason). They're definitely there... even in your PS3 version.


snap0212 said:
Are you really trying to tell me that you're playing on the PS3 without frame rate problems? :lol
God bless him, because maybe he's not sensitive to framerate issues. But I for sure see the choppy framerate. God dammit, if Treyarch had this game's MP running as smoothly as W@W I could seriously see myself playing this for months and months.

I really like how this game seems to have brought the emphasis back to the guns. No killstreak stacking is also ace. But so far I've downloaded two patches on PS3 and I've seen absolutely nothing changed.

I can't believe how Treyarch have taken a step backwards technically with a COD game on PS3. I'm stunned that this version is in the shape it's in. Disconnects after almost every match. Getting disconnected from parties. Lag, choppy framerate. :(

J-Rzez said:
You have a magic PS3 then, which has extra Krazy Ken dust sprinkled on it then, because this game is a fuck-shop. Frame rate, hit detection, lag, broken features, all of these are the worst I've seen in a CoD this gen. It's borderline unplayable, which is a damn shame since when the stars and moon align, and the gaming gods accept your slaughtered calf blood and grant you that 20 seconds of "everything working like it should", the game is superior to MW1 and 2 combined and is fun.

I agree that those patches didn't do jack squat either. I tried it out thinking ok now to have fun, yet here all I get is more stuttering and dc's than ever. My best friend told me the 360 version isn't a gem neither, but compared to what he said, Treyarch and Activision really took everyone's money with a gun and a ski-mask on the PS3, which is a shame.

Did any media outlets get on these problems, because I believe there no way possible the game was running great before launch considering how piss poor it did at launch up until now.
:lol Funny way to put it but true. When everything's working like it should, the game is great. But that's few and far between. Have Treyarch even acknowledged the framerate issues on PS3? Probably not, and they probably never will. Hopefully they iron out some of the problems with some future patches that actually do something. Maybe they can tweak the framerate but I doubt it.

Yeah, first ever game I buy made by Treyarch and so far impressions not great...


snap0212 said:
There's a chance that you might not have problems with lag or matchmaking, but there is absolutely no way that your version of this game doesn't have the frame rate issues. We have proof that the PS3 version has frame rate problems, that it runs at a lower resolution and that it has worse textures.

If you haven't experienced lag- or matchmaking-problems, fine. If you tell us that your version has no frame rate problems (for example) you're lying or you're just unable to see them (for whatever reason). They're definitely there... even in your PS3 version.

You really hate this game so why bitch about it? Sell it, burn it, or bury it. I have stated several times I've never once noticed the framerate issues in MP. It's not hard to comprehend. We're talking about the MP side, not SP. Or do you just like to lump everything into one catch-all reference?

EVERYONE knows that there are always issues when a game is multiplatform. Some games are better on PS3, while others are better on 360. No one is denying that. I can only speak from my experience and what others have told me online when I'm playing. The vast majority of the people I play with aren't having issues. Some people may have a lot. It's all on a case-by-case basis. I've never once been selected as host so I don't know any of the lag issues other people are bitching about. How could I? That just proves my point that everyone has a different experience. Stop complaining about your experience and saying it's that way for everyone since it's factually false.

purple cobra said:
God bless him, because maybe he's not sensitive to framerate issues. But I for sure see the choppy framerate. God dammit, if Treyarch had this game's MP running as smoothly as W@W I could seriously see myself playing this for months and months.

I really like how this game seems to have brought the emphasis back to the guns. No killstreak stacking is also ace. But so far I've downloaded two patches on PS3 and I've seen absolutely nothing changed.

I can't believe how Treyarch have taken a step backwards technically with a COD game on PS3. I'm stunned that this version is in the shape it's in. Disconnects after almost every match. Getting disconnected from parties. Lag, choppy framerate. :(

:lol Funny way to put it but true. When everything's working like it should, the game is great. But that's few and far between. Have Treyarch even acknowledged the framerate issues on PS3? Probably not, and they probably never will. Hopefully they iron out some of the problems with some future patches that actually do something. Maybe they can tweak the framerate but I doubt it.

Yeah, first ever game I buy made by Treyarch and so far impressions not great...

