cuevas said:
You guys think hip firing needs a nerf? 95% of the time I will beat someone hip firing if I aim down the sights (wooh slight of hand)
I think hip-firing has been nerfed
considerably. You cannot rely on hip-firing the same way you could in WaW, which probably goes some way to explaining my rubbish 1.66 kd. :lol I'm slowly learning to adapt.
Had a few brilliant games to end the night. I had been engaging in a to and fro with this guy called Eckmano, and we had been messaging each other between games, firing off deeply offensive insults filled with lots of creative swearing. Anyway, we're playing Villa, and my team is a bunch of useless kids. Somehow, with the scores at 5500 (them) and around 5000 to us, with a minute or so to go, I earnt a Blackbird, quickly followed by a Huey, and then proceeded to get about 8 kills with it. After failing to shoot it down several times, they all ragequit.

I ended up going 36 - 3, and we won 6300 to 6000. Eckmano copped it so badly after that. :lol