Dax01 said:
Anybody have any tips on how to be a better player? How to get killstreaks more often, etc.
First thing is to learn the maps. Know where to go, and from there, try to find out where most of the action tends to take place. Most maps have a few sections where the majority of gunfights take place. Follow team-mates to get aquainted with these areas.
The key to getting killstreaks is knowing where enemies will be and finding the right spot to pick these people off. These are known as 'choke points.' The way spawning works, if you find someone coming towards you chances are one or two other enemies will be right near him. This also means you should find adequete protection, so use cover when needed. Also keep in mind is that the general rule in COD is that if you have a lot of green arrows (teammates) on one side, the enemies will be on the other side. Enemies rarely spawn near your teammates, so try to look into areas that your teammates aren't in and you should find some recently spawned enemies.
Even if you find a great choke point, eventually you will likely be overwhelmed and die, so try to get as many kills as possible before this happens (situational awareness and proactive movement will help keep you alive as well - if you were in a corner and killed an enemy, don't stay in that corner because it's the first place they will look next time and more often than not they'll down you.) Don't camp, but don't run right into danger areas either. Try to stay on the sides - this increases your field of view as well as removing the possibility of being shot/stabbed from behind.
Keep killstreaks low until you become more confident. Spy Plane/Counter Spy Plane(or SAM)/Care Package is an excellent combo - it helps the team and also rewards you with some likely kills. Don't be tempted by the RC. Sure, you might get one kill with it, but you'll probably get 2 or 3 with the spy plane (not to mention the rest of your team). Plus the RC leaves you open to the enemy. I still use the above combo most of the time and I'm on my sixth prestige. If you like, chuck hardline on and in 2 kills you'll have a spy plane.
Use cover. Try to aim down the sights whenever possible except for extreme close-quarters action. Have a pistol as a secondary to whip out when you need to reload but don't have the time. Many maps have cars - throw grenades at these for greater explosions. Position claymores so that enemies run into the lasers, but also so that the lasers can't be seen until it's too late. Don't fire at an enemy if they're about to exit your vision - they'll turn around and you're ikely to die. Tap the trigger at longer distances to reduce recoil. Avoid climbing obstacles if enemies are nearby. Don't put yourself in a gunfight if you're still healing from damage - you'll die instantly.
Use assault rifles first. They're easy to control with little recoil and good range. Once you feel comfortable with something like the Galil or Famas, then feel free to move onto other assaults rifles or SMGs (which lack the range of rifles but have superior close quarters ability).