Perhaps you should actually know about Treyarch's past games before you start making assumptions about them or how they support their games. (How the hell can you say W@W was awesome for months, yet this is the first game you bought from them? Did you rent it for months or something?) People in here have talked about how good they are about supporting issues and coming up with patches, not to mention all the DLC they've created in the past. Give it time and I'm certain they'll do their best to come up with a fix for most of the issues.

I like how people in here want to bitch about the game and totally ignore anything anyone positive has to say about it and try to deride their posts without knowing much about it.

Like I said before, how many people do you actually think will come online to a forum to post positive impressions? I can tell you from experience that people rarely say anything if it's good, but the second that they have an issue they'll scream to the high heavens about how something is messed up. People talk more about negative situations than positive ones.

For all of our sakes, stop bitching about issues when Treyarch have gone on record several times saying they're working on the problems people are having. Give them the time to work on it. If you want to help, go to their forum and give specifics of your issues and what caused them instead of "y0 this game sucks. I hate treyarch. they're bad devs!" Everyone, including you and the whole gaming populace, will be much better for it to help them iron out and nail down what issues people are having.
What also comes to my mind when I think about all the flaws the game has, is that there's nearly no host migration. I may have experienced 2 host migrations that worked. And I'm not downplaying it at all. But dozens of "Lost connection to host" which brings you back to the menu or freezes the PS3 completely..


Patrick Bateman said:
What also comes to my mind when I think about all the flaws the game has, is that there's nearly no host migration. I may have experienced 2 host migrations that worked. And I'm not downplaying it at all. But dozens of "Lost connection to host" which brings you back to the menu or freezes the PS3 completely..

That works for me about 50% of the time when the host migrates. I had it happen alot more before the patch. Now it seems to happen in games where the host is in a party and they leave when they're on the losing side.
I haven't had many Host Migrations end the game but I have encountered quite a few situations where after the change the host is the only one with green bars. It's also pretty common to have multiple host migrations after that first one, but luckily most of them have worked in the end.


Patrick Bateman said:
What also comes to my mind when I think about all the flaws the game has, is that there's nearly no host migration. I may have experienced 2 host migrations that worked. And I'm not downplaying it at all. But dozens of "Lost connection to host" which brings you back to the menu or freezes the PS3 completely..

about 50/50 for me too. Sometimes it'll drop us all back to the lobby or dump me back to the main MP menu, sometimes it'll find a new host and we all move on. Lately it's been working more than it hasn't.


greenjerk said:
about 50/50 for me too. Sometimes it'll drop us all back to the lobby or dump me back to the main MP menu, sometimes it'll find a new host and we all move on. Lately it's been working more than it hasn't.

If I didn't know better, I'd assume we're the same person. Can't wait to watch you die tonight so I can revive you :p


I find it pretty pathetic that when I'm playing with friends in a Party, the chat goes as follows:

Friend 1: Ok, I'll be host, join me!.
Friend 2: Ok!!
Friend 3: Joining!
Friend 4: Ok!!

*Friend 2, 3 and 4 joins*

Friend 1: Alright let's play some TDM
Friend 2: Yeahh!
Friend 3: Oh god I hope it works..

*Friend 1 starts searching for a TDM game*

Friend 2: Uh oh, where did Friend 4 go?
Friend 4: It gave me an error, lemme join you guys.

*Friend 4 joins pre-match lobby*

Friend 1: Alright, it's loading! Everybody in?
Friend 2: Yep!
Friend 4: Yeah!
Friend 3: It gave me an error :(
Friend 1: FFUUUU
Friend 2: Alright join us, there's some space available

*Friend 3 joins mid-game*
*Game is over*

Friend 1: Nice match!
Friend 2: Fuck it gave me an error, lemme join u guys
Friend 3: Me too ;(
Friend 4: Same here, wtf... And I can't even join u, for whatever magical reason..

And this is when the game is working. When it isn't working, it just keeps dropping people every now and then while searching for a game...


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Getting between 70-90 FPS on the PC now, only played a few games today and had no stuttering.

Q6600 @ 3GHz, 4GB RAM and a 5850 here.
Ok, game is officialy broken for me, can't start single player mission RENAISSANCE because the game keep freezing during the early briefing.

My disc is brand new, haven't travel more than: box to PS3 after unpacking.

This is stagering. Anyone heard of this problem ?


UnluckyKate said:
Ok, game is officialy broken for me, can't start single player mission RENAISSANCE because the game keep freezing during the early briefing.

My disc is brand new, haven't travel more than: box to PS3 after unpacking.

This is stagering. Anyone heard of this problem ?

Have you tried other games to see if they freeze as well? If they work fine then it's the game. Similar problems happened to me when my blu-ray laser started to die. If it's just that one game, have you tried starting the level from mission select? If that doesn't work, maybe try deleting any install data (not your filesave; delete that as a last resort). If you don't want to delete the install data, my next guess would be to exchange it.


aristotle said:
Perhaps you should actually know about Treyarch's past games before you start making assumptions about them or how they support their games. (How the hell can you say W@W was awesome for months, yet this is the first game you bought from them? Did you rent it for months or something?) People in here have talked about how good they are about supporting issues and coming up with patches, not to mention all the DLC they've created in the past. Give it time and I'm certain they'll do their best to come up with a fix for most of the issues.

I like how people in here want to bitch about the game and totally ignore anything anyone positive has to say about it and try to deride their posts without knowing much about it.

Like I said before, how many people do you actually think will come online to a forum to post positive impressions? I can tell you from experience that people rarely say anything if it's good, but the second that they have an issue they'll scream to the high heavens about how something is messed up. People talk more about negative situations than positive ones.

For all of our sakes, stop bitching about issues when Treyarch have gone on record several times saying they're working on the problems people are having. Give them the time to work on it. If you want to help, go to their forum and give specifics of your issues and what caused them instead of "y0 this game sucks. I hate treyarch. they're bad devs!" Everyone, including you and the whole gaming populace, will be much better for it to help them iron out and nail down what issues people are having.
Uhhh, when did I say that W@W was awesome? (not that it isn't) I said that if Black Ops' MP ran as smoothly as W@W did, BO could be my only shooter to play for months and months. You're right, I didn't own W@W. But by all accounts that game's MP ran fine on both 360 and PS3.

As far as bitching about the game, I'm bitching mostly about the technical issues. I have said that I really like Black Ops. When everything works as it should, the game's awesome. But for me the fact is, the game's not working as it should all the time.

And ignoring anything positive anyone has to say? I actually said god bless you that you're not having any issues with the game. Doesn't mean that other players aren't having issues.

I hope Treyarch do take care of some of the problem/issues people are having with the game. Like I said before, I like Black Ops. I'm just not crazy about the issues affecting my enjoyment of the game.
Well I'm done with this game. The SP was boring and the multiplayer isn't any better. It also doesn't help that the PS3 version is a laggy piece of shit. I'm glad I don't buy this series anymore.


cuevas said:
I thought the framerate drops on the 360 were shitty then I played on a ps3... so glad they make fps's for the 360 then port them out.
You mean "so glad Treyarch are an awful dev and somehow downgrade performance from previous CoD titles" ?


purple cobra said:
Uhhh, when did I say that W@W was awesome? (not that it isn't) I said that if Black Ops' MP ran as smoothly as W@W did, BO could be my only shooter to play for months and months. You're right, I didn't own W@W. But by all accounts that game's MP ran fine on both 360 and PS3.

As far as bitching about the game, I'm bitching mostly about the technical issues. I have said that I really like Black Ops. When everything works as it should, the game's awesome. But for me the fact is, the game's not working as it should all the time.

And ignoring anything positive anyone has to say? I actually said god bless you that you're not having any issues with the game. Doesn't mean that other players aren't having issues.

I hope Treyarch do take care of some of the problem/issues people are having with the game. Like I said before, I like Black Ops. I'm just not crazy about the issues affecting my enjoyment of the game.

Sorry I took that as sarcastic ;)

I must be one of the lucky few. I'm glad the issues the other people have haven't happened to me or I would be soured by it as well.

I took this quote:
God dammit, if Treyarch had this game's MP running as smoothly as W@W I could seriously see myself playing this for months and months.

I understood that to mean that you played it for a long time and you had high regards for it. My mistake again :D
I'm sure it won't be my last :lol
Ikuu said:
Getting between 70-90 FPS on the PC now, only played a few games today and had no stuttering.

