RSTEIN said:Hey man! I got in one game with you, send me an invite any time.
which game was it?
RSTEIN said:Hey man! I got in one game with you, send me an invite any time.
I like how the default reply to anything is accusing the poster of being angry. And they obviously weren't playing the game right because they were getting destroyed so badly.Accidentus said:I'm mad because people play the game correctly.
cuevas said:
TestOfTide said:which game was it?
Let it out buddy, let it out.user_nat said:Far out, I think I hate team mates.
Just played a game of TDM, where I went 41-10, and somehow my team managed to lose. The 5 of them couldn't even manage 20 freaking kills between them.
So being somewhat frustrated I left that lobby and searched again. Next game.. 42-8 and again we lose. HOW. HOW DO YOU NOT GET MORE KILLS I PUT UP 3 BLACKBIRDS YOU DUMBASSES.
Had to vent..
_Alkaline_ said:These guys are noobs?
I think it's wonderful that so many in the Black Ops community are willing to shoot shit down. It's a godsend, even.
Yep. Strela-3 will always be my secondary. If I feel I might walk into a huge firefight, I try to swap it out for another AR/SMG though.zesty said:I use Ghost Pro pretty much all the time and I still always try to shoot stuff down because it helps my team. I don't know what the complaining is about.
I don't get where people think I was complaining. I had 3 chopper gunners so I had at least a decent match. If you don't think a team sucks when they give up 3 chopper gunners to one person I don't know what to tell you guys.zesty said:I use Ghost Pro pretty much all the time and I still always try to shoot stuff down because it helps my team. I don't know what the complaining is about.
They might have been bad to let you have 3 CGs, but they did try to shoot you down. You have to give them that, at the very least.cuevas said:I don't get where people think I was complaining. I had 3 chopper gunners so I had at least a decent match. If you don't think a team sucks when they give up 3 chopper gunners to one person I don't know what to tell you guys.
cuevas said:I don't get where people think I was complaining. I had 3 chopper gunners so I had at least a decent match. If you don't think a team sucks when they give up 3 chopper gunners to one person I don't know what to tell you guys.
soultron said:There's nothing "noob" about using a perk that makes you invisible to all air support (except the SR-71).
cuevas might just be butthurt that he couldn't make a totally sweet CG killstreak video.
soultron said:There's nothing "noob" about using a perk that makes you invisible to all air support (except the SR-71).
cuevas might just be butthurt that he couldn't make a totally sweet CG killstreak video.
soultron said:There's nothing "noob" about using a perk that makes you invisible to all air support (except the SR-71).
cuevas might just be butthurt that he couldn't make a totally sweet CG killstreak video.
zesty said:I thought Ghost Pro made you invisible to all aircraft, even the Blackbird.
cuevas said::lol :lol I love the internet.
divisionbyzorro said:Nope. That's what makes the Blackbird so amazing!
zesty said:Well what the heck.
Given that it says "avoid targeting from aircraft" and that the SR-71 is, to the best of my knowledge, aircraft, I figured I was totally invisible at all times (since I typically use a suppressed weapon). They should specify that "aircraft" does not include the Blackbird.
zesty said:Well what the heck.
Given that it says "avoid targeting from aircraft" and that the SR-71 is, to the best of my knowledge, aircraft, I figured I was totally invisible at all times (since I typically use a suppressed weapon). They should specify that "aircraft" does not include the Blackbird.
Tkawsome said:Yeah, it is pretty confusing. What makes things even worse is it doesn't avoid targeting from all aircraft either, the chopper gunner can see you just fine and I'm sure it's the same with the attack chopper.
mbmonk said:How is the PC version of Black Ops? I would prefer to get that one(off of Steam), but if it's FUBAR'd I will probably go PS3. Any opinions from PC owners would be greatly appreciated.
I am running a Quad Core 2.6, 2 GB Ram, XP, and 8800GT if that makes any sort of difference. It seems to meet minimum specs.
zesty said:The Cobra definitely does not target you if you have Ghost Pro equipped. I saw proof of that in the same YouTube video proving that the Blackbird CAN see you.
