Nooooooooooooooo!! I got the most insane Chopper Gunner I've ever seen, and theater didn't save it! Noooooooo!
I was sniping on Jungle and by some ridiculous miracle, I actually managed to snipe my way to an 11 killstreak... Launched the dogs and the chopper at the same time and scored literally 50+ kills in a minute!
MDavis360 said:
i'm getting really tired of being the highest scoring person in the game and on the losing team. Seriously getting tired of it.
Yeah, something seems to messed up in the matchmaking... Did anyone else notice? I find that the game puts me and all the other prestigers in the lobby on one team, then it puts all the newbies who are level 25 non-prestige in the other. The newbie team gets completely fucking demolished, obviously. Where's the team balance?
I'm finding that "locale only" search option just doesn't work at all either. I'm playing against more americans than I am brits or dutch, and that's just all kinds of wrong. I like playing americans, don't get me wrong, but that's just not correct for a "locale only" setting. I should basically never be seeing americans, not have them in every single match I play. MW2 was much better at this after the matchmaking patch, it will never put you with people across the atlantic unless it absolutely has to (i.e. when you're playing at 4:30AM).