Q6600 @ 3GHz, 4GB RAM and a 5850 here.

What settings have you been using? Just wondering...

It was weird becuase I seemingly am getting better performance at 16xAA than 2xAA o_0


Can I ask a question?

Do folks, in their heart of hearts, truly feel these problems will never be dealt with? I mean, is this impatience talking when people complain about the issues with the PS3 version, or do you really think PS3 Black Ops players are SOL?

Just curious.


MikeE21286 said:
What settings have you been using? Just wondering...

It was weird becuase I seemingly am getting better performance at 16xAA than 2xAA o_0

That's a common thing to get better perf out of trouble games. When you put on 16xAA it kicks your GPU on a little harder. Problem has been the game didn't use the GPU enough.


GeekyDad said:
Can I ask a question?

Do folks, in their heart of hearts, truly feel these problems will never be dealt with? I mean, is this impatience talking when people complain about the issues with the PS3 version, or do you really think PS3 Black Ops players are SOL?

Just curious.
I think the lag issues will probably get sorted out, but I have a feeling that the framerate problems will never be fixed. I'm not even sure the framerate could be fixed through a patch.


J-Rzez said:
You have a magic PS3 then, which has extra Krazy Ken dust sprinkled on it then, because this game is a fuck-shop. Frame rate, hit detection, lag, broken features, all of these are the worst I've seen in a CoD this gen. It's borderline unplayable, which is a damn shame since when the stars and moon align, and the gaming gods accept your slaughtered calf blood and grant you that 20 seconds of "everything working like it should", the game is superior to MW1 and 2 combined and is fun.

This man speaketh the truth

vatstep said:
The Galil feels like this game's TAR — which means it'll probably be my primary forever. I used the FAMAS for a bit, and the AUG is alright, but the Galil just feels right to me. When I first started playing (before you can create a custom class) I used the MP5K and I hated it — couldn't get used to the recoil for some reason. I've always been an AR guy anyway.

Agreed, the Galil is very comfortable to use. I haven't unlocked the AK47 yet but it will have to be pretty special for me to change
Love this game. Good mix of CoD4 and MW2 without all of MW2's broken shit. Also really dig most of the maps besides shitty ass Havana. And shit is good in Xbox land. Black Ops is right up there with CoD4 as my favorite shooters this gen.

<3 G11


GeekyDad said:
Can I ask a question?

Do folks, in their heart of hearts, truly feel these problems will never be dealt with? I mean, is this impatience talking when people complain about the issues with the PS3 version, or do you really think PS3 Black Ops players are SOL?

Just curious.
Has there ever been a console game that had a patch to improve the framerate?


.nimrod said:
I just can't think of any games that have. Would you mind to name a few?

Off the top of my head, Assassin's Creed 1 (maybe 2?), Ghostbusters, CoD games had many patches; can't remember if any were for stability, Dead Rising 2 I think had a patch to fix frame issues. Some of those I'm not certain about, but I know alot of them had frame issues that were supposedly fixed. AC1 was terrible. The patch they made fixed almost everything. LBP had patches to fix frame issues too I think.

There are tons more I'm sure, but those are the ones that stuck in my mind.


aristotle said:
Have you tried other games to see if they freeze as well? If they work fine then it's the game. Similar problems happened to me when my blu-ray laser started to die. If it's just that one game, have you tried starting the level from mission select? If that doesn't work, maybe try deleting any install data (not your filesave; delete that as a last resort). If you don't want to delete the install data, my next guess would be to exchange it.

Please stop peddling this myth that performance could vary based on HDD size or model type. It's fucking bullshit. The game has framerate issue on PS3. Period. End of story. It doesn't matter what your frame or reference is or what your particular experience has been. It is an objective, empirical fucking FACT that this game chugs like a motherfucker (in some instances) on most maps on the PS3. It's an unoptimized piece of shit port and Treyarch dropped the ball.
Mik2121 said:
Yup. It's my main weapon since I reached level 44 and damn it's so strong. I really don't know if I should prestige :lol

G11 is like some sort of laser gun from the future that low level peons from the dark ages of cased ammunition can only look at and envy..