Nabs said:I wish there was a demo you could test. I could tell you that the game is great and that I get 81fps on average, but that wouldn't be fair because my computer is better. Also, the game is Steamworks, so it'll always register to your acct. Find yourself a deal if you plan on picking it up.
Just stepped in this thread. Saw this.zesty said:
Are you retarded?Bad_Boy said:Just stepped in this thread. Saw this.
It's like COD turned into a Quake mod. I miss swat 4.
Now stepping out.
/end troll
Try launching the B52 on Nuketown - it's got above 90% map coverage on Nuketown and of course hiding on the 1st floor of the building doesn't help. Keep in mind too, bombing type killstreaks have application in objective game based modes. Napalm is probably the best of the three due to its low KS requirements, and Mortar Team is probably the worse - even on Nuketown, it doesn't seem to be that effective.tsigo said:I hate to say it but I feel like they should move Blackbird to 9 and make you choose between it and Chopper Gunner. 9's the only level that doesn't have two choices, and anyone who chooses the Bomber over Blackbird is a god damned idiot.
Tkawsome said:Yeah, it is pretty confusing. What makes things even worse is it doesn't avoid targeting from all aircraft either, the chopper gunner can see you just fine and I'm sure it's the same with the attack chopper.
Yup. Ghost Pro means no red diamond. Of course in an objective mode, such as Demo, where you spawn in the same areas over and over, you can expect to die anyway as soon as a teammate spawns nearby. Some people are just good with the choppers, hence why they use them in the first place :lolBrian Fellows said:I must be the luckiest person in the world then because I haven't died from a single Chopper Gunner or Gunship since I unlocked Ghost Pro and I stand out in the open shooting them down with the Strella.
Just because you are missing the red diamond doesn't mean they can't and won't shoot you sometimes.
corkscrewblow said:Are you retarded?
.....Not enough "what" in the world.Bad_Boy said:Just stepped in this thread. Saw this.
It's like COD turned into a Quake mod. I miss swat 4.
Now stepping out.
/end troll
Just admit the fact that you hated that those "Ghost Pro noobs" shot your chopper down three times. You know you want to.cuevas said::lol :lol I love the internet.
Fuck you! The bomber kicks ass. I love wiping out the whole team in a round of Search. And one time I killed everyone on Firing Range including my teammates. It was worth it.tsigo said:I hate to say it but I feel like they should move Blackbird to 9 and make you choose between it and Chopper Gunner. 9's the only level that doesn't have two choices, and anyone who chooses the Bomber over Blackbird is a god damned idiot.
Brian Fellows said:I must be the luckiest person in the world then because I haven't died from a single Chopper Gunner or Gunship since I unlocked Ghost Pro and I stand out in the open shooting them down with the Strella.
Just because you are missing the red diamond doesn't mean they can't and won't shoot you sometimes.
TestOfTide said:The Uzi just needs some decent iron sights. I can almost play as well with a slienced uzi as I did in CoD4, but the Iron sights are just terrible, so I either rely on steady aim hipfire or just hope to god I hit what I aim at with the iron sights.
Brian Fellows said:I hope we get a peak at the new map pack maps some time soon.
Tkawsome said:The bots in combat training are cheating pricks.
Just had to throw that out there.
ScrubJay said:Had myself a genuine Elpresador How many times I gotta shoot his ass? moment last night. Sometimes the lag is bad for me in knife range but I've never noticed this in regards to hit markers before.
Fortunately the rest of the match I did quite well otherwise I'd have been quite mad.
TestOfTide said:especially if they have sniper rifles.
and unfortunately it means that in the game code there is aimbot code somewhere.
soultron said:Just admit the fact that you hated that those "Ghost Pro noobs" shot your chopper down three times. You know you want to.
3ur4zn said:While I share the 'Cuevas is a moron' sentiment, I think he was getting at the fact that his opponents must have needed their Ghost Pro upgrade, because they allowed him to get his 3 CG's but then shot them down immediately.
RSTEIN said:The Bomber is very powerful. Love getting killed while I'm hold up in a building :lol
TacticalFox88 said: