LeMaximilian said:My monthly K/D in TDM was 6.57 something, lol.
Public nudity is illegal. Put the e-penis back in the shorts please, my man.
LeMaximilian said:My monthly K/D in TDM was 6.57 something, lol.
GeekyDad said:Public nudity is illegal. Put the e-penis back in the shorts please, my man.
LeMaximilian said:I just don't wear pants anymore.
My lunge range is huge dawg.Freezie KO said:Commando Pro?
LeMaximilian said:My lunge range is huge dawg.
Freezie KO said:It's all good as long as you remember to wear your flak jacket.
divisionbyzorro said:Won't work. It's too Hardened.
Yeah, they added that but in return they made everything else worse.wonderdung said:I don't think I've seen it mentioned anywhere but patch 1.04 added the "Load Multiplayer By Default" option that was previously missing on PS3.
snack said:More smooth post-patch but it's still freezing on PC version for me. Geez!
It was one of the stipulations from Microsoft. "Ok you can give them the default loading, buuuuutttt, you have to make at least 50% of their games drop or have issues."purple cobra said:Yeah, they added that but in return they made everything else worse.![]()
kamspy said:Hey PC owners, delete your MP config file and let the game build a new one from scratch post patch. It worked for me.
wonderdung said:I don't think I've seen it mentioned anywhere but patch 1.04 added the "Load Multiplayer By Default" option that was previously missing on PS3.
Yup, go to the options menu and it's the one at the bottom. It should really tell you about it when you complete Single Player or somethingAcciDante said:Whaaaaaaat, is this an option on 360? This is the first I've heard of it...
user_nat said:Pssh, who even cares about KDR. Score per minute is boss.
LeMaximilian said:
3ur4zn said:So tiresome. :lol
I'm sure you're a good player, but your attitude is irritating to say the least.
:lol :lol :lol :lolNabs said:I gained about 10fps after doing this. Do this if you're having issues. It will reset your gfx and button settings. It'll also rename your custom classes, but your loadout will still be the same.
I look forward to seeing new videos myself, as it is helping my own game. My overall K/D for example has now reached 1.1 when it's almost always been nearer 0.7, and i'm starting to get used to hanging back a bit, checking corners, not rushing into areas, and all of this comes from watching Max's videos.3ur4zn said:So tiresome. :lol
I'm sure you're a good player, but your attitude is irritating to say the least.
Effect said:I've been curious about something. What happens to your K/D rating if you have a low number of kills or none at all, some deaths, but a high number of assist? Do the assist just not matter?
:lol it does.Stallion Free said::lol :lol :lol :lol
From 85 fps average to the 91 fps lock. Feels damn good.
divisionbyzorro said:Assists don't matter.Fuck second chance users.
tsigo said:I revive people on my team. Sometimes I go out of my way to do it. I'm kind of feeling like I should start ignoring them, though, because fuck Second Chance. They probably only survived because they were invincible for a second, anyway.
tsigo said:I revive people on my team. Sometimes I go out of my way to do it. I'm kind of feeling like I should start ignoring them, though, because fuck Second Chance. They probably only survived because they were invincible for a second, anyway.
tsigo said:I revive people on my team. Sometimes I go out of my way to do it. I'm kind of feeling like I should start ignoring them, though, because fuck Second Chance. They probably only survived because they were invincible for a second, anyway.
luoapp said:There was one time I put one down into Second Chance, and I camped there shooting his teammates trying to revive him.
Not sure how I feel about it, now I think about it. :S
As do Midnight and Panda :lolNabs said:I love playing with Stallion because he will team kill you if he finds you on the ground.
Modded controllers exploit it to cancel animations. Will evaluate, but no short term changes plannned so get used to it.
tsigo said:Lead designer response to reload cancel removal (emphasis mine):
That's some bullshit.
What percentage of the playerbase even uses a modded controller? 1%? 5%, max? I'd rather deal with that than have them remove a legitimate gameplay mechanic.
MarshMellow96 said:Just got to 3rd prestige. I feel like if I don't run around with either a G11, a Galil or an AK74U in a non-hardcore mode I will die.. :lol
Is a nerf worth asking for or what?
Stoney Mason said:They are looking into the overpowered versus over used issue on some weapons. I don't personally feel that way like in your post. There are definitely an assortment of weapons that I feel like I can use that are pretty good but certainly there is a god tier of weapons like in any game that are better than other weapons that people will gravitate towards
Personally I'm very happy with the way Treyarch is responding to a lot of the balance stuff. They've already done more than was ever done for MW 2 on that front (maybe IW would have done more if they hadn't imploded but still it was frustrating that some really simple balance changes were never done for that title). Vondehaar might sometimes come of like an ass but actually if you read his tweets and his responses on the forum overall he is pretty damn open when it comes to feedback. I actually really appreciate that. Treyarch in general has really impressed me in that regard.
MarshMellow96 said:I definitely agree with you there. They've made a much more balanced game than MW2 ever was in my opinion. In spite of that I still have a few issues with those weapons. The Galil isn't that annoying, but the G11 is a laser gun. You don't need a sight for it and (looking at a lot of killcams) you don't need to aim either. AK74U might be a little better if putting RF on knocked the accuracy. I feel like I get out-ARed by the 74 an awful lot more than I should.
It's a really nice game with a few issues that sour the milk every so often.
Tkawsome said:First I played a FFA match where everyone but me and one other guy lagged out. What makes it even stranger is the game refused to every let anyone else join, it was me and him the entire match until about a minute before time was going to end, and he lagged out.
Then I jumped into a Hardcore TDM and it assigns me as a spectator. It wouldn't let me spawn, so I'm just sitting there watching these people play. I have the worst luck with this game.
Stoney Mason said:I definitely think the AK74U is over powered. Especially up close and extending out to mid range it just rapes. Plus with warlord and extended mags and the grip its just beastly. Overall I think that gun needs some more recoil and bounce.
The Galil is interesting. It's very good and it has some decent recoil already but its still accurate enough and has such a high rate of fire that its still beastly.
The G11 is a really really interesting gun. It's sort of replaced the M16 as the burst fire gun of choice and unlike the M16 its actually pretty useful up close. I like the idea of it. An assualt rifle that is almost a counter sniper rifle with really long range. So maybe slightly less damage and reduce its effectiveness a little upclose.
LordAlu said:I look forward to seeing new videos myself, as it is helping my own game. My overall K/D for example has now reached 1.1 when it's almost always been nearer 0.7, and i'm starting to get used to hanging back a bit, checking corners, not rushing into areas, and all of this comes from watching Max's videos.