I actually killed a guy and took his before I was level 44 and killed him with it. After about 5-6 kills he left :lol

EDIT: DR2 got a frame rate patch? I should go back and finish it if that's the case.


JB1981 said:
Please stop peddling this myth that performance could vary based on HDD size or model type. It's fucking bullshit. The game has framerate issue on PS3. Period. End of story. It doesn't matter what your frame or reference is or what your particular experience has been. It is an objective, empirical fucking FACT that this game chugs like a motherfucker (in some instances) on most maps on the PS3. It's an unoptimized piece of shit port and Treyarch dropped the ball.

Whatever. Prove me wrong then. I know for a fact that my 60 gig heated up more than my slim. Heating it up overtaxed my GPU. When it heated up I had graphical issues. One thing affects the other. It's a known fact that the heat dispersion on the old systems was terrible.

BTW, nice way to quote the wrong post. :)
Question, why are there only like four or five maps circulating in Ground War? I watched my brother play some map in a different game type today and I'm like "Wow, I've never seen that before," thought for a second and realized it was the map from the first multiplayer reveal. I haven't played on it yet though. =\
aristotle said:
Whatever. Prove me wrong then.
Prove you wrong? You have the same exact hardware outside of size. What makes you honestly think that one would outperform the other?

aristotle said:
I know for a fact that my 60 gig heated up more than my slim. Heating it up overtaxed my GPU. When it heated up I had graphical issues. One thing affects the other. It's a known fact that the heat dispersion on the old systems was terrible.
Your 60 gig's GPU isn't being "overtaxed," it's overheating.

aristotle said:
BTW, nice way to quote the wrong post. :)
Nice way to be completely ignorant.


grap3fruitman said:
Question, why are there only like four or five maps circulating in Ground War? I watched my brother play some map in a different game type today and I'm like "Wow, I've never seen that before," thought for a second and realized it was the map from the first multiplayer reveal. I haven't played on it yet though. =\
Probably because they're too small? Nuketown, Firing Range, and... that snow map would be way too hectic.


I went back to both CoD4 and WaW for a bit today, and I realized something that I think is relatively special about the CoD franchise. Normally, in any sequel to an online multiplayer game, the assholes/griefers move on with the community at large to the new hot thing (in this case, Black Ops), while a hardcore dedicated community/pro players stay with the old game since it's what they're best at.

...but in the CoD franchise, at least in WaW and CoD4 (I can't speak for MW2 since I refuse to ever go back to that mess) all that seem to be left are the assholes :lol Based on my experience today (and today alone, for the record) 70% of the people still playing WaW are Juggernaut + MP40 w/Drum magazine users, and 70% of the people still playing CoD4 are the quick-scoping kids going for those 360 no-scope montage clips.

Granted, these are all in public matches, but I swear every other CoD4 game is a sniper lobby now o_O It's possible it was just a string of weird "luck" on my part, but it's almost laughable. It doesn't bother me all that much since I love Black Ops and have no intentions of going back to any previous CoD, but it's interesting to me to see the kinds of players that are still playing either WaW or CoD4.


aristotle said:
Stop complaining about your experience and saying it's that way for everyone since it's factually false.
I can see that the PS3 version has frame rate problems (my own experience), but we’ve also seen the results from DigitalFoundry, which clearly show us that the PS3 version has huge problems keeping the frame rate up. These guys know what they do. They wouldn’t publish an article about a partially broken PS3 version if the game were not partially broken. If you have prove that I’m wrong, show me that prove. If all you can do is say “I don’t have frame rate problems” it just shows that you’re either too ignorant to see that the PS3 version (this time) is worse than every other version of that game or you’re just unable to see them.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
RJNavarrete said:
I've already done it twice. Quit being a girl. :D

I've done it once. Probably won't do it again. I'm getting close to 50 again and have been waiting to see a turret to knife since level 30. That combined with Ninja Pro forcing me to play shitty objective modes is the best incentive I've ever seen to not prestige.
aristotle said:
Yep! Many in fact. People need to stop all this doom and gloom talk.

i can't even name one. can you name 2 or 3..?

edit: sorry forgot to refresh page... yeah hmm i'm not sure of any of those... i'm pretty sure AC1 got patched on ps3 because of constant freezing and glitches... and Ghostbusters received some antialiasing through a patch... and LBP has been patched god knows how many times for whatever reasons, but i've never noticed any improvements in framerate...


