Mr Sandman
Domination on Nuketown is fuckin awesome.Hey You said:Does Treyarch even think about what gametypes should be on what maps?
Domination on Nuketown? Really?
Domination on Nuketown is fuckin awesome.Hey You said:Does Treyarch even think about what gametypes should be on what maps?
Domination on Nuketown? Really?
Yes, that is a fair point - the gunplay in Call Of Duty isn't great - it's average at best.. But the overall execution of the campaign in my eyes is just superb.RSTEIN said:My problem with Black Ops is that it's like having sex with hooker. There's no feeling to it. It's just... blah. I'm not talking about just the scripted events but the actual game play. You shoot at the enemies and there's no real feedback. There's no satisfaction to it. Most encounters involve a bunch of enemies clustered in a hallway and you just close your eyes and shoot. A beautiful woman can be quite boring if she just lies there with no emotion.
In Gears the feedback is so amazing. Same with Reach. The action is fast and furious but you feel every kill. Every kill--even the lowest enemies--means something. There's no one thing that makes them better. It's the sum of all the little things: the way the enemies react to the bullets, AI, weapon design. There's just a feeling to it. I'm not describing it properly, hopefully others who feel the same can articulate it better.
How much harder is the game on veteran than hardened? Vietnam pissed me off on hardened. I can't imagine what it must be like on vet. Everything else has been 'ok'. Only a few annoying segments here and there.user_nat said:I honestly think i am going to throw my xbox into my tv whilst playing this on veteran.
So stupid. Getting instantly killed by someone you can't see isn't fun. Getting horrible checkpoints also isn't fun. Enemies that spawn within a meter of me aren't fun. This isn't fun. Yet.. I keep trying.
-viper- said:How much harder is the game on veteran than hardened? Vietnam pissed me off on hardened. I can't imagine what it must be like on vet. Everything else has been 'ok'. Only a few annoying segments here and there.
Magik said:WTF is wrong with this game on the PS3? I've had it lock up over 6 times last night at the map loading screen.
TacticalFox88 said:MW2 is the easiest game on Veteran. The Ranger missions especially.
Yeah the infinately respawning A.I. and the fact they snipe you from a mile away, and only you, would probably deter me from trying and finishing veteran.divisionbyzorro said:I've learned my lesson with Call of Duty games, and I only ever play them on normal. Because the gameplay in CoD is relatively straightforward, the only way they can make it more difficult is to make it cheap, which takes the joy out of it. And for what; achievement points? I can live without those.
As it should.Dax01 said:Okay. The AK74u needs to be nerfed. That thing is better at medium ranges that most assault rifles.
and this too, happens to me at least once a play session. Treyarch are such awful devs.Magik said:WTF is wrong with this game on the PS3? I've had it lock up over 6 times last night at the map loading screen.
Use it against them, I often play a rush class with motion sensors in camping spots. Gives me an edge in the battle against them. They also limited claymores which does anything but encourage camping. You can also use jammers against campers and camera. I agree that camping is something rather awful but its a legit playstyle and if you are a good player its easy to counter.Fistwell said:I've only just got an internet connection back to hook my ps3 to after a cple of month long hiatus, played MP for a 1/2 dozen hours. Decent overall. The newess factor helps a lot. It's nice to have some new maps and weapons, although map design is several steps below that in MW2 imo. Also, the way lag is handled feels noticeably sloppier than it used to. With full green bars, i get way too often the wtf-i-just-unloaded-a-full-clip-in-his-ass-he-just-turned-around-and-one-shot-me scenario.
Also, i kinda wish dev would fucking stop encouraging camping. Cameras, motion sensors, claymores... i mean give it a fucking rest already.
ALSO, i fucking hate RC cars.
But yeah, game is fun. Which my neighbors would probably be surprised to read, given my incessant bitching, yelling, cursing, swearing, crying, threatening to pee on tv, etc.
Makes me feel better. Game froze on me about 4 times in a 3 hour session tonight. I thought my PS3 was dying.corkscrewblow said:and this too, happens to me at least once a play session. Treyarch are such awful devs.
Yeah well anything short of glitching is legitimate to some extent. It is just SO fucking tiresome. "Yeah, prone for 2 minutes in the grass waiting for my ass to get in front of your cross-hairs, your mom must be sooo proud of you."rezuth said:Use it against them, I often play a rush class with motion sensors in camping spots. Gives me an edge in the battle against them. They also limited claymores which does anything but encourage camping. You can also use jammers against campers and camera. I agree that camping is something rather awful but its a legit playstyle and if you are a good player its easy to counter.
I don't remember if that is so but you could carry two of those and with scavenger you could refill them, which made it just a joke. They have nerfed it in that regard, just removing it would be a bit negative as its a good defense measure. Just use hacker or keep better attention if you keep running into them.Fistwell said:Makes me feel better. Game froze on me about 4 times in a 3 hour session tonight. I thought my PS3 was dying.
