My Pro Perk quest is nearly complete! I got Lightweight Pro, Steady Aim Pro, and Marathon Pro today, leaving only Flak Jacket and Hardline (and Second Chance, but I still haven't even purchased it). I expected the flag captures for Marathon to be more difficult to get than they were, but apparently the vast majority of people who play CTF in this game are
terrible at winning CTF games. :lol
TacticalFox88 said:
I still think Dogs should've been WAY lower. Like 8 or something kills.
No way! The dogs are amazing! I did some math earlier; they average me about 7-8 kills per use, which is insanely powerful and deserving of an 11-streak reward (especially since one guy can't take down the whole thing like he can with a CG or Gunship). The Chopper Gunner is slightly better to me (about 10 kills per use), but I still think the balance is pretty good as is.
TacticalFox88 said:
Valkyrie rockets are almost as useless as Mortars
The Valkyrie Rockets actually should have been one of the unique care package weapons (like the Grim Reaper or Death Machine), rather than a standalone killstreak. And the mortars; well, I have no idea how to make those suck less. :lol