Loxley said:
I went back to both CoD4 and WaW for a bit today, and I realized something that I think is relatively special about the CoD franchise. Normally, in any sequel to an online multiplayer game, the assholes/griefers move on with the community at large to the new hot thing (in this case, Black Ops), while a hardcore dedicated community/pro players stay with the old game since it's what they're best at.

...but in the CoD franchise, at least in WaW and CoD4 (I can't speak for MW2 since I refuse to ever go back to that mess) all that seem to be left are the assholes :lol Based on my experience today (and today alone, for the record) 70% of the people still playing WaW are Juggernaut + MP40 w/Drum magazine users, and 70% of the people still playing CoD4 are the quick-scoping kids going for those 360 no-scope montage clips.

Granted, these are all in public matches, but I swear every other CoD4 game is a sniper lobby now o_O It's possible it was just a string of weird "luck" on my part, but it's almost laughable. It doesn't bother me all that much since I love Black Ops and have no intentions of going back to any previous CoD, but it's interesting to me to see the kinds of players that are still playing either WaW or CoD4.

PC or console?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Brian Fellows said:
I've done it once. Probably won't do it again. I'm getting close to 50 again and have been waiting to see a turret to knife since level 30. That combined with Ninja Pro forcing me to play shitty objective modes is the best incentive I've ever seen to not prestige.
NO ONE uses sentry guns in this game, huh? In eight hours of play, I've never seen one aside from my own; I use them and love them. I might bump it up to an attack helicopter though, since it seems like it's actually decent in this game (closer to the Pave Low than the shitty old attack helicopter).
Loxley said:
I went back to both CoD4 and WaW for a bit today, and I realized something that I think is relatively special about the CoD franchise. Normally, in any sequel to an online multiplayer game, the assholes/griefers move on with the community at large to the new hot thing (in this case, Black Ops), while a hardcore dedicated community/pro players stay with the old game since it's what they're best at.

...but in the CoD franchise, at least in WaW and CoD4 (I can't speak for MW2 since I refuse to ever go back to that mess) all that seem to be left are the assholes :lol Based on my experience today (and today alone, for the record) 70% of the people still playing WaW are Juggernaut + MP40 w/Drum magazine users, and 70% of the people still playing CoD4 are the quick-scoping kids going for those 360 no-scope montage clips.

Granted, these are all in public matches, but I swear every other CoD4 game is a sniper lobby now o_O It's possible it was just a string of weird "luck" on my part, but it's almost laughable. It doesn't bother me all that much since I love Black Ops and have no intentions of going back to any previous CoD, but it's interesting to me to see the kinds of players that are still playing either WaW or CoD4.

Not to mention that in WaW, almost every player with a rifle has a modded controller. So annoying.


What. The. Fuck.
Apparently you can't change the content of a care package with Hardline Pro when a fucking asshole teammate just steals it!

I kept trying to change it but in a matter of seconds some jerk stole it. There should be a 10 second timer where only the owner or an enemy can grab it.
I had to trap that guy in a corner for the rest of the match to get back at him.

aristotle said:
Off the top of my head, Assassin's Creed 1 (maybe 2?), Ghostbusters, CoD games had many patches; can't remember if any were for stability, Dead Rising 2 I think had a patch to fix frame issues. Some of those I'm not certain about, but I know alot of them had frame issues that were supposedly fixed. AC1 was terrible. The patch they made fixed almost everything. LBP had patches to fix frame issues too I think.

There are tons more I'm sure, but those are the ones that stuck in my mind.
I can't speak for Dead Rising 2, Ghostbusters or LBP, but the framerate in AC1 or the COD games never changed with a patch.


Brian Fellows said:
I've done it once. Probably won't do it again. I'm getting close to 50 again and have been waiting to see a turret to knife since level 30. That combined with Ninja Pro forcing me to play shitty objective modes is the best incentive I've ever seen to not prestige.

Equip a turret, play FFA, let enemy steal turret, follow them, knife turret. Easy. I did it on my first attempt though your mileage may vary. Why rely on others to bring in a turret when you can guarantee one?
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