Yeah well anything short of glitching is legitimate to some extent. It is just SO fucking tiresome. "Yeah, prone for 2 minutes in the grass waiting for my ass to get in front of your cross-hairs, your mom must be sooo proud of you."
Regarding claymores, never used them much in mw2, but didn't you have to choose between some nades and them? Feels like that whole "equipment" slot is dedicated to camp assists.
Fistwell said:It's nice to have some new maps and weapons, although map design is several steps below that in MW2 imo.
Fistwell said:Also, i kinda wish dev would fucking stop encouraging camping. Cameras, motion sensors, claymores... i mean give it a fucking rest already.
That's kind of a cop out, but it's hard to pin point. Overall feeling of the maps. They feel less interesting, more patchworky, more waw that mw2. Sorry can't do better than that. On the positive side, there's a little less clutter to stumble onto when in the heart of a firefight. But they just feel kinda bland and uninspired to me.jedimike said:I thought the maps were better than MW2... they are at least on par. What specifically makes you think they are several steps down?
Regarding claymores, you can get get a second one from ammo crates. And, ok, i didn't know they had adjusted the scavenger thing, that's nice. My bitching was more about the overall equipment category rather than claymores in particular.jedimike said:In MW2 you could have two claymores out and keep getting more with scavenger. In Blops, you only get ONE claymore... that's it. In addition, Treyarch gives you the jammer which disables all equipment and of course you can run with hacker to see everything. Camping in Black Ops is a terrible strategy. Because of the map design, there is always more than one entrance to positions and having one claymore means you can only block one entrance for a limited amount of time. In short, Blops is a terrible game for campers.
corkscrewblow said:As it should.
CoD4: MP5 was overpowered
WaW: MP40 was overpowered
MW2: UMP was overpowered
BO: 74u is overpowered
It's good to have at least one SMG that can hang with ARs or else nobody would ever touch them. Seriously, the AK74u getting nerfed would just make me stop playing this game. It's already in a terrible state as it is with all the ridiculous lag.
Fistwell said:That's kind of a cop out, but it's hard to pin point. Overall feeling of the maps. They feel less interesting, more patchworky, more waw that mw2. Sorry can't do better than that. On the positive side, there's a little less clutter to stumble onto when in the heart of a firefight. But they just feel kinda bland and uninspired to me.
Hanoi is awesomecorkscrewblow said:Yea that's another issue, I'm getting real tired of these maps. Overall I'd say they're better than MW2 but that's really not saying much at all.
Firing Range
Decent at best:
everything else
Bring on the map pack so I can get it for free through PSN sharing. Thanks!
rezuth said:Hanoi is awesome![]()
RSTEIN said:So is Havana!
RSTEIN said:So is Havana!
corkscrewblow said:You guys must all play loldeathmatch or something.
Hate WMD on SearchMr Sandman said:Love WMD on Search!
Tkawsome said:I've had that happen a few times. I'm also running into a lot of framerate issues. It's constantly getting me killed by enemies magically appearing in front of me even though I have full bars and everything just looks choppy.
Scarecrow said:how many spy planes can be up at one time? Like, if everyone on every team had spy and counter spy planes set up and got a few kills. Is there a limit?
Really? I thought 4 was the limit_Alkaline_ said:No limit. The more spy planes, the faster the refresh rate of the mini-map.
Xux said:And either lower the Uzi's recoil or make it do 50-40 or something like that.
Jipan said:The other annoying thing is definitely the Remote Control car, everything else I could more or less tolerate including the Attack Dogs which are easy to pick off.
:lolTestOfTide said:and the MP5 was never overpowered in CoD4..
rezuth said:Really? I thought 4 was the limit
corkscrewblow said::lol
aaaaand the P90 had far more recoil at a distance so I don't see where you're coming from. P90 = great at close range, MP5 = great overall, M16 = broken as fuck. Most of the maps had a ton of CQC (which is why they're still the best maps in a CoD game) so maybe that's why you're over exaggerating the P90.TestOfTide said:it's not like the AK74 is in this game. The MP5 had some really high recoil that made it useless at long range. the P90 and M16 were much more annoying in CoD4
I play cod4 almost daily. the mp5 has more recoil at long rage, the P90 destroys it, if you don't believe me, just play cod4.corkscrewblow said:aaaaand the P90 had far more recoil at a distance so I don't see where you're coming from. P90 = great at close range, MP5 = great overall, M16 = broken as fuck. Most of the maps had a ton of CQC (which is why they're still the best maps in a CoD game) so maybe that's why you're over exaggerating the P90.
corkscrewblow said:aaaaand the P90 had far more recoil at a distance so I don't see where you're coming from.